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Remembering JFK, this week the 50th anniversary of a dark day


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She must have felt she could'nt have me. Aside from that, the companionship she found with him met her emotional needs and he had enough weath to keep her accustomed to the high quality of life she enjoyed.

Security ... That and I think the main reason was safety for her children and herself..

I think after RFK was killed ,,, that was it. She fled with her kids to a place where she felt safe ®.

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She must have felt she could'nt have me. Aside from that, the companionship she found with him met her emotional needs and he had enough weath to keep her accustomed to the high quality of life she enjoyed.

While we're on the subject of conspiracies, I wonder if the "10 nights a month" requirement was actually true.

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.....so now instead of believing one nut with above average military training in using a rifle couldn't possibly have fired three shots and hit a slow moving target a hundred yards away, I am supposed to believe that a member of the Secret Service pulled up an M-16, accidently pulled the trigger and that single bullet miraculously hit the President in the head.

A zillion to one shot!

Watch the History Channel's "Beyond the Magic Bullet" and ignore that current joke of a conspiracy theory that is currently being shown......

it has been shown many times over that not even the best marksmen can make those 3 shots in the time.

accidental shots kill people all the time, and the CIA guy was much closer than Oswald.

naturally they would not want to admit that it happened this way, so the cover-ups began ..... too many " mistakes " made during the autopsy ... photos and films and x-rays going missing ... even his brain is lost?

people on the road said that they smelled gunpowder, but the wind would have not carried that smell down from the bookstore as it was blowing the other way ?

i dunno, but of all the things i've seen, i really think this may have been the truth....

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it has been shown many times over that not even the best marksmen can make those 3 shots in the time.

accidental shots kill people all the time, and the CIA guy was much closer than Oswald.

naturally they would not want to admit that it happened this way, so the cover-ups began ..... too many " mistakes " made during the autopsy ... photos and films and x-rays going missing ... even his brain is lost?

people on the road said that they smelled gunpowder, but the wind would have not carried that smell down from the bookstore as it was blowing the other way ?

i dunno, but of all the things i've seen, i really think this may have been the truth....

I cannot rule it out. Not after seeing the ballistic evidence. And the angles. The car was turning, or at a curve lets say at the time of the fatal shot. Putting the agent in pretty good proximity of this being possible. I do not think you can just blow it out of the water. He was far close than Oswald and they say the shot was not from the 6th floor, but rather street level. And the damage caused was more consistent with an AR15 than that Italian relic Oswald used.

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She must have felt she could'nt have me. Aside from that, the companionship she found with him met her emotional needs and he had enough weath to keep her accustomed to the high quality of life she enjoyed.

With all due respect, Mr Jones.

Yes, they were acquainted with each other, but isn't it amazing how emotionally stable you can become when you marry an Onassis?

Just sayin.

p.s. I adore Jackie, my comments are in no way meant to judge her. A girls gotta do what a girls gotta do. ;-)

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I would expect to hear something from Caroline this week as painful as it must be for her. After all, JFK jr was also a victim to tragedy like his father and uncle before him, of course with very different circumstances. I still recall waking up to yet another sad morning and thank God Jackie did not have to endure it. She endured enough. I will always admire her strength at a time when few had strength. And a moment frozen in time with JFK jr saluting the casket and the lighting of the eternal flame.

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Pete Rozelle had gone to his grave a regretful man for allowing the NFL to play games two days after the assassination of President John F. Kennedy on that fateful weekend in 1963. Tonight, at 11 pm on NBCSHD, Costas Tonight, Bob Costas will look at the story of the Dallas Cowboys in the aftermath of the events of Nov 22nd 1963.

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She must have felt she could'nt have me. Aside from that, the companionship she found with him met her emotional needs and he had enough weath to keep her accustomed to the high quality of life she enjoyed.

Jones, I'm sure the two of you (Jackie) would have been a nice fit.

That being said, I currently possess a few Greek bulk shipping stocks that I've purchased at somewhat depressed levels compared to just a few years ago.

I'll hold long, for the post Obama renaissance, hopefully to see worldwide commerce strong once again.

I'll lighten my portfolio positions, semi- retire, and write a novel including you and Jackie, post her split from Ari.

I'll have to come up with an alias for you, Steve.

This could have legs.

Edited by jabe
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I cannot rule it out. Not after seeing the ballistic evidence. And the angles. The car was turning, or at a curve lets say at the time of the fatal shot. Putting the agent in pretty good proximity of this being possible. I do not think you can just blow it out of the water. He was far close than Oswald and they say the shot was not from the 6th floor, but rather street level. And the damage caused was more consistent with an AR15 than that Italian relic Oswald used.

With all due respect, I just don't buy the theory of the SS agent accidently shooting Kennedy with an AR-15. Conspiracy buffs say Oswald perched and aiming at Kennedy couldn't have made the shot, but I am supposed to believe that a SS agent pulling up an AR-15 from the floor of a limo just happens to hit the President in the back of the head - a zillion to one shot? Just silly!

The TV show bases the street level shot solely on ONE DRAWING of the President's skull that showed the entry wound on the left back side of the skull. It ignores all the other drawings by Humes, the X-rays - even the actual photos of the back of the President's skull which clearly shows the entry wound in the right occipital region.....thus lining up with the Schoolbook Depository.

As for the damae to the skull, again the TV show replicates shooting the Mannlicher-Carcano into a block of wood and coming out virtually unscathed - just like the "magic bullet" went through two bodies and came out just slightly flattened. However, they did NOT replicate what the bullet does when it goes through a human skull. Experts have done so - and shooting it into a human skull filled with ballistics gel replicates EXACTLY what the fatal shot did to Kennedy. Shooting a a full metal jacket bullet through a steak (human body) will give different results than shooting the same bullet through an egg (the skull).

And finally, Oswald was an above average sharp shooter in the Marines. There is no reason to think he could not have fired three shots from the 6th floor at a slow moving target 100 yards away and not be able to hit it 2 out of the three shots. And many AVERAGE shooters have easily been able to replicate the shots and even exceeded it - hitting the moving sillouette three out of three shots!

Relying on "witnesses" who thought they sa or heard something is a fool's game. The BEST EVIDENCE is the science. Yes, LOTS of mistakes were made in obtaining and keeping the evidence, but the evidence we do have does not contradict what the Wareen Commission found.

I have been following the assasination theories since I was in high school and have book shelves full of the books and articles and believed int he conspiracy theory for many years. However, given the science and engineering classes I've taken in college along with the incredible program on History Channel "Unsolved Mysteries: Beyond the Magic Bullet", I have no doubt that Oswald fired the fatal shot that killed Kennedy.

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Considering the affairs of Eisenhower and Roosevelt before him, I don't see why people bring up Kennedy's extra activities. It was a different time with different standards, and the Press actually had some respect for people's privacy back then. Can you imagine ?

It's never the act that screamed conspiracy to me....it was what happened after. The strange events surrounding his almost immediate capture.....the way he instantly pronounced he was a patsy for others....that he was shot soon after by Ruby. The whole turning of events after the shooting still doesn't make a lot of sense.

I believe Jackie was quoted many times that marrying Ari was a way to protect her children not only from crazies, but the media itself. It's still amazing to this day that someone so shockingly pretty was our First Lady. You check out some of those movies taken on the "Honey Fitz" and that lady was a pure knockout. Krushchev literally drooled like a little boy.

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You are so right Bong-Man. She had "it" whatever "it" means. It was her grace and style plus her beauty that really got to everyone. I think most of the love for that era, all of it, is really for Jackie and the kids. John-John was our Prince. He was so like his mother. Caroline is a class act all the way. She will be a great Ambassador.

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With all due respect, I just don't buy the theory of the SS agent accidently shooting Kennedy with an AR-15. Conspiracy buffs say Oswald perched and aiming at Kennedy couldn't have made the shot, but I am supposed to believe that a SS agent pulling up an AR-15 from the floor of a limo just happens to hit the President in the back of the head - a zillion to one shot? Just silly!

The TV show bases the street level shot solely on ONE DRAWING of the President's skull that showed the entry wound on the left back side of the skull. It ignores all the other drawings by Humes, the X-rays - even the actual photos of the back of the President's skull which clearly shows the entry wound in the right occipital region.....thus lining up with the Schoolbook Depository.

As for the damae to the skull, again the TV show replicates shooting the Mannlicher-Carcano into a block of wood and coming out virtually unscathed - just like the "magic bullet" went through two bodies and came out just slightly flattened. However, they did NOT replicate what the bullet does when it goes through a human skull. Experts have done so - and shooting it into a human skull filled with ballistics gel replicates EXACTLY what the fatal shot did to Kennedy. Shooting a a full metal jacket bullet through a steak (human body) will give different results than shooting the same bullet through an egg (the skull).

And finally, Oswald was an above average sharp shooter in the Marines. There is no reason to think he could not have fired three shots from the 6th floor at a slow moving target 100 yards away and not be able to hit it 2 out of the three shots. And many AVERAGE shooters have easily been able to replicate the shots and even exceeded it - hitting the moving sillouette three out of three shots!

Relying on "witnesses" who thought they sa or heard something is a fool's game. The BEST EVIDENCE is the science. Yes, LOTS of mistakes were made in obtaining and keeping the evidence, but the evidence we do have does not contradict what the Wareen Commission found.

I have been following the assasination theories since I was in high school and have book shelves full of the books and articles and believed int he conspiracy theory for many years. However, given the science and engineering classes I've taken in college along with the incredible program on History Channel "Unsolved Mysteries: Beyond the Magic Bullet", I have no doubt that Oswald fired the fatal shot that killed Kennedy.

Thanks for your post, and I agree with letting the science speak as evidence over wild conjecture. But alas, it will always be human nature to doubt. The Dallas police and other authorities were incompetent and negligent in many aspects of the case, but incompetence doesn't mean there was a conspiracy. Unfortunately, nature abhors a vacuum, and with the botched handling of the assasination, that has allowed conspiracy theorists to run amok.

Supposedly the Nova Cold Case special on PBS last week was a good look at the science of the JFK assasination. Did anybody see it?

Then there is new movie that has been released, "Parkland"...Parkland being the Dallas hospital JFK was taken to after he was shot.


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Yes, this is the day. 50 years ago exactly and it was a Friday. Dallas was blamed and hated in the aftermath. The special on the Dallas Cowboys was a good show to see. The Cowboys and the Browns did not want to play. The NFL played the games, but players said their hearts were not into it. Death threats were made to Dallas as they took the field and even before.

I was 6 1/2 yrs old and in the 1st grade at Blessed Sacrament Catholic elementary school. The nun came in and told us to listen to the PA, a small box on the wall to the right of the chalk board. The principal, a nun, announced the terrible news. We were told to kneel and we followed in prayer. We were then told we were to be sent home and parents were notified that the school was closing. I still remember watching the funeral. The sound were haunting. It stayed with you. I always wondered what could have been if he had lived. He was a president that people simply loved and admired. And his wife had much to do with it. Jackie deserved better than a day in hell like this.

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"Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country." Sad to say, but this day and age those words would probably make him a right wing extremist nut.

Yep, that, and his pro-life and fiscal responsibility stances.

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Yep, that, and his pro-life and fiscal responsibility stances.

Plus he believed in a strong military.

How do you figure? It's as left-wing as one can get, short of putting it this way:

"Ask not what your government can do for you, ask what you can do for your government."

Perhaps, but I always took it as a jab against the welfare state. Your country doesn’t owe you a living, an education, healthcare, a free phone, etc.

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Consider the historical context in which he said it. America was seen as the shining beacon of hope and freedom around the world. We were at the height of the Cold War. If anything, at least in IMHO, he was telling people to get involved, to enrich the country and its image globally ( as well all know he founded the Peace Corps), and just be proud of who we were. He wasn't advocating anything Kruschchev demanded from his people. FF to now...would anyone actually do anything for the government without expecting something in return?

I love my country, but the current government has made it a laughing stock around the world.

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How do you figure? It's as left-wing as one can get, short of putting it this way:

"Ask not what your government can do for you, ask what you can do for your government."

Way to twist his words around, SAJ. cryingbluerain is right. JFK was not talking about the government. He was saying stop waiting around for a handout and pull yourself up by your own bootstraps and help make this country great through your own initiative and determination.

When JFK took office, there was a youth movement progressing around the country...the foreward edge of the post-war Baby-Boomer generation was just getting ready to enter college and this was one of the running themes of Kennedy's campaign: calling forth the best and the brightest minds of this new generation.

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In today's world, not a soul would want their child to attend Sandy Hook Elementary School after what occurred there.....yet they used the same limo JFK was shot in until 1971 ! I find that totally bizarro.

It currently sits in The Henry Ford museum at Greenfield Village....right next to Rosa Parks bus.

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