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What do you think about Jimmy doing a podcast


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Could Jimmy do a podcast where he listens to a live recording of Zeppelin every day and talks about whats happening on stage and within the band?

I do not listen to any podcasts but I would definitely listen to live Zep with Jimmy any day. How about you?

Edited by hummingbird69
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I guarantee it'll just be technical talk to the point of absolute boredom. I mean, I'd love it, but Jim's never been one to talk about things outside of his own viewpoint, which can get pretty mundane. But if you'd wanna know what gauge of strings he used on a particular show, I'm sure he remembers.

Also 90% of it would be about his girlfriend's poetry.

Edited by gibsonfan159
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1 hour ago, gibsonfan159 said:

I guarantee it'll just be technical talk to the point of absolute boredom. I mean, I'd love it, but Jim's never been one to talk about things outside of his own viewpoint, which can get pretty mundane. But if you'd wanna know what gauge of strings he used on a particular show, I'm sure he remembers.

Also 90% of it would be about his girlfriend's poetry.

Lmao about the poetry 😂 I agree that he likely wouldn't give the sort of insights about the shows that most of us would crave.  Look at how he approached the deluxe editions of the albums a few years ago -- the debut was the only one that had live stuff chosen as the accompaniment.  For the others, he instead elected to regale us with alternate takes and mixes which are of greatly varying degrees of interest IMO.  I think this gives a lot of insight into the sort of thing he finds most interesting: minutiae.

1 hour ago, gibsonfan159 said:

I think Jonesy would be the better option for a podcast like you're talking about. At least he usually seems more open to talk about the subjects fans want to know about.

100%.  Jonesy is a witty and incredibly insightful interview guest with far fewer, if any, "off-limits" topics than the other two.  Sometimes when they're all together he can hardly get a word in edge-wise, which is too bad, but if he had his own long-form platform like this, it could be really cool.

Have you listened to Plant's podcast, @hummingbird69?  I just recently got myself caught up on all of them and quite enjoyed most of them.

P.S.  If you're looking for Zeppelin-related podcasts, I started one recently.  I'm obviously no Page, Jones or Plant, but here it is regardless: https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/rock-talk-with-dr-cropper/id1518703647

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Agreed with the previous sentiments re. Page vs. Jones suitability for such a podcast.  Back in May when one of the Sirius channels did an entire month of all Zep, they'd put in brief commentary/recollections by the three remaining members (and occasionally Jason Bonham) between the songs, Jones was by far the most interesting, and Plant was definitely better than Page.

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Jones would be good also. I would love to be the one doing it with him and be able to listen back to say, 4-27 and asking about how the fuck did mulberry bush end up in there? was that rehearsed or on the spot either way it's devastatingly heavy especially after the guitar overload of the rest of the show. I'd love to listen to the As Long As I Have You Medley and just ask about what the hell I'm hearing hear or there. To be able to point out Bonhams foot work or a Bass line that just weaves it all together and get their reaction would be priceless.

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y'all nailed it. A Jonesy podcast would be spectacular given..

  • He most likely has the best recollection of those heady years out of all of them given he is least likely to have been so full of "enhancers" shall we say before/during gigs.
  • As said, when he talks Zep, it is always interesting and direct to the question or topic raised. Discreet, but not really evasive.
  • The insight into that monster groove machine that he and Bonham could create at will would be endlessly fascinating. How that came to be and how that evolved. Imagine that podcast!!!
  • He has a great deal of admiration for Jimmy's playing and I'd love to hear insights into those moments where he was simply blown away - which I reckon would be many, many times. There must be TONS of stories in that vein he'd love to share.
  • All aspects of Led Zeppelin he could really get into and it would all be fascinating. The start, the early years, the song writing process, management, touring highlights/lowlights for him, interesting and as yet unknown anecdotes about this song or that riff or whatever (must be a million of those stories), technical aspects of instruments, experimenting with sounds and how some songs evolved into what they became - endlessly fascinating.

I don't expect to see it happen though. Doesn't seem his style really.

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13 hours ago, gibsonfan159 said:

I think Jonesy would be the better option for a podcast like you're talking about. At least he usually seems more open to talk about the subjects fans want to know about.

This. As well as something like Kashmir, I'd love to hear him talk about, say, a particular track he arranged in the pre-Zeppelin days. Why was the arrangement done that way etc.

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No way, Jimmy would only like to talk about live recordings which he gave his blessing for an official release. 

If your name is Ross Halfin & you share private moments with Jimmy near the open fire, maybe then you listen to & discuss the Japan 1971 recordings........ 

Agree with all of you, Jonesy would be the right man.

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Jones and Plant would be the better bets. Jimmy gets too defensive on even the most innocuous subjects, and doesn't ever seem to be able to relax and have fun with the topic of Led Zeppelin. With Jimmy, it's like he approaches every interview as if it is Rolling Stone interviewing him in 1973.

What I would really like to see Jimmy do is what many of my musician buddies have done during the coronavirus shutdown...private little concerts shared online. It doesn't even have to be a full concert. Just play one song...a new one or maybe a cover of a song he admires. A song by the Ventures, perhaps?

This way there's no pressure of an actual gig or tour. Jimmy could just pick up an acoustic guitar (or electric if he fancies) and have fun for a few minutes.

But the odds of that happening are infinitesimally small.

Edited by Strider
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^^Agree with everything you said, especially about Jimmy doing at least one song or cover tune in a private little online concert. But I agree about Jones and Plant being the best candidates for Podcasts.

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1 hour ago, luvlz2 said:

^^Agree with everything you said, especially about Jimmy doing at least one song or cover tune in a private little online concert. But I agree about Jones and Plant being the best candidates for Podcasts.

Plant already has one called Digging Deep, not sure if you're aware...

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2 hours ago, Strider said:

Jones and Plant would be the better bets. Jimmy gets too defensive on even the most innocuous subjects, and doesn't ever seem to be able to relax and have fun with the topic of Led Zeppelin. With Jimmy, it's like he approaches every interview as if it is Rolling Stone interviewing him in 1973.

What I would really like to see Jimmy do is what many of my musician buddies have done during the coronavirus shutdown...private little concerts shared online. It doesn't even have to be a full concert. Just play one song...a new one or maybe a cover of a song he admires. A song by the Ventures, perhaps?

This way there's no pressure of an actual gig or tour. Jimmy could just pick up an acoustic guitar (or electric if he fancies) and have fun for a few minutes.

But the odds of that happening are infinitesimally small.

+1 😎👍


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2 hours ago, Bonzo_fan said:

Plant already has one called Digging Deep, not sure if you're aware...

Yes, quite aware. Guess I should have said best at or best bets for podcasts instead of best candidates. Oh well, fire me. :lol:

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7 hours ago, Strider said:

Jimmy gets too defensive on even the most innocuous subjects, and doesn't ever seem to be able to relax and have fun with the topic of Led Zeppelin.

Yeah, but maybe. Given the right setting and interviewer, might be good. Someone like Denton (He interviewed Plant, he is quite good at letting the guest speak, but still steering the interview). But yeah, 100% it is a infinitesimally small longshot.

7 hours ago, Strider said:

What I would really like to see Jimmy do is what many of my musician buddies have done during the coronavirus shutdown...private little concerts shared online. It doesn't even have to be a full concert. Just play one song...a new one or maybe a cover of a song he admires. A song by the Ventures, perhaps?

This way there's no pressure of an actual gig or tour. Jimmy could just pick up an acoustic guitar (or electric if he fancies) and have fun for a few minutes.

Fucking GENIUS Strider. I don't think this is that remote a possibility. Jimmy can "be seen playing" so can tell everyone to get off his back, and is in complete control. I'm surprised he has not looked into this already.

Edited by rm2551
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5 hours ago, rm2551 said:

Yeah, but maybe. Given the right setting and interviewer, might be good. Someone like Denton (He interviewed Plant, he is quite good at letting the guest speak, but still steering the interview). But yeah, 100% it is a infinitesimally small longshot.

Fucking GENIUS Strider. I don't think this is that remote a possibility. Jimmy can "be seen playing" so can tell everyone to get off his back, and is in complete control. I'm surprised he has not looked into this already.

Genius?   Jimmy hasn't played a guitar in years or this could have happened already. Jimmy will never make new music or be seen playing live again in ANY kind of setting but to sit and listen to select shows and get his reaction to what's being played would be priceless along with Jones or Plant.

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5 hours ago, hummingbird69 said:

Genius?   Jimmy hasn't played a guitar in years or this could have happened already. Jimmy will never make new music or be seen playing live again in ANY kind of setting but to sit and listen to select shows and get his reaction to what's being played would be priceless along with Jones or Plant.

Relax. I wasn't saying your idea was bad. I think it would be great. If you could get Jimmy to play along and really engage the listener with insights instead of general platitudes.

Jones and Plant have previously shown the ability to do that, while the jury is still out on Mr. James Patrick Page.

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44 minutes ago, Strider said:

I think it would be great

I would have to believe JP knows about "Digging Deep" and possibly Jason and The Circle doing stuff online right? I mean everyone is doing lockdown youtube shows. . Could JP be tossing ideas around or is this wishful thinking?

PS Was there supposed to be some kind of LZ doc in the works?

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10 hours ago, hummingbird69 said:

Genius?   Jimmy hasn't played a guitar in years or this could have happened already. Jimmy will never make new music or be seen playing live again in ANY kind of setting but to sit and listen to select shows and get his reaction to what's being played would be priceless along with Jones or Plant.

You are of course dead right Hummers, Jimmy has not played in years. That is why if he was looking to play but had not yet found the right outlet/project or was too nervous or whatever - online offers a unique way he could ease into something. The only thing I hope you are wrong about is the Jimmy will never part. There is always hope...

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To be fair, we can't say with certainty that he doesn't play on his own time.  Just because he hasn't played for the public in years doesn't mean that he doesn't noodle around at home.  I don't go on Instagram Live every time I sit down at the drums...

Speaking of Instagram, have any of you seen what the Doors have started doing with this "Learn To Play The Doors" series?  I watched the video of Robbie teaching "Love Me Two Times" and it was pretty cool.  Whether or not Jimmy would have any interest in doing something like that (or be any good at it) is a different story...

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Jaan Uhelsiki, a superb writer and editor at CREEM in the '70s, had this to say about Page and her interview with him: "Jimmy stipulated that I must first ask the publicist my question and then she relay the question to him--even though we all spoke the same language, and I was sitting a mere six feet from him. This went on for about an hour, and was so odd, and rather humiliating..."  I still have that issue of Creem ('77, I think), and she rescued that nonsense and turned it into a truly insightful piece. I don't begrudge Page his attitude towards media, but he just doesn't like to talk.

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On 8/26/2020 at 12:03 PM, Bonzo_fan said:

To be fair, we can't say with certainty that he doesn't play on his own time.  Just because he hasn't played for the public in years doesn't mean that he doesn't noodle around at home.  I don't go on Instagram Live every time I sit down at the drums...

Speaking of Instagram, have any of you seen what the Doors have started doing with this "Learn To Play The Doors" series?  I watched the video of Robbie teaching "Love Me Two Times" and it was pretty cool.  Whether or not Jimmy would have any interest in doing something like that (or be any good at it) is a different story...

sure, we can only speculate on the amount of time he spends playing by himself but for my money I highly doubt he has even tuned a guitar let alone noodled on one.

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