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Romney VP loves his LZ


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The Republicans thought rock n roll was a commie plot and tapping phones etc sounds like a conspiracy theory. Is there any concrete evidence for the fact this happened and that it was primarily from people on the right? If not I'll file this under the same category as JFK faked the moon landing and bigfoot is a secret agent working for the CIA.

Are you that ignorant? There's plenty of evidence and it has been written about in plenty of books. It's all in the FBI files themselves.

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Yes I am. I wasn't around and chasing black helicopters in the 50s. I also highly doubt the FBI has a file that says the Republican party thinks Elvis is a communist.

You ought to read up on history before you make statements like that.

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What a clever little boy.


Figured you'd search me out after I put ya in ya place buddy.....But answer this smart guy...Is Obama not black?

Don't go the racist route with me ya tosser...that's your twisted angle..I'm just having fun relating to what Greenman posted...It's called humor. And not in the way your insinuating.....Boullion.

So report me if you feel threatened....but your making a mountain out of a mole hill....as usual.

So answer me again...Obama's not black?

Edited by Rock Historian
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^ Blacks like to be called "cats", not "dogs" - at least in all the Mod Squad episodes.

:hysterical: I hear ya Jimmie Ray That must be a 60's-70's series?...least you caught on to the hilarity of things here.

Some white folks my age call/address each other as "Dude"

Just as some black guys I know call each other (or another aquaintence in general) Dog...or is it Dawg..

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Come on, KB...you know that was a sham from both sides.

Always loved this photo. A few years ago, I used it as my avatar on this forum.

Did anyone know that when this photo was taken that Elvis has a .38 revolver on him? Try getting into the White House now with that, no matter who your are.

Thanks for the photo Strider!

Edited by SuperDave
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Always loved this photo. A few years ago, I used it as my avatar on this forum.

Did anyone know that when this photo was taken that Elvis had a .38 revolver on him? Try getting into the White House now with that, no matter who your are.

Don't know how this posted twice!

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Always loved this photo. A few years ago, I used it as my avatar on this forum.

Did anyone know that when this photo was taken that Elvis has a .38 revolver on him? Try getting into the White House now with that, no matter who your are.

Thanks for the photo Strider!

I didn't know this. I guess because he was an honorary agent he could be armed around the President?

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Always loved this photo. A few years ago, I used it as my avatar on this forum.

Did anyone know that when this photo was taken that Elvis has a .38 revolver on him? Try getting into the White House now with that, no matter who your are.

Thanks for the photo Strider!

That's interesting to know...Do you know why the hell he found it nessessary to bring the .38 into the White House...?

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As an outsider looking in, I find any trumpeting of which American politician likes any band to be highly puzzling, not to mention disturbing - particularly when you're talking about bands or artists who are essentially non-political. Messy.

Edited by Triplet Kick
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That's interesting to know...Do you know why the hell he found it nessessary to bring the .38 into the White House...?

That's Elvis for you. He loved his guns and quite often carried one with him. The famous story is Elvis shooting a TV in a hotel room, when the actor Robert Goulet was on the screen, whom Elvis couldn't stand.

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That's interesting to know...Do you know why the hell he found it nessessary to bring the .38 into the White House...?

He was Elvis...the King...he could do whatever the fuck he wanted! You didn't like it? Then you'd have to take it up with the Memphis Mafia.

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As an outsider looking in, I find any trumpeting of which American politician likes any band to be highly puzzling, not to mention disturbing - particularly when you're talking about bands or artists who are essentially non-political. Messy.

I'm not sure what being American has to do with it. Didn't David Cameron get a lot of (negative) attention when he claimed to be a fan of The Smiths music, and Tony Blair for being a fan of Mick Jagger? I even dimly recall Vaclev Havel attracting comment when he said how much he admired Frank Zappa. It's just interesting, especially if it is a surprising musical choice. Paul Ryan is a politican with very conservative views, so his favorite band - who kind of epitomized the sex, drugs & rock 'n roll ethos - is somewhat unexpected.

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He was Elvis...the King...he could do whatever the fuck he wanted! You didn't like it? Then you'd have to take it up with the Memphis Mafia.

Did you know that Grace Slick had some LSD or somethin' underneath her fingernail when she met President Nixon? She wanted to put it in his tea & see what would happen. I don't think it happened but I was watching interviews of her & she brought that up.

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Paul Ryan is a politican with very conservative views, so his favorite band - who kind of epitomized the sex, drugs & rock 'n roll ethos - is somewhat unexpected.

I agree completely!

Rumour has it that Idi Amin used to sing "All You Need Is Love" in the shower. What a guy!


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Did you know that Grace Slick had some LSD or somethin' underneath her fingernail when she met President Nixon? She wanted to put it in his tea & see what would happen. I don't think it happened but I was watching interviews of her & she brought that up.

I heard the same story, from the Dormouse...

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