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Weiner makes roughly 150K per year as a Congressman, he's not a lawyer and reports claim he's got heavy credit card debt. Stand by your man apparently......

"Not only do they get away with it, they get higher in their careers," said Kuriansky. "People forgive and forget and go on. It's the same with rock stars and celebrities. They are allowed. As Americans we make a big to-do, then we give them a pass."

Yes, apparently they are allowed.

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It appears that he married his perfect match.

Huma Abedin, Pregnant, Still Supports Anthony Weiner and His Career


[This also isn't directed at Silver Rider, who is a cool chick!]

I don't blame her, what pregnant woman would want her partner to leave his job? That doesn't make her a bad person or a gold digger. She has to provide for their oncoming little one.

I feel bad that Weiner has done this jackass thing. I was impressed with his intelligence and passion during the "let's give a huge tax break to the superwealthy" debacle some months back. He showed more backbone than our president.

But anyway, the media should move on and leave him alone, this is a private matter.

Edited by FireOpal
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Hi all,

I don't blame her, what pregnant woman would want her partner to leave his job? That doesn't make her a bad person or a gold digger. She has to provide for their oncoming little one.

Pardon? :blink: She has a 6 figure job,she is an aide to the Secretary of State,...free health care for the rest of her life,pension.

But anyway, the media should move on and leave him alone, this is a private matter.

Not if he did in our time.He said his account was hacked(Federal crime),then told the FBI,it was not(lying to the Fed's is a crime),then proved it when he said it wasn't hacked.

Egad,I hope this doesn't happen to any of you,...


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Hi all,

Pardon? :blink: She has a 6 figure job,she is an aide to the Secretary of State,...free health care for the rest of her life,pension.

Not if he did in our time.He said his account was hacked(Federal crime),then told the FBI,it was not(lying to the Fed's is a crime),then proved it when he said it wasn't hacked.

Egad,I hope this doesn't happen to any of you,...


So as long as he tells the truth to the Feds, he can lie to the media without worry of prosecution. And the Secretary of State is not the child's father.

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So as long as he tells the truth to the Feds, he can lie to the media without worry of prosecution. And the Secretary of State is not the child's father.

Unless she had a "loaded" strap on.

So, if Weiner migrates to the desert, he has your vote?

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Lying to the media is not a crime, but lie to the Feds and they tend to come after you with their big guns; that's life in these United States.

If you lie to the media, they may look at you funny, and huff and puff, and threaten to blow your house down, but they won't prosecute you.

Lie to the feds, and you could easily wind up in the federal penitentiary.

Edited by Silver Rider
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Lying to the media is not a crime, but lie to the Feds and they tend to come after you with their big guns; that's life in these United States.

If you lie to the media, they may look at you funny, and huff and puff, and threaten to blow your house down, but they won't prosecute you.

Lie to the feds, and you could easily wind up in the federal penitentiary.

I feel at ease now.

I will not lie to the Big Dogs.

But the next time the boner beneath my underwear makes news when I send photos to various women while my pregnant wife is assisting an important U.S. official, I'll take comfort in that, "hey, no big deal."

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I feel at ease now.

I will not lie to the Big Dogs.

But the next time the boner beneath my underwear makes news when I send photos to various women while my pregnant wife is assisting an important U.S. official, I'll take comfort in that, "hey, no big deal."

Not advisable; does not fall in the category of discreet behaviour, a necessity for any man who flirts with women outside of his marriage.

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I have purposely avoided every newspaper or tv news story dealing with Anthony Weiner. I just don't care.

But I happen to watch Bill Maher's HBO show every week, so I was a captive audience when Bill and the ever-so-cool Jane Lynch did this side-splitting hilarious bit on Weiner's text messages. Since no one has posted the bit here yet, I'm doing so now for your entertainment. One note of caution: NSFW.

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^Absolutely! In most circumstances, I would believe he still has a future in politics as Americans generally have very short memories and revisions of the truth are always out there. In his case, no one will ever forget this because of his name alone.

Glad he is finally stepping down.

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It's such a ridiculous waste of time though, why are we even focusing on it instead of the three wars we're engaged in? Why harass a horny congressman when bankers who've ripped off the American taxpayer for billions walk free? Priorities, people.

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It's such a ridiculous waste of time though, why are we even focusing on it instead of the three wars we're engaged in? Why harass a horny congressman when bankers who've ripped off the American taxpayer for billions walk free? Priorities, people.

Because the ability of the American media to cover politics and inform the American people about the issues facing this country is next to nil. In my opinion it is detrimental to strenght of our country. A representative system of government requires voters who are knowledgeable and intelligent, but how can voters make the best possible choices come election day if they don't understand the issues at hand? This whole episode has been pathetic, both on Weiner's part and on the part of the media.

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It's such a ridiculous waste of time though, why are we even focusing on it instead of the three wars we're engaged in? Why harass a horny congressman?

Because Weiner is the kind of jackass making the decisions to go to war.

I wonder if Oscar Meyer stock went up because of this?


Edited by redrum
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It's such a ridiculous waste of time though, why are we even focusing on it instead of the three wars we're engaged in? Why harass a horny congressman when bankers who've ripped off the American taxpayer for billions walk free? Priorities, people.

4 we are bombing Yemen also.

Gee, a congressman can vote on laws,taxes and things that can effect all of us.No big deal? <_<

Ask Barry why he bailed out Wall Street,.......egad!

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It's such a ridiculous waste of time though, why are we even focusing on it instead of the three wars we're engaged in? Why harass a horny congressman when bankers who've ripped off the American taxpayer for billions walk free? Priorities, people.

And that's why he was forced to resign. With major pressing issues lke the crappy economy, the deficit, and wars we don't have time to be investigating the behavior of this jack-ass. Good riddance.

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