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Something that drives me crazy: when you buy new jeans, and then your undergarments get dyed from them!

I've washed my jeans in vinegar and more than once, but my underwear have an indigo tint to them! Grrrr!

I hate that so much! It makes me mad. And I don't know what color of underwear doesn't get dyed. Well I suppose something like black but it seems everything else does.

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I have maroon and black that haven't been dyed. Except the maroon ones have maroon and white elastic. You can guess what color the elastic is now. Ugh.

Here's another one: I've had a ear infections that have been draining for a few days now, and now my throat is sore from coughing so much. I think my uvula is swollen too, and it feels like there's something caught back there.

Edited by manderlyh
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Peeve-when you are driving along at 55mph with nobody behind you, and somebody pulls out in front of you at the last possible second; causing you to slam on the brakes. The person then drives BELOW the speed limit. Heaven forbid they could've waited for you to pass and then pulled out and gone slow. :blink:

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Peeved that I've tried three friggen times to post a tune from youtube and it keeps saying 'wrong url' no it was the correct url....gawd that's aggravating. :angry:

Mandy: I almost dropped my jaw when I scanned your peeve....I thought for a minute you said swollen vulva :blink::unsure: . Jeans could do that.......... :slapface::slapface::P

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^Hotplant, ROFL. I promise that if my VULVA were swollen, I wouldn't share it. :lol:

That's one of those things that you JUST keep to yourself.

Virginia, the other day, we almost RAN OVER a Scion because this lady was totally oblivious to us and pulled out in front of us. We were only going 40, but she literally pulled out in less than 10 yards' distance. It was a little scary--we were in our truck, we could have mowed over her, easy.

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Selling religion door to door. Just had two zelots ring my door bell. I alway's try to be polite about refusing the literature but they took exception to me today. Started getting quite aggresive about things <_< Had to resort to telling them that I was born a Presbyterian and have been living with that burden all my life :lol:

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Virginia, the other day, we almost RAN OVER a Scion because this lady was totally oblivious to us and pulled out in front of us. We were only going 40, but she literally pulled out in less than 10 yards' distance. It was a little scary--we were in our truck, we could have mowed over her, easy.

It's crazy Mandy, it's like they are playing chicken or something!

Then today just now, approaching a blind curve on a country 2 lane highway, the SUV in front of me locks it up, bounces up and down and sideways and miraculously manages to avoid rear ending the guy in front of him, who had stopped dead in the middle of the road because a police car was coming towards us IN THE OTHER LANE with his lights on. For God's sake people...sheesh!! (My daughter is in driver's ed mode right now too so I am hyper aware of stuff these days...)

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Something that drives me crazy: when you buy new jeans, and then your undergarments get dyed from them!

I've washed my jeans in vinegar and more than once, but my underwear have an indigo tint to them! Grrrr!

You mean your panties right Manderlyh?

Say it


Edited by Babs
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my brother called me earlier today and he had to comment on a sticker across someones back window in a car....said, "the devil is a loser". ofcourse he was laughing at what he was seeing. he was at work, but he just needed someone to talk and laugh with... like can you believe it, -the devil is a loser...just hilarious and ridiculous.

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Something that drives me crazy: when you buy new jeans, and then your undergarments get dyed from them!

I've washed my jeans in vinegar and more than once, but my underwear have an indigo tint to them! Grrrr!

Mandy here's a TIP......don't wear any under garments. :D

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The one that gets me the most is when people sing along to the radio and totally butcher the song, to this day I can't enjoy an Elton John song without thinking of my roomate trying to schreech out some lyrics. It's awful.

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