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Hot pics of Jimmy


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Nobody's forbidden anyone to drool. It's just that some of us feel like we've been assed out of this thread by the droolers who've taken it too far. HPOJ is a 10 year-old thread resurrected on this forum. We were all a part of it. We put a lot of love and effort into it, and now it's been basically turned into a fantasy thread. On the old board, we had fantasy threads just for that purpose. But now the pics thread has become the girls' bathroom. And THAT'S FINE! That's what "Cool Pics of Jimmy" was started for. There's room for everyone. But I can't believe people are posting like they're being oppressed. Have your uprising, but I'll tell you this, there's dozens of women who've been Pagettes for decades who don't even want to see this thread anymore. Who bleeds for the original Pagettes ladies? The ones who made up the term. So we've left the thread to you. Be happy! Have your fun! No one's complaining anymore.

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OK I have a little Pagette story to tell :D

I met up with my best friend this morning and we were playing a game where we make up a romantic story with David Tennant (my second crush-search him up he is gorgeous too) And we take it in turns to add a bit to the story, I have changed a few things due to character reference. I'm sure she won't mind if we use it for Pagetting ;)

Btw Port Meadow is a meadow 5min walk from my house. Oh and it wasn't this poetic sounding, I did that :D

Imgaine sitting in Port Meadow, the sun is setting and Jimmy is wearing a loose shirt. You are lying by the river, eating Champaine and strawberries, and to eachother aswell ;)

Night falls, the stars are out, the moonlight shimmers on the water. It's perfect.

Jimmy then stands up, holds out his hands and says " May I have this dance miss ***?" You take his hand, and you look into eachother's eyes, as he twirls you around. You are dancing for what felt like hours. It starts to rain but you continue dancing; for hours.

You sit back down by the lake, watching the moon's reflection dance on the surface. There is a cold breeze, you shiver. Jimmy notices and he wraps his arms around you, making you feel safe. As you lie against his chest, hearing his heartbeat, you drift off to sleep, but before you fall under, he whispers in your ear "I love you, stay with me forever"

Can you imagine! OK so it's over the top, but it's fun ;)




Oh, Lucia! I love it, but I can hear him say, "May I have this dancing, darling?"

Edited by aen27
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Oh, I love him, our dark lord, with his fluffy hair. :wub: And he and David are so adorable together!

Yeah they're so adorable together that he doesn't remember how to play ANY of the tunes on the Coverdale/Page album. ;)

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Are you questioning the credibility of Mr. I-am-Jimmy's friend Halfin? ;)

I tried delete that. I missunderstood you. I just don't like the idea of Jimmy getting older like everyone else. :D

Edited by aen27
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I tried delete that. I missunderstood you. I just don't like the idea of Jimmy getting older like everyone else. :D

Oh I see, you must have misinterpreted my words badly. I was definitely not implying what you thougt.

Though I don't see anything wrong with the idea of Jimmy getting old like everyone else. He IS getting older. It's just the nature course and nothing to be ashamed of. He has aged gracefully, still looks good and we should be thankful, don't you think so?

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Oh I see, you must have misinterpreted my words badly. I was definitely not implying what you thougt.

Though I don't see anything wrong with the idea of Jimmy getting old like everyone else. He IS getting older. It's just the nature course and nothing to be ashamed of. He has aged gracefully, still looks good and we should be thankful, don't you think so?

Of course.

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Nobody's forbidden anyone to drool. It's just that some of us feel like we've been assed out of this thread by the droolers who've taken it too far. HPOJ is a 10 year-old thread resurrected on this forum. We were all a part of it. We put a lot of love and effort into it, and now it's been basically turned into a fantasy thread. On the old board, we had fantasy threads just for that purpose. But now the pics thread has become the girls' bathroom. And THAT'S FINE! That's what "Cool Pics of Jimmy" was started for. There's room for everyone. But I can't believe people are posting like they're being oppressed. Have your uprising, but I'll tell you this, there's dozens of women who've been Pagettes for decades who don't even want to see this thread anymore. Who bleeds for the original Pagettes ladies? The ones who made up the term. So we've left the thread to you. Be happy! Have your fun! No one's complaining anymore.

You are my overlord.

I can't stand to visit this thread anymore :( And that's a shame because I really do adore the man. Have done for over a decade. Now, it's just the same ol' pictures or cringe-worthy comments. It's too much for me.

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OK can we stop with the complaining? becuase there are now 2 threads for Pagey, this one is for drooling.

And I'm sorry if we have ruined the thread for you, I really am I didn't realise that we had taken it too far, it was just a bit of fun.

Now I feel really really bad for what kind of Pagette I am. (I know Ev has been saying not to and I appreciate that but now I can't help it) I'm sorry.


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OK can we stop with the complaining? becuase there are now 2 threads for Pagey, this one is for drooling.

And I'm sorry if we have ruined the thread for you, I really am I didn't realise that we had taken it too far, it was just a bit of fun.

Now I feel really really bad for what kind of Pagette I am. (I know Ev has been saying not to and I appreciate that but now I can't help it) I'm sorry.

Dear, feel free to be as Jimmylicious as you like. :lol:

No sorry necessary. I didn't mean to spoil anyone's fun! I just wanted to take part in the photo posting and it was kind of awkward for a guy to do so amidst all the drooling! ;)

Anyway, we've sorted that all out with the new thread and all that. It's all happy in Jimmytown as far as I'm concerned.

Drool away!

'cept you Zoso"girl". We drew a line, but you're pushing. I know you crave drama, make the board more exciting so to speak, but in this thread of all places? Young girl central? Come on!!

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