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Pet Peeves


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Nothing like posting a picture of a Nazi to raise the level of discourse around here.

^^I agree about door-to-door religious salesmen. I don't get it, and I probably never will. I was raised Catholic and occasionally still practice it, but one thing I was raised to do was keep my religion to myself. In other words, don't walk up to people asking if they've found Jesus and would they like to join you in the happy march to heaven, or whatever it is these people say at your front door. We've had Mormons, Baptists, Jehovah's Witnesses.....and they can't take no for an answer.

One time these guys came by my house when I was at work and my wife said they just walked right in. Said they knocked and heard someone say come in. yeah right! She said they wouldn't leave right away and then one of them spied my little friend on the counter and said we're sorry to bother you and left immediately. :lol:

Guess heaven can wait! :lol:

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Nothing like posting a picture of a Nazi to raise the level of discourse around here.

^^I agree about door-to-door religious salesmen. I don't get it, and I probably never will. I was raised Catholic and occasionally still practice it, but one thing I was raised to do was keep my religion to myself. In other words, don't walk up to people asking if they've found Jesus and would they like to join you in the happy march to heaven, or whatever it is these people say at your front door. We've had Mormons, Baptists, Jehovah's Witnesses.....and they can't take no for an answer.

I like to tell them I'm a Druid. I think one time I said I was a practicing Satanist. Opening the door wearing nothing but a towel or robe works good too.

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This may seem silly- but I can't stand girls who have to have everything in pink- cellphones, computers, cameras, handbags, pens and pencils, pencil boxes, binders, folders ect. It seems Barbie really does have an influence on girls when they are young.

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This may seem silly- but I can't stand girls who have to have everything in pink- cellphones, computers, cameras, handbags, pens and pencils, pencil boxes, binders, folders ect. It seems Barbie really does have an influence on girls when they are young.

To expound on that, female baseball fans who buy t-shirts/jerseys/hats in the color pink. Newsflash, pink is not one of the Yankees' team colors.....nor is it the color for any team. I hate seeing the "pink hat brigade".

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^^In that case I can understand, but for the most part over here.....it's a cheap pandering marketing ploy to female fans. And that's why I hate it. It's created a whole sub-set of sports fans who know jack and shit about the actual game and how it's played. I've been to games and sat next to these people and it's like listening to someone read Lord of the Flies.

I did a paper in my Advertising class about this subject.

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I hate bad manners. Like when people chew loudly or eat weird.

I just, see people who obviously have no idea of the right way to do shit or the right way to conduct themselves, and I understand that it is because no one showed them the right way, but damn........isn't there a point where this shit should get figured out on their own?

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No. I work retail, which in and of itself is draining, but when you have to clean out fitting rooms that little kids have defecated in, and the parents act completely oblivious to the fact their kid dropped trou and shit in the corner.....you stop asking yourself those questions. And I'm not talking about a 2 year old who had an accident. I mean a 7 year old, who should be potty-trained and educated on the proper place in which to do those things.

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:huh: Wow. That's fucked up.

I have never heard of something like that. You must be working in a really trashy, low class area. And I don't mean to insult you, and I am not saying you come from this area.

if I walked into a store that smelled like it had been freshly defecated in, I'd likely turn around, walk out the door, and never return...........

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No, I don't live in a "trashy, low-class area" nor do I work in one. Alpharetta is one of the richest cities in Georgia; I'm 20 minutes from Country Club of the South which is where pretty much every athlete and celebrity from the state live. Trust me when I say, "low class" does not describe this area. It's full of wealthy transplanted Northerners whose companies moved South to take advantage of the market. The median income for families here is over 6 figures.

These are the really rich, the people who don't give a shit (pardon the pun) how they or their children behave in public because they're beholden to no one. I mean women who walk in wearing Louboutin stilettos and Bulgari diamonds.

There are people here who act trashy and low-class, but that's because of money....not the area they live in.

Edited by Electrophile
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No. I work retail, which in and of itself is draining, but when you have to clean out fitting rooms that little kids have defecated in, and the parents act completely oblivious to the fact their kid dropped trou and shit in the corner.....you stop asking yourself those questions. And I'm not talking about a 2 year old who had an accident. I mean a 7 year old, who should be potty-trained and educated on the proper place in which to do those things.

I know what you're going through. I use to work at Toys R Us and kids would piss on the floor in the bathrooms. They would also run around and pull everything off the shelves so we would be there hours after closing cleaning things up again, just to have to do it all over again. I can't stand retail, I'm never going to work in it again!

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Well, like I said, I have never heard of anything that crazy before, so of course I would have to assume you were talking about some low class people or area.

Are you sure you're not exaggerating? Like maybe one or two kids has done this in all your time there?

Give a number of how many times you think this has happened?

Then again, I'm out of touch. I'm not around little kids or today's parents, so I really don't know what going on.

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I've only been there 5 months, and I've had to call housekeeping for assistance on this particular subject 3 times. I don't know how many times it has happened before I started working there, I never stopped to ask some of my co-workers if they remembered it happening a lot in prior years.

If it's happened 3 times already that I know of, I'm sure it's happened more than that. You have to understand the mindset of these parents. They think their shit doesn't stink and everyone should kiss their asses.....they don't give a flying fart what they or their children do....just so long as as "working class" types clean up after them. One women called me a "minimum wage slug" because she was standing in line more than she would have liked to.

Money, especially the type these people have, fucks you up.

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Reminds me of one of my favorite reality shows.

Survival of the Richest is an American reality television show with the WB Television Network that first aired on March 31, 2006, in which seven "rich kids" who had a combined networth of over $3 billion were forced to work together with 7 "poor kids" who were $150,000 in debt, through a series of challenges to win the grand prize of USD $200,000. It was hosted by Hal Sparks.


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Wal-Mart. People who refer to all soft drinks as "Coke." People who hate a band just because their mainstream. People who call anything "emo." Not having caffeine. Microsoft. Linux nerds that think Linux owns everything-meet your creator- UNIX. Linux losers who bash Microsoft and then really give no reason to do it, they just do it because its the "trendy" thing to do (Microsoft still sucks, but I hate these people that are like "WINDOWS SUCKS! WHY? CUZ... UH... YA NOT SECURE.." Wow.. that really proves a lot.

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The only people I've ever known to have Microsoft problems are over multitaskers. I've NEVER had a problem with micosoft or IE either.

If you ask me what kind of coke I want, I'll tell you a Dr. Pepper. :D

Everyone here loves Led Zeppelin and they were mainstream in the 1970's.

My pet peeve is with people who have cell phones so they can be easily contacted 24/7 and then don't answer because they don't recognize the number. :blink:

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If you ask me what kind of coke I want, I'll tell you a Dr. Pepper. :D

Lol, that blew my mind the first time I heard that. I was at my cousins' house in Nebraska. I think when they asked me what kind of Coke I wanted, I answered "regular" (thinking it was a choice between that and diet) and then they were like, "No, no, we've got Sprite, Coke, Dr. Pepper...you know, what KIND of Coke!" I must have had the most hilarious :blink: look on my face, hehe.

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I have a better one than that--- Clean Access--MY school's verification system. It didn't recognize my antivirus software, so after I paid for it, I had to downloads AVG free to get online at school.

Did I mention that it takes like five minutes after you receive wireless signal to actually log in?

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