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British Soldier beheaded on public street


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Muslims are fighting the Hindu in India, the Catholics in the Philippines, the Jews in the Middle East, the Orthodox Christians in the Caucuses, the God-less Atheists in Europe and the USA, and even the Buddhists in Sri Lanka. (and it takes a lot to piss off Buddhists!) In countries where there are only Muslims, the Sunni and the Shia have been fighting for about 1200 years! Anyone else see a pattern here?

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What kind of comment is that?

A completely appropriate comment given the circumstances.

I am so goddamned tired of the political correctness. So here goes, hang on to your panties:

Not all Muslims are terrorists.

But so far, all of the terrorists have been Muslim.

Take all the shots you want, but it's getting more and more difficult to ignore.

Edited for spelling.

p.s. 'From the hall of Montezuma, to the shores of ___________.'

Los Angeles? No...

Wellfleet? No.....

Oh damn, it's on the tip of my tongue...

Oh yeah, TRIPOLI.

Where is Tripoli located boys and girls?

Anyone? Anyone? Bueller?

You get 5 extra points if you can answer the bonus question:

Where does the term 'leatherneck' originate?

Edited by planted
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Seriously, the guy standing there with bloody hands holding the cleaver and knife talking at the camera? Doesn't matter whether he was muslim, christian, scientologist or a Celine Dion fan he needs to be put down like the rabid dog he is.

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Send them home, they don't belong, time for England to clean the garbage out

If the assailant was born in England then he already is home. According to witnesses, he doesn't have a foreign accent.

My heart goes out to the soldier and his family. He comes home from the war thinking the worst is over, only to be murdered on a London street.

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Isn't Tripoli in Libya? I believe it's on Libya's Mediterranean coast. Well, it would have to be a port if the Marines fought the Barbary Pirates there. Leatherneck refers to the stiff leather collar American Marines wore back then. It protected their necks during battle.

All terrorist have been Muslims? Hmmm,let's see....the Irish Republican Army? Not Muslims. Timothy McVeigh? Not Muslim. The Americans who murdered abortion providers? Not a Muslim amongst them. The Unibomber? Not Muslim. The FARC in South America? Not Muslim. Think the dudes who founded the Palestinian Liberation Army were Muslim? Think again. The PLO was actually founded by two Palestinian Christians.

A completely appropriate comment given the circumstances.

I am so goddamned tired of the political correctness. So here goes, hang on to your panties:

Not all Muslims are terrorists.

But so far, all of the terrorists have been Muslim.

Take all the shots you want, but it's getting more and more difficult to ignore.

Edited for spelling.

p.s. 'From the hall of Montezuma, to the shores of ___________.'

Los Angeles? No...

Wellfleet? No.....

Oh damn, it's on the tip of my tongue...

Oh yeah, TRIPOLI.

Where is Tripoli located boys and girls?

Anyone? Anyone? Bueller?

You get 5 extra points if you can answer the bonus question:

Where does the term 'leatherneck' originate?

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Seriously, the guy standing there with bloody hands holding the cleaver and knife talking at the camera? Doesn't matter whether he was muslim, christian, scientologist or a Celine Dion fan he needs to be put down like the rabid dog he is.

I'm more concerned with bystanders walking around in a daze. Nobody owns a gun?

If you don't think it matters what their beliefs are, you are horribly misguided and naive. Beliefs do matter and will almost ALWAYS be a driving force into such heinous acts.

This is awful.

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I'm more concerned with bystanders walking around in a daze. Nobody owns a gun?

If you don't think it matters what their beliefs are, you are horribly misguided and naive. Beliefs do matter and will almost ALWAYS be a driving force into such heinous acts.

This is awful.

British posters will correct me if I'm wrong but I believe the UK has much stricter gun laws than the U.S. So I'm not surprised none of the bystanders didn't have a gun on their person. Apparently, the murdered soldier wasn't carrying either. Also, not surprising. Edited by Disco Duck
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I'm more concerned with bystanders walking around in a daze. Nobody owns a gun?

If you don't think it matters what their beliefs are, you are horribly misguided and naive. Beliefs do matter and will almost ALWAYS be a driving force into such heinous acts.

This is awful.

The beliefs of fanatics do not really matter since you're not going to sit them down and rationalize with them. There are what? A billion Muslims? If they all believed what a few nut jobs believe then you and I would be up shit creek. As it is you are more likely to die a million different ways than at the hands of a terrorist of any religion or ideals.

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The amount of ignorance in this thread is beyond belief, that doesn't even warrant a response

Yes it does deserve a response .... and my response is that I agree with her 100%...

The facts are the facts. The vast majority of these terrorist acts are performed by extreme Muslims....FACT.

The only ignorance I see is to hide your head in the sand because you don't want to offend a group of evil savages that BE-HEAD people that share our value systems... This is a SAVAGE ACT that cannot be ignored.

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Yes it does deserve a response .... and my response is that I agree with her 100%...

The facts are the facts. The vast majority of these terrorist acts are performed by extreme Muslims....FACT.

The only ignorance I see is to hide your head in the sand because you don't want to offend a group of evil savages that BE-HEAD people that share our value systems... This is a SAVAGE ACT that cannot be ignored.

All we know so far is that the assailants claim to be jihadi motivated by a radical Islamist movement. If I were an angry young man who wanted to make the world take notice of me,

pretending to be a jihadi would be a surefire way to go about it. Instant attention from the media and police. No more being overlooked or dismissed as inconsequential. By the time the

police figure out that I'm just a narcissistic a$$hole with no real connections to radical

Islamic movements, I would have had my 15 minutes of fame.

Edited by Disco Duck
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This is horrible however calling this the result of islamification is simply hyperbolic at best and down right ignorant at worse. There are muslims in every country, some are good some are assholes like these two. They will be dealt with and spend the rest of their lives in prison. What I find ironic is his response to the woman who confronted him. He told her to bring the soldiers home and stop killing Afghanis, however this soldier WAS home and not killing Afghanis? What a fucking moron, if he was so adamant about his belief why did he not hop a plane to Pakistan and hoof it to Afghanistan for some payback where the enemy shoots back??? Probably because this coward knew his ass would be blown up before he got within 100 meters of any soldier.

I agree, this guy is an asshole, islam has many radical elements, but you simply don't throw out the baby with the bathwater. When I was in the Marines I had a very good friend who was a Libyan national by birth. His father was a wealthy oilman who was critical of Khaddafi after the 68' coup so dipshit had him killed. My friend left Libya and made America his home. When he turned 17 he joined the Marines in the hope of going to Libya one day and personally killing Khaddafi. The fun part here is he was a muslim and had no problem with strapping a bomb to himself if ordered to kill the enemy. I told him he was crazy, he told me that revenge is what kept him going, you go balls deep baby or don't go at all. I asked him if this was because of islam, he said islam has nothing to do with it, that motherfucker killed my dad. Enough said.

Edited by Sagittarius Rising
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A completely appropriate comment given the circumstances.

I am so goddamned tired of the political correctness. So here goes, hang on to your panties:

Not all Muslims are terrorists.

But so far, all of the terrorists have been Muslim.

Completely and utterly untrue.
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What does "taken down" mean here? Shot and killed, or shot and wounded, but not deceased?

I mean "caught". Glad they were stupid enough to stand around for their 15 minutes of camera fame instead of fleeing and possibly getting away. Taken down means removed from society. Sure, the bullets obviously should have been to the head, they deserve death, but at least they are not running loose in the streets looking to hack away at someone else. Taken down. They will never breathe air as free men again.

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All terrorist have been Muslims? Hmmm,let's see....the Irish Republican Army? Not Muslims. Timothy McVeigh? Not Muslim. The Americans who murdered abortion providers? Not a Muslim amongst them. The Unibomber? Not Muslim. The FARC in South America? Not Muslim. Think the dudes who founded the Palestinian Liberation Army were Muslim? Think again. The PLO was actually founded by two Palestinian Christians.


Thank you.

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