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slave to zep, you are not one that stirs the pot (so to say):-) But I am almost to a point to stay away for a while. I am sure all of us have crap to deal with in life, I come here for fun. I like this forum for the music, heathy discussions,but there are a few here that seem to want to start arguments, big difference in stating an opinion, agreeing to disagree, then moving on...


Cheers back to you:-)

Edited by Deborah J
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slave to zep, you are not one that stirs the pot (so to say):-) But I am almost to a point to stay away for a while. I am sure all of us have crap to deal with in life, I come here for fun. I like this forum for the music, heathy discussions,but there are a few here that seem to want to start arguments, big difference in stating an opinion, agreeing to disagree, then moving on...


Cheers back to you:-)

yeah, i know what you mean, debs. but i am strong enough to not let that kind of stuff worry me. i either don't read it, or read and have a laugh, or sometimes join in.

hope you don't leave us!

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i lived in a little country town in australia, and we didn't get many rock magazines in the newsagency. i didn't even know what the guys looked like for quite a long time.

yes, the 70's were a different time to now. not better, righter or more moral, but different.

and thought it may surprize some people .... yes, there were girls aged 14 and younger having sex. then and now!

-- but back then only certain girls, the prettier and precocious ones, the ones that dated older guys - were doing it, and their mothers (usually recently divorced) were really upset about it - they weren't just handing out birth control pills. I remember a very pretty girl who got pregnant at 13 and watching her deal with family problems and her body going through huge changes in gym class scared the living daylights out of the rest of us - and afterwards when she gave birth (a big baby, a traumatic delivery) and disappeared from school it seemed like she was eons older -unattractively older and wiser.

Edited by sweetredwine
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Oh not you too Strider! I guess I've become the news of the day around here with that one, but no I had never heard that story before. I was just explaining in another thread that I've loved Zep music since I was a kid; it was always around when I was growing up. But as far as all the intricate history of Zep, I never knew about this. It's not like something they talk about on Vh1 or on the radio.

Actually, it is. In addition to this special on groupies, VH1 also aired a special on Zeppelin as part of their Legends series.

Program description

Take an emotional journey back to the early Seventies, the Golden Age of Groupies! Some were in it for love, some for the music, and some for their art -- and four decades later, these passionate women share their stories of sexual conquest and bitter heartbreak, and finally reveal whether it was all worth it. Told through the eyes of rock and roll historian and super groupie Pamela Des Barres (author of the famous 1987 tell-all "I'm With The Band", and the brand-new book "Let's Spend The Night Together") this ninety-minute documentary offers memories of her sexual exploits and longtime escapades with such notorious rockers as Mick Jagger, Jim Morrison and Jimmy Page -- and chronicles her cross-country journey to reconnect with the iconic women who loved and inspired the great rock stars of our time.

Could it be that what might be common knowledge in a Zeppelin forum isn't widespread news anywhere else?

That's exactly the point, plenty of Zep fans are well are aware of it and learned of it outside of this forum.

So how many three year olds do you know who read creem magazine?

I have no idea how old you are. Besides, I wasn't implying that you would have learned about Lori Maddox through those magazines, I was saying how I did.

Edited by Jahfin
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-- but back then only certain girls, the prettier and precocious ones, the ones that dated older guys - were doing it, and their mothers (usually recently divorced) were really upset about it - they weren't just handing out birth control pills. I remember a very pretty girl who got pregnant at 13 and watching her deal with family problems and her body going through huge changes in gym class scared the living daylights out of the rest of us - and afterwards when she gave birth (a big baby, a traumatic delivery) and disappeared from school it seemed like she was eons older -unattractively older and wiser.

that's a crazy generalization. you may have had that experience, but that doesn't make it the only truth.

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Actually, it is. In addition to this special on groupies, VH1 also aired a special on Zeppelin as part of their Legends series.

Program description

Take an emotional journey back to the early Seventies, the Golden Age of Groupies! Some were in it for love, some for the music, and some for their art -- and four decades later, these passionate women share their stories of sexual conquest and bitter heartbreak, and finally reveal whether it was all worth it. Told through the eyes of rock and roll historian and super groupie Pamela Des Barres (author of the famous 1987 tell-all "I'm With The Band", and the brand-new book "Let's Spend The Night Together") this ninety-minute documentary offers memories of her sexual exploits and longtime escapades with such notorious rockers as Mick Jagger, Jim Morrison and Jimmy Page -- and chronicles her cross-country journey to reconnect with the iconic women who loved and inspired the great rock stars of our time.

That's exactly the point, plenty of Zep fans are well are aware of it and learned of it outside of this forum.

I have no idea how old you are. Besides, I wasn't implying that you would have learned about Lori Maddox through those magazines, I was saying how I did.

and plenty didn't. i put it to you that it wasn't and still isn't common knowledge to the general public.

as much as we all love zep, jimmy and robert aren't really that well known to the general public, and jonesy and bonzo i would think are even less so. most people have heard of led zeppelin and stairway to heaven, but that's about it in the general public. now, with people that are into music, they may know a bit more, but things like this that happened in the 70's ( before a lot of people were even born ), are not that well known.

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Again, I'm relating my own personal experience. As a Led Zeppelin fan in the 1970s I read a lot of magazine articles about them and listened to the radio announcers intently whenever they played one of their songs. In those days they were just as well known for their behavior onstage as well as off.

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What gives? Why all of a sudden are you turning this on me; you and a couple of other people? Especially when all I have ever said to you, or about you, has been kind and complimentary? I really don't understand this witch hunt or what is going on here? Yesterday somebody said I sounded like somebody named "Spats" and then all of sudden the hounds of hell have been sent out against me. What could this Spat guy have done to be so villified that even a false accusation against someone else ends up like this? What did this guy do? Did he kill somebody or molest children? I AM NOT SPATS!! Is this the way people get treated around here for participating in topic discussions?

First of all I am not the one who introduced this Lori Mattix thing to this discussion. Blame that on whoever did, but it wasn't me. And then all I did was ask a question about her, to which when given an answer--- I Didn't even believe it. I even spoke up in defense of the rock star in question saying it sounded like tabloid bs to me. So where you get off accusing me of getting this off track is totally unwarranted. You got that one wrong.

Sure people make mistakes, but this displaced agression against me makes no sense at all! I'm the guy who was a virgin until I was 25 years old. Call me a sap I guess, but I have always tried to treat women with respect and tenderness. Why on earth are you more angry at me at all for goodness sakes? It's just so bizarre how all of a sudden you have decided to turn this on me. I didn't create this thread. I didn't bring up Lori Mattix or the Red Hot Chili peppers and "their mistakes"--- are you defending them too now? And how about throwing a little bit more respect my way Deborah? Respect for being the type of guy that if I ever have children, I don't have anything to feel ashamed of.

So then what is an unhealthy discussion? I noticed that you never even uttered one peep of disaproval when a friend of yours here continued to claim that "Nazis/Hitler did some GOOD THINGS" for heavens sake. Do you consider that a "healthy discussion" Deb? Talk about skewed values. Excuse me if I had a wee bit of a problem with agreeing to disagree about giving Hitler any slaps on the back. And thanks a million for standing up and getting on the right side of that one. Good job! But now you would rather chastize me for what? Defending Jimmy Page when I believed he was being falsely accused of something.

To be honest, all of a sudden I too feel pretty sick at heart about some this junk going on. I feel like I am being unjustly accused of something, and I see a complete lack of credibility by some here, including you Deb. I would have never in a million years thought that you would throw an innocent person under the bus.

If you stay away it won't be because of me. I haven't done one thing to you or against you. I thought you were different than most people. I'm actually a little bit hurt that you have decided to treat me this way.

Hello Led Tiki!

This was a long read. First of all I am not "turning on you". I thought we both somewhat had made peace a few days ago. There is no witch hunt either. I do not know Spats (unless he has come back under another name). I am not angry at you, but if you go back to a few threads here you seem to be in the middle of some unpleasant conversations.

Good for you if you have NEVER done anything that you are ashamed of. I wished I could be so perfect!

Unhealthy discussions are ones that after someone makes a point they tend to keep pushing and pushing for an argument. Most of these are,or at least they used to be political or related to religion...and while I try my best to stay off of those threads I admit I let myself get involved in a few. Shame on me for that.

If you feel that my opinions/thoughts are not credible, that's your opinion.

It was never my intention to hurt you or anyone for that matter. You say you are not a previously banned member, I'll try to take your word for that, but realize, this has happened enough times that when a person continues to take a conversation and drag it out to start an argument, I will step back and say wait a minute, this sounds like someone from the past who was banned. I used to welcome the new members here and I got burned a few times so I tend to no longer do that anymore either.

Let me say this again, I can only speak for myself, I deal with enough crap in life and I like to come here and share the music for the most part as well as conversations with members I have known now for a couple of years. IMHO, you started out by bashing a few here that I have over a few years come to respect. If over time you posted as they have, I would stand up for you as well. No one has asked me to say anything as I am old enough to make those decisions on my own.

Think what you want about me, you have the right, but quite frankly, I am tired of all of the negativity. It's not just you by any means as there are a couple of more here that love to get people going in my opinion. I am big enough to say that I did not mean to hurt you as it is never my intention to deliberately hurt anyone in life.

Now, I am done with this and I am ready to enjoy many of the great threads here.

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Back when Zeppelin were a working band, literally every rock magazine or newspaper always covered them in depth. It wasn't instant information like the modern internet but it seemed almost weekly some publication had news or articles about them. Discussing it all was by word of mouth though. Imagine such a thing? TALKING to another human being about Zeppelin music or shows?

No facebook or twitter or texting.............just interaction among human beings.

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Back when Zeppelin were a working band, literally every rock magazine or newspaper always covered them in depth. It wasn't instant information like the modern internet but it seemed almost weekly some publication had news or articles about them. Discussing it all was by word of mouth though. Imagine such a thing? TALKING to another human being about Zeppelin music or shows?

No facebook or twitter or texting.............just interaction among human beings.

Which made me think of this...


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Wow... is it just me or did this thread lose about 3 pages worth of garbage...?

Back on track......

I don't like Sammy Hagar all that much ....That tequilia guzzling, crappy lyricist, tell all book writing, abducted by Aliens, ..... jealous that he's not in Van Halen ..... 80 million dollar beach bum... Chickenfoot singer ..... great voice though.

Merry Christmas all .. especially to Deborah.

Edited by the chase
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Led Tiki, you're winding us up, aren't you? Taking the piss, so-to-speak? I find it hard to believe you don't know about Lori Mattix, aka Maddox. Even casual Zep fans know about Jimmy and Lori by now.

FYI, that interview in that video clip is slightly suspect. From all accounts that I've heard and read, Lori was not a virgin when she met Jimmy, as David Bowie and Angie Bowie had previously shared her.

And I thought it was 1972 when Jimmy and Lori first met? I seem to recall a photo of Bonzo escorting Lori into, or out of, a club during their 1972 tour stop in LA. Maybe David Zoso can find the photo?

Yeah that sounds like a happy home life. Oh right, it was the "anything goes" 70's.. :rolleyes:

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Who's to say what makes a happy home life anyway?

Gene Simmons is a rock star that has really fallen from "cool" status for me. The way he prostitutes all things KISS and the way he treats people around him, both in and outside of the band, has really changed the image how I thought he was over the years.

I also agree with opinion of Sammy Hagar, stated earlier, by TC.

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Wow... is it just me or did this thread lose about 3 pages worth of garbage...?

Back on track......

I don't like Sammy Hagar all that much ....That tequilia guzzling, crappy lyricist, tell all book writing, abducted by Aliens, ..... jealous that he's not in Van Halen ..... 80 million dollar beach bum... Chickenfoot singer ..... great voice though.

Merry Christmas all .. especially to Deborah.

Hello the chase!!!!

Thanks so much...I just saw this and I hope you had a fabulous Christmas and i wish you all the best for 2012 :toast:

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I mean his attraction to young girls and also the fact he was/is as committed to Shannon (without being legally married, I know) as he has been for such a long time and to carry on as he has. I have been out of the KISS fold for a while and only the past 5 years or so have revealed this to me. He seems to really only care about his ego and money, IMO.

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I met Yngwie Malmsteen years ago when I was a teenager. He is probably the only rock star I've met who was a jerk. Just in his attitude, like he was better than everyone. Even watching an interview with him recently on the Metal Evolution doc series, he just came across as such a pompous fool - even without saying a word!

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I don't know if she counts as rock, but I always cringe whenever I hear Adele - singing, or speaking ('Estuary English', nooooooooooooo). Another 'whiney fat bitch', in the words of TheStairwayRemainsTheSame; a bunny boiler (you're just supposed to boil them, Adele, not eat them) who decided to go public with her whale-sized dirty laundry, e.g. the truly horrible 'Rolling In The Mud'....what, 'we could have had it all', eh Adele? Yeah, and you could have lost 70 pounds. That might have helped to keep him.

At least real whale-song sounds nice.


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