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Its worse when they claim to be "big" fans...


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Some people need to look over how they spell Led Zeppelin.

I can’t count how many times I’ve seen “Lead Zepplin” in the other realms of the internet.

I've noticed the same thing with Lynyrd Skynyrd. Yes, it's a bit more difficult to spell than Led Zeppelin but if you're a fan it seems like you would make the extra effort to spell it correctly. I've also seen Jimmy Buffett fans get all up in arms if someone misspells it as "Buffet" (which happens just as frequently, it not more so than misspellings of Led Zeppelin and Lynyrd Skynyrd).

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I don't see "Lead Zeppelin" much... in fact, haven't in years

I still see "Led Zepplin" once in a while.... less now then in the 70's..

I also remember people (in the 70's) saying "Led Zeppelin? He's wicked good!!"

I've also heard that with Jethro Tull, Aerosmith, Lynyrd Skynyrd...

At least they were in good company.

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You see "Led Zepplin" on YouTube all the time, in the comments section. I'm quite anal about spelling so it does bother me. I did see a comment the other day where someone spelt it as "Led Zeppeling" I was quite impressed as I don't think i've ever seen that variation before.

The best one is: Jimmy "Paige" because they've made the effort to add a vowel...

I don't think it's a conspiracy against Zep though.... Pete Townshend is more often than not referred to as "Townsend" Ann Wilson of Heart as "Anne" and so on....

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I've also seen Jimi Page, if you wanna go there with individual members.......

Yeah, totally....I went there :gimmefive: but yes, you're indeed correct, one encounters that quite often. Also: "Jimmy Hendrix is this best guitarist of all-time!" But you can't even spell his name correctly.....ok.

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Yeah, totally....I went there :gimmefive: but yes, you're indeed correct, one encounters that quite often. Also: "Jimmy Hendrix is this best guitarist of all-time!" But you can't even spell his name correctly.....ok.

:hysterical: I hear ya...... Most of the incorrect spellings I see are on youtube, but that doesn't limit them to only that site. Im sure this thread will turn into a gallery of mispellings from various pages elsewhere.....
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  • 2 weeks later...

A few days ago I was in school talking to a friend, I think I was asking him if he ever heard of LZ. He said, "Who's he"? It's not like I've heard that one before.

Thats one I cant stand. Irritates me to no extent!

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When I saw them at Earls Court some guy was trying to sell me a scarf when I pointed out that it was spelt incorrectly he told me to fuck off, but it did put off a load of people around him from buying one he was extremely pissed off and threatened me. I just walked away laughing very loudly........with a sense of well being.

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