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Best crowd/taper


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I had this thought while listening to the San Diego gig, in 1977. What an audience ! More precisely in No quarter, when the bluesy jam ends and when Jonesy takes the original theme song. At this point, you can hear the screams of the crowd, including a hysterical guy (especially when Jimmy joined the piano) who scream like i want a scream when i listen to this stuff.

I also think about the first and unique time i hear the audience singing stairway :

Edited by Strider77
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Two different questions requiring two separate answers.

Best taper: Mike Millard in a landslide.

Best crowd: Tie - Madison Square Garden, September 19, 1970 Evening show/ Fabulous Forum, June 25, 1972.

You might expect me to pick one of the Forum shows and while I have fond memories of those, when you're talking about listening to live recordings and which crowd is fun to hear, the 1970 MSG show really stands out just as much as the Forum crowds. That guy who screams they're gonna tear the Garden apart gets me every time.

Edited by Strider
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^Mike The Mike... His recordings will live on forever even he did off himself due to his own personal demons. Best crowd? L.A. 6/21/77. You can hear everyone frothing at the mouth as the opening notes of "The Song Remains The Same" resonate through The Forum.

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Two different questions requiring two separate answers.

Best taper: Mike Millard in a landslide.

Best crowd: Tie - Madison Square Garden, September 19, 1970 Evening show/ Fabulous Forum, June 25, 1972.

You might expect me to pick one of the Forum shows and while I have fond memories of those, when you're talking about listening to live recordings and which crowd is fun to hear, the 1970 MSG show really stands out just as much as the Forum crowds. That guy who screams they're gonna tear the Garden apart gets me every time.

Anything with MSG 1970 is an A+ in my book! The crowd is nuts, the setlist is nuts and the performance is nuts! Also a pretty decent taping

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  • 2 weeks later...

Wow, best taper? I'm not even close to hardcore as some in these parts, How do you keep track of the individual tapers? That is amazing, I'm impressed you guys are HARDCORE!

True, but Millard (RIP) is sort of a singular figure in Zep taping circles. He made the best Zep AUD tapes ever - probably the best bootleg AUD tapes ever, period. Nakamichi portable deck hidden inside a wheelchair!

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True, but Millard (RIP) is sort of a singular figure in Zep taping circles. He made the best Zep AUD tapes ever - probably the best bootleg AUD tapes ever, period. Nakamichi portable deck hidden inside a wheelchair!

I think that's what puts Millard at the top. Not just the superb quality of his recordings...but his legendary backstory. Sitting in a wheelchair with a tape recorder hidden underneath. Crazy to think that he pulled it off with no one knowing. Good thing Peter Grant and his boys never found out. Millard would have needed that wheelchair for real.

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  • 3 months later...

"Freezer" was another good one, just hasn't released the volume of recordings Mike (unwillingly) did.

Oh I dunno about that...Freezer's recordings (the ones that made it out into common circulation, of course) are out there, and there's quite a few of them- easily as many as Millard's, I'd reckon. And, IMO, sound quality wise, they're just about neck and neck. Makes sens, considering they knew one another.

another really good crowd was NYC 1977/06/10. 1979/08/04 comes to mind as well.

That audience on 10/6/77 is absolutely batshit...listening to the audience tape (the "Rock And Roll Circus" source) the plethora of noisemakers -bird chirp whistles, airhorns and let's not forget the firecrackers- add so much atmosphere. I almost enjoy listening to that tape for all that as much as the music itself. If you really want to hear what the band was playing, grab that alternate source I just uploaded...if you just want to dig the crowd and imagine yer there, listen to "Rock And Roll Circus".

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Just to add to my earlier answer...one reason I can't put 6.21.77 as "Best crowd" is because of the assholes that ruin it with their impatience during "No Quarter" and the acoustic set. Yeah, the crowd is amped at the beginning and I like the guy who screams for "Heartbreaker" and has his wish rewarded. But the guy who screams "Music NOW!" or "play some rock and roll!" during the softer parts of the show I find annoying and disrespectful. It is exactly what the band complained about playing acoustic sets in places like Detroit or Cleveland. I am glad I didn't have to hear those jerks where I was sitting.

Or the people droning on about the Vietnam war or some such shit on the 6.23.77 bootleg. I mean, WTF!?!

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I always laugh at the hippy dippy girl on 1977/06/25. FREE AMERICA! FREE ROCK N ROLL! DID YOU KNOW THAT IT IS ILLEGAL TO ROCK AND ROLL IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA? Good stuff. I agree about the crowd on 06/21. That one asshole ruins the Noise Solo for me every time.

Edited by Sue Dounim
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I agree about the crowd on 06/21. That one asshole ruins the Noise Solo for me every time.

You don't think that asshole kind of had a point, though, Sue? Even in spite of the laser pyramid etc you don't think ten plus minutes of Page making wierd noises with his guitar was a bit much? Especially when they could have filled that space by playing another actual SONG? I know, you like the Noise Solos, but I can see why people in the audience got a little impatient -sometimes extending to being right pissed off- with Page's guitar wankery. That's not what the punters paid their hard earned cash to see/hear. A little five minute bowed guitar display ala the 1979 shows would have been sufficient. As much as I love the 1977 shows the second half of the concert can seem like a bit of an endurance test some nights...

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You don't think that asshole kind of had a point, though, Sue? Even in spite of the laser pyramid etc you don't think ten plus minutes of Page making wierd noises with his guitar was a bit much? Especially when they could have filled that space by playing another actual SONG? I know, you like the Noise Solos, but I can see why people in the audience got a little impatient -sometimes extending to being right pissed off- with Page's guitar wankery. That's not what the punters paid their hard earned cash to see/hear. A little five minute bowed guitar display ala the 1979 shows would have been sufficient. As much as I love the 1977 shows the second half of the concert can seem like a bit of an endurance test some nights...

Although, strangely enough the drum solos seemed to fly by compared to the 1975 shows.

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Oh I dunno about that...Freezer's recordings (the ones that made it out into common circulation, of course) are out there, and there's quite a few of them- easily as many as Millard's, I'd reckon. And, IMO, sound quality wise, they're just about neck and neck. Makes sens, considering they knew one another.

Hey there Nutrocker! Great to see you back around these parts again! :)

I was referring to Zeppelin output. I am not really aware of other group's bootlegs or who recorded them. Interesting to know that those 2 knew each other, back in a time where finding others with common ground isn't nearly as easy as it is today.


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while it IS Freezer's property you guys ALL know you'd love to hear that show....especially me being an LSU fan, i've searched out every show Zeppelin played at the Baton Rouge arena or stadium. and this is one i'd love love love to hear, and i think if Freezer could've trusted a few people to be the team to put it out, whether it be online or a physical "free" release as well....i dunno...i get that it was HIS experience, HIS tapes and if you were close enough with him you were gonna get to hear it, and most of those guys wont share shit, that's how much they had Freezer's back. So...take that group of people and have them be the ones who'd put it out, respectfully, and with Freezer's tapes best interest. No wholesale profit-fuckers destroying the sound into a mush with next gen after next gen. just one proper release and that's it. its not the end of the world if we never hear this show but come on guys...just him throwing them out is kinda shotty. like Freezer wasnt in Led Zeppelin, its not really HIS WORK, its only his RECORDING WORK..and he kinda acts like he was up there on the stage or at least equal to it enough that it should only ever be HIS experience with those tapes. that's the thing i find annoying, and of course, he also found a lot of the trolls in the Zeppelin / trader's den community annoying, and more than annoying but entitled as fuck. he could've had his friends have the tapes and ensure every leak went into the right hands, and if those people leaked it they would get banned or something? i dunno...me thinks Freezer isnt really dead ;)

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i dunno it seems kinda redundant but the only way a tape ever stays to the same quality at which you first recorded are the ones that're never shared....so....what to do? not show this gem to the world or just keep it here in my place where i can spark a doobie and listen to this once a year on the anniversary date of the show???? even if i had those principles i know after a while i'd give in wanting some of the badasses on this forum, ive had the pleasure of getting to know already, to hear it in all its glory

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while it IS Freezer's property you guys ALL know you'd love to hear that show....


i dunno...me thinks Freezer isnt really dead ;)

If you got screwed around by collectors and bootleggers as many times as Freezer did, you'd probably want to destroy yer collection of master tapes too. Did you actually read those huge discussions over at the Den? What happened with Freezer's New Orleans '73 audience tape ("Freezer's Revenge") is, to this day, the shittiest, most underhanded thing I've ever heard of in audience tape collecting. You can't read that discussion and not end up a little bit jaded and cynical in regard to the tape collecting hobby.

Yeah, we'd love to hear his Baton Rouge '77 recording, but it ain't gonna happen any time soon. Again, blame the bootleggers for that one. Yes, he gave copies of it out. He also told the people he gave them to to keep it to themselves, and they have. It's called respecting the taper's wishes. I bet we'll see the goddamn soundboard of the Baton Rouge '77 show before we ever see Freezer's audience tape in circulation.

And, yeah, Freezer really is dead. His obit was printed in the NOLA paper...Mr Parr -to use Freezer's real name- was a well respected member of the NOLA/Red Stick community. I don't think his life revolved around taping and collecting. Hard to believe that the guy's been in the ground two and a half years and there are still people out there who have -as Freezer would put it- "Entitlement Issues" when it comes to the recordings he made.

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