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Final score: SF 36 NO 32

There's a saying: "No guts no glory".

All week I had a feeling, a hunch that the 49ers would win this game. But I didn't have the guts to bet on it...I could've won a lot of money, too. Damn.

What a great football game. Three lead-changing back-to-back-to-back scores in the last 4 minutes.

UNREAL!!! CONGRATS to the 49ers...my condolences to the Saints fans.

Edited by Strider
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Actually if you're a Giants fan, the best thing that could have happened just did. My degenerate buddies are all here and they're telling me all "we" have to do is beat the Packers tomorrow...........and then "we'll" beat the 49ers next week.

They might have a point in that the Giants wouldn't have had a shot in hell in beating the Saints at the Superdome.

I don't have the heart to tell them "we" won't beat Green Bay tomorrow.

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^^^Of course....not that I would root for the giants tomorrow! I am going for the Ravens throughout the playoffs. I am NOT a two team guy, but I love the Ravens style of football.

Edited by Walter
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If Harbaugh doesn't win Coach of the Year, there should be an investigation.

San Francisco was in the dumps and in disarray the last few years...and Alex Smith was labeled a huge bust. Harbaugh comes in and in one season completely turns the franchise around.

Meanwhile, San Diego keeps loser Norv Turner around after yet another failed season. Never has a coach wasted so much talent year after year and still keep his job. Hahaha, way to go San Diego.

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Final score: SF 36 NO 32

There's a saying: "No guts no glory".

All week I had a feeling, a hunch that the 49ers would win this game. But I didn't have the guts to bet on it...I could've won a lot of money, too. Damn.

What a great football game. Three lead-changing back-to-back-to-back scores in the last 4 minutes.

UNREAL!!! CONGRATS to the 49ers...my condolences to the Saints fans.

I only caught the last 12 minutes of the game and what a frikkin' roller coaster ride. :duel:

I TOLD my nephew to bet on the Niners as he headed up to Reno. :boohoo:

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^^^Yikes! He should've listened to his wise uncle.

Patriots are toying with the Broncos. Great thing about being on the West Coast is that it's not even 7pm...there's still plenty of time to go out to a show tonight with friends.

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Congradulations to SF for playing a hell of a game, and also congrads to The Saints for a good season, but NOT playing their A game and gettin it done today. Very dissappointing indeed as we had not 1, not 2, ...but 5 turnovers!! That's fuckin rediculous. You can't win a game like that. I won't make excuses, cause SF deserved to win it. But I will say that I believe The Saints are still a better team for the simple fact that as many times as we gave up/lost possession of the football-SF won by 4 points. If we were to do that against Green Bay or New England we wouldn't have stood a chance- not even close.

Good luck to anyone else pulling for their team to win it all. As of now, I have no interest in watching football the rest of the night.

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Rock Historian and Deborah must be sick right now!


Actually, I wasn't sick at that moment, just a little frustrated- I know how the Saints take a hit or two early and people count em' out, but they came back to play a hell of a game.....You just can't win too many games with 5 TURNOVERS....!!!!! We did a terrible job of protecting the football. You can't do that against any team, no matter how you look at it. What a day for this to happen. Another thing we lacked was our return punt game. We gained an average of 10 yards or less I believe. SF has a great defense, and our two safeties, Roman Harper and Patrick Robinson didn't play very well either. As I wrote in my reply (just before this one) if The saints would have turned the ball over that many times against New England or Green Bay, it would have been a 21 point difference or better. That's why I believe that Saints are still a better team after the loss, by only losing by 4 points. Defense for SF won the game.

Edited by Rock Historian
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