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Bill Gates is one of the worlds biggest douchebags.

This guy says he spends a lot in offsets so his use of fossil fuels isn't part of the problem.

The whole offset argument is total BS!   His planes are still polluting no matter how much money he spends on others climate control shit.



Bill Gates claims his private jet habit ‘not part of’ climate problem

February 9, 2023 10:16am 
 Billionaire Bill Gates defended his habit of using private jets for personal travel despite being one of the world’s most vocal climate activists — testily denying that he is “part of the problem” when it comes to climate change.

The Microsoft co-founder grew visibly irritated when confronted on the topic during a lengthy interview last week with BBC journalist Amol Rajan.

“What do you say to the charge that if you are a climate change campaigner, but you also travel around the world in a private jet, you’re a hypocrite?” Rajan asked.

“By the gold standard of funding Climeworks to do direct air capture that far exceeds my family’s carbon footprint, and I spend billions of dollars on climate innovation. So, you know, should I stay at home and not come to Kenya and learn about farming and malaria?” an annoyed Gates responded.

“Anyway, I’m comfortable with the idea that not only am I not part of the problem by paying for the offsets, but also through the billions that my breakthrough energy group is spending, that I’m part of the solution,” Gates added.

Gates owns at least four private planes, according to a report from the website Private Jet Charter. He is the world’s sixth-richest individual, with an estimated fortune of $106.7 billion, according to Forbes.

Bill Gates Bill Gates argued he offsets carbon emissions despite his private jet travel. REUTERS

Climeworks is a Swiss-based company that developed “a way to capture carbon dioxide directly from the air,” according to the company’s website. Last July, Climeworks announced a 10-year agreement with Microsoft to supply the company with “technology-based carbon removal.”

Last year, Gates told Bloomberg that he paid Climeworks, which offers individual packages, to conduct “direct air capture” on his behalf.

“I bought out their capacity and I got volume discount,” Gates said. “I think that may be at $600 [per ton of carbon emissions].”

Bill Gates Bill Gates defended his private jet use, saying he “spend billions of dollars on climate innovation.” Getty Images

The billionaire founded Breakthrough Energy in 2015 as an umbrella company for his investments in sustainable energy and carbon-cutting technologies.

In December, Reuters reported that Gates has invested more than $2 billion toward climate-related technological development.

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15 minutes ago, hummingbird69 said:

Bill Gates is one of the worlds biggest douchebags.

This guy says he spends a lot in offsets so his use of fossil fuels isn't part of the problem.

The whole offset argument is total BS!   His planes are still polluting no matter how much money he spends on others climate control shit.



Bill Gates claims his private jet habit ‘not part of’ climate problem

February 9, 2023 10:16am 
 Billionaire Bill Gates defended his habit of using private jets for personal travel despite being one of the world’s most vocal climate activists — testily denying that he is “part of the problem” when it comes to climate change.

The Microsoft co-founder grew visibly irritated when confronted on the topic during a lengthy interview last week with BBC journalist Amol Rajan.

“What do you say to the charge that if you are a climate change campaigner, but you also travel around the world in a private jet, you’re a hypocrite?” Rajan asked.

“By the gold standard of funding Climeworks to do direct air capture that far exceeds my family’s carbon footprint, and I spend billions of dollars on climate innovation. So, you know, should I stay at home and not come to Kenya and learn about farming and malaria?” an annoyed Gates responded.

“Anyway, I’m comfortable with the idea that not only am I not part of the problem by paying for the offsets, but also through the billions that my breakthrough energy group is spending, that I’m part of the solution,” Gates added.

Gates owns at least four private planes, according to a report from the website Private Jet Charter. He is the world’s sixth-richest individual, with an estimated fortune of $106.7 billion, according to Forbes.

Bill Gates Bill Gates argued he offsets carbon emissions despite his private jet travel. REUTERS

Climeworks is a Swiss-based company that developed “a way to capture carbon dioxide directly from the air,” according to the company’s website. Last July, Climeworks announced a 10-year agreement with Microsoft to supply the company with “technology-based carbon removal.”

Last year, Gates told Bloomberg that he paid Climeworks, which offers individual packages, to conduct “direct air capture” on his behalf.

“I bought out their capacity and I got volume discount,” Gates said. “I think that may be at $600 [per ton of carbon emissions].”

Bill Gates Bill Gates defended his private jet use, saying he “spend billions of dollars on climate innovation.” Getty Images

The billionaire founded Breakthrough Energy in 2015 as an umbrella company for his investments in sustainable energy and carbon-cutting technologies.

In December, Reuters reported that Gates has invested more than $2 billion toward climate-related technological development.

He's an evil bastard.

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5 hours ago, paul carruthers said:

The more I browse my YouTube subs, the more I'm thinking I need a sabbatical from sports. Or at the very least go cold turkey on watching the mostly moronic shit that just seems to daily plague the ESPN network.

Maybe if I can just cut down to one hour of ATH and PTI, that would help... :wacko:


4 hours ago, Stryder1978 said:

...I cut the cord three years ago, I stopped watching ESPN (except for college football games) well before that when they started taking cues from Disney and their woke agenda.

I don't watch ESPN's news and gabbing shows, with the exception of PTI. I don't watch the shouting-panel shows on NFL Network, NBA Network, etc. I don't watch Fox, CNN, MSNBC, or any other 24-hour type channel. The world survived thousands of years without 24-hour babble channels. These channels have to justify their existence so they manufacture faux outrage and stir up shit, inventing so-called 'crises' and 'controversies' 'round-the-clock. I learned long ago that I don't need it and my quality of life improves without their garbage. And my wallet has more money.

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15 hours ago, Strider said:


I don't watch ESPN's news and gabbing shows, with the exception of PTI. I don't watch the shouting-panel shows on NFL Network, NBA Network, etc. I don't watch Fox, CNN, MSNBC, or any other 24-hour type channel. The world survived thousands of years without 24-hour babble channels. These channels have to justify their existence so they manufacture faux outrage and stir up shit, inventing so-called 'crises' and 'controversies' 'round-the-clock. I learned long ago that I don't need it and my quality of life improves without their garbage. And my wallet has more money.

any time i can avoid  my town hall or any goverment building my wallet stopes smoking and takes a breather 😁

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Just saw an article about how the average temps in Michigan rose almost 4 degrees in the last century.  This prompted a discussion with a couple friends over beers about the Winters we endured during our teens and 20's.  We used to take our cars out a mile on Lake St Clair, passing parked cars of fisherman that never made you aware you were even on the ice.  Once the cars thinned out a bit, you'd still see random vehicles a 1/2 mile out fishing from their cars with the door open.  Every household had ice picks and ramming rods for the yearly Spring ritual of getting rid of the two tracks of ice that built up through the Winter so you could drive safely down your street.  Now?  We haven't seen anything close to that in 30-40 years.  The whiskey runners who drove their model Ts across the ice from Canada to supply America booze during Prohibition would need pontoon boats now.  Call it climate change, global warning, or explain it away as some type of natural cycle, whatever makes you feel better, but it's happening.      

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Just having a good relax while listening to Presence and trying to figure out why I initially used to dislike the last track. I suppose it was that whole repeating another great track that put me off, but "Tea" definitely has its own approach that sets it apart & makes it a great jam... 🎾 

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1 hour ago, paul carruthers said:

Just having a good relax while listening to Presence and trying to figure out why I initially used to dislike the last track. I suppose it was that whole repeating another great track that put me off, but "Tea" definitely has its own approach that sets it apart & makes it a great jam... 🎾 

I never got the whole "it sounds like SIBLY" thing.  Tea For One has a much deeper vibe than it's predecessor.  Like SIBLY is day and Tea is night.

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2 hours ago, Rodrigo said:

It gets really hard when you don't have your Agenda puppets following your crap.


She is far more a part of the problem as the mouthpiece for the climate changers.  She has no real knowledge other than what she has been told to parrot so it's completely logical for her not to have any kind of answer for any real questions, whether they are from a so called journalists or that asshat who thinks he's a real journalist.

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In the "more depression" column, I see a blurb on one of the news networks that Pumpkin head is now planning to fight a subpoena, which prompted me to ask, is there anything the Teflon Donald can't do or say that won't get his ass prosecuted.

I imagine if an average Joe like myself tried pulling half the shit he has done, I would be on solitary confinement, and would be lucky to get a required meal from the guards... :(

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