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The Real Nelson Mandela


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Yes and Darfur is a fairly recent and undeniably significant example of direct U.S. non-intervention regarding genocide.

Perhaps because the last time the United States undertook a humanitarian mission to Africa their soldiers were literally murdered and dragged through the streets.

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Reading this thread made me realize that Star Wars is actually a "terrorist movie" then.........

Hard sell to relate it to Star Wars.

IMO, the Mandelas would be better likened to Braveheart. The part where the Scottish Nobles could have given total freedom, but turned their backs on the people and rode off. Even still, Winnie would be better compared to Edward the Longshanks.

But I've no need to rehash what's already been stated about the innocent blood on their hands of children, women, and men blown up with bombs scattering their guts everywhere leaving husbands without wives or women without their babies, son and daughters. I wouldn't care to joke and compare their murders to Hollywood movies.

Mandela basically sold out his people from one set of masters (who were actually reforming) to another. I don't side with the racist white Afrikaners, but there were people actually building things up and helping people in comparison to what's instilled in South Africa now.

Gaddafi was reforming Libya. I don't romanticize Muammar Gaddafi, but he was much better than what the globalists have put in now with Al Qaeda.

I think Assad is a POS in Syria, but he's better than the Al Qaeda that is indifferent on who they kill.

Mandela was an African royal, an heir apparent who lost when trying to team up with the Soviets. He gets put in in jail for 27 years. The fall of the Soviet Union led the man to go with who was in power. So he came over to the side of the globalists, when he got out of jail. Mandela switched. He decided to go with James Baker and the Bushes. They kicked out any middle class that was in South Africa. If everyone knew of what was being propagandized to give validity to throw off the system, then perhaps the people of South Africa would be better off now since Apartheid instead of worse.

If Mandela wouldn't have sold out, and Gaddafi wasn't overthrown, things could have actually got reformed by now, we could actually have unity in those countries. Libya in the North/ South Africa in the South would have really progressed Africa and built it up. Instead we have in Libya and South Africa what we have today. A frickin mess.

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Nelson Mandela Family Finally Gives Up Charade and Admits Mandela Dead

Funeral was planned a year ago

Rebecca Savastio
Las Vegas Guardian Express
December 12, 2013


The Nelson Mandela family has finally given up their charade and admitted that Nelson Mandela is dead by announcing today that the former leader of South Africa is no longer with us. The charade began in June of 2013, and Guardian Express has maintained Mandela has been deceased since we were informed of his passing in June via one of our reporters embedded in South Africa. That reporter had received a text message from her close friend who works for the South African News which stated that Mandela had died the night prior. Since June, The Guardian Express has come under attack; first from a “denial of service” attack which shut the site down on and off for three days right after we published the news that Mandela had died. That denial of service attack was traced back to South Africa.

The Guardian Express was also attacked by people denying that the Nelson Mandela family was carrying on a charade. However, we stood by and continue to stand by our account that Mandela was declared permanently brain dead with total organ failure in June of 2013. Now, today, the family has finally decided to give up their charade.

We sent an additional reporter to South Africa who returned with an audio recording of two top government officials confirming the fact that Mandela was totally brain dead and was declared so on June 11. However, his family refused to turn off the life support machines hooked up to his body. Thus, the family could keep him artificially “alive.” Their motive? To settle a huge lawsuit against Mandela’s estate.

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Perhaps because the last time the United States undertook a humanitarian mission to Africa their soldiers were literally murdered and dragged through the streets.

That's America for ya! We'll sure as shit invade Iraq, Grenada, and Panama to protect out interests but after Somalia, the ENTIRE AFRICAN CONTINENT can go fuck itself now and forever.

Except Libya...because the Air Force. That's why.

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Nelson Mandela Family Finally Gives Up Charade and Admits Mandela Dead

Funeral was planned a year ago

Rebecca Savastio

Las Vegas Guardian Express

December 12, 2013


The Nelson Mandela family has finally given up their charade and admitted that Nelson Mandela is dead by announcing today that the former leader of South Africa is no longer with us. The charade began in June of 2013, and Guardian Express has maintained Mandela has been deceased since we were informed of his passing in June via one of our reporters embedded in South Africa. That reporter had received a text message from her close friend who works for the South African News which stated that Mandela had died the night prior. Since June, The Guardian Express has come under attack; first from a “denial of service” attack which shut the site down on and off for three days right after we published the news that Mandela had died. That denial of service attack was traced back to South Africa.

The Guardian Express was also attacked by people denying that the Nelson Mandela family was carrying on a charade. However, we stood by and continue to stand by our account that Mandela was declared permanently brain dead with total organ failure in June of 2013. Now, today, the family has finally decided to give up their charade.

We sent an additional reporter to South Africa who returned with an audio recording of two top government officials confirming the fact that Mandela was totally brain dead and was declared so on June 11. However, his family refused to turn off the life support machines hooked up to his body. Thus, the family could keep him artificially “alive.” Their motive? To settle a huge lawsuit against Mandela’s estate.

Nothing can top the charade of the guy doing the sign language interpreting.

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Hey DropDown. How's it goin'? :wave:This was sad. Why didn't Obama just set up his back-up teleprompter and turn it around. I know some basic signing, but I couldn't follow this dude. Except maybe for the "devil sign" he did a couple times.

:wave: all good, apfm!

Honestly,what an embarrassment. He said he was in a trance. Yeah, right!

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Perhaps because the last time the United States undertook a humanitarian mission to Africa their soldiers were literally murdered and dragged through the streets.

Ahhh...Lovely Somalia. Like Rwanda, they'll probably be advertising soon for tourism.

"Come! Come! See where thousands were butchered with China made machetes!"

"Come! Come! See the street where the American was dragged!"

We'll be waiting! ;)



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We sent an additional reporter to South Africa who returned with an audio recording of two top government officials confirming the fact that Mandela was totally brain dead and was declared so on June 11. However, his family refused to turn off the life support machines hooked up to his body. Thus, the family could keep him artificially “alive.” Their motive? To settle a huge lawsuit against Mandela’s estate.

Tried to tell ya guys...

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That's America for ya! We'll sure as shit invade Iraq, Grenada, and Panama to protect out interests but after Somalia, the ENTIRE AFRICAN CONTINENT can go fuck itself now and forever.

Every nation acts predominantly according to it's national security objectives and self-interests. You seem to be saying is America has a moral obligation...to rescue, to intervene in civil wars, etc...and are yet undoubtedly always among the first to oppose America's moral obligation to act according to it's national security objectives & self-interests (just as every other nation does). We can quibble over the objectives and self-interests, but let's not kid ourselves about how all nations are performing on the world stage.

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Tried to tell ya guys...

:hysterical: LMAO @ the video. Wicked sense of humor, Jonesy.

December 5, 2013.

It was revealed that Mandela’s family was suing him for control of his estate and since it is impossible to sue a dead person, it seems Mandela had to be kept “alive” with machines until a resolution could be found for the lawsuit. Thus far, there is no word on whether that lawsuit had been settled, but there are already many speculations in the press that this announcement today will begin the battles over the Mandela estate afresh.

The Mandela daughters and granddaughters have shown a good deal of greed when it comes to Mandela’s legacy. It has been reported that their fighting over his money got so bad that Mandela “lost faith” in his daughters and worried that their concern over money was overshadowing their concern for family harmony.

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Every nation acts predominantly according to it's national security objectives and self-interests. You seem to be saying is America has a moral obligation...to rescue, to intervene in civil wars, etc...and are yet undoubtedly always among the first to oppose America's moral obligation to act according to it's national security objectives & self-interests (just as every other nation does). We can quibble over the objectives and self-interests, but let's not kid ourselves about how all nations are performing on the world stage.

We have no moral obligations to police anything. My overall point was clearly that it is simply laughable to say that the rest of the world "needs us." It simply isn't true anymore. Maybe during the Cuban Missile Crisis and that's only because we took it upon ourselves to combat the USSRs every move. But post-Cold War era? Absolutely not. The world "needs us" the way the first few centuries a.d. "needed" the Roman Empire

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:hysterical: LMAO @ the video. Wicked sense of humor, Jonesy. December 5, 2013.It was revealed that Mandela’s family was suing him for control of his estate and since it is impossible to sue a dead person, it seems Mandela had to be kept “alive” with machines until a resolution could be found for the lawsuit. Thus far, there is no word on whether that lawsuit had been settled, but there are already many speculations in the press that this announcement today will begin the battles over the Mandela estate afresh.The Mandela daughters and granddaughters have shown a good deal of greed when it comes to Mandela’s legacy. It has been reported that their fighting over his money got so bad that Mandela “lost faith” in his daughters and worried that their concern over money was overshadowing their concern for family harmony.

I foresee a reality show coming up in the near future.

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This is all starting to sound like "King Lear".

Who, pray tell, "needs" us? Who is in mortal danger if the United States simply vanishes? Africa or the Middle East? With the exception of Israel, we already don't protect them from shit.

Asia? China, Russia, India, and Pakistan already run the continent, we have no control over it whatsoever, so nothing over there changes. Maybe Japan gets knocked around and that's a really big fucking maybe because Japan is an economic powerhouse and most countries have no reason to topple them anymore.

What about South America? The rest of North America? Absolutely not. Who's going to invade Mexico or Canada simply because the US is gone? What about Chile?

Europe? Honestly, who is going to attack Europe? Rather, who COULD invade Western Europe?

You're punch-drunk off American pop culture. Put down Call of Duty and throw away Independence Day. Go watch Restrepo or something.

With all due respect, you're interpreting cryingbluerain's remark too narrowly. It wasn't just a military need that cryingbluerain was implying...there is also the disaster relief and food supplies that the U.S. provides on a steady basis. Who is, more often than not, the first on the scene when disaster strikes? The U.S. MARINES, that's who!!! Refer to the recent devastation in the Phillipines for an example of the American generosity and compare it to the puny aid offered by China.

As TypeO and others can vouch, I'm no gung-ho 'America is always right' Cowboy, but to minimize the security and good-will the United States still provides to many countries is naive.

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