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Jimmy Page to give a talk on his photo autobiography on November 3 in NYC


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I will be meeting up with Deborah and co, but not until later in the day as I have to work tomorrow. Wish it had been the first week in October as I was on vacation that week. Will be getting into NYC via train around 545 or so! Anyway...looking forward to meeting everyone and perhaps we can hang out a bit afterwards, depending!

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At the risk of getting struck down, people here have been pretty hard on JP lately both about him playing (or not) and this book signing deal. One thing that has consistently been acknowledged is his accessibility and patient attitude towards his fans. One thing that could explain this problem could be arthritis - I'm 9 years younger than Jimmy and man, I've got a hard time doing one signature any more never mind 250 of them. You would never know there was anything wrong by just looking at my fingers and yet if anyone has seen Keith Richards claws lately you would wonder how he could ever pick up a guitar never mind play one. This disease takes on different forms - it is possible (if this is the case) the man is waiting on an effective treatment or maybe even a cure? More fuel for the fire - go ahead!

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At the risk of getting struck down, people here have been pretty hard on JP lately both about him playing (or not) and this book signing deal. One thing that has consistently been acknowledged is his accessibility and patient attitude towards his fans. One thing that could explain this problem could be arthritis - I'm 9 years younger than Jimmy and man, I've got a hard time doing one signature any more never mind 250 of them. You would never know there was anything wrong by just looking at my fingers and yet if anyone has seen Keith Richards claws lately you would wonder how he could ever pick up a guitar never mind play one. This disease takes on different forms - it is possible (if this is the case) the man is waiting on an effective treatment or maybe even a cure? More fuel for the fire - go ahead!

He stamped books AND shook hands with 200 people at the Tokyo event. If he was suffering with painful arthritis the last thing he'd want to do is shake hands with two hundred people. As I've said before, it seems to have more to do with being sensitive to the fact that people paid several hundred dollars for the original signed edition. It would be a slap in their face for him to sign several hundred copies of this mass produced edition essentially for free.

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Thank you Stargroves Tangie for your fingers crossed magickal intention :wizard:! I do hope I am one of the 250.

I personally don't mind that he is stamping rather than signing the books. Just being able to walk up to him and stand on the other side of a table will be more memorable than a signature.

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Just spoke with Deborah and they're getting revved up at the bar at the Hard Rock at the moment. She says "Hello from New York!" to the Forum.

Hope all of you who made it to NYC enjoy the experience!

Edited by Strider
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Aw, that was something else, pretty cool! The audience was sure motivational as far as when they asked Jimmy about his future plans! You could tell he really liked it and that it was motivational for him. The audience basically roared when they asked him about his 2015 and beyond plans, and Jimmy blushed and said: "Well, with motivation like that"! or something very similar.

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WOW! I was able to tune in to the end of the streaming interview and caught the Q&A section (and the shout out of Jimmy you are so cool...was that one of our forum members!!??). You all represented the forum very well, thank you for showing Jimmy the support and love that we are all feeling!! And it showed that he appreciated it!! GREAT JOB, and a night I know you will never forget!


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(and the shout out of Jimmy you are so cool...was that one of our forum members!!??).

Yeah, and the "Jimmy you are a god"! I wondered that :lol: All in all I thought it was well done and Jeff Koons did a great job, very interesting.

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It was a fun night and a great experience. Jeff Koons in general did a good job, with the exception of not knowing that Jimmy had toured with the Black Crowes! :slapface: The audience gave Jimmy a huge ovation when he came out and he certainly appreciated it. I think he was a little embarrassed with a couple of the shout outs from the audience! I think Jimmy seemed to enjoy the interview session and I know he appreciated the audience and how much we were into it. His 2015 plans got the biggest response and he was a bit coy about it, but not as much as usual. So we'll see. He referred to it as some sort of secret project, but who knows if he has anything in the works yet. Let's hope as this road or game, seems to have no end! :beat:

Too bad I didn't get to hang out with some of the forum members during the day, but at least I made it and got to a bit during the interview and afterwards with Deborah, Stargroves, Morgan Rudolph and Stevo!

All in all a great night and memorable experience to see Jimmy like this! It's been 15 years since, I last saw him with the BCs at Roseland Ballroom here.

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What I'd like the interviewer(s) to probe with Jimmy, is the creative process in the studio (with the other band members). Several other superstar rock bands have filmed themselves working in the studio. So, since we don't have that visual documentary of Led Zeppelin, I would like Jimmy to elaborate on that. :)

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We had a great time! I spent most of the day Monday at Hard Rock Cafe with a few friends who also love LZ. We spent a few hours talking about the music. The bartender (Troy) was great! He even went and put a few videos of Led Zeppelin and music from the 70's up for us.

Jimmy was well received by the audience:-) It was wonderful to finally meet SuperDave, Stargroves, Morgan Rudolph, stevo,Steve Z(oso) and a few other people.I enjoyed that as much as the event.

Overall it was a great interview. (only glitch was not knowing about The Black Crowes). Jimmy was great and had a few shout outs from the audience..and like it was already stated, when asked about what he would be doing in 2015 the place lit up:-)

My camera is charging and I will post photos tomorrow or Thursday as I have two days of work to catch up. They did not allow us to take photos at the event, but at the end I tried to get a couple without a flash. I hope they are usable! I also hope the video get's put up soon...it looks like the Y2 may have it up in a couple of days. :peace:

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Taylore Miguelre heard ppl where lining up at midnight.

I love JP but I don't have an OCD for him. If going means waiting in the cold all night - I think I'll pass.

You would have hated the '70s...camping out for Zeppelin tickets would not have been your cup of tea.

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:lol: No kidding Strider! I think every concert goer in the 70's either lined up at 2am or camped overnight for concert tix! There was no internet...you had to wait outside the ticket offices or the venues. No Starbucks either.....I remember choking down some particularly horrid McD's coffee at 2am one morning just to stay awake and keep warm.. The plus side too in the 70's and 80's - scalper prices weren't so outrageous....

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