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Pet Peeves


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I have to agree with you on that one, ninelives.

My sister and her boyfriend don't talk on the phone--EVER. All they do is text. Seriously--they text back and forth for HOURS when they could have just called and talked for 5 minutes. :blink:

I'll go one further, Screw! the phone let's meet somewhere and talk face to face.

Only time I ever text was during the storms when calls wouldn't go thru.

I can't stand talking on the phone for very long, maybe the first time talking to a new

girlfriend or something like that. There are a couple guys I know like that and I just let my voice mail pick up if I am busy because I know I will be on the phone for a while lol. :slapface:

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Texting has come in very handy for me with two sons in college. I can send them a message and I know that they will look at it. And if they are in class or eating dinner or otherwise engaged, they can send me a short text and say they are busy and will call me later.

It was also fun to text them while they were at the Ohio State football games. I must admit to not using punctuation on my texts as I haven't figured out how to do it. :lol:

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I caught my 15 year old reaching for her phone in church (we were seated, but the service hadn't started yet) 2 weeks ago. It was the first time she had been to church in 7 years, but still. I didn't think I had to explain to an honors student that you don't text in church.....sigh....

There are a LOT of people who honestly don't think it's rude to text someone while you're over at their house visiting, you're sitting in a class, etc. We made a deal with my 15 year old sister when we go out to dinner--if you want to text during dinner, you can buy your own meal.

I think it's downright tacky and just as rude as talking on the phone with someone for a long time when you have company, (or talking in on the phone in class...)

I see people texting at the gym ON machines :slapface: I suppose they think their fingers need a workout too :lol:

I just can't stand how when people type elsewhere, they forget that punctuation, capitalization and spelling really do make reading easier :rolleyes:

Texting on gym machines?!?

I can't even read a magazine and exercise. It slows me down!

Here's a new pet peeve: I got a federal student loan bill in the mail today--saying it's due in two weeks. GUESS WHAT? I JUST graduated--like 7 days ago! They sent me something earlier in the semester, saying I had a 6 month grace-period! What happened to that? (My grades aren't even finalized yet, let alone have my diploma or my teaching license.)

I guess I have to call them on Monday...

wankers. <_<

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That's just freaking wrong. I used to work as a manager of a grocery store. We could FIRE people for HAVING their phones on them--let alone using them to text people while working.

Not that we actually did fire anyone for having them on their person--but it was just a security rule that we could fall back upon if anyone questioned why they couldn't allow their phone to ring while working or why they couldn't TEXT people while working.

If someone were to complain to me about that, I would have (at the very least) written the person up.

I would have complained to the manager. That's just tacky in a customer service job. You don't do that crap in front of ANY customer or client--EVER.

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There are a LOT of people who honestly don't think it's rude to text someone while you're over at their house visiting, you're sitting in a class, etc. We made a deal with my 15 year old sister when we go out to dinner--if you want to text during dinner, you can buy your own meal.

I think it's downright tacky and just as rude as talking on the phone with someone for a long time when you have company, (or talking in on the phone in class...)

Oh, I agree. We definitely had a talk. I don't text at all, ever; I don't even know how :( I opted for more minutes instead.

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...Dzldoc...that forum brings me TO MORE pet peeves...

People who can't use the correct form of there/their/they're.

There= Over there.

Their=Their shoes.

They're=They're going to the store!

:D You can always "Bee"s a teacha' down here LOL.

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...Dzldoc...that forum brings me TO MORE pet peeves...

People who can't use the correct form of there/their/they're.

There= Over there.

Their=Their shoes.

They're=They're going to the store!

Mandy, some of us are challanged by the basics. It happens

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...Dzldoc...that forum brings me TO MORE pet peeves...

People who can't use the correct form of there/their/they're.

There= Over there.

Their=Their shoes.

They're=They're going to the store!

You forgot:

Thar=Thar she blows!

Dare=Put it down right over dare.Also works well with:Dare shoes and Dare goin' to da store!

I swear day didn't teach ya too good over dare in Idaho... :o

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i was driving down the street today and slowed down and stopped for a very indecissive squirrel crossing the road. nobody was behind me, nobody was behind the oncoming car, but they kept going... i just cant understand that, unless they didnt see it.

I was driving on Saturday through a small town, and there was a large dog walking down the middle of the street, looking afraid, probably just escaped from his yard. Oncoming cars weren't even slowing down to avoid him. I pulled over and got out of my car to take him off the street so he wouldn't get hit, but he ran away from me. Another man also got out of his car and was able to capture the dog. My 19 year old son was with me and thought that I was going to get hit myself. I taught him to rescue animals that he sees wondering on the road because I feel that if the animal gets hit, then you are indirectly responsibe, for not getting the animal off the road. But of course, you shouldn't risk your own health and safety in doing so.

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When you've lost something and can't find it, and you've been searching around the house for days.


I lost my sunglasses--I hope someone isn't reaping the benefits of my stupidity right now--I LOVE those sunglasses--they were my birthday present to myself last year.


I also cannot find about 5 of the thank-you notes I wrote for graduation presents. I think I mailed them without addresses. I'm sure I have return addresses on them though--so I'm awaiting their re-arrival to my house.

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