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I met Jimmy twice last week in London

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Well done Kimbersays! :yourock:

Not only did you strike gold not once, but TWICE!!!...but you also displayed impeccable cool in your behaviour. Probably a good thing you didn't chase him down the street...did your friends really suggest that?

By the way, were those Waitrose shopping bags Jimmy was carrying?

What a splendid capper to your London trip, Kimbersays, and you described it very nicely. Your husband and son must have been so jealous.

Congratulations on your good luck!

He's seems like a genuinely nice guy. Good to hear he treated you so well. :)

That's been my experience and the experience of others I know that have had the good fortune to meet him in public. Maybe it was different for him in the '70s, but he seems to have really become comfortable with who he is and what he represents to the fans. He appears more at ease in public these days, and genuinely moved by how his music has touched our lives and our souls.

When discussing the music, his eyes will alight and twinkle.

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That's been my experience and the experience of others I know that have had the good fortune to meet him in public. Maybe it was different for him in the '70s, but he seems to have really become comfortable with who he is and what he represents to the fans. He appears more at ease in public these days, and genuinely moved by how his music has touched our lives and our souls.

When discussing the music, his eyes will alight and twinkle.

At least he still remembers what it's all about. Unlike some people his age.

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Did you not have a camera or a phone? Jimmy sounded like he was on top form and as he was with a friend it would have been a perfect opportunity for a snap? Moments like that don't come around too often?

I did the first time but was so shocked that I didn't even think of it until a few minutes later. Besides, even if I had thought of it in time, it was very close to his house and I didn't know who the woman was and that just crosses a line in my book.

The second time, I didn't have my camera or my cell phone (which didn't work in the UK so was left at the flat) and furthermore, I honestly don't feel comfortable asking celebrities for photos. This was at 2:30 PM on a very busy street and would have attracted too much attention. He was so sweet and gave me a big hug so that is enough for me. I have to be zen about it.

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I did the first time but was so shocked that I didn't even think of it until a few minutes later. Besides, even if I had thought of it in time, it was very close to his house and I didn't know who the woman was and that just crosses a line in my book.

The second time, I didn't have my camera or my cell phone (which didn't work in the UK so was left at the flat) and furthermore, I honestly don't feel comfortable asking celebrities for photos. This was at 2:30 PM on a very busy street and would have attracted too much attention. He was so sweet and gave me a big hug so that is enough for me. I have to be zen about it.

You're a good woman! :)

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Well done Kimbersays! :yourock:

Not only did you strike gold not once, but TWICE!!!...but you also displayed impeccable cool in your behaviour. Probably a good thing you didn't chase him down the street...did your friends really suggest that?

By the way, were those Waitrose shopping bags Jimmy was carrying?

Well, they just jokingly suggested it. The reason I approached the second time I saw him was a combination of the dynamic being different and there being less than one day left in my visit. The fact that he was out on a busy street with a male friend and without grocery bags made it different than the first time I saw him with the woman and walking very close to his house. He was very smiley and friendly the first time but still...

And YES, they were Waitrose bags. My son insisted that we shop there instead of Tesco for the rest of the trip. :-) The Whole Foods was too far.

What a splendid capper to your London trip, Kimbersays, and you described it very nicely. Your husband and son must have been so jealous.

Congratulations on your good luck!

Thanks! Yes, they were beyond excited. My husband wants to write a book called "How Not to Meet Famous People" because I always seem to have random celebrity encounters when he has just walked in a different direction. I have to admit that this one tops the list.

That's been my experience and the experience of others I know that have had the good fortune to meet him in public. Maybe it was different for him in the '70s, but he seems to have really become comfortable with who he is and what he represents to the fans. He appears more at ease in public these days, and genuinely moved by how his music has touched our lives and our souls.

When discussing the music, his eyes will alight and twinkle.

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Well done Kimbersays! :yourock:

Not only did you strike gold not once, but TWICE!!!...but you also displayed impeccable cool in your behaviour. Probably a good thing you didn't chase him down the street...did your friends really suggest that?

By the way, were those Waitrose shopping bags Jimmy was carrying?

What a splendid capper to your London trip, Kimbersays, and you described it very nicely. Your husband and son must have been so jealous.

Congratulations on your good luck!

That's been my experience and the experience of others I know that have had the good fortune to meet him in public. Maybe it was different for him in the '70s, but he seems to have really become comfortable with who he is and what he represents to the fans. He appears more at ease in public these days, and genuinely moved by how his music has touched our lives and our souls.

When discussing the music, his eyes will alight and twinkle.

Oops! I replied incorrectly. Hopefully, you can see my answers in the post above...unhighlighted. :-(

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Well, I wouldn't guess that you'll ever forget those details. At least I hope you don't. And if so, they're here for display......

After reading your story, I thought to myself - You must be pretty cute or Jimmy just wanted to see where you were headed, for him to look back at you over his shoulder-

If that isn't cool to see him looking back at you, huh? Like a movie.........

And to also run into him twice! Your a lucky girl.

Ha! I called you Troll Slayer instead of Rock Historian. Oh my gosh, I DO know how to use a computer, believe it or not. Sheesh.

Yes, that moment of seeing him look back will never, ever be forgotten. It was darling and made my heart skip a beat or 50.

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I just sent this to DavidZoso so I will cut and paste my story here...(with a few minor edits):

For about nine days, my husband, son and I stayed in a flat about a hundred yards from his London house in Holland Park. After we booked the flat, I realized he lived there but assumed that he would be out of town since it was right before the Olympics (we came home last Wednesday night) so I didn't expect to see him.

Anyway, my husband and son wanted to see the new Batman movie the day it opened and I wanted to check out Selfridge's, so we split up on the way home from visiting Abbey Road.

I was walking out of Holland Park and down Melbury Road toward our flat when I saw Jimmy walking straight towards me holding grocery bags. He was walking with a woman (I would have no way of knowing who she was). I started smiling at him when I figured out it was him and realized that he was smiling back. He had a very friendly and open energy. I turned left to go into my flat and looked over my shoulder to confirm that it was him and he was looking over his shoulder smiling back at me. Fabulous! I figured that would be it but to be honest, that was enough for me.

The second encounter was a few days later on Kensington High Street. I was walking home alone from lunch with a friend when I saw him about to cross the street with a friend. I turned around and called his name a few times. He didn't seem to hear me so I put my hand on his back and said, "Jimmy!". (Did I break protocol? My friends all laughed when I mentioned putting my hand on his back.) He turned around and said, "Oh, hi there!" like he was expecting me. I introduced myself, told him that I was leaving town and wanted to let him know that when I told my ten year old son that I had seen him a few days before, he was thrilled. Jimmy said, "Really?! Is that right?" so we talked about my son for a minute. He introduced me to his friend (Bruce) and then I told Jimmy I was a big fan and he got very animated and said "awwwww!!!" and gave me a big hug. He then put his hands on my shoulders and told me to take that hug and pass it along to my son. I told him I would and thanked him again and said goodbye. He said, "Be good, goodbye and god bless."

Isn't that so great? He was terrific and so, so friendly.

What a wonderful story!! Thank you so much for telling us. It always sounds like he so nice. I have been thinking about him a lot anyway with the Olympics right there. It's also nice to know he is at Tower House (which is the house in Holland Park). I like thinking about him there. :D

I also wonder who the woman was. :D I know that he and Charlotte are still good friends and they share two grandchildren. Scarlet has Martha Alice as well as a son now.

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What a wonderful story!! Thank you so much for telling us. It always sounds like he so nice. I have been thinking about him a lot anyway with the Olympics right there. It's also nice to know he is at Tower House (which is the house in Holland Park). I like thinking about him there. :D

I also wonder who the woman was. :D I know that he and Charlotte are still good friends and they share two grandchildren. Scarlet has Martha Alice as well as a son now.

My pleasure! I know what Charlotte looks like and it wasn't her.

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I love your story! I think you handled it gracefully, and clearly, so did he since you got both smiles and a hug(!!)

(Although he doesn't seem to mind to when a pretty women asks him. Ha- once a charmer, always a charmer.)

I agree about the phone - people seem so intent on getting a photo, they miss the moment. In New York, it's easy to see celebrities but I just give them their peace because I think fame can be a real curse. Still, I have to say I'd be pretty flustered by a Jimmy sighting.

(p.s. I love Austin! A great music + Mexican food town!)

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You really are lucky, considering the amount of times that I've walked up Kensington High St, and never seen Sir Page about :bubble:

I know I am very lucky, trust me.

I guess I had my radar going after I saw him the first time; I almost laughed out loud when I saw him the second time because I couldn't believe my good fortune. Of course, staying in a flat that is only 176 steps (my son counted after the first encounter) away from his house didn't hurt but we honestly assumed he would be out of town because of all the Olympic hoo-ha.

Read my previous comment about living close to Robert for almost a year and never seeing him. Of course, this is a car society, which I lament.

Do you live nearby? We really miss walking to the Tube on the high street, getting a latte' at Cafe' Nerro and starting our daily adventure. We miss the Holland Park playground in our backyard and the peacocks and Boots and Hamley's and so much more. Great city.

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A while back I went to London for the day to pick up an iPad I won in a competition and to visit the Damien Hirst retrospective. On a complete whim I decided to go to Kensington and see Jimmy's house. Got there, saw the building, then as I turned to leave Jimmy Page and Ross Halfin walked round from the back garden. I was so surprised that I didn't say anything and they went inside the house. Jimmy was wearing a grey T-shirt. Nowhere near as impressive but that's my Jimmy Page experience :)

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Jimmy consistently sounds like one of the best celebrities to run into. (Assuming you aren't being a complete weirdo and clandestinely filming him, that is.) It's stories like these (coupled, of course, with the music) that make me happy to be a fan of his. :)

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