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To Leave A Tip or Not to Leave a Tip


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7 hours ago, rm2551 said:

100% agree.

You realize you are agreeing with the minority opinion on that here in this country don't you?  Just a line of talking points used to herd some people into accepting and maintaining a perceived victim status and/or virtue signaling in exchange for their votes. The irony of course is that in itself is the real "greed and corruption" built into the equation of so called "progressivism". A straight path down the trail to "all animals are equal but some animals are more equal than others".

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18 hours ago, kipper said:

You realize you are agreeing with the minority opinion on that here in this country don't you?

Possibly, but that's ok. I know I don't hold all the answers. Discussion on such things is interesting to me. I have opinions. They are opinions that a lot of people will agree with or think are rubbish. It's all interesting and all good. I wish I had of spent more of my youth actually looking at political systems, philosophical ideas, and more deep writings about life, but alas... I'm happy and confident enough to express myself with my life experience. That's good enough.

18 hours ago, kipper said:

Just a line of talking points used to herd some people into accepting and maintaining a perceived victim status and/or virtue signaling in exchange for their votes. The irony of course is that in itself is the real "greed and corruption" built into the equation of so called "progressivism". A straight path down the trail to "all animals are equal but some animals are more equal than others".

100% disagree. :)


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On 4/16/2019 at 9:23 AM, kipper said:

  Just a line of talking points used to herd some people into accepting and maintaining a perceived victim status and/or virtue signaling in exchange for their votes. The irony of course is that in itself is the real "greed and corruption" built into the equation of so called "progressivism". A straight path down the trail to "all animals are equal but some animals are more equal than others".

Making such a statement is no different than someone claiming conservatism is stealing from the poor to enrich the wealthy, with a nice side helping of racism to keep the idgits in line. Life, and politics are never one dimensional.

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On 10/12/2019 at 6:25 AM, Yossarian said:

I just pretend like a European tourist and then don't leave a tip.

Some Europeans leave tips. When I was a waiter a Scotsman once left me a quarter...

but in his defense I lied to him and convinced him it was an American nickle.




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11 hours ago, kipper said:

Question about tipping waitresses:

If a waitress leans over and her boobs touch you, do you automatically add the value of a lap dance to her tip?


I always do. I figure she earned it.




Depends on the waitress. If she is a 70 year old grandma built like a Russian peasant from 1890 forget it, no tip for her simply by exposing me to the horrors of her 70 year old pancake titties. Now if she is say a 30ish to 50ish honey in halfway decent shape, I give her lap dance tip. Of course no one in that age cohort, in that sort of shape has ever graced me with a tittie rub, accidental or otherwise 😞

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3 hours ago, BobDobbs said:

Depends on the waitress. If she is a 70 year old grandma built like a Russian peasant from 1890 forget it, no tip for her simply by exposing me to the horrors of her 70 year old pancake titties. Now if she is say a 30ish to 50ish honey in halfway decent shape, I give her lap dance tip. Of course no one in that age cohort, in that sort of shape has ever graced me with a tittie rub, accidental or otherwise 😞

Never rule out 70 year old Russian grandma peasants. You never know when your choices will be so limited as to it being between her or some large vodka drunken dim witted Cossack named Ivan who is your gulag cellmate in Siberia.  Because then grandma pancake boobies won't seem so bad.

Everybody says they would never eat dog meat...  until they are really, really, REALLY hungry.




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On 1/14/2021 at 4:54 PM, kipper said:

Never rule out 70 year old Russian grandma peasants. You never know when your choices will be so limited as to it being between her or some large vodka drunken dim witted Cossack named Ivan who is your gulag cellmate in Siberia.  Because then grandma pancake boobies won't seem so bad.

Everybody says they would never eat dog meat...  until they are really, really, REALLY hungry.




Point taken 😉 

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4 hours ago, SteveAJones said:

Everybody says a dog is man's best friend. I tell you what, don't feed that bastard for a week...

Don't feed anything for a week while you eat and see what happens. Your own mom would hit you over the head and serve you up.

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8 hours ago, SteveAJones said:

Everybody says a dog is man's best friend. I tell you what, don't feed that bastard for a week...

Truth is dogs don't love humans anyway, they are just the greatest con artists on the planet. When you die alone in your home, eventually if not discovered, your Fido will eat your face. Doesn't make them evil, it is just testimony to their true nature and natural impulses as scavengers to eat the decomposing flesh that they no longer recognize as you.

Humans have very silly assumptions about animal nature. Many view animals as being similar to humans in ability to reason, to love, or even to hate. Total mythology.  Animals act on instinct from a varied set of traits which are deeply embedded in their DNA. Any ability they have to reason like a human might, is similar to the ability a one to two year child might have. And we all know we don't apply the same standards to infant children when it comes to knowing right vs wrong, empathy vs selfishness etc.

Enjoy your furry friends, just don't die alone with him, or he will enjoy you right back.



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5 hours ago, kipper said:

Truth is dogs don't love humans anyway, they are just the greatest con artists on the planet. When you die alone in your home, eventually if not discovered, your Fido will eat your face. Doesn't make them evil, it is just testimony to their true nature and natural impulses as scavengers to eat the decomposing flesh that they no longer recognize as you.

Humans have very silly assumptions about animal nature. Many view animals as being similar to humans in ability to reason, to love, or even to hate. Total mythology.  Animals act on instinct from a varied set of traits which are deeply embedded in their DNA. Any ability they have to reason like a human might, is similar to the ability a one to two year child might have. And we all know we don't apply the same standards to infant children when it comes to knowing right vs wrong, empathy vs selfishness etc.

Enjoy your furry friends, just don't die alone with him, or he will enjoy you right back.



NO, NO, NO, NO, and NO!!!! My little doggie would never feast on my remains, how do I know? Well, she told me that's how. She will weep by my corpse, and lay across my dead husk until the Reaper comes for her as well.

Just kidding, if I passed out on the couch after one too many blunts she would likely start eating me within 10 minutes.

Who's the good doggie???? You are, YOU are 😉 

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On 1/19/2021 at 5:11 PM, BobDobbs said:

NO, NO, NO, NO, and NO!!!! My little doggie would never feast on my remains, how do I know? Well, she told me that's how. She will weep by my corpse, and lay across my dead husk until the Reaper comes for her as well.

Just kidding, if I passed out on the couch after one too many blunts she would likely start eating me within 10 minutes.

Who's the good doggie???? You are, YOU are 😉 

Who's got the "munchies" now?  Funny.


Remember that old Bugs Bunny cartoon with two guys lost at sea, and at some point they start looking at each other like they are delicious foods? Then the land on an island where Bugs lives, and are intent on eating him?

Hunger is a great motivator.



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  • 1 year later...
1 hour ago, Stryder1978 said:

I rarely tip in the States, but always tip in Europe.  Americans expect the tip, but the Euros are truly grateful when they get on for going above normal service.

I understand your perspective however in Europe, those servers are paid a very decent wage and therefore do not need tips. In the US however servers income is around 90%+ of their income. If you don't tip a server in the US that server only made about $2 for serving you.

Believe me, I think tipping is wrong as an employer should be paying his / her employees a living wage. Why should I, the consumer have to pay someone's wage directly to them when they have an employer?

My aunt & uncle owned several restaurants back in the day up to around 1998 when they retired. They told me only a complete moron fails at a restaurant / bar business because the markup on product is simply insane and the majority of your employees salary is paid by the customer. I guess he was right as he owned five restaurants and was loaded. I did ask him what makes a successful restaurant / bar and he told me two things: If the place is open, you or a family member you trust must always be there as your employees will steal you blind otherwise. Second, a restaurant / bar is a business, its not social time, its not a big party, its work. Most people don't understand that and by the time they do they have lost the business.

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There's a special place in hell for people who don't tip in the US. It's not an easy job, and waiters/bartenders rely almost entirely on tips to survive. You know how in Israel, every citizen has to be in the military for a period of time? I think we should have the same requirement here in the states, except everyone needs to wait tables for a year lol. Then people might get it.

Of course, depending on where someone works is going to determine the kind of customer and chance of getting stiffed. For instance, people who work at Applebee's are more likely for that to happen then a fancy restaurant.

I waited tables and bartended all through my 20s and loved it. I never got stiffed, but I also worked at upscale places in a nice area. My tips were on average 20% (I was good). But without them - no way I would have been able to pay the bills. Also - you bust your ass. Not an easy job. 


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1 hour ago, BobDobbs said:

I understand your perspective however in Europe, those servers are paid a very decent wage and therefore do not need tips. 


Utter Bollocks. Please can you explain as to where that comes from? In the UK the hospitality industry is notoriously low paid. They rely on tips and whilst some bills have a "discretionary" 10-15% "service charge", you don't have to pay it. We always leave a 10% tip in a restaurant and in a bar (pub) the saying "one for yourself" is generally used. The barman would stick a quid or so in a jar.

Spain and Portugal tipping is unheard of by the locals and not expected to be done by tourists.

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Tipping isn't expected in Croatia or Iceland either, but the service they provided me deserved a generous tip.  Not only were they genuinely grateful, but one tour guide in Split even told me "That's too much!" The average monthly wage in Croatia is like $1000 US/month and their cost of living is not far off from what we pay in the States.  Compare that salary to what people make in the States and maybe you'll understand why I tip "over there" and rarely here.

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5 minutes ago, Stryder1978 said:

Tipping isn't expected in Croatia or Iceland either, but the service they provided me deserved a generous tip.  Not only were they genuinely grateful, but one tour guide in Split even told me "That's too much!" The average monthly wage in Croatia is like $1000 US/month and their cost of living is not far off from what we pay in the States.  Compare that salary to what people make in the States and maybe you'll understand why I tip "over there" and rarely here.

We will have to agree to disagree on that one. Yes, I'm sure the service in Croatia is more generous, and the people and workers there are much more thankful for what they have. I don't doubt that for a second. But that's a horrible metric to use when deciding what to tip (or in your case, to tip at all) here in the states.

"Well, in country fill-in-the-blank they're more grateful and therefore give better service so you don't get a tip today" does not work for me at all. Perhaps the waitress you stiffed at Chilil's has a creepy boss who hits on her and micromanages, and perhaps she has a couple of kids to feed and is a single mom who needs that income. Perhaps the 21 year-old you decide to stiff is on his/her own and paying their way through school. Perhaps $8/hr or whatever minimum wage is is not enough to pay the bills. Try putting yourself in someone else's shoes (this is called compassion, btw). Honestly, your argument sounds more like rationalization (and weak rationalization at that) because you just don't wanna fork over the extra money.

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It's not rationalization.  I refuse to subsidize people who won't help themselves.  Don't like that your company is paying you $2 an hour...get a REAL job!  You think that waiting tables is so tough...try working construction in negative temperatures or handling toxic chemicals.  And for them to EXPECT me to make up the bulk of their salary for simply doing their job?  Not a chance! There's a reason those waiter/waitress jobs pay so little....and if you don't like it, get a job that pays you want you want.  There a rer signs everywhere announcing job openings right now...they should take advantage of it.  And when those bars and restaurants are forced to shut down because they can't find anyone to work for two bucks an hour...maybe they'll start paying a living wage to those workers!

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18 minutes ago, Stryder1978 said:

It's not rationalization.  I refuse to subsidize people who won't help themselves.  Don't like that your company is paying you $2 an hour...get a REAL job!  You think that waiting tables is so tough...try working construction in negative temperatures or handling toxic chemicals.  And for them to EXPECT me to make up the bulk of their salary for simply doing their job?  Not a chance! There's a reason those waiter/waitress jobs pay so little....and if you don't like it, get a job that pays you want you want.  There a rer signs everywhere announcing job openings right now...they should take advantage of it.  And when those bars and restaurants are forced to shut down because they can't find anyone to work for two bucks an hour...maybe they'll start paying a living wage to those workers!

So, by that logic a kid paying his way through school or a single mom should work construction in negative temperatures? Service jobs ARE real jobs. In a functional capitalist system, they're perfect transitional jobs for people who are working towards upwards mobility. It's the perfect job for someone paying their way through school or someone who hasn't figured out what they want to do yet - or someone who just doesn't  have the skill set to do much else. A lot of times the waiter you see will have more than one job. When I was in my 20s, I usually had 2 jobs, sometimes 3. 

In the 70s, a single mom could be a bank teller AND support herself and 2 kids. That time is long gone. Thank God for service jobs that rely on tips. Your argument is weak, bruh. You're basically saying: "the entire system needs to change, and until that happens I won't tip these hard-working people." W-E-A-K. Also - unless you have actually worked in the industry, you really have no idea what you're talking about.

The signs that are up everywhere that read : "help wanted now" are all shit jobs. Why do you think people wait tables and bartend? They're trying to pay the bills. Working at Safeway is not going to cut it. 

I can see there's no getting through to you, but I also kinda figured that out before posting about this lol. We can agree to disagree, that's fine.

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32 minutes ago, 1975NQ said:

So, by that logic a kid paying his way through school or a single mom should work construction in negative temperatures? Service jobs ARE real jobs. In a functional capitalist system, they're perfect transitional jobs for people who are working towards upwards mobility. It's the perfect job for someone paying their way through school or someone who hasn't figured out what they want to do yet - or someone who just doesn't  have the skill set to do much else. A lot of times the waiter you see will have more than one job. When I was in my 20s, I usually had 2 jobs, sometimes 3. 

In the 70s, a single mom could be a bank teller AND support herself and 2 kids. That time is long gone. Thank God for service jobs that rely on tips. Your argument is weak, bruh. You're basically saying: "the entire system needs to change, and until that happens I won't tip these hard-working people." W-E-A-K. Also - unless you have actually worked in the industry, you really have no idea what you're talking about.

The signs that are up everywhere that read : "help wanted now" are all shit jobs. Why do you think people wait tables and bartend? They're trying to pay the bills. Working at Safeway is not going to cut it. 

I can see there's no getting through to you, but I also kinda figured that out before posting about this lol. We can agree to disagree, that's fine.

"So, by that logic a kid paying his way through school..." Yep. that's what I did!

And I hate to tell you, but if a job is only paying you "$2.00 an hour"...that my friend is a shit job!

And yes, you are correct..we will have to agree to disagree.  It is nice to see a discussion about a topic with two people on polar ends that can be handled in a civil manner.  For that, I thank you!

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