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Images conjured up by Zepp songs

The Bomber

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It always amazed me that Zepp paints pictures,tells stories and even plays movies in my head when i listen to them,i get trance-like visions when i just sit in my room listening to Kashmir,Levee,Stairway,Achilles and many more.

Kashmir-Well this would take a while to describe as its clear as daylight in my head,all the images are just there as if it were programmed into my genetic make up,i never listen to Kashmir without a bottle of water handy.

Levee-This is also clear,as clear as Kashmir except the exact opposite,i'm transported to the deep south of America,except the weather is still Irish,it's a massive flood and i'm just out there in the cold rain on a mountain,frantically going at this pump,as soon as i hear this i run to the bathroom when its over.

SIBLY-I'm in a tiny cubicle on a computer,putting numbers in from 7 to 11 with some kind of evil boss,i come home (To a house or apartment not much bigger than the cubicle) and i find my wife,in bed,asleep,i go in and get on with life depressed,in some versions of this fantasy i have a child,but not all the time,on rare occasions i have a dog.This day is repeated and i get more upset each day,my friends are rallying around me and hate my wife,i push them away and keep on with this monotonous life,around the solo section i'm fighting with my wife,we're yelling at each other about money,she starts to cry,i follow.One day i find myself coming back to my house and she's cheating on me,the damn bitch is cheating on me!She kicks me out of my own house and makes me a hobo!I keep on going,heartbroken,damn bitch!

No Quarter-I'm in a house,it's snowing heavily outside,there's a girl waiting for someone to come in,i whisper the first lines to her,"Close the door,turn off the lights,no they won't be home tonight",then the scene changes,i'm outside,going over a mountain in the snow to battle and i think,certain death,i'm bringing the object from the cover of Presence over the mountain with Jimmy,Robert,JPJ,Bonzo,and recently,thanks to the comparison of him to Jimmy,the Quaker Oats guy,anyway,we going over the mountain and suddenly a wall of men comes up to attack us,they're just marching up during the piano and guitar solo.I'm back in the cottage,and looking out the window,wondering what's happening,back to the fight,we're fighting them in an epic battle that's cooler than the one in LOTR,Bonzo has a hammer,how appropriate!So Bonzo is killed in the battle,this makes us sad,we carry his body over the mountain and bury him,pay our last respects and continue.

I'll update it when i have more time to listen and go into a trance.

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It always amazed me that Zepp paints pictures,tells stories and even plays movies in my head when i listen to them,i get trance-like visions when i just sit in my room listening to Kashmir,Levee,Stairway,Achilles and many more.

Kashmir-Well this would take a while to describe as its clear as daylight in my head,all the images are just there as if it were programmed into my genetic make up,i never listen to Kashmir without a bottle of water handy.

Levee-This is also clear,as clear as Kashmir except the exact opposite,i'm transported to the deep south of America,except the weather is still Irish,it's a massive flood and i'm just out there in the cold rain on a mountain,frantically going at this pump,as soon as i hear this i run to the bathroom when its over.

SIBLY-I'm in a tiny cubicle on a computer,putting numbers in from 7 to 11 with some kind of evil boss,i come home (To a house or apartment not much bigger than the cubicle) and i find my wife,in bed,asleep,i go in and get on with life depressed,in some versions of this fantasy i have a child,but not all the time,on rare occasions i have a dog.This day is repeated and i get more upset each day,my friends are rallying around me and hate my wife,i push them away and keep on with this monotonous life,around the solo section i'm fighting with my wife,we're yelling at each other about money,she starts to cry,i follow.One day i find myself coming back to my house and she's cheating on me,the damn bitch is cheating on me!She kicks me out of my own house and makes me a hobo!I keep on going,heartbroken,damn bitch!

No Quarter-I'm in a house,it's snowing heavily outside,there's a girl waiting for someone to come in,i whisper the first lines to her,"Close the door,turn off the lights,no they won't be home tonight",then the scene changes,i'm outside,going over a mountain in the snow to battle and i think,certain death,i'm bringing the object from the cover of Presence over the mountain with Jimmy,Robert,JPJ,Bonzo,and recently,thanks to the comparison of him to Jimmy,the Quaker Oats guy,anyway,we going over the mountain and suddenly a wall of men comes up to attack us,they're just marching up during the piano and guitar solo.I'm back in the cottage,and looking out the window,wondering what's happening,back to the fight,we're fighting them in an epic battle that's cooler than the one in LOTR,Bonzo has a hammer,how appropriate!So Bonzo is killed in the battle,this makes us sad,we carry his body over the mountain and bury him,pay our last respects and continue.

I'll update it when i have more time to listen and go into a trance.

Wow, this is amazing. Mine aren't so detailed- mostly colors and images swirling into other images.

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My mind is blank re: the specific images. Maybe I forget them after the song, but the feeling lingers. I look forward to seeing what people have to say. :)

It's what i love about Zep! B) I've had some free-time on my hands so listening to LZ has provided me with incites into my mind,there are others,STH brings up song cool ones and so does ALS,i'll have to go into more detail about Kashmir because that's a full blown epic novel in my mind,the visions aren't as cool as the ones i get from ALS or STH,but it's easier to put into words.

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Okay, I remembered one: gold/red light and dark trees in The Battle of Evermore (thanks for reminding me).

Right now I am thinking about how grateful I am to have grown up in the woods. It was really the perfect setting to zone out and groove on music.

Just remembered more! Only this is one I imagined on purpose:Also during TBOE- I pictured a whole orchestra of guitars and mandolins, and how fukcin cool that would be to see someting like that.

Now I need to think of some of the other songs. Oh boy, you don't wanna know what was in my head during Trampled and Black Dog, and probably at least 10 of their other songs :P More later. Cool thread.

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The Immigrant Song takes me back to days of yore when The Vikings raided the North of England.

After sailing through high seas, maelstroms, confronting mythical sea creatures and finally dying with a sword in their hand, a true Vikings death, with the Long Ship blazing in the sunset on its final journey to Valhalla.

The Battle of Evermore tells the tale of The Prince of Peace (Aragorn) at Helms Deep in Rohan waiting for the Orc army to attack and finishes when Sauron's army is finally defeated at The Black gate in Mordor.

Kashmir is a vivid story about a journey into the Himalayan mountains.

Whenever I hear it I am immediately transported to a caravan on The Silk Road.

Wandering through the desert battling sandstorms, stopping at the occasional oasis then on into the mountains sharing stories with people where language is no barrier.

Surely this Shangri-La, Utopia, Nirvana or simply Heaven on Earth.

Achilles Last Stand harkens back to the time of Troy and Homer's Illiad images of 1000 Greek ships crossing the Aegean Sea, the epic clash with, and vanquishing of Hector to the Trojan Horse and the ultimate sacking of Troy.

Until the fatal arrow in his heel.

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I see almost the exact same thing!Nice sig.

Very nice sig! Except, I think the lyrics in the last bit are "With dancing eyes above the crowd" - ?

Lately when I listen to Dazed and Confused live, when they go into "San Francisco" I I can see the sun glinting off the water of the bay and the ocean, people dancing in the park in their hippie clothes, women with long golden hair with flowers in it, and then - boom: earthquake! Yikes! Zeppelin is scared half to death and Jimmy bids the City a fond farewell... it's all there, in the music. Utterly remarkable.

Or perhaps I'm smoking a little too much lately... :D

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Allow me to go into more detail about the Kashmir fantasy:

I'm in a desert,the sun beats down,it's a drought,i'm tired,and walking,i pass out,and i'm taken to a hut by these weird desert folk who revive me and sing,dance,talk and generally help me on my travels,i continue with one of them helping me along,he looks like Gandhi.

In the first break there's a huge sandstorm,i'm hiding from it and Gandhi is somehow keeping us safe from it,we travel through the sandstorm,and then the sands kick up and we're still going on with it,the sun is so hot,there's an egyptian eagle of Ra or something like that guarding us through it.We arrive at the destination,a pyramid,and search around.On the journey back home,which i on the sea i go on alone and i have nothing so i live on my wits,muggers of various varieties approach me in arabic countries.The second break is another sandstorm,i can't see anything but walk on through it,there's a man beckoning me,it's Gandhi!!

He came back to save me,so we walk through it together and the song ends there.

P.S. Gandhi is the one saying "Let me take you there",i've always liked Gandhi,best political leader ever.

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It always amazed me that Zepp paints pictures,tells stories and even plays movies in my head when i listen to them,i get trance-like visions when i just sit in my room listening to Kashmir,Levee,Stairway,Achilles and many more.

Dude, this always happened to me when I was younger, a teenager in fact just getting into Zeppelin. Every song was a fantastical trip filled with vibrant images and its own story. Over the years, my imagination has become less creative but my body can still find that rockin' groove. It'll be a sad day when I'm too old to get up and shake it.

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Dude, this always happened to me when I was younger, a teenager in fact just getting into Zeppelin. Every song was a fantastical trip filled with vibrant images and its own story. Over the years, my imagination has become less creative but my body can still find that rockin' groove. It'll be a sad day when I'm too old to get up and shake it.

Don't ever let it happen. :)

This is a great thread!

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lets see , Kashmir, i'am always climbing this huge latter to knowwhere in the clouds trying to get somewhere and i can't. Dazed and Confused, i'am a teenager in my room with head phones on stoned !!! laying down with my eyes closed see all kinds of i mages and colors mostly red, orange, yellow. STH again i'am a teenager hanging out at the pit at my school with friends and the song comes on and we blast it, everybodys in a great mood, then i think of my older brother playing the song on his guitar lovelyBattle of Evermore,, i'am in a car just cruzing, soaking in the music, looking out seeing mountains lush green trees wind blowing and thinking of jimmy page .

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When The Levee Breaks - I don't know why, but the Hermit above the mountain comes to my mind.

It's like there's a flood in the village and he's in peace up there.

yes, sorry my bad English.

Your English is as good as mine, and it's my first language. :)

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Thank you! I thought I was wrong saying 'above the mountain' and 'a flood in the village'. But I don't have a dictionary here with me to see if I'm right. :rolleyes:

If i may,'on top of the mountain' would be more better (Deliberate error) but a flood in the village is correct,above the mountain is good English,but it suggests he is floating in the air.

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I picture terrane and landscapes to alot of zeppelin songs. But from growing up around the water i relate the sound of kashmir to the water, its got the movement of rolling waves of the ocean. Or, can visualize being out on the bay on a real windy day with white caps, going head on against the wind. Ofcourse with the lyrics and the story behind the song, you can conjure up driving through an arid ragged mountainous area towards a desert.

With achilles last stand, sometimes its so high, maybe its another world.

Then with a few of the acoustic songs, it seems like fall and its reflective like fall can be.

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If i may,'on top of the mountain' would be more better (Deliberate error) but a flood in the village is correct,above the mountain is good English,but it suggests he is floating in the air.

No, in my thoughts i do NOT see the Hermit floating in the air! :hysterical:

Thank you, 'on top of the mountain' REALLY sounds better. ^_^

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when i read, the book becomes a movie in my head, i'm not reading, i'm there. at one time i would re-read the hobbit and lord of the rings over and over, all the while playing presents, over and over. the two became integrated in my head. the sound track to the movie. now when i hear any song from presents, a picture of my red leather bound book pops into my head, with those tolkien illustrations. all very middle earthy.....

Edited by boogie
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