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So youre saying your communication skills are fine? Spats, just do how you do..


No wonder you always edit your posts! haha, you sound like a real jerk with what comes out at first..and how? well I have no clue, but for sure you have to put out an equal amount of effort as your woman does or else, she'll feel like its just not worth it.

But for communication, I can't even say.

Edited by MrsRobertPlant
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So youre saying your communication skills are fine? Spats, just do how you do..


No wonder you always edit your posts! haha, you sound like a real jerk with what comes out at first..and how? well I have no clue, but for sure you have to put out an equal amount of effort as your woman does or else, she'll feel like its just not worth it.

But for communication, I can't even say.

Yes, i think my communication skills are fine. What aboutt my communications skills need work?

I do type fast sometimes so i have go back and correct spelling so that explains the editing. Do i sound like a jerk sometimes? I don't think i am. I am a nice person for the most part. But i have done stuff in the past that may be put in the jerk category. But nobody got hurt. That girl on the blind date just thought i couldn't make it.

I agree their should be equal amount of work by both. I just don't like it when the woman wants the guy to do most.

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I'd love to have a new laptop with bluetooth too, so I can hook up my printer to print wherever I am in the house!

Actually if you have a free USB port, you can attach a Bluetooth USB device. It's kinda small and cheap, at least here in Czech Rep.

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I doubt she got that upset about it. I don't think she knew it was me. And i don't think she ever knew that i backed out because i wasn't attracted to her. My friend told her i got held up and couldn't make it. She didn't know that she was rejected i don't think.

And i really believe that most girls don't know what rejection by the opposite sex is. They don't know what guys go through all of the time.

That was just my gut reaction. And you should usually go with that. I saved us money and time. I ended up going out and getting a bento box for myself instead. Otherwise my money would have been wasted on a movie and popcorn and a date going nowhere.

Blah blah blah...

Unless she is a total moron, I'm sure she figured out what happened...I mean, she sees a guy who matches the description of the guy she was supposed to meet. He says he's not the guy, and then...Presto! A little while later she gets a call from the guy's friend saying that he can't make it. Doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure it out! Women DO have brains. AND feelings. I've been set up on blind dates before with guys I didn't care for, but I at least have the decency to give it the old college try.

And if you're really that concerned about the saving money aspect, you can ALWAYS split the bill. ;) Don't look at it as wasting money on a bad date, look at it as "Hey I got to eat a decent meal, and I didn't have to sit alone like a loser"

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Yes, i think my communication skills are fine. What aboutt my communications skills need work?

I do type fast sometimes so i have go back and correct spelling so that explains the editing. Do i sound like a jerk sometimes? I don't think i am. I am a nice person for the most part. But i have done stuff in the past that may be put in the jerk category. But nobody got hurt. That girl on the blind date just thought i couldn't make it.

I agree their should be equal amount of work by both. I just don't like it when the woman wants the guy to do most.

Well I'm not talking about jerky actions in the past, its just the computer completely dehumanizes what you say, so when certain things are typed it out, your words seem kind of emotionless, you adding a few words to your post made you sound less like a jerk :P

Oh and first off if someone PMs you, you should probably return the favor :whistle: (I'm kiding!)

Just express what you're actually thinking...to an extent and engage in conversation of sorts, don't just stare at the poor pizza pizza girl, hahaha

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Blah blah blah...

Unless she is a total moron, I'm sure she figured out what happened...I mean, she sees a guy who matches the description of the guy she was supposed to meet. He says he's not the guy, and then...Presto! A little while later she gets a call from the guy's friend saying that he can't make it. Doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure it out! Women DO have brains. AND feelings. I've been set up on blind dates before with guys I didn't care for, but I at least have the decency to give it the old college try.

And if you're really that concerned about the saving money aspect, you can ALWAYS split the bill. ;) Don't look at it as wasting money on a bad date, look at it as "Hey I got to eat a decent meal, and I didn't have to sit alone like a loser"

You may be right. I don't know. I hope her feelings weren't hurt. That was not the intention. I just wanted to avoid the situation. And i was sort of pissed that my friend would set me up with a girl he most likely knew i wouldn't be physically attracted to. And if I didn't want to proceed with it after seeing that i was not physically attracted to her i should be able to bail. I should not have to sit thought an entire evening with someone i am not likely to ever see again. I didn't owe her anything.

Not the ideal situation but again i think a lot of time and money was saved. We were gonna pay for our own way anways. There is no way i was gonna pay for both of us. But still i saved myself money. Because it's still a lot of money for the movies these days even if you are just paying for yourself. Where i live it's 13 dollars for a movie and then close to 10 bucks for popcorn and a drink. So that would have been spending around 25 bucks on myself that night for a going nowhere date.

Instead i got to spend 8 bucks that night on a bento box for myself.

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Well I'm not talking about jerky actions in the past, its just the computer completely dehumanizes what you say, so when certain things are typed it out, your words seem kind of emotionless, you adding a few words to your post made you sound less like a jerk :P

Oh and first off if someone PMs you, you should probably return the favor :whistle: (I'm kiding!)

Just express what you're actually thinking...to an extent and engage in conversation of sorts, don't just stare at the poor pizza pizza girl, hahaha

That's true. That's why i put those funny faces up so it shows the intention or my feelings with things i say.

I have a bad habit of not responding right away to people's messages or phone calls or text messages. Particularly with women. What do you think that means? :blink::blink:

I find i censor what i say with women on the dating scene. Buddies have advised me not to be completely honest with my opinions and comments to them. Or else i could ruin it for myself.

I have gone to the Pizza Pizza place twice now. But the girl shows no particular interest in me or that she even remembers me from before. No sign of interest there from her. Not good.

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Sooo...just having a good time is out of the question?

I don't think we would have had a good time. Probably wouldn't have been able to agree on a movie. She would have probably would have wanted to see some sappy movie. I find it hard to find women that like the same kind of movies as me. I guess the best thing about it is that we were going to a movie so we weren't gonna have to chat that much and then i could have just said that i had too get up early and then bailed that way.

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I have to ask...what the hell is a bento box?

It's a dinner at my favorite sushi place. It has chicken teriyaki, tempura, rice, salad, tofu, soup, cucumber and salman maki and free ice cream. It's my favorite. :D

Next time i go on a date that' where i should go. Then if she is not that impressive then at least i will be loving the hell out of the food. :D

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Another interesting observation....the Spats thread is separate from the Man thread. Make what you will out of that.

I am a man. There are no "rules" to being one. I consider a man to be a guy that marches to the beat of his own drummer.

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