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Coming Soon...In Full Dimensional Stereo...


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I suppose the only film I would prefer is from Over Europe. To see Jimmy's modern stage moves as well as the mature interplay between Jones and Bonham would be amazing. But there is no pro footage - I'm aware of the audience clips only.

I thought about the title after I made the thread, realized it was a little misleading.

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As I've been saying for awhile here:

They likely have access to these big concerts but not far outside of the date ranges of 2/12/75 and 3/21/75 for 1975 and 5/19/77 to MSG77 for 1977.

1975.02.27 Houston

1975.03.03 Fort Worth

1975.03.12 Long Beach

1975.03.21 Seattle

1977.05.19 Baton Rouge

1977.05.22 Fort Worth

1977.05.31 Greensboro

1977.06.08 MSG?

PLEEEEEZE liberate that Houston 1975 Soundboard....No version exists of this show in any form out there, and it would be great to hear this again in Soundboard quality....

Plus, it was a KILLER show....!


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I don't have any experience shopping for or collecting bootleg releases, but it amazes me that such a release could go for $350+. I realize this is a bit off-topic, but I just had to express my shock. Surely bootlegs weren't always so prohibitively expensive?

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I don't have any experience shopping for or collecting bootleg releases, but it amazes me that such a release could go for $350+. I realize this is a bit off-topic, but I just had to express my shock. Surely bootlegs weren't always so prohibitively expensive?

Yep, they sure were...bootleggers have always been known -notorious- for gouging the consumer, but the hell of it is, as long as the consumer is willing to pay...heh heh, well...

The modern bootleg industry has been, and will always be a textbook example of supply and demand economics at their finest.

I personally had no problems shelling out $40 for my For Badgeholders Only LPs...in those days new releases in yer favourite record store sold for $9.99, just to put things in perspective.

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Seems like a lot of us agree that the pool of people who actually pay for these things is shrinking fast. So what does that mean, in the long term, or even the short term? Best case scenario is that bootleggers and other people who have these tapes say "fuck it" and start releasing them rapidly at totally reasonable prices. Worst case scenario is that they say "fuck it" and fold up shop and don't release anything anymore. WHAT DOES THE FUTURE HOLD???

Sorry...a little melodrama from a long-time collector. But I'd love to hear some views on this.

I'm not sure the market has really changed all that much in recent years, free net DL's have been pretty common for almost a decade. The days of massed produced bootlegs targetting a semi mainstream audience are long gone.

My guess with these SB releases has always been that EV themselves do not have a massive cache but rather are being fed them 1-2 at a time by a third party for most likely pretty serious money that need to be recouped with high prices. You look at EV's other releases and they've been putting out some cheaper stuff.

Whether its someone else or EV holding the tapes they must know that shows like 21/3/75 Seattle are really what people want so if they were released first they'd damage the market for future 75 SB's. Hopefully the dropoff in interest is going to mean there finally pushed into releasing them.

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Yep, they sure were...bootleggers have always been known -notorious- for gouging the consumer, but the hell of it is, as long as the consumer is willing to pay...heh heh, well...

The modern bootleg industry has been, and will always be a textbook example of supply and demand economics at their finest.

I personally had no problems shelling out $40 for my For Badgeholders Only LPs...in those days new releases in yer favourite record store sold for $9.99, just to put things in perspective.

No no no. Bootlegs were never more than a few pence more than an official release. Back when I would have paid £1.99p for say LZ II I paid £2.25p for Mudslide, Blueberry Hill being a double album was £4.25p. There is no justification in charging the stupid sums todays bootleg manufacturers ask for their product.
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Hmm. According to an inflation calculator, your late-70's $40 is equivalent to about $140 today. Not far off from boot prices...so, nothing has changed. :P

Mid eighties, actually, but close enough; the record stores where I used to stumble across good bootlegs almost always sold them at at least double the price of the official releases they were selling. And just to clarify, I paid $70 for the full Badgeholders set, pt 1 was $40, pt 2 was $30.

No no no. Bootlegs were never more than a few pence more than an official release. Back when I would have paid £1.99p for say LZ II I paid £2.25p for Mudslide, Blueberry Hill being a double album was £4.25p. There is no justification in charging the stupid sums todays bootleg manufacturers ask for their product.

Like I said, I'm talking about Canada, in England things were a little different, bootlegs were more commonly found I think, and yer prices seem to jibe with what I used to go through (and still do, from time to time, if I find something good in a store)...but yer right, there is no justification for what the manufacturers charge today- the gouging's gotten worse, and the short version is they really only do it because they can. Let's face it, the things do still sell, but on a much smaller scale than back in the old days. And the things almost always show up on line where anybody can get em, for free. You could say that is the ultimate problem with the record industry in general but it applies to bootlegs too. Personally I would not pay $350 for a bootleg...hell, I don't think I've ever paid over $50 or $60 for 'em...as a matter of fact, I reckon my Badgeholders LP's are the most expensive bootlegs I've ever bought; used boot CD's can actually be pretty cheap if you go to the right places.

Consider: I was in a record store in Vancouver a few years back and they were selling the three CD For Badgeholders Only for $100, used. I actually said to the clerk (who probably wasn't even born when I originally bought my LP's) "Ya know, I paid less for this on vinyl when it came out." I wasn't even planning on buying it, I was just saying :lol: Mind ya, I've seen the Badgeholders vinyl sell for $200 on fucking EBay, each volume, so it just goes to show. I'm not planning on selling mine. What's really fucking hilarious is, I've got the CD's as well (rips of the vinyl and the Sgt Page's version), played them and my LP's on the stereo and my old records still sound the best (I've also got a good turntable) when it comes to that show.

Edited by Nutrocker
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I'm not sure the market has really changed all that much in recent years, free net DL's have been pretty common for almost a decade. The days of massed produced bootlegs targetting a semi mainstream audience are long gone.

My guess with these SB releases has always been that EV themselves do not have a massive cache but rather are being fed them 1-2 at a time by a third party for most likely pretty serious money that need to be recouped with high prices. You look at EV's other releases and they've been putting out some cheaper stuff.

Whether its someone else or EV holding the tapes they must know that shows like 21/3/75 Seattle are really what people want so if they were released first they'd damage the market for future 75 SB's. Hopefully the dropoff in interest is going to mean there finally pushed into releasing them.

I hear what you're saying. I've always been interested in these "third parties" and "fourth parties," etc. I've floated the idea here before, but I've always suspected strongly that Jimmy himself has leaked out some of these releases to bootleggers. He is incredibly proud of LZ's live legacy, but he seems to have to jump through hoops with the other members to release things...and I imagine this process must get more frustrating and annoying as he gets older. And let's face it, time is running out in a way (although certainly his heirs could oversee releases as well). So for the time being, what better way to skip the annoying hoops than to do end runs around them with bootleg releases. Might sound crazy, but I know that some hardcore Zep watchers agree with me.

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About the '77 hate club Sue mentioned - I never understood how some "real" Zeppelin fans could ignore everything post Earl's Court. "They sucked in 1980" and similar comments are usually made by those who have never heard a full Over Europe show. Ignoring a certain year because Page doesn't play White Summer as well as he did on Julie Felix is doing oneself a disservice. You don't have to listen to the shows over and over but offering an uneducated opinion does no one any good. I don't make general comments to the effect of "1972 blew" because it didn't, and guess what, neither did '77, '79 or '80.

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No no no. Bootlegs were never more than a few pence more than an official release. Back when I would have paid £1.99p for say LZ II I paid £2.25p for Mudslide, Blueberry Hill being a double album was £4.25p. There is no justification in charging the stupid sums todays bootleg manufacturers ask for their product.


Back when bootlegs were fairly easily available (1990s) I paid around £10 for a single around £15-£20 for a 2CD set, but they were never very easy to find so I don't have more than about 15 or so Zep.

I look at some of the price when they crop up on ebay and to be honest the prices of most are around £20 per dis which I guess isn't horrendousc, Although I would sometimes like to buy some, given that D/Ls are free I can't see the point anymore, but good that someone with more money than me buys otherwise we wouldn't be able to D/L, so I thank those that do buy and share.


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Sorry, new video does nothing for me. Nothing will surpasse the official DVD, meanwhile HTWWW sucks! Slamming two shows into one, with vocals from here and guitar from over there, is a rip off.

Soundboard, 1977-06-26, lets do this!

How so? Seeing the band visually (synced with audio of course) surpasses listening to just audio. And, the way the DVD is edited is the exact same way as HTWWW! was!

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  • 9 months later...

Don't they all exist, it's just a matter of whose got'em?

Yeah, I'm with Sue...we have enough '75 soundboards (though one of the Chicago '75 shows would be nice- 21/1/75 for example). I'd be down with, say, Greensboro 31/5/77 (supposedly the soundboard exists)

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Michonne has them :-)

Who, or what, in the name of Sweet Chocolate Christ is Michonne?

Don't they all exist, it's just a matter of whose got'em?

Hard to say if they ALL exist, but I reckon the ones that DO exist reside in the hands of our good friends at EVSD...

Colour me unimpressed if the next SBD really is 10/3/75 San Diego...yet another rehash of a rehash...yawn...wake me up when they put out a show previously uncirculated...

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Well, in defense of the RUMORED San Diego release perhaps it will contain the elusive "Heartbreaker". Or is there still ongoing debate about whether or not it was played that night?

...It is unsavory to complain about soundboards that you are downloading for free....I would imagine disgruntled opinions fall on deaf

ears when you are not spending any money....

Greensboro '77 is very likely to exist, but unlikely to make an appearance before other shows are presented.

Be happy that 40 years on we still have new ways to enjoy live Zeppelin.

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The only way I can justify getting excited for a soundboard of 1975/03/10 is because it's on one of the lesser quality tapes from 1975, but that's it for me. Though the two posters above do make a good point. (Also, Nutrocker, Michonne is a character from the AMC series/comic book The Walking Dead, from which my 'Governor' themed profile is based.

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