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Love Her Or Hate Her?


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Sorry Walter all is forgiven, i missed this post, i'll take it on the chin, i've never failed an exam, never ever, so Spider what do you base calling me a "Dunce" on then me ole cobber?

And please leave My Knebby alone, she is a wonderful Lady who has seen right through me as others seldom do, to me she is Forum Royalty, much more so than SAJ. :D

Regards, Danny

Dunce is not a dirty word ya know 'ol POM:):):):)

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An insult is an insult, doesn't have to be a "dirty" word - semantics.

Hi Walter,

Spider would have a hard job insulting me, its WALTER of a ducks back to me, whatever he says i take no offence, its just a shame others cant react like that to petty taunts, you know who you are dont you?

Kind Regards, Danny

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Saying that my students should have a better teacher than me is an insult too :blink: ....or maybe that doesn't count here?!?!?!:):):)

My comment was "Your pupils deserve better" - and I meant FROM you , not than you.

Your students deserve for you to accept when you are wrong, and learn from it, so that you can be better at teaching them. That's the LEAST they should expect. People don't resent those who make mistakes - they do resent those who refuse to learn from them.

Edited by Knebby
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Not that this will sway the loon, as he seems to have made up his mind regarding Lady GaGa, damn any evidence contrary to his opinion...but here's a couple clips that show LGG can do a lot more than dance or dress up.

Singing for the Queen:

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My comment was "Your pupils deserve better" - and I meant FROM you , not than you.

Your students deserve for you to accept when you are wrong, and learn from it, so that you can be better at teaching them. That's the LEAST they should expect. People don't resent those who make mistakes - they do resent those who refuse to learn from them.

What you're saying is HIGHLY disputable. Are you a teacher/educator? What do you know of this field and what it implies both for teachers and students?! I've been working in this field for over 30 years and I can safely say my students prefer me to many other colleagues who only do this profession for the pay and/or to dogmatize their students in order to manipulate their ideas and thoughts:):)!!

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Not that this will sway the loon, as he seems to have made up his mind regarding Lady GaGa, damn any evidence contrary to his opinion...but here's a couple clips that show LGG can do a lot more than dance or dress up.

Singing for the Queen:

I don't see any loons to sway here unless it is YOU:):):)!!!!

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Ah, "Speechless" my favorite song of hers. The song is partially about her father not going to get heart surgery to save his life and also about her on/off again boyfriend. After hearing the song, her father had the procedure performed, which was only days away from taking his life. The first clip doesn't come up on my phone, do you know what song it is? Thanks for posting them!

Also, after reading my earlier post again, I want to make it clear to Knebby that I was not inferring that you were being disrespectul to the teaching profession. It kinda sounded like that to me when I reread it. I purely meant that I take responsibility for my comments alone and stand by everyone of them.

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Also, after reading my earlier post again, I want to make it clear to Knebby that I was not inferring that you were being disrespectul to the teaching profession. It kinda sounded like that to me when I reread it. I purely meant that I take responsibility for my comments alone and stand by everyone of them.

Understood and not a problem :beer:

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Who said it was you??!! It's not a question of respecting the profession but of debating correctly :):)!!!!

You quoted me when making your assertion, correct? Debating is not shouting everyone down, it's formulating...why bother?!?

I gave you respect early on, you chose to go where you did...and it wasn't a debate either!

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I had never heard of her before. I'm sure Gaga knows about her. She is a scholar of the history of the arts of all genres. Thanks for the link!

You're welcome! It's the interplay of lighting and costume that characterizes the Fuller influence on how dance was staged. Lady Gaga is much more modern. You can see some of Alvin Ailey's influence in her choreography.


The late nineteenth century was a transitional period for stage lighting. Gaslight and limelight had been used for most of the century but carried the risk of fire, as well as unpleasant odors and heat. Electric light, made possible by Thomas Edison's invention of a practical electric lamp in 1879, offered a solution. First introduced on a Paris stage in 1882, the new lighting gradually replaced gaslight and limelight. While electric light provided a safer alternative, the rudimentary technology had not yet improved the harsh and often unflattering illumination of its predecessors, which exaggerated an aged performers' facial characteristics.


In addition to Bruant and La Goulue, performers such as Marcelle Lender, Jane Avril, Yvette Guilbert, Loïe Fuller, May Milton, and May Belfort were popular subjects for Lautrec and his contemporaries.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ce5pQkUZdWI Edited by Silver Rider
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Well I just saw her on Paul O'Grady. She seemed thoroughly nice, but I have to say some of the music sucked. A couple sounded like bad Aerosmith songs.

She's pretty hot, too. Ok, she could do with some lipo on those thighs, and I can't believe she hasn't had a nose-job yet, but yeah, she got the ol' mercury rising.

Is she really a rug-muncher? What a waste.

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Well I just saw her on Paul O'Grady. She seemed thoroughly nice, but I have to say some of the music sucked. A couple sounded like bad Aerosmith songs.

She's pretty hot, too. Ok, she could do with some lipo on those thighs, and I can't believe she hasn't had a nose-job yet, but yeah, she got the ol' mercury rising.

Is she really a rug-muncher? What a waste.

Well your Avatar tells me you are a "Shirtlifter" unless my Gaydar has gone down? so why would you worry about her choice of Fun? :slapface::lol:

Kind Regards, Danny

Edited by BIGDAN
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