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5 hours ago, BobDobbs said:

I would SO date her. I would just tell her I am secret DPRK spy and she must date me for the morale of the people as I do very dangerous spy job for Lil' Kim 🙂 

Just watch out for her brothers.

North Korean soldier shoots comrades, defects to South

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More Chinese bullshit. No matter how many stories I read about bitcoin, it just doesn't add up. I don't see how anyone could trust it as a real currency of value. There is even an NFL player who had his contract stipulate that he be paid in bitcoin. Hahaha, I'm sure the owner of the team rubbed his hands in glee…"Sure, we'll pay you in mythical money instead of the coin of the realm. We'll save millions of dollars!" It's just nuts. TikTok and bitcoin…the downfall of our world.


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  • 2 weeks later...
On 2/6/2021 at 2:48 PM, Strider said:

More Chinese bullshit. No matter how many stories I read about bitcoin, it just doesn't add up. I don't see how anyone could trust it as a real currency of value. There is even an NFL player who had his contract stipulate that he be paid in bitcoin. Hahaha, I'm sure the owner of the team rubbed his hands in glee…"Sure, we'll pay you in mythical money instead of the coin of the realm. We'll save millions of dollars!" It's just nuts. TikTok and bitcoin…the downfall of our world.


Sometimes Strider, you speak like a wise old sage....  I agree!

I would also add 3rd element to the current downfall of our culture....




Remember when people experienced the world through their own eyes and ears?




People used to interact in person--- not anymore





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On 2/20/2021 at 4:00 PM, kipper said:

Sometimes Strider, you speak like a wise old sage....  I agree!

I would also add 3rd element to the current downfall of our culture....




Remember when people experienced the world through their own eyes and ears?




People used to interact in person--- not anymore





I have a friend who told me about a lady he bedded who, while in the process of high-exertion coitus, immediately stopped when the text message alert came through her phone to check. Then, after she read it, acted like nothing had happened and went right back to it. My friend was absolutely dumbfounded, who would do that? Dumbfounded or not he was not an idiot and gave it too her but good. He never did call her again after that.

Some people are crazy with these stupid cell phones.

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5 hours ago, BobDobbs said:

I have a friend who told me about a lady he bedded who, while in the process of high-exertion coitus, immediately stopped when the text message alert came through her phone to check. Then, after she read it, acted like nothing had happened and went right back to it. My friend was absolutely dumbfounded, who would do that? Dumbfounded or not he was not an idiot and gave it too her but good. He never did call her again after that.

Some people are crazy with these stupid cell phones.

It's bad enough to have intercourse interrupted by a crying baby or a dog that enters the room and jumps up on the bed--- or someone knocking on the door. But even those things may be recovered from.  A partner checking a text message and I would be OUT THE DOOR for good too.  




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12 hours ago, BobDobbs said:

I have a friend who told me about a lady he bedded who, while in the process of high-exertion coitus, immediately stopped when the text message alert came through her phone to check. Then, after she read it, acted like nothing had happened and went right back to it. My friend was absolutely dumbfounded, who would do that? Dumbfounded or not he was not an idiot and gave it too her but good. He never did call her again after that.

Some people are crazy with these stupid cell phones.

I have one rule for everyone when dining out and that is anyone who so much as looks at a fucking cellphone at the table during our meal will never dine with me again.

If they want or need to excuse themselves to make or take a call that's fine, but not at the table. It's disrespectful to the occasion, to the others and to me.  

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3 minutes ago, SteveAJones said:

I have one rule for everyone when dining out and that is anyone who so much as looks at a fucking cellphone at the table during our meal will never dine with me again.

If they want or need to excuse themselves to make or take a call that's fine, but not at the table. It's disrespectful to the occasion, to the others and to me.  

Is it typical in Japan to be on your phone at the table during group meals? 

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8 hours ago, kipper said:

It's bad enough to have intercourse interrupted by a crying baby or a dog that enters the room and jumps up on the bed--- or someone knocking on the door. But even those things may be recovered from.  A partner checking a text message and I would be OUT THE DOOR for good too.  




Damn right. I remember hearing some nutter on the Dr. Drew show about 28 or so years ago talking about getting interrupted by his GF cat right before he was about to bust a nut. That is about all I will say regarding that particular incident as what happened next and the mans apparent reaction was both disturbing and puzzling.

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2 hours ago, SteveAJones said:

I have one rule for everyone when dining out and that is anyone who so much as looks at a fucking cellphone at the table during our meal will never dine with me again.

If they want or need to excuse themselves to make or take a call that's fine, but not at the table. It's disrespectful to the occasion, to the others and to me.  

Good rule and I agree wholeheartedly 

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4 hours ago, SteveAJones said:

Phone addiction is off the charts. They're on them everywhere. They don't mean to be rude, it's just compulsive.

A compulsion I simply cannot understand. I got my first cell phone in 1996 and always viewed it as a tool, nothing more. When Smartphones came about and everyone was connected to everything I still did not "get it" as if I want to look something up I use my laptop with an 18" screen.

For the life of me I simply cannot understand why anyone would use that wee baby screen on a phone instead of the larger screen on ones computer? Lastly, how does one reconcile using a wee phone screen for 95% of web activity then go out and buy a big screen TV???

People are weird.

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5 hours ago, BobDobbs said:

A compulsion I simply cannot understand. I got my first cell phone in 1996 and always viewed it as a tool, nothing more. When Smartphones came about and everyone was connected to everything I still did not "get it" as if I want to look something up I use my laptop with an 18" screen.

For the life of me I simply cannot understand why anyone would use that wee baby screen on a phone instead of the larger screen on ones computer? Lastly, how does one reconcile using a wee phone screen for 95% of web activity then go out and buy a big screen TV???

People are weird.

They're nice to have when riding trains or sitting in airport terminals -- I get that -- but to be on one at all times is just ridiculous. I thought it'd be helpful while out shopping for collectibles -- to pull up inventory lists or price references, whatever -- but the small keys , etc. -- I don't have the time or the patience for that. I don't like laptops either but if I connect a keyboard and a mouse I can bear with it. However, I have found laptops are a pain in the ass to travel with.

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54 minutes ago, SteveAJones said:

They're nice to have when riding trains or sitting in airport terminals -- I get that -- but to be on one at all times is just ridiculous. I thought it'd be helpful while out shopping for collectibles -- to pull up inventory lists or price references, whatever -- but the small keys , etc. -- I don't have the time or the patience for that. I don't like laptops either but if I connect a keyboard and a mouse I can bear with it. However, I have found laptops are a pain in the ass to travel with.

I am with you Steve. I take my laptop with me when I travel but I also pack a full-sized keyboard and mouse. I hate using a laptop keyboard. Now texting on a smartphone, fugetaboutit! I have big, fat thumbs which are useless with those small buttons.

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On 2/22/2021 at 7:34 AM, BobDobbs said:

Damn right. I remember hearing some nutter on the Dr. Drew show about 28 or so years ago talking about getting interrupted by his GF cat right before he was about to bust a nut. That is about all I will say regarding that particular incident as what happened next and the mans apparent reaction was both disturbing and puzzling.

"Disturbing and puzzling" as in a letter to Penthouse forum, or just your average 'Love Line" disturbing and puzzling?  Hehehe..

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15 hours ago, SteveAJones said:

Phone addiction is off the charts. They're on them everywhere. They don't mean to be rude, it's just compulsive.

There has been a lot of science reported about how the addiction of cell phones and social media changes chemicals in the brain's pleasure centers. So, that sound that chimes with a message, becomes "oh goody, somebody is paying attention me", and then the addiction is a reward--- usually over some stupid shit where a Facebook post is "liked", or somebody commented on the photo you posted about what you had for lunch.  Just a device which fuels a narcissistic behavioral response, so addicting in fact that people have to check in even while driving.

I've heard it reported that some people check their smart phones 5-10 times throughout the night when they would normally be sleeping. Which only adds to the cycle of fatigue, addiction, and so forth the next day. That is WAAAAY worse of an addiction than a chain smoker on nicotine.  Even a chain smoker may only wake up once at night for a cigarette.

But the problem is even worse for young children who are handed a smart phone or electronic device to play with as toddlers, and you see that all the time in public too.  A child's brain develops in conjunction with tactile motor skills as they begin to experience the world around them. Wooden blocks to stack, or to align by color or number. Mobiles moving above their cribs, toys that make sounds when you squeeze them. Bells, shining things, furry things-----all part of the brain development.  But now we replace that with a flat screen which provides images and sounds, but does not require the same motor functions and signals along the spinal chord to the brain.  And thus it changes the brain--- or actually changes the development of the brain.

People need to put that shit away. Kids don't need that stuff. They don't even need a phone until at least age 12-14 when they are beginning to venture out of the house.  But even then I would only give a kid a dumb phone--- a means to make phone calls, not all that other junk.

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10 hours ago, kipper said:

There has been a lot of science reported about how the addiction of cell phones and social media changes chemicals in the brain's pleasure centers. So, that sound that chimes with a message, becomes "oh goody, somebody is paying attention me", and then the addiction is a reward--- usually over some stupid shit where a Facebook post is "liked", or somebody commented on the photo you posted about what you had for lunch.  Just a device which fuels a narcissistic behavioral response, so addicting in fact that people have to check in even while driving.

Cellphones and technology (Face Time, webcams, etc). have also drastically reduced the effectiveness of the dating world's "No Contact Rule". It used to be if a guy (or girl) went strict no contact for at least 30 days it may salvage the relationship for the better. However, with technology she is going to be experiencing thousands of validation points from online dating and dozens of dates with dozens of men if so inclined. She's going to become a strung out DOPAMINE junkie and to the extent that she even remembers your name enough to reach out she's going to realize you're offering her something that conflicts with the easy high of dopamine she gets by pulling up her dating app or messaging any of her 10 orbiters online. Walk and never look back because the odds of the No Contact Rule working nowadays are Slim and none, and Slim is banging her this Friday night.


Mina in Tokyo November 2014 002.jpg

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On 2/24/2021 at 4:27 AM, SteveAJones said:

Cellphones and technology (Face Time, webcams, etc). have also drastically reduced the effectiveness of the dating world's "No Contact Rule". It used to be if a guy (or girl) went strict no contact for at least 30 days it may salvage the relationship for the better. However, with technology she is going to be experiencing thousands of validation points from online dating and dozens of dates with dozens of men if so inclined. She's going to become a strung out DOPAMINE junkie and to the extent that she even remembers your name enough to reach out she's going to realize you're offering her something that conflicts with the easy high of dopamine she gets by pulling up her dating app or messaging any of her 10 orbiters online. Walk and never look back because the odds of the No Contact Rule working nowadays are Slim and none, and Slim is banging her this Friday night.


Mina in Tokyo November 2014 002.jpg

Technology is getting weird. Hadn't even considered how cellphones affect dating.

I guess the only hope now would be to date an Amish girl to avoid those dopamine phone junkie gals.



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7 hours ago, SteveAJones said:

Fact: America was 88.6 percent white in 1960. Let that sink in.

It all comes down to how you define "white" today. In 1960 "white" meant  WHITE- not so much today.  In the USA today, the census has two categories of white. There is 'white' and "non-Hispanic white".  And the reason is because many people for example from Mexico or other parts of Latin America who are only part "white" (many not white at all-- mostly Indian) are free to put on the census form that they are "white"--- when in fact they would probably be considered mixed at best... maybe.  In addition, people from North Africa, Turkey, other parts of the middle east can also self identify as white based on being west of the caucus mountains.  If Anwar Sadat was still alive and was an American citizen he would be able to say he is "white".

I don't trust any numbers on the census reports today; the are a worthless fraud. They say right upfront that 'race' and 'ethnicity' are mutually independent---- so then, what is the point?  I'd actually call it false advertising at it's worst.  When a city like Dearborn Michigan shows that it is nearly 90% "white" today, then maybe there needs to be a new definition of what "white" is?  Why do they do this is my question,  other than an attempt to mask the reality of how open borders and chain migration are changing the actual nature of our landscape.  There is a city not far from where I live which says it is 79% "white", which is actually 80% middle eastern, and half of the population doesn't even speak English.

I'm white (non-Hispanic white), and I would call myself "Celto-Germanic" if that were a choice on the census (which BTW I never participate in because it is utter BULLSHIT all designed to direct tax dollars to so called under served communities).   I'm actually a bit offended by the people who claim they are "white" when they really aren't that. Seems like it doesn't go the other way if a white woman for example wears hoop earrings, and she is then accused of cultural appropriation.  But seem fair game for MILLIONS of people to dye their hair blonde, wear blue contact lenses, and "appropriate" Celto-Germanc/Ango-Saxon styles---and nobody whines about that kind of "appropriation"????

When I think "white" I think like Amy Adams white, and not Shakira "white".  When Shakira dyed her hair blonde and started lightning her skin, nobody said a word.... NOT that some of us didn't notice the "appropriation" anyway. 

I'm not saying Shakira isn't pretty, I'm just saying she isn't "white". What if Amy Adams started dying her hair dark and wore make up like certain other ethnic women wear--- or even worse tried to claim she was "Latina"..... there would cities burned to the ground if that happened.





Steve, in order to find places in America like that American you describe from 1960, you would have to go to places like Maine, or West Virginia.  Look up non Hispanic white demographics.









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1 hour ago, kipper said:

It all comes down to how you define "white" today. In 1960 "white" meant  WHITE- not so much today.  In the USA today, the census has two categories of white. There is 'white' and "non-Hispanic white".  And the reason is because many people for example from Mexico or other parts of Latin America who are only part "white" (many not white at all-- mostly Indian) are free to put on the census form that they are "white"--- when in fact they would probably be considered mixed at best... maybe.  In addition, people from North Africa, Turkey, other parts of the middle east can also self identify as white based on being west of the caucus mountains.  If Anwar Sadat was still alive and was an American citizen he would be able to say he is "white".

I don't trust any numbers on the census reports today; the are a worthless fraud. They say right upfront that 'race' and 'ethnicity' are mutually independent---- so then, what is the point?  I'd actually call it false advertising at it's worst.  When a city like Dearborn Michigan shows that it is nearly 90% "white" today, then maybe there needs to be a new definition of what "white" is?  Why do they do this is my question,  other than an attempt to mask the reality of how open borders and chain migration are changing the actual nature of our landscape.  There is a city not far from where I live which says it is 79% "white", which is actually 80% middle eastern, and half of the population doesn't even speak English.

I'm white (non-Hispanic white), and I would call myself "Celto-Germanic" if that were a choice on the census (which BTW I never participate in because it is utter BULLSHIT all designed to direct tax dollars to so called under served communities).   I'm actually a bit offended by the people who claim they are "white" when they really aren't that. Seems like it doesn't go the other way if a white woman for example wears hoop earrings, and she is then accused of cultural appropriation.  But seem fair game for MILLIONS of people to dye their hair blonde, wear blue contact lenses, and "appropriate" Celto-Germanc/Ango-Saxon styles---and nobody whines about that kind of "appropriation"????

When I think "white" I think like Amy Adams white, and not Shakira "white".  When Shakira dyed her hair blonde and started lightning her skin, nobody said a word.... NOT that some of us didn't notice the "appropriation" anyway. 

I'm not saying Shakira isn't pretty, I'm just saying she isn't "white". What if Amy Adams started dying her hair dark and wore make up like certain other ethnic women wear--- or even worse tried to claim she was "Latina"..... there would cities burned to the ground if that happened.





Steve, in order to find places in America like that American you describe from 1960, you would have to go to places like Maine, or West Virginia.  Look up non Hispanic white demographics.









Just curious Kip, why do you care? Why would anyone care the degree of melatonin in a persons skin, where they are from, how they worship or chose not to worship. These are non-issues which should have zero bearing on anything. I am actually annoyed the census even asks this question as it is irrelevant. 

If someone wants to identify as white when they are black or mixed, ok, I don't care. If someone wants to identify as a pink pony or an artichoke again, I don't care as it does not affect me in any way. Man who identifies as a woman, woman who identifies as a poly-gender from Proxima Centauri, again, don't care.


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