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2012 Baseball Thread


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Congrats O's fans!!!! This should be a great post season.

Thanks but this game tonight was bullshit. Bad at bat by Reynolds at the end. Two men on after a two run homer. They lost due to Machodo's fucking bad error. I want Oakland tonight to send those assholes and their asshole fans home. Tampa I am referring to. Cant stand them. Yall bitches are going home. Can we hope Boston can win one fucking game? they stink so I am thinking about a trip to Oak or Texas.

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That's it. Baseball season is over for me. Angels just dug themselves too deep a hole early in the season. Mike Trout should have been on the Angels roster from DAY ONE!!!

Mike Scioscia has done some good things and managed the Angels to their only World Series championship, but I don't want him back next year. He overmanages and frequently misuses the bullpen. His late-game manoeuvres are often disastrous.

There are only so many good years left in Pujols before he becomes an albatross around the Angels neck...and they just wasted one. Don't let Scioscia waste another one.

If your team made the playoffs, congratulations and good luck.

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It may be the Central, but that's that first time since 1934-35 that the Tigers will be in the playoffs in back to back years. We got some outstanding starting pitching the last two weeks, and I sure hope that continues....

Cabrera gets 4 hits including his 44th homer. Heck with the MVP....the triple crown makes that award meaningless. We're talking once in a generation stuff here.....Cobb, Hornsby, and Yaz !! Only 13 times in the history of baseball and the first in 45 years.

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It may be the Central, but that's that first time since 1934-35 that the Tigers will be in the playoffs in back to back years. We got some outstanding starting pitching the last two weeks, and I sure hope that continues....

Cabrera gets 4 hits including his 44th homer. Heck with the MVP....the triple crown makes that award meaningless. We're talking once in a generation stuff here.....Cobb, Hornsby, and Yaz !! Only 13 times in the history of baseball and the first in 45 years.

Hats off to Cabrera and your Tigers They had quite a fight with the Sox. But I do believe if the Orioles were in that division they would have clinched it long ago. We are in a bitch of a division. Yankees and Tampa and Toronto is no picnic either. Sometimes I wish the system were different. We had a great year and may have to play a one off.

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Hats off to Cabrera and your Tigers They had quite a fight with the Sox. But I do believe if the Orioles were in that division they would have clinched it long ago. We are in a bitch of a division. Yankees and Tampa and Toronto is no picnic either. Sometimes I wish the system were different. We had a great year and may have to play a one off.

I can't tell you how much I hated and respected the Orioles as a kid. After the Tigs won it all in '68, the Orioles took over the division, even though we still had a decent team. Boog Powell....dude was like a yeti playing 1st base, and Blair, and the Robinsons, and that damn starting pitching....Ugh ! Never forget Mcnally throwing that slow crap up to the plate....used to drive our fastball hitters nuts ! I hope you guys do well in the post-season....you deserve it. Also, special kudos to you for not being a Yankee fan. Every time I go to Niagara and the Buffalo area I'm surrounded by pin-stripes.

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I can't tell you how much I hated and respected the Orioles as a kid. After the Tigs won it all in '68, the Orioles took over the division, even though we still had a decent team. Boog Powell....dude was like a yeti playing 1st base, and Blair, and the Robinsons, and that damn starting pitching....Ugh ! Never forget Mcnally throwing that slow crap up to the plate....used to drive our fastball hitters nuts ! I hope you guys do well in the post-season....you deserve it. Also, special kudos to you for not being a Yankee fan. Every time I go to Niagara and the Buffalo area I'm surrounded by pin-stripes.

I hate the Yankees more than you can know. And I have a distant cousin that played for the 27 Yankees. George Selkirk. The Orioles were our parent team for decades. They all came up through Rochester. I always watched the Orioles play the Red Wings when they came to town. I am an Orioles fan til death. And it has not been easy staying loyal to a franchise that tanked like they did. Now I believe we have returned to respectability. I know we have. We will get better and better. I hope the Red Sox have enough class to put their uniforms on and try these last two but I do not see it happening. I think we are on a collision course with the A's.

Oh, and you are right. Yankee fans all over the place here. I have it out with them constantly. One of them I text at midnight every time they lose

Edited by LedZeppfan77
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The american league teams are all set. Its now just positioning. Huge huge game in Oakland tonight. You know Texas does not want to lose this game. And another big one in NY and Tampa. We have Gonzalez vs Shields. They may be hanging their heads a bit as they are out. I cant stand their manager. At least I like the Yankees manager. And Jeter and that is it. Baltimore probably must win this game to keep the division race alive. But we need a miracle for Boston to beat NY. they suck. Only shot is NY is sending a bum to the mound. If Boston can beat them in a slugfest, who knows? Anything is possible. But we have to beat Shields. I am pullinng for the Dodgers to catch St Louis. Its possible. I like Cincy's matchup vs St Louis tonight and believe if the Dodgers can win tonight, they can cut it to one. The Dodgers should have made it. I do not think St Louis or Dodgers can go very far though. I believe the National league is between Wash, Cincy and San Fran. I think Wash may regret the move with Strasburg. It defys all logic. If they dont get to the Series, that will be pointed to as the move that did them in.. Go O's

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I think the Dodgers are dead. Too little, too late for them. If the Braves can make it past that one game playoff with that starting rotation, watch out for them in the National League. The American League is wide open. I want to say that Texas might be the favorite, but I wouldn't bet any money on it. The playoffs should be great.


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I think the Dodgers are dead. Too little, too late for them. If the Braves can make it past that one game playoff with that starting rotation, watch out for them in the National League. The American League is wide open. I want to say that Texas might be the favorite, but I wouldn't bet any money on it. The playoffs should be great.


I think Texas has the worst bullpen. And that will keep them from going to three straight if they get beat. If we have to play Oakland in a one off, its a shame. Both teams deserve a series. The Tigers to me are not as good as Baltimore or Oakland. But they are in the fucking Norris division. Now come on you fucking Red Sox. You owe it to basball to show up. You sat there in the playoffs how many years and did we lay down when we were in the spoiler roll? Hell no. Now Mr Valentine, play the last two games like your fucking job depends on it.

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Orioles not happy with the pathetic lineup Boston put out there monday. They said "the Yankees have 5 guys that are headiing to the hall of fame. And Boston has 5 that don't know where the hall of fame is." It appearrs tonight they are putting forth a better effort. One Red Sock says they are playing to win and not packing it in. Lets hope so. They owe it to the integrity of the sport. We know that prick headed manager of Tampa is out to beat us.

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Dude....they better win tonight, I've got all the faith in the wold in Harrison....he'll take care of that line up. Its the dam west coast games. I cant stay up past the 3rd.

How can you go to sleep knowing this shit is going down? No way I can. Ill watch the O's and then hope your boys win. If not we may be going head to head.

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How can you go to sleep knowing this shit is going down? No way I can. Ill watch the O's and then hope your boys win. If not we may be going head to head.

Got no choice, need to be in the office at 5am....but I find myself getting up and checking the score on mlb at bat lite app in the middle of the night.

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Got no choice, need to be in the office at 5am....but I find myself getting up and checking the score on mlb at bat lite app in the middle of the night.

Ha. You are as sick as me. I cant sleep either. The night the O's played that 18 inning game I was going nuts. I sure hope Texas wins tonight and I am sure Washington is all business tonight. they do not want a one game for the whole thing. Nightmare.

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