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Tommy's Pet Peeve # 455

People who plagarize my cool shit.

I'm a one-off kind of a guy. You guys be Ted while I be frank - I come up with some cool shit to say, and I make a habit to not wear out or over-use said cool shit, you know, keep it top-shelf fresh. The problem is, I've been noticing that some of my less witty friends will take things that I say and use them later down the road at parties and such to entertain or get a rise out of people, all while I'm standing right there. There is no way some of these lame-o's would ever come up with things this funny and they steal all the glory by acting like they were awesome enough to think some of these things up. It just irks me to get no credit, and that people are getting party-cred off my wordplays. Most of the time I one-up them, but its just a bummer.

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This sounds like it could be a dangerous situation, I would advise your friend to change her ph number and cut off all communication with this nut job!

and what marolyn said get a restraining order if necessary

The scary part is that restraining orders work for normal people. People who are unstable and are emotionally invested onyl see restraining orders as further incitement and RS's are often the very thing that brings them over the edge into violence. Statistically people are at most danger just after getting one, because after the person's been served with one, there's the huge double dose of humiliation and rejection to deal with, two things that stalkers like Spalove's friend are trying to avoid at all costs, so much so in some cases that it is a threat to their sense of identity, so when they harm others, they're protecting themselves.

Got this info from a great book by Gavin De Becker, The Gift of Fear, and in it there's even a chapter about dates who turn into stalkers, "I Was Trying to Let Him Down Easy". Who hasn't at some point, right? But this chapter deals with those who refuse to hear and just won't go away.

Listen to Dzldoc about the cutting off all ties and changing the phone number, Spalove, but your friend may want to look into having this guy assessed so she gets a better idea as to what kind of personality she's dealing with. He may be someone who can handle a restraining order, but if he isn't, it's best for her to know what her other options are. Hope things work out for the best for her.

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afn commercials...

i know i've posted this one before, but i'm convinced they're trying to drive me insane... :rant:

i've decided i'm going to call my military chaplin every time an afn commercial tells me to...

Why whatever is "afn" and what exactly is a military chaplin?

I would be really suprised to hear you're from the U.S., because thats where I'm at and what you wrote looks like Japanese to me.

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Its not just the Palestinians who have done this.



KAMIKAZE !!!!!!!!!!!!

So you are claiming that the Japanese strapped bombs to their women and children and sent them off to blow up the women and children of their enemies?


I'm obviously not a fan of the legacy of Imperial Japan, but come on and give me a break! The Japanese had way more honor than those terrorist dogs who kill their own children.

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Why whatever is "afn" and what exactly is a military chaplin?

I would be really suprised to hear you're from the U.S., because thats where I'm at and what you wrote looks like Japanese to me.

sorry for the acronyms and typo...been immersed in the military life way too long...see what i'm saying???? they are infiltrating my brain......ahhhhhhhhhhhh!!! :rant: ... :'(

My irony meter is exploding.


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sorry for the acronyms and typo...been immersed in the military life way too long...see what i'm saying???? they are infiltrating my brain......ahhhhhhhhhhhh!!! :rant: ... :'(


Well you still didn't answer my question.., I really don't know who/what/where either of those persons/things/places are/is...

I guess, since I'm so poorly eduacted, its probably better this way. :(

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Oh my, you've proofread my post.

Thoughtful, though if I were you I would have found a better way to maintain some form of tact.

After reading some of the posts you've made in the Pet Peeves thread, you're not one to tell me anything about maintaining tact. Lest my newly rebuilt Irony Meter explode again.

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went to work yesterday and first thing in the morning, in front of customers house, someone backed into the front of my car. ofcourse i just had a new radiator and front end control arms and alignment done. things seem to be ok, just a crushed license plate.

the medias overuse of the term -rockstar, especially for politicians. jeez, i feel sorry for rockstars.

watching the euro news and hearing the european pronunciation of the word -schedule. it always throws me, sshedule just doesnt sound like the organized meaning of the word, when youve always heard it the american way.

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Spending a lot of money and going through alot of hassle for tickets to a party for the Film Festival where celebrities are going to be at, and then getting there and seeing hundreds of people trying to get in. Then it starts to rain and you have no shelter or umbrella. So you're only choice is to leave because the line up of about 200 people isn't moving.

At least the money went to charity.

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So you are claiming that the Japanese strapped bombs to their women and children and sent them off to blow up the women and children of their enemies?


Im obviously not a fan of the legacy of Imperial Japan, but come on and give me a break! The Japanese had way more honor than those terrorist dogs who kill their own children.

Sacrificing lives for a cause, whether sending 20 y.o. men to terrorize a ship full of sailors or sending women and children to wipe out a group of people in a given area is all crazy to me.

I see NO honor in any of it. Official war or not, licensed killers (soldiers) or not.

That young man is loved by their family just as the women and children are by their own.

Maybe it would have been better if my response had been to a theoretical post whereby you depicted the twin tower terrorists plowing into the World Trade Center. Suicides for their cause.

Dying is dying, killing is killing, young or old. Family or not. I bet they all love violent video games though. <_<

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the medias overuse of the term -rockstar, especially for politicians. jeez, i feel sorry for rockstars.

:lol: :lol:

Okay, this is an honest-to-god pet peeve: who are the little shits who just plop the ketchup/mustard/Tabasco lid on top of the bottle when they're done with it and don't screw it back on? Are they trying to play a practical joke on the next person who sits at the table and shakes the bottle without checking it, or are they just inconsiderate, lazy jackasses? Either way, STOP DOING THAT.

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