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Is Jimmy 'not up to it'?

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Just to say, " I have what is purportedly the x-ray " comes across wrong. Its like a child on the playground saying, " Na, na, I have something you don't have; look how important I am! ". Its really dumb to make that claim in regards to medical records, purportedly in connection to someone or otherwise.

Why can't it come across as I have something I'm not willing to share on a public forum?

I also think that its insulting to upload the 'Angry Guitarist' video in an attempt to mock someone who is now in his seventies and has made a steller career and legacy for himself in music that has inspired so many others.

If you can't take a joke you shouldn't have joined.

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I don't what this thread is about. He's out of practice is all. He's not playing gig after gig, night after night. I like how some of you under estimate our guitar hero. Most 70 year olds I know still play guitar just fine. He might have arthritis though. I don't know. He played Ramble On just fine on the spot.

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Guys, when I show up at a ski hill in November for the start of the season my skiing does not exactly sparkle and shine the first day out. By the 3rd or 4th time on the mountain things start to come together. And by the 5th time, I'm doing what I like to do when I want to do it. I'm sure the same thing applies to Jimmy as well in the context of guitar. He is in good physical shape, his mind seems sharp, and clear of substance issues.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hey I've just joined up and I'll admit I've not read every post, but I watched that video in Paris, he started off fine. Playing acoustic it takes me at least 3 weeks playing every day to build the calluses to play a song right the way through. So just to assume he's not been playing a lot of acoustic of late would mean it would be very difficult to play it beyond a few bars. Add to that, no warm up, not one of his guitars, he was playing it rested on the desk and not in a proper position! He was lucky to get the bars out of it he did, if he hadn't been Jimmy Page there wouldn't have even been enough to recognise the song. The last interview I watched he talked about getting back in shape for live performance, but that clip is no gauge of his current standard IMHO, it just shows what happens when any guitarist picks up an acoustic and hasn't been playing one for a while, hasn't warmed up, and frankly doesn't want to be doing it.

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Too bad Jimmy didn't pull a Pete Townshend, I would have laughed my ass off if he would have strummed the guitar a couple of times and then smashed it to pieces. Jimmy then smiles says, "sorry mate, I only play Martin's."

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This thread is quite the train wreck! Whomever has said Jimmy has played "Ramble On" thousands of times doesn't know the live history very well. It's one of few early Zeppelin songs that was never played, by the band, in its entirety - only as a small snippet in a medley and usually just a lyric thrown in. He didn't play it until some of the Plant/Page shows of the 90's and then again at the 02 and at a FF show. Never was it performed with an acoustic guitar, in a live setting. Plus as was said, who knows if the guitar was tuned to the right tuning, etc. Obviously some are just trolling here, as they continue to do in other threads.

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O.k.,the peacemaker has arrived,Walters descriptive of this thread is correct. Cooler heads will prevail let's all chill out ,let the air clear, and eventually we get it straight. Its Friday ,every one enjoy the weekend for a change!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I really hope that is just a you being funny, because it really does apply in most things that people do in life.

There is also something called "making adjustments in the moment". I've played guitar for 30 years and can pick up a strange guitar with high action and make the best of it. But there are also days where my head or heart isn't in to playing spontaneously. I assume that's what happened to JP. He wasn't planning or thinking about playing and was caught by surprise.

JP sometimes gets almost zero credit for being human in this forum. Are some of you under the impression that he recorded everything in his catalog in one take?

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There is also something called "making adjustments in the moment". I've played guitar for 30 years and can pick up a strange guitar with high action and make the best of it. But there are also days where my head or heart isn't in to playing spontaneously. I assume that's what happened to JP. He wasn't planning or thinking about playing and was caught by surprise.

JP sometimes gets almost zero credit for being human in this forum. Are some of you under the impression that he recorded everything in his catalog in one take?

He didn't? Awww...god damn it.

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There is a very interesting story to tell here. Zep was all ready to go tour the states originally in Feb or March 77' , but the tour was

Postponed I heard due to I think Plant's tonsillitis. ALL of the equipment was sent to the states, including Page's guitars. So, Page

needed a Les Paul to practice on , and it was sent over. It was a minor disaster because If I remember right the guitar was set up

With high action and thick strings(Page typically uses a .008 or.009 set)and Page complained it was useless. But what many people

On this site said was right on. A guitar's setup is a big deal. I absolutely hate thinner strings; they feel like rubber bands to me.

Of course Page was probably too cheap to send the Gibson to be set up to his specs, but Led Wallet is his middle name.

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  • 2 months later...

Back then Jimmy had his chops but not an appreciative audience. This time around, he had the right audience but not the right chops.

Yeah, "chops". When that guy surprised him with an acoustic and no pick he should have launched into a note-perfect White Summer, or maybe the Heartbreaker solo, just to prove to message board members everywhere that he can "still do it, maaaan." :rolleyes:

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  • 2 weeks later...

All I can say is that I have been to numerous parties where someone mentioned that I play guitar. Curses, a guitar was around and now

I was obligated to be a human jukebox. Also many musicians go thru little routines or preparations before they play. Regardless of the

fact that you are professional, gig ready , or not.

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Why can't it come across as I have something I'm not willing to share on a public forum?

If you can't take a joke you shouldn't have joined.

Agreed on both counts. I too have Jimmy Page artifacts that would "blow his socks off" if he knew I had them. They came to me from sources who knew I would be interested. And now that they are in my possession, they are safe forever. The angry guitarist was awesome. Edited by The Dark Lord
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He tip-toed into a song of his own choosing - hell, one he wrote - and the end result was quite underwhelming.

Handing Jimmy that guitar to strum is like handing Bob Vila a hammer and asking him to pound a nail.

If I am interpreting your analogy correctly; playing that song should have been second nature to Page; something he should be able to do automatically without giving it much thought. Yet, he struggled.

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All I can say is that I have been to numerous parties where someone mentioned that I play guitar. Curses, a guitar was around and now

I was obligated to be a human jukebox.

:) You should've passed the hat around,Mithril46.

As regards the thread topic,Jimmy would be patently aware of the major players on the scene and he'd also be aware that something off the scale special would be needed to tilt the axis in his favour again,those days are gone.

Speaking of hats,I'll have mine with salt and pepper if he comes out and blows the world away with his playing new material.



Me of little faith xo

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