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Pet Peeves


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^not on me!

He's not rubbing anything but himself! ROFL

sorry...totally tasteless, but it sure was fun typing!

It was all part of his evil plan......lull people into a catatonic state, and commence to mastur....err...make chowder. B)

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Any guy that spoils his girlfriend is just asking to be spoiled in return.

That's the way it should be in a relationship, I scratch your back and you scratch mine. But it is usually one person has the upper hand and it sucks for that person, when the tide turns.

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Another pet peeve is the women coming up or down the stairs directly in my path who expect me to move aside for them. Get over yourself. You are not better than me.

I know what you mean.

Or how about when you are going about your daily routine and a woman brushes past you and her boobs make contact with your arm or your even your head when you sitting down. That happens to me at least once a week, and especially by waitresses in resturants.

As if we don't all know that they did that intentionally. I mean, how can a woman not know that her tits are banging into things? I don't walk around bumping into women with my crotch. And even if I did, I would at least acknowledge the fact... "Oh, please excuse me madame for bumping into your face with my balls."


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So what? :huh: I know many people who are twice as old as me who don't deserve any respect.

The opposite is also true. She's was young and attractive, why do I need to let her go first? I sensed she was surprised I didn't yield to her, because I'm sure every manweenie has been programmed to give in to her good looks and youth.

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I know what you mean.

Or how about when you are going about your daily routine and a woman brushes past you and her boobs make contact with your arm or your even your head when you sitting down. That happens to me at least once a week, and especially by waitresses in resturants.

As if we don't all know that they did that intentionally. I mean, how can a woman not know that her tits are banging into things? I don't walk around bumping into women with my crotch. And even if I did, I would at least acknowledge the fact... "Oh, please excuse me madame for bumping into your face with my balls."



Post of the day!

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She's was young and attractive, why do I need to let her go first? I sensed she was surprised I didn't yield to her, because I'm sure every manweenie has been programmed to give in to her good looks and youth.

Quick! Tell us what she had for breakfast that day and what her mother's middle name is.

You know, since you're so good at knowing what other people are thinking since you don't even know them. You don't know squat about that woman, dude.

I must say, I don't like it when someone on a forum doesn't have the guts to give their gender or their age. What are you trying to hide? Aren't you sure what gender you are? :unsure:

Who says they're trying to hide anything? Maybe they don't feel like filling that info in. They're not required to. There's a former member here who had inappropriate conversations/relationships with underage girls, so perhaps there's a reason why some people haven't filled their age or gender in. Maybe they don't want to be that turd's next victim.

Edited by Electrophile
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The opposite is also true. She's was young and attractive, why do I need to let her go first? I sensed she was surprised I didn't yield to her, because I'm sure every manweenie has been programmed to give in to her good looks and youth.

I agree with that.

However, what made you think that she was unworthy of respect just because she way young and attractive? :huh:

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I know what you mean.

Or how about when you are going about your daily routine and a woman brushes past you and her boobs make contact with your arm or your even your head when you sitting down. That happens to me at least once a week, and especially by waitresses in resturants.

As if we don't all know that they did that intentionally. I mean, how can a woman not know that her tits are banging into things? I don't walk around bumping into women with my crotch. And even if I did, I would at least acknowledge the fact... "Oh, please excuse me madame for bumping into your face with my balls."


Are you THAT tall? :huh:

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That's the way it should be in a relationship, I scratch your back and you scratch mine. But it is usually one person has the upper hand and it sucks for that person, when the tide turns.

"Usually"? I guess you just meet the wrong people.

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That's the way it should be in a relationship, I scratch your back and you scratch mine. But it is usually one person has the upper hand and it sucks for that person, when the tide turns.

I think its hugely an issue of compatibility. There are people who are givers and takers and in between. The ideal relationship is a fair give and take situation with mutual respect/love/feelings. Some people will insist on this if they are to stay, many others don't. I have been in all of these types of relationships and have concluded that equal giving and taking is the happiest situation (go figure)...lol.

If you are involved with someone who doesn't fulfill your "needs" you have to make a choice. It's really that simple. Many people don't mind being on the other end of what may seem like unfairness, and others do and will walk away. I personally will tolerate quite a bit of "emotional bullshit" if i feel deeply towards someone, but i have my limit. If that is exceeded, things go down the tubes.

As for back scratching, i prefer a foot massage...and i enjoy giving them, too. :)

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Quick! Tell us what she had for breakfast that day and what her mother's middle name is.

You know, since you're so good at knowing what other people are thinking since you don't even know them. You don't know squat about that woman, dude.

Who says they're trying to hide anything? Maybe they don't feel like filling that info in. They're not required to. There's a former member here who had inappropriate conversations/relationships with underage girls, so perhaps there's a reason why some people haven't filled their age or gender in. Maybe they don't want to be that turd's next victim.

It doesn't take long for a turd to start smelling like shit! So, Like someone said, one bad apple don't spoil the bunch!

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