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4 hours ago, rm2551 said:

A large domestic terror attack is one thing that will significantly tip the scales to favour Trump winning comfortably. For right or wrong, better or worse.

He's going to win regardless. The outcome of the inevitable domestic terror attacks will be to further infringe upon the rights of law-abiding American citizens.

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7 hours ago, SteveAJones said:

He's going to win regardless.

That's extremely optimistic mate. He's lost everything since 2016 except the "Electoral College" vote one time. From all accounts he sheds more and more votes without even trying to appeal to, or broaden his base.

7 hours ago, SteveAJones said:

The outcome of the inevitable domestic terror attacks will be to further infringe upon the rights of law-abiding American citizens.

Why would a domestic terror attack infringe rights? I genuinely don't get what you're saying here. It would be a horrific CRIME. The criminals would be pursued, detained, and punished according to the rule of law if not neutralised as a threat. Every criminal ever infringes someone. That's why it's a crime.


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This tune could've replaced Custard Pie on Physical Graffiti or Candy Store Rock on Presence.
The song is rife with honey a drippin'. You gotta visualize Plant's deep gutterly wailing of these salacious lyrics.


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16 hours ago, rm2551 said:

That's extremely optimistic mate. He's lost everything since 2016 except the "Electoral College" vote one time. From all accounts he sheds more and more votes without even trying to appeal to, or broaden his base.

Why would a domestic terror attack infringe rights? I genuinely don't get what you're saying here. It would be a horrific CRIME. The criminals would be pursued, detained, and punished according to the rule of law if not neutralised as a threat. Every criminal ever infringes someone. That's why it's a crime.


He didn't lose the 2020 election; it was stolen and on that we can agree to disagree.

I'll give you a perfect example of how a domestic terror attack will be used to infringe citizen's rights. Remember 9/11? Instead of implementing Constitutional, rationale security measures Big Government implemented an obscenely expensive, bloated one size fits all solution called Department of Homeland Security, within which is the Transporation Security Administration. 


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4 hours ago, SteveAJones said:

I'll give you a perfect example of how a domestic terror attack will be used to infringe citizen's rights. Remember 9/11? Instead of implementing Constitutional, rationale security measures Big Government implemented an obscenely expensive, bloated one size fits all solution called Department of Homeland Security, within which is the Transporation Security Administration.

Ah, ok, I see what you mean.

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On 6/12/2024 at 1:24 AM, SteveAJones said:

You are pitifully misinformed. Yes, I am on the record as expressing an appreciation for many of the 1st generation K-pop females that debuted from 2009-2014. I defy you to explore them and not report back with a rise in your Levis. That said, nearly all of those hits were written by Scandanavian songwriters. AI didn't exist!



It doesn’t matter who the hell it was written by SAJ. You are a walking, contradiction! You try and spout all this knowledge on many subjects, you are into K-Pop because you are a J-Cat. Man, you were always one of my favorites on this forum, but your constant shit talking, and trying to be a bully when you are as wimpy as that sack of shit CryingBlueballs and I give Hummers69 to men and woman or anyone that wants a hummer. I’ll tell you again, you are not the bully, be respectful, and don’t talk shit about people or things that you don’t have any clue of and or about. You are a disgrace to this forum when you used to be an asset. Letting simple minded idiots like CryingBlueballs and I give men Hummers69 a voice and that village idiot Rodrigoe or whatever his name is a platform and validation is disgusting. Again, literally every single member of Zeppelin would be disgusted by your thoughts and politics, as well as those beta dumps mentioned above that think they are red pill 💊 hardcore men. Not one of you would act tough, or act like you had something to say in front of a real one. I know that for sure, I also know I watched and read you bully people off of this platform, and while I respect your knowledge, you need to check yourself Sack of Shit Jones. I don’t care if I get kicked off, I’ll come back with a different name and embarrass you. Show respect, don’t talk shit anymore. That little simple minded idiot Hummer and Crybabywhosucksmensblueballs are beyond help. What I will say, don’t talk shit anymore, treat people with respect. Kick me off this place, I don’t give a shit anymore, this place sucks and is lost as a result of shit people and their shit thoughts and attitudes. 

So we are clear, you were an absolute favorite of mine going back to the beginning of this site, your knowledge, contributions, discussions, and the pages you set up were and are unmatched. As of late, you are a fucking joke and want to stir shit up, so do I. Plus, I will pull up, I’ll actually be about it, you and those other jackasses won’t. I know because I’ve been places and did time where people like them and you don’t ever talk like that in real life. Keyboard warriors. 

Edited by Plant77
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On 6/13/2024 at 2:02 AM, SteveAJones said:

Your community college education is showing. Do you know what had the single greatest impact upon the outcome of the 2020 election? Deep State and media collusion regarding the authenticity of the Hunter Biden laptop. Poll after poll has shown that were it not for their calculated and deliberate public misinformation campaign more than 20% of Biden voters would not have voted for Biden. Tactics such as this are how the election was stolen in plain sight, and similar tactics are being used this time around because we didn't hang them the last time.

Can we agree Biden showed ZERO integrity concerning that? I think we can, given he was all in on it. Of course he's at peace with Hunter's conviction this week, because he can always issue Hunter a Presidential pardon. 


You're a conspiracy NUT !

Even The Supreme Court ruled against the lower courts cases of "stealing an election"....However the SC does have a few nutjobs themselves.

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On 6/14/2024 at 1:36 PM, Plant77 said:

Plus, I will pull up, I’ll actually be about it, you and those other jackasses won’t. I know because I’ve been places and did time where people like them and you don’t ever talk like that in real life. Keyboard warriors. 

I've been on this spinning rock long enough to know one thing for certain, and that is anyone who spews as much bullshit as you do is the textbook definition of a keyboard warrior. Cool guys don't walk around trying to convince others that they are cool, and tough guys don't bang out five paragraph dissertations attesting to how tough they are. Anyway, so now you hate me. Got it. Enjoy the show!


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On 6/14/2024 at 2:17 PM, Josemanno said:

You're a conspiracy NUT !

Even The Supreme Court ruled against the lower courts cases of "stealing an election"....However the SC does have a few nutjobs themselves.

They ruled against legal challenges that were filed in five states, which is not the same as ruling the election was not stolen. Voter polls have revealed the media and Deep State's coverup of the Biden laptop story alone changed the outcome of the election. An honest society would call that what it is: election interference.  

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when the biological weapon was released (covid) intended or unintended consequences occurred which had a direct impact on the 2020 election, first and foremost was certain swing states changed the voting rules which can only be done by each states  legislators but wasn't , instead secretary of states and governors changed  the voting laws and criteria which was illegal to do, between hours, drop boxes, mail in ballots, no i.d. required all these changes were done and typically didn't follow each individual states own laws, will it be better and more secure this year? with perhaps 10-20 million illegals coming into our open borders it would seem to me if the presidential winner isn't declared by midnight of voting day then Biden will win again

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6 hours ago, SteveAJones said:

which is not the same as ruling the election was not stolen.

Steve, it simply was not stolen. Trump did not win. Now if you want to loosen the meaning of stolen, and proceed with Olympic gold winning gymnastics level semantics, then yeah, it is arguable. But, then so are another thousand for and against positions. He just didn't win.

I will apologise as well Steve, I respect the agree to disagree comment, so this is a bit indulgent, but nothing near your dog and pony show indulgent. 😉

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6 hours ago, custard pie man said:

with perhaps 10-20 million illegals coming into our open borders.........

They'll all be registered democrats by November. (Even the kids) 😄

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11 hours ago, rm2551 said:

Steve, it simply was not stolen. Trump did not win. Now if you want to loosen the meaning of stolen, and proceed with Olympic gold winning gymnastics level semantics, then yeah, it is arguable. But, then so are another thousand for and against positions. He just didn't win.

I will apologise as well Steve, I respect the agree to disagree comment, so this is a bit indulgent, but nothing near your dog and pony show indulgent. 😉

I absolutely agree the outcome was not simply stolen, but it was indeed stolen. How? Primarily by the Deep State and media collusion to dismiss the Hunter Biden laptop (election interference) and, as custard pie man alluded to above, the state legislature's enacting of illegitimate voting procedures (election interference). Remove either of these two factors and the outcome is demonstrably different.  

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5 hours ago, paul carruthers said:

I'll just declare that I won't move, but if Trump does get re-elected, there's a liquor store that has my name all over it...




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Cheeseburger Chuck.
Who the fuck puts a slice of cheese on top of a raw burger on their grill?
And this dude is Senate Majority Leader? This is no doubt a manipulated cheap fake pic generated by one of those vile right wing media outlets.


The Brooklyn-born senator initially posted a photo to X of himself in front of a grill with burger patties and hot dogs – and an ear-to-ear smile.

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