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Pet Peeves


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I bet you thought that was clever. Off to the Island of Misfit Toys for you.

Edit: Now that I've taken care of that nonsense, my pet peeve: Rain. The fireworks are supposed to go off at 9pm, and it's pouring right now.

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I bet you thought that was clever. Off to the Island of Misfit Toys for you.

Edit: Now that I've taken care of that nonsense, my pet peeve: Rain. The fireworks are supposed to go off at 9pm, and it's pouring right now.

Good one E! I bet you and your "girlfriend" have a drawer full of misfit toys!

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Fortunately we were able to get the fireworks off tonight and they were really nice. We could stand at the end of our driveway and see them very well, although next year we're going to the middle school to see them close-up. We could see Winston-Salem's fireworks fairly well too, although they barely topped the tree line by our house.

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Fireworks are illegal where I"m at but you wouldn't believe how many people have set off their own fireworks. the cops aren't going to do anything either, probably because they are busy lighting off their own fireworks.

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Fireworks are illegal where I"m at but you wouldn't believe how many people have set off their own fireworks. the cops aren't going to do anything either, probably because they are busy lighting off their own fireworks.

They're illegal here too unless you have a permit. Sparklers and the cap fireworks are fine, but any huge ones are no-go.

It's funny both Georgia and North Carolina don't allow fireworks, but the surrounding states do. So when you drive through Tennessee and South Carolina, especially close to the border, that's all you see; advertisements to buy fireworks.

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An hour ago I had to yell at a guy for setting off fireworks around the corner (Fireworks are strictly forbidden in the dry foothills here in SoCal). But the guy had the balls to argue with me about it, so I just took out my cell phone and started calling the Police... all the while reminding him that the first offense fine is $1000.

He basically packed up all the stuff and left. Turns out the asshole doesn't even live in the neigbohood. Just some drunken party-goer from who knows where.

Pet peeve= dumbasses putting my property in danger.

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An hour ago I had to yell at a guy for setting off fireworks around the corner (Fireworks are strictly forbidden in the dry foothills here in SoCal). But the guy had the balls to argue with me about it, so I just took out my cell phone and started calling the Police... all the while reminding him that the first offense fine is $1000.

He basically packed up all the stuff and left. Turns out the asshole doesn't even live in the neigbohood. Just some drunken party-goer from who knows where.

Pet peeve= dumbasses putting my property in danger.

He doesn't even live near you? What the hell? People...I swear. And it's one thing if they burn their own face off with the stupid things - that's Darwin in action, if you ask me - but it's another to put everybody in the damn neighborhood in danger by starting a fire. Argh! I hope you chewed him out good.

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Last year, the idiot across the street from us was setting off sparklers in the road and the hot embers landed on my sister's car and damaged the paint on the roof. So my dad marched over there with the bill to have it repaired and told the kid's dad that he's paying for it.

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My latest pet peeve is this..

Here in Toronto there is a group called the Jonas Brothers performing. Down at their hotel there are hundreds of girls camped out ...singing, crying, shouting ,etc, all day and all night for the latest lame boy band to make it big. What is it with people that worship other people to this extent? It is beyond lame. And it seems to be a female thing. Especially with these no talent boy bands. You rarely see teenage boys doing this stuff. What causes this?

Um... Led Zeppelin, anyone?

Today's pet peeve:

The Westboro Baptist Church

I still can't believe these people are for real... :blink:

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My latest pet peeve is this..

Here in Toronto there is a group called the Jonas Brothers performing. Down at their hotel there are hundreds of girls camped out ...singing, crying, shouting ,etc, all day and all night for the latest lame boy band to make it big. What is it with people that worship other people to this extent? It is beyond lame. And it seems to be a female thing. Especially with these no talent boy bands. You rarely see teenage boys doing this stuff. What causes this?

Girls did that for Zep, the Beatles, etc. No difference. Except for you are right that the Jonas Brothers are lame.

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