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The Next Jimmy Page Studio Album

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2 hours ago, Brigante said:

Like others, I'd assumed that Jimmy pretty much wants to collaborate with Robert, above all else. Yet, when Robert told Jimmy 'if you've got anything acoustic, let me know and I'll give it a whirl', Jimmy apparently 'just walked away'. Does that mean that Jimmy's interest is only in a Zeppelin reunion and not something more low-key? I dunno. 

I imagine it's because Robert said 'Acoustic Only'. I suppose this probably means that Page would rather do a mixture of Acoustic and Electric Material

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1 hour ago, Stairway is NOT stolen said:

I imagine it's because Robert said 'Acoustic Only'. I suppose this probably means that Page would rather do a mixture of Acoustic and Electric Material

That and the fact that Robert Plant was once again laying down HIS terms.. you know ... Me and Page ... No JPJ ... No Jason ...  Acoustic based.. etc..  

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Am I reading correctly?  Plant was more than fine to work along side  Jimmy as long as it
was acoustic and he comes without the the other two amigos?  Well that's not a shock since
bringing in the other two opens up the Zep doors again,  but I do admit Jimmy not wanting to
work one on one shows how much  Robert being in control is not how Jimmy would want it.
The ship was ran differently of course in the Zep's heyday 

So when did Plant start holding all the cards?  Has he been holding them since In Through The
Our Door?
  If it wasn't at that point,  it was certainly evident after the O2 gig.   Jimmy,  Jones and
Jason all in search of a singer.  I wonder if a portion of the disagreeing was because a certain
lead guitarist was leaning towards Robert Plant/part 2.   Then we have  Jonesy and Jason maybe
more willing to give a number of other singers a shot,   but then there's  Jimmy and that crutch
he *thinks*  he needs to lean on. 

After '80 Zep closed shop,  Plant was  eager to prove he could make it without the aid of Jimmy
Page writing the music.   Plant has proven that.  It's Jimmy where you can only wonder :( what
happened.   My God being the creative genius he was.  It's as if without Zeppelin style Robert
Plant,  Jimmy's craft as a songwriter and playing musician are now deeply hidden away.  

My post  should have Shari Lewis and Lamb Chop singing on an infinite loop "This Is The Song
That Never Ends..Yes It Goes On and On My Friends."   
that  or  "99 Bottles Of Beer On The
  because what I'm saying  we've  all  heard  before haven't we.   

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53 minutes ago, KellyGirl said:

So when did Plant start holding all the cards?  

As soon as he quit giving fucks about being in Zeppelin...I would say August 1977 to be precise.

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Yeah IpMan sounds right.  The aftermath of '77.  There's a ton of heartache and backstage drama
that comes with that.  Now Robert can add the Stairway To Heaven  trial to his list of negative
seeds that fall from the Zep tree.   Not that there's a comparison to the sadness that came in July
1977 and Sept 1980.  It's just something unpleasant that once again connects to Zeppelin for him
more than likely.

Well besides winning being HUGE,  maybe the trial sparked up something good between the two
and they'll work together in the near future.  Or maybe I stepped in unicorn poop again.  

I think my curiosity piqued on what Jimmy's next project would be because during the trial
there was obviously not going to be anything  coming down the line,   but now that the trial is
over of course I began to wonder.  Then I'm yanked back into reality again.     


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6 hours ago, IpMan said:

As soon as he quit giving fucks about being in Zeppelin...I would say August 1977 to be precise.

On this we agree. He hasn't held ALL the cards, but willingness to walk/stay away (as necessary) has been an Ace up his sleeve ever since.

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Yes, true - the 'give it a whirl' bit doesn't exactly ring with genuine interest and commitment, does it?  Then again, we don't know if Robert's actual words to Jimmy (as opposed to what he told the journalist in 2014) were as throwaway as this. Plus, Robert seems to be very conscious of the 'weight of expectation' that comes with any Page-Plant collaboration and could have phrased it this way in an attempt to keep that at bay. Or, yes, it could all have been tongue in cheek and we shouldn't give it too much weight. Was Jimmy ever asked about this during the re-issue interviews?      

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11 hours ago, IpMan said:

As soon as he quit giving fucks about being in Zeppelin...I would say August 1977 to be precise.

I believe Peter Grant said something similar around this time frame, where Page was originally in charge, and Plant wanted to be.  Now, he said, Plant is in charge.  The timeframe seems about right, 77 or 78 would be my guess. 

To have Jeff Beck hint at doing an album together and not do it....At the Kennedy Center honors, Buddy Guy hinted at doing something with Page.  And Page's response to these offers: "hold off, gotta remaster (again) some Zep music".  Page is Zep and that is it.   That's all he can imagine in his career.

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Beck and Guy have guitars in their hands everyday, from what I know, and jam constantly . Page EVEN in the 70's

wasn't especially later a daily player.Now ?? Jimmy could maybe do a guest guitarist album, him being the boss and

building back some reasonable chops first. Of course wishful fantasy. But just Beck or Guy ??? No Way. Jimmy knows

that such an attempt, unless Page practiced 5-6 hrs a day for a whole year, Jimmy would end up looking pathetic.

Jimmy is actually smart to not to try a Beck or Guy thing. Actually because of skill loss, those projects IMO wouldn't

make it far.

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On 6/28/2016 at 2:20 PM, Mithril46 said:

Beck and Guy have guitars in their hands everyday, from what I know, and jam constantly . Page EVEN in the 70's

wasn't especially later a daily player.Now ?? Jimmy could maybe do a guest guitarist album, him being the boss and

building back some reasonable chops first. Of course wishful fantasy. But just Beck or Guy ??? No Way. Jimmy knows

that such an attempt, unless Page practiced 5-6 hrs a day for a whole year, Jimmy would end up looking pathetic.

Jimmy is actually smart to not to try a Beck or Guy thing. Actually because of skill loss, those projects IMO wouldn't

make it far.

Everything you wrote above is probably true.  Still, I'm reminded of what a very wise woman told me years ago:  "I realized that in seven years I was going to be seven years older, no matter what I did, so decided that at I might as well spend the next seven years working on my PhD in psychology."  She earned her PhD in psychology at the age of 51 and twenty years later is still working as a family therapist.   My point?  Yes, Jimmy Page is 72 years old and yes, it's a fair assumption that his guitar playing skills are probably rusty.  But next year he's going to be a year older whether or not he spends the time practicing the guitar.    I suspect that age and rusty skills aren't the only reasons for Page's retirement.   It could be as simple as he lost interest in the actual tasks of  performing and/or recording new music.    Let's be honest; how many of us would continue to work at our chosen careers if we had Page's financial assets?  I know I wouldn't. 

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Just finished watching Page & Plant in Irvine CA October 3rd, 1995 and I have been thoroughly blown away by Page's playing through this show. I had no idea he was this damn good in 95'. I knew he was this good in 98' but this was a surprise. His playing from 95' - 2000 was just as good, if not better, than what he did during most of Zeppelin. The jam he did in WLL after Porl Thompson's was not only epic, but different from anything else I have heard him do.

I know it has been 16 years since he played at this level but I truly believe, after watching that, Page could be a stella live performer with maybe six months practice and a further three months of live playing. 

C'mon Jimmy, I know you have a third act just waiting to come out...GO FOR IT!


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What Ip and Duck are saying are very good points. One thing non-musicians don't realize is that once you have thoroughly

internalized your skill set, it doesn't take that long, regardless of layoff, to rekindle it. Certainly as a ballpark figure

Jimmy could be 80% as good as he ever was if he seriously practiced 5-6 hrs a day for 6-8 months, reasonably. But to

really make a stand with Beck or Guy, at least a year. It's actually astonishing how many fans don't know about Jimmy's

volcanic and blazing playing on the 98' P/P tour. In fact some have even noticed that his playing during that tour was

as a whole more consistently brilliant than even many legendary Zep shows. Page always hit some bum notes or 

awkward phrases in Zep, in P/P , my guitar player friends couldn't believe what power Page still had. So if Jimmy wants,

barring arthritis, etc., IMO he could again blow the roof off whatever venue he was playing at. But it doesn't appear

Page is likely to do that, for all the reasons many mention.

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On ‎7‎/‎2‎/‎2016 at 10:40 AM, IpMan said:

His playing from 95' - 2000 was just as good, if not better, than what he did during most of Zeppelin. The jam he did in WLL after Porl Thompson's was not only epic, but different from anything else I have heard him do.

His playing from late Summer 1995 to the end of 1998 is arguably the most consistent it had been since 1973, but of course he was no longer the gunslinger that he was from '68-'73. Elements of that WLL jam in Irvine can be heard in the recordings from the 1979 Knebworth Festival as well as the 1988 Atlantic Records reunion performance.


On ‎7‎/‎2‎/‎2016 at 1:20 PM, Mithril46 said:

So if Jimmy wants, barring arthritis, etc., IMO he could again blow the roof off whatever venue he was playing at.

He didn't blow the roof off the 02, and that was nearly ten long years ago. His speed and dexterity was understandably diminished. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

The Robert thing, and Jimmy's real fire to play again are paramount here, also 20,000 seat arenas or nothing. But

still this drives me crazy. I can accept the retirement, but even soon after Zep up till his now "exit", I still am astonished

at how Jimmy with his huge overview of guitar skill and composition, never really progressed much from Zep. It can be

argued that many brilliant artists have their time, and then they slip back into competent mediocrity, and so on. I do

believe now , not say 20 yrs ago, that Page really and truly could not have achieved what he did in Zep without large

contributions from all the members. Page, musical mastermind of Zep ?? Sort of, but absolutely not the way people

thought. What of the Firm ?? Yes, Jimmy's rehabilitation project, but few regard the band's music as truly exceptional.

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1 hour ago, Mithril46 said:

I still am astonished at how Jimmy with his huge overview of guitar skill and composition, never really progressed much from Zep.

I thought he was on the right track more so with Roy Harper than The Firm. Anyway, it's painfully obvious it's all over for him now  (musically speaking) and probably has been since 2008.

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This is probably meant for the Stones thread on the board - I read on Twitter Clapton will
be on the Stones next album.  I bring the subject up because I see other artists constantly
collaborating about with their peers and I'm always left wondering why not with Jimmy.  Do I 
need Page on a Stones album... well err no,  but shit it would definitely garner some attention.
It's also a way to do something 'new'  without the pressure of solo album on your own.  I'm
talking out loud here  Ha ha.

Would it be that hard for Jimmy to guest on somebody's album?  Sigh,  I know the question 
mimic's a broken record,  and I already know the answer to this.  It's just a head scratcher for
me I guess.  


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11 hours ago, Mithril46 said:

The Robert thing, and Jimmy's real fire to play again are paramount here, also 20,000 seat arenas or nothing. But

still this drives me crazy. I can accept the retirement, but even soon after Zep up till his now "exit", I still am astonished

at how Jimmy with his huge overview of guitar skill and composition, never really progressed much from Zep. It can be

argued that many brilliant artists have their time, and then they slip back into competent mediocrity, and so on. I do

believe now , not say 20 yrs ago, that Page really and truly could not have achieved what he did in Zep without large

contributions from all the members. Page, musical mastermind of Zep ?? Sort of, but absolutely not the way people

thought. What of the Firm ?? Yes, Jimmy's rehabilitation project, but few regard the band's music as truly exceptional.


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9 hours ago, KellyGirl said:

This is probably meant for the Stones thread on the board - I read on Twitter Clapton will
be on the Stones next album.  I bring the subject up because I see other artists constantly
collaborating about with their peers and I'm always left wondering why not with Jimmy.  Do I 
need Page on a Stones album... well err no,  but shit it would definitely garner some attention.
It's also a way to do something 'new'  without the pressure of solo album on your own.  I'm
talking out loud here  Ha ha.

Would it be that hard for Jimmy to guest on somebody's album?  Sigh,  I know the question 
mimic's a broken record,  and I already know the answer to this.  It's just a head scratcher for
me I guess.  


It doesn't matter, but here are my 5 wishes and I would love for any 1 of the 5 to happen

(1) Page starts up Coverdale Page again which I thought was perfect for a first outing together

(2) Page records and builds 12 individual songs with 12 individual singers so each song is its own project and has its own individual merit

(3) Jason Bonham, John Paul Jones, and Page record an album together without a singer

(4) Page works with Roger Daltrey for a 1 off project and see where it goes from there

(5) Calls up random bands insert band (The Tea Party, Def Leppard it could any anone) and says "I want to record a song with you"

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Some of those seem good, but would have been better 20 years ago.    I personally don't want to see Page on stage like other old geezers on stage doing their last thing.    Some sort of integrity needs to be preserved.

Robert Plant was very jealous of the Coverdale project and Robert was the reason the rest of the tour got canceled.

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