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Random Thoughts. The Return.


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5 hours ago, Reggie29 said:

I don't "listen" to Democrats or Republicans or watch any biased news services such as CNN, Fox or any of the others regardless of their political leanings.

Rather I watch firsthand reported actual political rallies and in this case debates of which Trump lost and is doubtful of fronting up for a second knowing he isn't a chance of beating her.

Frankly, both parties are fucked up as are most if not all, in Western democracies. Self first, Party second and the country (people) last. The first two are interchangeable depending on the personality of the politician.

Both tell lies or at least stretch the truth and make promises rarely kept, to gain popularity and win elections.

As for Chinese and / or Russian election interference or collusion, nothing is beyond governments, domestic or foreign. What about the Iran Contra Affair under Reagan's Republican administration?

Some truths about Trump:

He is a convicted felon awaiting sentencing. The tight arse billionaire even asked his supporters, the people who most likely couldn't afford it, to help pay for his legal fees. 

He incited a "demonstration" in that his supporters attacked and vandalised a government building where someone died. Has he offered to pay lawyers for any of those arrested and brought before the courts? NO!

He is a lecherous misogynistic predator who even propositioned many of his Miss Universe beauty pageant contestants, even our own Jennifer Hawkins. (Mind you, had he done that here in Australia her boyfriend, a professional NRL football player would've punched the cunt out of him, bodyguards or not.)

Draft dodging coward who disrespected veterans and his own military in general.

He put forward a suggestion for people to use (either by inhaling or through the skin, injection or application?) bleach to "cure" Covid.

He introduced tax cuts only for the wealthy and gave nothing in tax relief to hard working Americans and their families.

Refute any of those.


  You either dint read anything I posted or you simply refuse to admit that you are totally wrong.

Refute any??? Everything in my post refutes the bullshit you posted.  I told you that my check got bigger from the Trump tax cut but I guess you think I'm lying or that I'm rich so there is no sense in talking to a brick wall.  Go back and read my post and you will see that I indeed refuted all the lies you think you got from your so called first hand reporting.


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2 hours ago, hummingbird69 said:


  You either dint read anything I posted or you simply refuse to admit that you are totally wrong.

Refute any??? Everything in my post refutes the bullshit you posted.  I told you that my check got bigger from the Trump tax cut but I guess you think I'm lying or that I'm rich so there is no sense in talking to a brick wall.  Go back and read my post and you will see that I indeed refuted all the lies you think you got from your so called first hand reporting.


Wrong? Hardly. Not when it comes to dealing with people who only look through orange coloured glasses. 

I read your post and apart from raving on about McCain, Russian collusion and the CIA and other so-called hoaxes it was chock full of deflection and as you didn't deny or even mention the other points I raised, I presume you agreed with them.

Dint? WTF? Good for you with your bigger cheque.

What about the millions of workers who got nothing and are reliant on getting tips (which seem to be expected and not a reward for good service), to have a proper income because greedy capitalists like Trump and his ilk (including Biden), refuse to pay them a fair minimum wage? Btw, if they were paid a decent living, productivity would improve, and they too would be able to pay more taxes.

Fuel prices are a global thing, every country who imports oil is paying more for it. Blame OPEC, they set the barrel price. Also, Russia's conflict with the Ukraine has impacted on supplies throughout Europe particularly Eastern Europe. As for groceries and overall inflation, yes, our governments could and should do more to bring it down but once again the corporations control pricing and the banks dictate interest rates. Plus, there is the possibility that politicians hold shares in those businesses. Conflict of interest, much?

You refuted nothing but as is all his supporters you are in constant denial and fall for his lies and deceit. The Democrats, their supporters and policies aren't any better either.

So, he didn't commit business fraud by engaging the services of a prostitute and claiming the hush money paid was legitimate business expenses whilst married and was convicted of the crime and awaiting sentencing, or he incited a riot that invaded and damaged your government building and watched it all unfolding on television from the safety of his own home instead of being a real leader and calling for calm or actually leading the "patriots" (perpetrators), from the front?

Just because I've called him out on certain things doesn't mean I agree with the GOP any more or less than I do with the Democrats and seeing how Hunter Biden has pleaded guilty of wrongdoing, he should also face the consequences, whatever they may be.

Being an impartial observer, I have no interest in or allegiance to either party and like I've said all along, I wouldn't vote for either of them. However, I am concerned on the impact the result will have on my country and the rest of the planet.

I watched an interview with Trump after the debate and the reporter, obviously GOP biased, addressed him as Mr. President, wrong, Biden is the sitting, elected President until November, Trump is a former President at best and definitely no Statesman.

How are you (as in the American people), going to handle it if and / or when, an Indian / Jamaican American woman becomes President?

Speaking of voting, why do they only open U.S. polling booths during the week? Surely that denies people the opportunity to vote should they want to if they are unable to attend because of work commitments etc.? Do you have postal voting like we do, too?

We hold elections on Saturdays where polling booths are set up in schools, churches and government buildings. Whenever we're casting votes at schools, some are set up as fund raising markets at events, we call fetes and some even organise rides etcetera for the children.

One last thing, how would he or anyone else in the world for that matter be able to run a country from inside a prison cell?

Have a good day.



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1 hour ago, Reggie29 said:

Wrong? Hardly. Not when it comes to dealing with people who only look through orange coloured glasses. 

I read your post and apart from raving on about McCain, Russian collusion and the CIA and other so-called hoaxes it was chock full of deflection and as you didn't deny or even mention the other points I raised, I presume you agreed with them.

Dint? WTF? Good for you with your bigger cheque.

What about the millions of workers who got nothing and are reliant on getting tips (which seem to be expected and not a reward for good service), to have a proper income because greedy capitalists like Trump and his ilk (including Biden), refuse to pay them a fair minimum wage? Btw, if they were paid a decent living, productivity would improve, and they too would be able to pay more taxes.

Fuel prices are a global thing, every country who imports oil is paying more for it. Blame OPEC, they set the barrel price. Also, Russia's conflict with the Ukraine has impacted on supplies throughout Europe particularly Eastern Europe. As for groceries and overall inflation, yes, our governments could and should do more to bring it down but once again the corporations control pricing and the banks dictate interest rates. Plus, there is the possibility that politicians hold shares in those businesses. Conflict of interest, much?

You refuted nothing but as is all his supporters you are in constant denial and fall for his lies and deceit. The Democrats, their supporters and policies aren't any better either.

So, he didn't commit business fraud by engaging the services of a prostitute and claiming the hush money paid was legitimate business expenses whilst married and was convicted of the crime and awaiting sentencing, or he incited a riot that invaded and damaged your government building and watched it all unfolding on television from the safety of his own home instead of being a real leader and calling for calm or actually leading the "patriots" (perpetrators), from the front?

Just because I've called him out on certain things doesn't mean I agree with the GOP any more or less than I do with the Democrats and seeing how Hunter Biden has pleaded guilty of wrongdoing, he should also face the consequences, whatever they may be.

Being an impartial observer, I have no interest in or allegiance to either party and like I've said all along, I wouldn't vote for either of them. However, I am concerned on the impact the result will have on my country and the rest of the planet.

I watched an interview with Trump after the debate and the reporter, obviously GOP biased, addressed him as Mr. President, wrong, Biden is the sitting, elected President until November, Trump is a former President at best and definitely no Statesman.

How are you (as in the American people), going to handle it if and / or when, an Indian / Jamaican American woman becomes President?

Speaking of voting, why do they only open U.S. polling booths during the week? Surely that denies people the opportunity to vote should they want to if they are unable to attend because of work commitments etc.? Do you have postal voting like we do, too?

We hold elections on Saturdays where polling booths are set up in schools, churches and government buildings. Whenever we're casting votes at schools, some are set up as fund raising markets at events, we call fetes and some even organise rides etcetera for the children.

One last thing, how would he or anyone else in the world for that matter be able to run a country from inside a prison cell?

Have a good day.




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3 hours ago, hummingbird69 said:


Why do people get so upset? People have opinions, always have. I just don't understand all this hate and mudslinging. This is why I ignore politics because there is nothing that can really be done at this point and most cannot discuss politics in a civil manner anymore. The days of civil debate are long gone. No one talks real policy because it bores the audience, they want to see the show. Contemporary politics has become a Thunderdome except the contestants are dumber and nowhere near as nimble. 

My random thought is we need to just be nice to each other and not talk about politics. So how are you Mr. Hummingbird? Life treating you good otherwise? Hope you are happy and healthy my friend. When people sit down over a cup of coffee and someone says, what is important to you, what do you want out of life? Its amazing that most people regardless of geography or affiliation all want pretty much the same things. We have far more in common then we have differences.

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I would like to give mad props to sam_webmaster for allowing political banter on here recently.  I know it's gotten ugly in the past and was banned for a while, but most on here have learned their lesson and kept it pretty civil!

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3 hours ago, redrum said:

What I really can't stand is the ramping up of political TV ads for the next two months. 

All commercials suck today. Even the beer commercials suck. Nothing like the old days. Like the old Miller Lite ads...too bad their beer sucks.


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17 hours ago, PinkyToe said:

My random thought is we need to just be nice to each other and not talk about politics.

Agree, but we should also be able to discuss things like politics and disagree vehemently without taking it personal and without attacking individuals we don't agree with. Argue the ideas. People can disagree, no worries.

Some people think Trump is the greatest thing to happen in the US since it was founded. Only he can fix it! Some think he is a criminal con man who is as dumb as a bag of hammers and one of the clearest examples of what a narcissistic sociopath is.

America will decide if he gets another go in 2 months. If he wins, go hard son, get all that sweet, sweet, revenge! Jail everyone that opposes you. Pardon all those poor hostages who attacked the cops. Ban those corrupt media outlets that are the enemy of the people. Repeal and replace baby! If he loses, well, obviously it was stolen, he has never lost. At anything. Ever.

Peace y'all. :peace:

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Ah, modern life and the continuous signaling of virtue. It's become imperative that i be notified when a fellow human manufactures the opportunity to be offended, and then uses it to mask their own questionable morality and one dimensional existence. Citing and then using said behavior of someone else in an effort to shape one's otherwise empty persona. Disparaging others to prop oneself up. Wallowing in the eternal cesspool of hype, hyperbole & hate. Fascinating in it's level of predictability and stale actuality, the march continues ruthlessly in the quest to reach this unprecedented elevated state of being gaslit sheep human. So proud to be one.

Not in the game? It's easy. Step 1: Appropriate, with the least amount of effort possible, the most hopelessly one-sided rhetoric you are comfortable with spouting ad nauseum and prepare to present it as your own original thoughts, not understanding or caring where it originally came from or it's true intent. Step 2: Post this thoughtless ideology on the internet and announce that it serves to define your malleable political identity while suggesting that it keeps your broken moral compass aligned. Then sit back watch the likes roll in. Forget the haters. This is your time to shine and get on board with the Winning Team.

So easy a caveman can do it.

Geico Caveman - Imgflip


We'll conclude our sermon for today with words of wisdom from High Priest and Celebrated Enlightened Philosopher Ian Fraser Kilmister.

~ Meditations for the Troubled Mind ~ Comfort for Troubled Hearts ~ Common Sense for Troubled Times ~

At this time:

>Please cue your tonearm to Track 1 of the 1993 blessed bona fide barnburner Bastards
>Adjust the volume to 10, or 11 where available
>Drop the Needle & Spread the Gospel

"On Your Feet Or On Your Knees"

Shut up, I'm talking to you
Pay attention, 'cos I mean you too

Human beings ain't got no brains
Think you're better but you're all the same
Think you're clever but you're all to blame
Here we are again in the same old frame

I wouldn't smile if I was you
Don't relax, 'cos it ain't so new
Watch your back, light the light outside
Somebody coming that you just can't bribe

You humans shouldn't be so proud
You humans shouldn't talk too loud
You humans just ain't too smart
It's enough to break my human heart

Amen. Now go forth, and enjoy the weekend

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On 9/14/2024 at 5:34 PM, Strider said:

¿Quién esta mas loco?

Marjorie Taylor Green calling Laura Loomer too nuts for Trump is the kind of comedy gold I was not expecting.

I'd bet my dollar he's doing Loomer. His answers to who she is and why she is there are hilarious. He's almost expecting the question of an affair when no one is asking about one.

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1 hour ago, rm2551 said:

I'd bet my dollar he's doing Loomer. His answers to who she is and why she is there are hilarious. He's almost expecting the question of an affair when no one is asking about one.

Sounds like projection. It was Loomer who exposed Emhoff's affair, among other things.

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Trump's attempted assassin in Florida is a US fighter who served in the Ukrainian Foreign Legion. 

Translation: A CIA-trained killer tried to kill Trump in Florida. They're hell bent on starting World War III with Russia. Can't afford a Trump Presidency ending the war. 


Edited by SteveAJones
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22 hours ago, SteveAJones said:

Sounds like projection. It was Loomer who exposed Emhoff's affair, among other things.

Who's projection? Not sure what that means.

She exposes conspiracy theories and trash talk. According to her, MTG has a snatch that resembles an Arbies sammich. Who the fuck says that?!?!?! She's nuts with a trump is god complex. That's why I reckon she's offered herself up to him. To be fair, that's a cheap shitty shot to take, but she makes it hard for one to remember their manners.

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On 9/16/2024 at 3:27 AM, SteveAJones said:

Trump's attempted assassin in Florida is a US fighter who served in the Ukrainian Foreign Legion. 

Translation: A CIA-trained killer tried to kill Trump in Florida. They're hell bent on starting World War III with Russia. Can't afford a Trump Presidency ending the war. 


Yep, kinda weird that both Trump shooters appeared in Blackrock ads.

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