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Pet Peeves


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My pet peeve of the day... people who write 'of' instead of 'have'. For example, instead of writing 'he could've' or 'he could have' blah blah blah, the person writes 'he could of' blah blah blah. I know that 'of' is how a lot of folks pronounce the word 'have' but sheesh.

My other pet peeve... people who drive under the speed limit when in the left 'fast' lane and some twit decides that the guy should move over (agreed) so the twit tailgates the slowboat while everybody else is swerving around them like they're stopped or have cooties. (Yes, I just got home from my weekly to bi-weekly trip beyond Bham).

Edited by Lake of Shadows
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*sorry for the following rant*

I hate people who watch Grey's Anatomy and don't like MerDer, and then complain about them all the effing time. Go find another show, losers. :angry:

People who watch GA for the medical cases need to go watch House or something. Seriously.

My pet peeve is that anyone watches Greg's Anatomy at all. I am amazed that show is popular.

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Couples who participate in public displays of affection especially where it isn't appropriate. Example...right in front of everyone. In lines at the movies, on excalators, in movies, in restaurants. Stop slobbering over each other and get a room. It's called having some dignity.

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Couples who participate in public displays of affection especially where it isn't appropriate. Example...right in front of everyone. In lines at the movies, on excalators, in movies, in restaurants. Stop slobbering over each other and get a room. It's called having some dignity.


I sense sexual frustration rearing it's ugly head.

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My pet peeve is that anyone watches Greg's Anatomy at all. I am amazed that show is popular.

Oh, come on, what other show has both Patrick Dempsey AND whoever that guy is that plays McSteamy (I don't even know what his character's actual name is)? I don't watch it, myself, but that sounds like a good reason to start, if you ask me. I mean, how many shows on TV are actually really good? I can count them on one hand. If it's not going to be super enlightening and/or life-changingly good, you might as well get some sort of enjoyment out of it.

Anyway, I hate bicycles. Somebody has GOT to do something about the bullshit "share the road" plan because it's NOT working. And I mean, I can see both sides of the coin here; you've either got some jackass riding his/her bike down the middle of the street just to be a fucker, or else a car comes flying up behind a bicycle, honks really loud, and leaves the poor bastard in the dust and feeling lucky to be alive. I do, however, think there are more cyclists out there who just want to be jerks and take advantage of people in cars just because they can. And now there's been this whole like wild pack of bicycle riders that's been blocking intersections and taking up the whole road on both sides of the street and backing up traffic for blocks. Some dumbass got killed trying to block cars from going through an intersection. And they're the ones that are always crying about, "Share the road! Share the road!" Yeah, that means you too, assholes. Anyway, that concept is obviously kaput, so it's time to do something that's actually going to keep people safe.

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Oh, come on, what other show has both Patrick Dempsey AND whoever that guy is that plays McSteamy (I don't even know what his character's actual name is)? I don't watch it, myself, but that sounds like a good reason to start, if you ask me. I mean, how many shows on TV are actually really good? I can count them on one hand. If it's not going to be super enlightening and/or life-changingly good, you might as well get some sort of enjoyment out of it.

Anyway, I hate bicycles. Somebody has GOT to do something about the bullshit "share the road" plan because it's NOT working. And I mean, I can see both sides of the coin here; you've either got some jackass riding his/her bike down the middle of the street just to be a fucker, or else a car comes flying up behind a bicycle, honks really loud, and leaves the poor bastard in the dust and feeling lucky to be alive. I do, however, think there are more cyclists out there who just want to be jerks and take advantage of people in cars just because they can. And now there's been this whole like wild pack of bicycle riders that's been blocking intersections and taking up the whole road on both sides of the street and backing up traffic for blocks. Some dumbass got killed trying to block cars from going through an intersection. And they're the ones that are always crying about, "Share the road! Share the road!" Yeah, that means you too, assholes. Anyway, that concept is obviously kaput, so it's time to do something that's actually going to keep people safe.

Yes but the masses should not lower their standards for tv or else the networks will keep lowering theirs. And the tv programs will get worse and worse. All there is on tv is reality shows, CSI and hospital sex dramas.

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It really annoys me that when you go into a big store the doors are on the wrong side. I mean, when you go to Wal-Mart and the enter door is on the left and the exit door is on the right. It's stupid, but that bugs the hell out of me.

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It really annoys me that when you go into a big store the doors are on the wrong side. I mean, when you go to Wal-Mart and the enter door is on the left and the exit door is on the right. It's stupid, but that bugs the hell out of me.

I just go through the first door I'm walking toward. If that's the exit, then so be it. The doors will open. :lol:

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