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What's the weather like where you are?


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We've been 10-15 degrees cooler than projected highs for the last month due to the smoke from the Cameron Peak blotting out the sun. Yesterday was our worst day so far of the fire related issues.  Smoke covered the sky all day and it looked like the sky in the movie "The Road".  At 3:00 PM it was so dark that the street and porch lights came on automatically.  Ash swirled on the streets like a dusting of snow and I had to wear safety glasses riding home on my bike to protest the eyes from all the ash.  Fire is still only 62% contained.

Worse, yesterday was the second of three weather lows to push through the area - bringing high winds.  Saturday night we get the third, and although it is supposed to bring 1-4 inches of snow, it was also bring STRONG northwest winds and temps down to the single digits at night!! 

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Shitstorm yesterday.  High temp of 17 degrees at 0600 hours.  We had 14+ inches of snow and worst part was the pavement was just warm enough to melt the first inch or so.  So now we have 12+ inches of snow on top of an inch of ice and an afternoon temperature of 13.  But wait...there's more!  It was 7 degrees this morning and we expect a high today of 12 degrees.  The means a record low low (previous was 17) and a record low high (previous was 31 degrees).  Single digits again tomorrow morning before we warm up into the 40's by Wednesday.   

Edited by Stryder1978
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Storms from last 2 days now all done with, (mad hail missed us by less than a klm) lawn a firm rich green now - last week it was a dead dustbowl. I got 3 bags of grass from the mow, all from less than 7 days of growing from dust.

Sunny 32c today, feels like I am at the beach. A cool breeze and sunshine. Beautiful lazy Sunday. WILL ride to shops for a relaxing coffee.

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