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General Colin Powell dies of COVID-19 complications

Dylan Stableford
Dylan Stableford
·Senior Writer
Mon, October 18, 2021, 7:03 AM

General Colin Powell, the first Black U.S. secretary of state and a trailblazing figure in Washington, died of complications from COVID-19 on Monday, according to his family. He was 84.
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1 hour ago, SteveAJones said:

General Colin Powell had multiple serious underlying conditions, but didn’t die from those, he died of COVID-19, even though he got the vaccine that everyone with serious underlying conditions is supposed to get, because it could save your life.

Yeah, multiple myeloma, a cancer of plasma cells that suppresses the body's immune response, as well as Parkinson's. I would call that a serious underlying condition. Vaccine or no, if not COVID, then cancer a few months later.

It's a vaccine, not some mecha-suit with ablative armor.

Edited by BobDobbs
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On 10/19/2021 at 1:19 PM, BobDobbs said:

Yeah, multiple myeloma, a cancer of plasma cells that suppresses the body's immune response, as well as Parkinson's. I would call that a serious underlying condition. Vaccine or no, if not COVID, then cancer a few months later.

We can stop blaming the unvaccinated for his death?

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10 hours ago, SteveAJones said:

Don Lemon at CNN, among others, is definitely a jackass blaming the unvaccinated for General Powell's death.

Well, let's see. A seriously immune compromised elderly man suffering from multiple co-morbidities contracts COVID and dies as a result of his severely weakened immune system. Of course a vaccinated person can still spread the disease however it is the un-vaccinated which are propagating the disease and spreading it at a much greater rate. So stating the un-vaccinated are to blame may not be 100% accurate but it is without a doubt a contributing factor.

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16 hours ago, BobDobbs said:

Well, let's see. A seriously immune compromised elderly man suffering from multiple co-morbidities contracts COVID and dies as a result of his severely weakened immune system. Of course a vaccinated person can still spread the disease however it is the un-vaccinated which are propagating the disease and spreading it at a much greater rate. So stating the un-vaccinated are to blame may not be 100% accurate but it is without a doubt a contributing factor.

Since you put it that way I agree, let's stone the unvaccinated to death. I mean, it would be one thing if we had wide open borders and had just seeded 100,000 unvaccinated Afghani's across all 50 states...

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On 10/23/2021 at 12:59 AM, SteveAJones said:

Since you put it that way I agree, let's stone the unvaccinated to death. I mean, it would be one thing if we had wide open borders and had just seeded 100,000 unvaccinated Afghani's across all 50 states...

What is with you and the hyperbole? Stone the unvaccinated??? No, just keep their nasty ass away from me that's all.

Wide open borders, please put down the crack pipe and back away. This right-wing dog whistle is a real chestnut. Boarders are not open, and have not been open since the 50's. But I guess you know some magic way to stop people from devastated countries from going to a better country??? If so please speak up because the world sure would like an easy answer to that one. They are human you know, they have basic human rights. Plus, one day you or I may be in such a situation, you just never know.

Unvaccinated Afghani's? Can you please cite a source to that? Everything I have read clearly states all Afghani refugees must be FULLY vaccinated before they can step on American soil. According to all the news articles I have read (legitimate, not Zerohedge or Alex Jones, etc.) all refugees have been fully vaccinated.

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On 10/22/2021 at 11:26 PM, cryingbluerain said:

RIP Halyna Hutchins, cinematographer.  Shot and killed by actor Alec Baldwin during the making of the movie "Rust". The incident is currently under investigation.


Alec Baldwin needs to be charged with criminally negligent homicide. Prior to this happening, two other "prop" guns suffered "accidental" discharges on set. The working conditions were so poor on-set and dangerous, half the crew had walked off the set just hours before the accident. Baldwin being a producer on this movie had been made well aware of everything prior yet chose to continue. 

If he were a regular joe he would be cooling his heels downtown right now. But being a celebrity he will likely walk. John Landis walked and he was one guilty mofo! Breaking union rules on set, breaking child labor law rules on set, both which resulted in the deaths of two children and actor Vic Morrow (all three bisected by a helicopter rotor blade). Everyone was positive Landis was going to jail for a long time but, nope, off scot free. This unfortunately will be no different.

Edited by BobDobbs
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7 hours ago, BobDobbs said:

What is with you and the hyperbole? Stone the unvaccinated??? No, just keep their nasty ass away from me that's all.

Wide open borders, please put down the crack pipe and back away. This right-wing dog whistle is a real chestnut. Boarders are not open, and have not been open since the 50's. But I guess you know some magic way to stop people from devastated countries from going to a better country??? If so please speak up because the world sure would like an easy answer to that one. They are human you know, they have basic human rights. Plus, one day you or I may be in such a situation, you just never know.

Unvaccinated Afghani's? Can you please cite a source to that? Everything I have read clearly states all Afghani refugees must be FULLY vaccinated before they can step on American soil. According to all the news articles I have read (legitimate, not Zerohedge or Alex Jones, etc.) all refugees have been fully vaccinated.

The answer is easy. It’s called strictly ENFORCED immigration policy. There is also something called border security. 

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3 hours ago, SteveAJones said:

The answer is easy. It’s called strictly ENFORCED immigration policy. There is also something called border security. 

Which we are and always have been. We are currently turning away / sending record numbers back. Or is the lack of dead immigrants what is bothering you? As the border agents and government are doing everything they legally can what do you suggest? Just shooting them?

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20 hours ago, BobDobbs said:


Wide open borders, please put down the crack pipe and back away. This right-wing dog whistle is a real chestnut. Boarders are not open, and have not been open since the 50's. 

Dog whistle my ass. My 'citizen of the world' amigo, the borders are as porous as Hunter's crack pipe.
Get an expanded balanced diet of 'NEWS', i.e., don't pay attention to the hags on the View, etc.
You will clearly witness multiple hundreds/thousands of illegals entering the U.S. via non legal means.

Peace Frog Yum, do you approve of this?
Please expound brother.








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14 hours ago, jabe said:

Dog whistle my ass. My 'citizen of the world' amigo, the borders are as porous as Hunter's crack pipe.
Get an expanded balanced diet of 'NEWS', i.e., don't pay attention to the hags on the View, etc.
You will clearly witness multiple hundreds/thousands of illegals entering the U.S. via non legal means.

Peace Frog Yum, do you approve of this?
Please expound brother.








They are just as porous now as when Trump or any other President was in office. Issue is you and your ilk only complain when the "other guy" is in office. Just like deficit spending. Tax cuts for groups (corporations) and wealthy of which you will NEVER see, and which added over 4 trillion to the US debt, meh, that was A-ok, no problem there. However, when anything is being proposed to actually take care of and help the other 99% of the nation it's, "fiscal responsibility!!!"

I just could never understand the Stockholm Syndrome of the right. To me it simply makes no sense. But hey, if it makes you feel better to hate your fellow human go for it. Just remember, it was Alabama that almost destroyed it's own economy with HB 56. All those "illegals" you hate were picking your crops and doing those jobs American citizens refuse to do. Alabama even brought in prisoners to pick the crops after you expelled your illegals and guess what happened, the prisoners REFUSED to do such back breaking work!

But hey Mr. Alabammy, your state sure has all the answers. Congratulations state #46:

A Cruel Legacy: Alabama anti-immigrant law remembered | Southern Poverty Law Center (splcenter.org)

Another ranking of states is out. Here’s where Alabama landed - al.com


You are akin to a Detroit Lions fan yelling at a Cardinals fan about how bad the Cardinals suck. You funny man.


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The National Review is hardly  "Fox News" BTW:

Border Patrol Detains Record 1.66 Million Illegal Immigrants in 2021 Fiscal Year

October 22, 2021 6:34 PM
border-patrol-el-paso-texas.jpg?fit=789% U.S. Border Patrol agent Carlos Rivera guides migrants to be processed after they attempted to cross the border from Mexico into Sunland Park, N.M., September 17, 2021. (Paul Ratje/Reuters)

Border Patrol agents detained about 1.66 million illegal immigrants at the southern border for the fiscal year ending in September, the highest level ever recorded in a fiscal year, data released by U.S. Customs and Border Protection confirmed on Friday.

The previous high of 1.64 million detentions was recorded in 2000.

Additionally, agents encountered 192,001 migrants at the U.S.-Mexico border in September alone, after encountering 209,840 migrants in August and 213,593 in July.

“CBP encounters along the Southwest border declined in September from the prior month, and a majority of noncitizens encountered were expelled under Title 42,” acting CBP commissioner Troy Miller said in a statement. Title 42 expulsions are conducted with the stated aim of preventing the spread of coronavirus.

Most of the migrants detained in the 2021 fiscal year were encountered after President Biden assumed office, with roughly 1.3 million in the first nine months of Biden’s presidency. Among the new migrants, close to 145,000 unaccompanied minors were detained this year.

The Biden administration has struggled to process migrants entering the country, with Border Patrol at times overwhelmed by the number of new arrivals. In one widely-covered incident, about 30,000 Haitian migrants arrived in Del Rio, Texas, over a span of two weeks, with thousands of those migrants subsequently released into the U.S.


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From the "Washington Times":


Homeland Security reported another 192,001 encounters with illegal immigrants on the southwestern border in September, topping off one of the worst fiscal years on record.

The monthly total marked a slight decline from July and August, which Customs and Border Protection touted as a needed improvement.

But the numbers were still startlingly bad for an administration that insists it has things under control along the boundary with Mexico.

Fiscal year 2021 ended with 1.7 million encounters with illegal immigrants. Nearly all of those came on the watch of President Biden, and security experts attribute the number to policy changes and a lack of enforcement since his inauguration.

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RIP Bill Graham, 30 years ago. A week later, a free memorial concert was held in GGP in SF something like 300k people showed up. I was there, and the whole thing was chill and extremely organized, in spite of all the people there. The Dead played a set with lots of guests sitting in:


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James Michael Tyler, actor and TL Hanna grad most famous for Friends role, has died

Mike EllisBryan Alexander
Anderson Independent Mail

James Michael Tyler, an actor and T.L. Hanna High School graduate most famous for his role as Gunther on Friends has died of prostate cancer.

Tyler died "peacefully in his home" on Sunday, according to a statement from his longtime manager Toni Benson. The actor starred in 150 "Friends" episodes as Gunther, who carried an unrequited love for Rachel (Jennifer Aniston).

"The world knew him as Gunther, the seventh 'Friend,' but Michael’s loved ones knew him as an actor, musician, cancer-awareness advocate, and loving husband," the statement said.

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