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On 6/7/2024 at 5:35 AM, SteveAJones said:

What's the hardest part of playing pickleball? Telling your parents that you're gay.



I don't know the demographics of pickleball players in your neck of the woods, but be assured that by me, their parents could care less.  They've been dead for years.

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Posted (edited)
On 1/14/2024 at 8:05 PM, SteveAJones said:

If Hamas harms Noa Argamani I'll volunteer to go to Gaza to kill everything that moves.

Noa Argamani is free and her Hamas captors dead.   😇


Screenshot 2024-06-08 144453.jpg

Screenshot 2024-06-08 144407.jpg

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Posted (edited)
On 5/26/2024 at 6:21 PM, SteveAJones said:


So Sad.jpg

Steve, I’m not sad. What is sad is that the ex president who is a convicted sexual predator is also a convicted piece of shit. Say what you want about Joe, or whoever you want. It is funny as hell that his daughter and his oldest son are nowhere to be found. The most transactional family around. The retard Eric comes out for his dumb fuck father, but that smoke show of a daughter that he wants to have sex with, and that other retard son who is all cocked up, nowhere to be found lately! Hmmmm, makes me wonder, sure does! Does anybody remember laughter?! Your head is humming. Also, Rodrigoe, or whatever you silly little boy name is, listen to Dio, Zeppelin and any member of their group would hate everything about you, that dumb piece of shit, I give Hummers 69, crying Blueballs, and Steve! Not one member would identify with you. I’m sorry that bothers you. You are all just on the wrong side of history. I know, it sucks to be you. You are all Cucks for the Red Pill Party, weak and as soft as baby shit. All of you are Cucks! Steve, you like and listen to K-Pop, and you talk shit about Taylor Swift, you have absolutely nothing to say anymore, you are a sweaty little K-Pop Troll. That music has nothing to do with real music. 


Hey Steve A Jones, don’t get all pissy, keep your little panties in a bunch. You are a K-Pop troll that can’t talk about anything anymore! You lost all credibility.



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The older I get, the more I'm certain growing up in the '70's as a very young kid, and the '80's as a teen was far superior to how kids come up in this day and age. I used to think every generation says similar, but I'm more convinced there is a real decline. And it's not political. I'm not talking about left or right or anything politics and I'm not talking about income changes or opportunity - some of that is better.

Social media and the complete breakdown of socialising is a dramatic shift for the worse. Thankfully here, it is still pretty packed in pubs of a Saturday or Sunday arvo (like today) - but it always seems it's the older crowd, not the young'uns as much - or at all.

And dealing with this and correcting it is not even a conversation. This road does not lead to a better future for anyone.

Anywho, that's my random thought, time for a 4 Pines Pale Ale and watch the sunset on this very mild winter Sunday.

Cheers. :drinks:

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15 hours ago, Plant77 said:

The most transactional family around.

It's a toss-up between The Clintons and the Bidens. Nah, who are we kidding? It's the corrupt Biden crime syndicate by a mile.

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On 6/9/2024 at 1:04 AM, rm2551 said:

The older I get, the more I'm certain growing up in the '70's as a very young kid, and the '80's as a teen was far superior to how kids come up in this day and age. I used to think every generation says similar, but I'm more convinced there is a real decline. And it's not political. I'm not talking about left or right or anything politics and I'm not talking about income changes or opportunity - some of that is better.

Social media and the complete breakdown of socialising is a dramatic shift for the worse. Thankfully here, it is still pretty packed in pubs of a Saturday or Sunday arvo (like today) - but it always seems it's the older crowd, not the young'uns as much - or at all.

And dealing with this and correcting it is not even a conversation. This road does not lead to a better future for anyone.

Anywho, that's my random thought, time for a 4 Pines Pale Ale and watch the sunset on this very mild winter Sunday.

Cheers. :drinks:

AGREED!  Not much hope for the TIde-Pod generation!

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5 hours ago, paul carruthers said:

Just trying to find time in the day to get a little reading done....


The 'Say hey kid'. Top 5 greatest, maybe no. 1 !

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On 6/9/2024 at 12:04 PM, SteveAJones said:

It's a toss-up between The Clintons and the Bidens. Nah, who are we kidding? It's the corrupt Biden crime syndicate by a mile.

That’s a joke, the orange sack of shit, his two retard sons, not to mention the other kid that is probably a Putin, I’ll leave him out of it. Again, you are a K-Pop fan, literally all your credibility is gone. If you wanted to say that you liked the look of them that would be one thing, but you have actually tried to make a case for that manufactured AI music. That’s when it ended, your credibility that is. 

I don’t give a shit about Biden, I would rather have his corpse in office than the convicted sexual predator tRUmPf. Either way, K-Pop boy you can’t talk about anything anymore until you get real with everyone on the forum. I am also lucky to have grown up in the 70’s and 80’s and be able to look a person in the eye when I communicate with someone, these kids today, and the older people that hide behind their screens and talk trash about others without any real understanding, or personal experience I just can’t get behind. Just like I can’t get behind AI manufactured K-Pop groups or individuals. If that’s what you like, more power to you, however, you no longer have a seat at a table when it comes to music or the creative process of making it. 

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On 6/8/2024 at 11:03 AM, Strider said:

The older I get the more I agree with the old adage "children should be seen and not heard".

I was raised that way, I raised my daughter that way. She is an amazing kid, well when I talk to her, her mom tells me she does very well in school, we all live together. I just don’t talk to her that much. 

Well, most of that was a joke, but I agree, and my daughter was raised to have manners, yes Sir, no ma’am, she is a honor student, amazing musician, singer, math is her passion, her moms side of the family are organic chemists, engineers from Boeing, and Dr. She gets it from them for sure, but my wife and I were both raised that way, we turned out okay. 

I wish parents would discipline their kids more. I have a few family members that let their kids run wild and never told them no. They are having a rough time. They sound and act like SAJ aka KPP/KKK

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On 6/10/2024 at 10:35 AM, JTM said:


tRumpF is a fat little sad man with bitch tits. The least educated, weakest, most simple minded cuck who ever was elected president of this great country. Also, just to be clear, anyone who is a trUmpf fan is a total cuck! Like SAJ/KPP/KKK. Just a weak little man who couldn’t fight their way out of a wet paper bag. Kind of like crying blueballs and Rodrigo, and I give Hummers69. Just weak sacks of shit who act tough but would never get tough or act that way in front of anyone. Glad I could clear that up for you. So, SAJ/KKK/KPP and I Give Hummers69, and Rodrigo and Crying Blueballs, you are beta men and you are not bullies on this forum, you will take what I give you and like it. Just so we are clear. If you don’t want any more smoke then don’t talk politics, don’t post stupid shit anymore. Literally every surviving member of Zeppelin would hate your fucking guts and wouldn’t want you to represent them in anyway at all. You specifically KKK/SAJ/KPP have bullied people off of this forum, but you are a weak sack of shit like that fat fuck TRUMpF and don’t ever use my name unless you are being kind and sweet like we all know you are, you cuck! 

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8 hours ago, Plant77 said:

If you wanted to say that you liked the look of them that would be one thing, but you have actually tried to make a case for that manufactured AI music. That’s when it ended, your credibility that is. 

I don’t give a shit about Biden, I would rather have his corpse in office than the convicted sexual predator tRUmPf. Either way, K-Pop boy you can’t talk about anything anymore until you get real with everyone on the forum. I am also lucky to have grown up in the 70’s and 80’s and be able to look a person in the eye when I communicate with someone, these kids today, and the older people that hide behind their screens and talk trash about others without any real understanding, or personal experience I just can’t get behind. Just like I can’t get behind AI manufactured K-Pop groups or individuals. If that’s what you like, more power to you, however, you no longer have a seat at a table when it comes to music or the creative process of making it. 

You are pitifully misinformed. Yes, I am on the record as expressing an appreciation for many of the 1st generation K-pop females that debuted from 2009-2014. I defy you to explore them and not report back with a rise in your Levis. That said, nearly all of those hits were written by Scandanavian songwriters. AI didn't exist!



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Trump allies: Stop debasing our courts. He got a fair trial and could have testified.

Robert Landry
Letter to the editor

What disturbs me the most about the Donald Trump phenomenon in this country is how educated representatives of United States citizens are so willing to jeopardize the very constitutional republic in which they function.

It is absolutely despicable, some would say deplorable, that individuals like Speaker of the House Mike Johnson, as well as many other Republican congressional representatives and senators deride a fundamental tenet of our republic. 

I’m speaking of our judicial system that includes the right of every American, including ex-presidents, to a fair trial by jury. Donald Trump was indicted on 34 counts in New York by a grand jury of his fellow citizens.

Subsequently a trial was legally structured that allowed him freedom, in spite of being indicted, legal representation of his choice, and participation in the selection of a jury of his peers. The laws governing trial by jury were adhered to throughout the presentation of evidence to this jury, and Mr. Trump was given an opportunity to call any witnesses he wished to testify in his behalf.

Not only that, Mr. Trump could have taken the stand himself to testify against any and all witnesses who were brought by the prosecution in its presentation of evidence. Following weeks of presentation of evidence the jury, not the judge, not President Biden, not Democrats in general, the jury found Mr. Trump guilty of 34 counts of indictment. 

Now we have Republican leaders in our country attacking our legal system as a weaponized instrument of politics. I suppose I should not be surprised in that the same Republican leaders publicly undermined our electoral process, and our judicial system that protects our electoral process during and after the presidential election of 2020.  

Our republic is not infallible. There are inherent weaknesses that our founders recognized, yet held faith in the ability and desire of their fellow citizens to be informed and fair minded; citizens not subjects.

The founders also had faith that informed and fair-minded citizens would recognize and deny power to scoundrels and despots seeking personal enrichment and authoritarian power. I continue to hold this faith as well.

I hope that I will not be proven a fool.

Robert Landry, M.D., Chattanooga


And let me add.....Joe Biden, on having his son could guilty on his charges, said.....the jury has spoken and that must be respected and accepted. Trump couldn't hold a candle to that. We're talking integrity here, some have it some don't if you're not blind and blockheaded you all will see this . 

signed, Josemanno

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11 minutes ago, cryingbluerain said:

Hunter is just a distraction from this kind of thing that a lot of news outlets aren't even reporting on.

8 people with possible ties to ISIS arrested in US on immigration offenses (koaa.com)

Hope I'm wrong but the question now is when not if we get hit again.

A large domestic terror attack is one thing that will significantly tip the scales to favour Trump winning comfortably. For right or wrong, better or worse.

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5 hours ago, Josemanno said:

Trump allies: Stop debasing our courts. He got a fair trial and could have testified.

Robert Landry
Letter to the editor

What disturbs me the most about the Donald Trump phenomenon in this country is how educated representatives of United States citizens are so willing to jeopardize the very constitutional republic in which they function.

It is absolutely despicable, some would say deplorable, that individuals like Speaker of the House Mike Johnson, as well as many other Republican congressional representatives and senators deride a fundamental tenet of our republic. 

I’m speaking of our judicial system that includes the right of every American, including ex-presidents, to a fair trial by jury. Donald Trump was indicted on 34 counts in New York by a grand jury of his fellow citizens.

Subsequently a trial was legally structured that allowed him freedom, in spite of being indicted, legal representation of his choice, and participation in the selection of a jury of his peers. The laws governing trial by jury were adhered to throughout the presentation of evidence to this jury, and Mr. Trump was given an opportunity to call any witnesses he wished to testify in his behalf.

Not only that, Mr. Trump could have taken the stand himself to testify against any and all witnesses who were brought by the prosecution in its presentation of evidence. Following weeks of presentation of evidence the jury, not the judge, not President Biden, not Democrats in general, the jury found Mr. Trump guilty of 34 counts of indictment. 

Now we have Republican leaders in our country attacking our legal system as a weaponized instrument of politics. I suppose I should not be surprised in that the same Republican leaders publicly undermined our electoral process, and our judicial system that protects our electoral process during and after the presidential election of 2020.  

Our republic is not infallible. There are inherent weaknesses that our founders recognized, yet held faith in the ability and desire of their fellow citizens to be informed and fair minded; citizens not subjects.

The founders also had faith that informed and fair-minded citizens would recognize and deny power to scoundrels and despots seeking personal enrichment and authoritarian power. I continue to hold this faith as well.

I hope that I will not be proven a fool.

Robert Landry, M.D., Chattanooga


And let me add.....Joe Biden, on having his son could guilty on his charges, said.....the jury has spoken and that must be respected and accepted. Trump couldn't hold a candle to that. We're talking integrity here, some have it some don't if you're not blind and blockheaded you all will see this . 

signed, Josemanno

Your community college education is showing. Do you know what had the single greatest impact upon the outcome of the 2020 election? Deep State and media collusion regarding the authenticity of the Hunter Biden laptop. Poll after poll has shown that were it not for their calculated and deliberate public misinformation campaign more than 20% of Biden voters would not have voted for Biden. Tactics such as this are how the election was stolen in plain sight, and similar tactics are being used this time around because we didn't hang them the last time.

Can we agree Biden showed ZERO integrity concerning that? I think we can, given he was all in on it. Of course he's at peace with Hunter's conviction this week, because he can always issue Hunter a Presidential pardon. 


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