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Random Thoughts. The Return.


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7 hours ago, hummingbird69 said:

I went and destroyed democracy today by voting republican down the line. I hope democracy is good and dead.

I did as well, in person as it should be. A couple of dominant wins across the country and a couple of surprises. I am truly shocked that the potato in PA is projected as the winner. Not really a fan of Oz, but Fettermunster! C'mon man.

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4 minutes ago, shnflacwav said:

I did as well, in person as it should be. A couple of dominant wins across the country and a couple of surprises. I am truly shocked that the potato in PA is projected as the winner. Not really a fan of Oz, but Fettermunster! C'mon man.

...and also elected PA's piece of shit Attorney General to become the Governor. I saw an interesting graphic about PA once. It showed a candidate running for public office could win 66 of the 67 counties in the state but if the one they lost was Philadelphia County (Philadelphia) they would lose the election. I think this alone explains how a brain damaged dip shit like John Fetterman won.

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4 minutes ago, shnflacwav said:

Hopefully we won't have to hear from Beto O'Rourke or Stacy Abrams anymore, unless they get hired by the Spew to replace Whoopi the Hut or Joy when they retire.

Kari Lake is another one I am disappointed is losing.

Beta O' Dork. His sole purpose in life is to be a money-laundering scheme for DemonRat operatives. People have blown over $200M on his failed Presidential, Senate and Gubernatorial campaigns. He's the biggest jackass in American politics.   

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1 hour ago, Stryder1978 said:

Cannot believe the American sheeple want two more years of liberal destruction of our economy and country!  Well, it looks like the people of Pennsylvania truly did elect someone who represents them - a brain impaired criminal coddler.

O.K., I don't get into politics much... but was befuddled as to why the Supreme Court would overturn Roe vs. Wade, after so many decades, with church groups loosing influence more and more. Could it have been an intentional political move, to sway the majority toward voting democrat for most states - given most people generally concede to the woman's right to choose, and don't want more women needing the burden of child support. It wasn't an issue for voters before, but I  can see where Republicans could loose a significant percentage of votes over this. Just a thought.

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1 hour ago, Stryder1978 said:

Cannot believe the American sheeple want two more years of liberal destruction of our economy and country!  Well, it looks like the people of Pennsylvania truly did elect someone who represents them - a brain impaired criminal coddler.

In 2018 he said quote "I don't support fracking and I never have", A couple weeks ago he tried to say this,   "I, I, I, support ... fracking.....  I... stand.... I.. do..support fracking".  I hope when this asshat starts shutting down whats lefts of PA's. energy industry, those who voted for this asshat freeze to death while patting themselves on the back.

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10 minutes ago, jimmie ray said:

O.K., I don't get into politics much... but was befuddled as to why the Supreme Court would overturn Roe vs. Wade, after so many decades, with church groups loosing influence more and more. Could it have been an intentional political move, to sway the majority toward voting democrat for most states - given most people generally concede to the woman's right to choose, and don't want more women needing the burden of child support. It wasn't an issue for voters before, but I  can see where Republicans could loose a significant percentage of votes over this. Just a thought.

Abortion is a tricky subject but think of it like this. A pregnant woman on the way to an abortion clinic is shot and both she and the baby die, that shooter is now wanted for DOUBLE murder. A pregnant woman gives birth and then throws the baby in a dumpster, baby dies,  now she is wanted for murder but a pregnant woman who chooses to go to a doctor and has the baby torn apart with forceps is not wanted for murder nor is the doctor who killed the baby because they call it a medical procedure. I think abortion should be legal but it should never be used as simple birth control. There needs to be some restrictions because the way I see it killing your baby 4,5,6,7,8 or having a full term abortion is bullshit unless the doctors can show that the baby will be fubar or the pregnancy endangers the woman's life. Once the baby is of an age where it can be born, adoption should be the next step over a woman saying "well, even though it's the third trimester, I no longer want the baby so I think we should kill it" nurse says no no, don't say kill, say abort!

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2 hours ago, Stryder1978 said:

Cannot believe the American sheeple want two more years of liberal destruction of our economy and country!  Well, it looks like the people of Pennsylvania truly did elect someone who represents them - a brain impaired criminal coddler.

Never underestimate the stupidity of the American voter.

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1 hour ago, hummingbird69 said:

Abortion is a tricky subject but think of it like this. A pregnant woman on the way to an abortion clinic is shot and both she and the baby die, that shooter is now wanted for DOUBLE murder. A pregnant woman gives birth and then throws the baby in a dumpster, baby dies,  now she is wanted for murder but a pregnant woman who chooses to go to a doctor and has the baby torn apart with forceps is not wanted for murder nor is the doctor who killed the baby because they call it a medical procedure. I think abortion should be legal but it should never be used as simple birth control. There needs to be some restrictions because the way I see it killing your baby 4,5,6,7,8 or having a full term abortion is bullshit unless the doctors can show that the baby will be fubar or the pregnancy endangers the woman's life. Once the baby is of an age where it can be born, adoption should be the next step over a woman saying "well, even though it's the third trimester, I no longer want the baby so I think we should kill it" nurse says no no, don't say kill, say abort!

I get all of that, it is tricky and also an uncomfortable subject. Just surprised at the sudden reversal, and no consideration of the circumstances. And now all the democrat ads blatantly saying the opposing candidate will allow no considerations of circumstances. The Supreme court decision seemed like a victory of sorts for the republicans initially, but I feel many of their candidates lost votes because of it this time around.

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3 hours ago, jimmie ray said:

O.K., I don't get into politics much... but was befuddled as to why the Supreme Court would overturn Roe vs. Wade, after so many decades, with church groups loosing influence more and more. Could it have been an intentional political move, to sway the majority toward voting democrat for most states - given most people generally concede to the woman's right to choose, and don't want more women needing the burden of child support. It wasn't an issue for voters before, but I  can see where Republicans could loose a significant percentage of votes over this. Just a thought.

This falls under the category of "be careful what you wish for". With Roe vs. Wade, conservatives could use it as a wedge issue to stir up their base and drive them to the polls. But once it was overturned, reality hit them and they had to deal with the repercussions. Namely, that the majority of the country, including many Republicans and Independents, felt the Supreme Court decision was full of shit.

Edited by Strider
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40 minutes ago, chillumpuffer said:

When people say the 12 days if Christmas, none of these days are IN FUCKING NOVEMBER. Now fuck off with all your brain numbing advertisements. Gets right on my thruppennies.

I refuse to patronize any business that starts pushing Christmas before Halloween, let alone Thanksgiving.

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6 hours ago, Stryder1978 said:

Cannot believe the American sheeple want two more years of liberal destruction of our economy and country!  Well, it looks like the people of Pennsylvania truly did elect someone who represents them - a brain impaired criminal coddler.


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2 hours ago, Strider said:

This falls under the category of "be careful what you wish for". With Roe vs. Wade, conservatives could use it as a wedge issue to stir up their base and drive them to the polls. But once it was overturned, reality hit them and they had to deal with the repercussions. Namely, that the majority of the country, including many Republicans and Independents, felt the Supreme Court decision was full of shit.

This is exactly what I was speculating, just not sure what started the process of revisiting that ruling.

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2 hours ago, jimmie ray said:

This is exactly what I was speculating, just not sure what started the process of revisiting that ruling.

The fact is ever since roe V wade happened there has been a debate over the legality of the decision.  The scotus does not feel that the issue should be decided by scotus. They believe it's a states rights issue not a constitutional one.  Right now all states will provide an abortion if the mothers life is in danger and the left is lying about it because they want abortion on demand.


Pro-Life Laws Protect Mom and Baby: Pregnant Women’s Lives are Protected in All States

Mary E. Harned, J.D., Ingrid Skop, M.D., F.A.C.O.G.   |  July 26, 2022

This is Issue 86 in CLI’s On Point Series. To view this report as a PDF, see: Pro-Life Laws Protect Mom and Baby: Pregnant Women’s Lives are Protected in All States 


Editor’s Note (9/2022): This paper, originally published in July 2022, has been updated to include a new Indiana law.


In the 24 states with one or more strong laws to protect life that were unenforceable before the decision in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization,[i] state officials are now either enforcing those laws or are working towards beginning enforcement. Each of these states permits abortion in those rare and heartbreaking circumstances when it is necessary to save the life of a pregnant woman. Physicians can make this determination based on their “reasonable medical judgment,” a standard very common in the medical profession and used for any case involving medical malpractice litigation. Physicians are trained to use their best judgment to care for patients; however, it would be prudent for state medical boards, state medical societies, state boards of pharmacy, hospital quality committees, and hospital attorneys to provide more detailed guidance to doctors on how to reach a determination that abortion is necessary. Tragically, this type of guidance appears slow in coming. Meanwhile, abortion advocates are spreading the dangerous lie that life-saving care is not or may not be permitted in these states, leading to provider confusion and poor outcomes for women.


To assist healthcare providers and dispel the myths being spread by those more concerned with promoting abortion than women’s health, this document discusses miscarriage management, treatment for ectopic pregnancy, and medical conditions that could qualify as life-threatening, permitting abortion under pro-life laws. Specifically, we cite guidance from the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG), a prominent professional organization that has provided comprehensive guidance for management of obstetric and gynecologic conditions. Further, the exact text of the laws, definitions, and exceptions are included below to further demonstrate that the laws in question do not inhibit appropriate and standard medical care.


While some laws contain definitions and exceptions that more explicitly speak to certain situations, each law reviewed does not prevent mothers from receiving the medical care necessary. A plain reading of any of these statutes easily refutes the false and dangerous misinformation being spread by pro-abortion activists. Further, none of the laws reviewed prohibit a medical professional from acting as necessary when facing a life-threatening medical emergency; therefore, under these laws medical professionals can exercise reasonable medical judgement and as outlined by the ACOG guidance, are not required to delay necessary care and treatment to a mother.


Because the terminology can be confusing, it is important to be aware that a “spontaneous abortion” describes a “miscarriage,” a pregnancy where the fetus dies naturally.  An “induced abortion” is sometimes shortened to the layman’s term “abortion,” indicating that the pregnancy was intentionally ended in order to cause the death of the fetus.  Additionally, “termination of pregnancy” and “medically indicated separation” indicate that the mother will be separated from her fetus but does not indicate the method used.  This can be done by labor induction or c-section, potentially resulting in a live baby if he has reached an appropriate gestational age.  “Induced abortion” indicates that a dead baby will be the outcome of the intervention (such as after a dilation and evacuation “dismemberment” abortion).  While the law allows induced abortion if needed in order to protect the mother’s life, compassionate care and respect for fetal life would dictate that the fetus should be delivered intact and alive if possible.



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16 hours ago, cryingbluerain said:

Never underestimate the stupidity of the American voter.

Never underestimate my lack of empathy for the trials and tribulations that now await them. I hope the economy crashes so fucking hard the remaining Baby Boomers can't afford their own funerals, and the under-30 crowd freezes to death in their loft apartments.  

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So much crying here I'm surprised Aaron Rodgers hasn't shown up.

The Republicans chased that 'abortion car' for two generations.  They finally caught it and got their reward.  My problem with their embracing of the Christian Taliban is abortion is just the tip of their reproductive iceberg.  If they had their way, the pill, the morning after pill, condoms, and every other form of birth control would be banned.  Live like us!  Republicans never understood that there is a difference to most woman between being personally against abortion, as opposed to their right of making a choice.  There's no invisible man involved.  It's a legal question between the State and a woman, and though neither choice is perfect, the woman wins every time.  You don't legally get a tax credit until birth.  You're not legally counted on the census until birth.  If you choose to involve religion that's the choice of the individual.  It's not a group decision you get to make for others.  If you want a woman who's on the fence to vote your way, don't involve a bunch of 70 year plus white-haired dudes.

Trump is done.  Ron Desantis is now in the driver's seat of the Republican Party.  He has a good chance of remaking the party's image.  He's smart, well spoken, logical, and young.  However, he needs to drop the smug act for the sake of national appeal.  He's going to struggle on the national stage if he presents himself as, "The Young Trump'.  Be your own man!

Edited by Bong-Man
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