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How Stupid Do They Think We Are?


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This was an actual ad in a 1955 Good Housekeeping Magazine


My how times have changed. :lol:

Uh no. I would go nuts in a household like that. The things I have to say are just as important, he can take his own shoes off. I'm not a slave. And if the kids are dirty and loud I say let them be, your only a kid once.

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There's a difference between commericals that are obviously not being broadcast to be taken seriously, and those that are. Those ads that are broadcast in all seriousness are the ones that tick me off. Not so much the ads, but the stupid themes and messages.

Like those idiotic ads for those mobile phone accessory services. Who the Hell are they targeting? 10 year olds? Singing bunny ring tones, cats and dogs licking screen wallpaper, moronic love matches and the like. I seriously don't believe these nonsense things could be aimed at grown adults.

There was a watch ad that bugged the crap out of me. Some stupid slogan like, "the type of watch you wear tell others who you are". That's exactly the type of bullshit vanity I hate the most. Or buy this car, because you're a successful person if you have it, etc. More like, you're in deep debt for a decade if you buy it.

Crap like that I hate.

Ads for colognes and perfumes that claim you have some unfathomable mystique if you use it. Oh yeah, this just comes to mind. I have pay tv, and there were ads for this service. And there was this average mother on this ad, saying how she subscribes to pay tv for this amount per week. She was extolling the virtues of the cost of the service for how many channels you could get, and then she said this stupid, fucking line which burns me up as I type it:

"And with a family of 4, that is good value". Man, that ticks me off big time. She's not talking about essential "family" items like food and clothing, but fucking pay tv. Sorry about the swearing, I normally don't do it, but this really got me mad.

Yeah, stuff like this burns me up. Mass brainwashing and conditioning. Like some sort of societal shampoo. It will leave us all manageable.

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Remember the Mr. Microphone commercials? "Hey good looking, I'll be back to pick you up later!". Or how about one I saw a few years ago where you could get rich and get a rewarding hobby by buying a metal detector....................

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This was an actual ad in a 1955 Good Housekeeping Magazine


My how times have changed. :lol:

Oh man!

AMEN to the rule: "Listen to him. You may have a dozen important things to tell him, but the moment of his arrival is not the time".

Every bloody time you come home...you've been at work for 11 or 12 hours, you're exhausted, and the minute you crawl in the door ready to collapse, the woman starts up... She's been at home all day, building up this list of things to tell you, so that the very second your tired foot crosses the threashold of the sanctuary of home, she bombards you with 10,000 things straight away.

But anyway...

The Good Wife's Guide is quite interesting. It shows how relationships between husband and wife were quite structured. When husbands and wives actually had roles.

But what I'd like to know from the girls on this board is this: if the sexes are equal now, and a woman no longer makes a man his breakfast, does he still have to act in a chivalrous way towards her?

Why do men always have to send flowers to women, but women never send flowers (or something of comparable value) to men?

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Oh, there are a lot of horrible commercials. This Coors Light commercial seriously pisses me off:


Of course, it pisses me off because I'm a guy, and as a guy, when I'm married, my woman will be way more important to me then a fucking bottle of beer. Especially if she's pregnant (since I do want children).

But it also pissed of my ex and many of the girls I know. It pisses them off because they say that commercial gives women a bad name because what woman would be dumb enough to marry a guy like that?

And since when does a Beer commercial (a product that is marketed mainly to men) show MEN in a bad light? Aren't beer commercials supposed to market to men? Coors Light really failed on that one...

But there is one more commercial that actually got me so annoyed I had to turn off the TV and walk away.

Granted, Comcast's commercials just suck... but the gameshow commercial with Mr. T where the dumbest guy in teh world can't figure out what movie rhymes with "Fnack to the Future..."

Snack to the Future? Are you fucking kidding me? I know a 6-month old who could answer that one correctly. Snack to the Future?

I tell you what. If I had a gameshow, and that was your answer to the question, your reward wouldn't be loosing... it'd be getting shot in the head... this world could use one less dumb-ass in it... but then again, your brain would probably be so small you might actually survive because there'd be nothing for the bullet to hit...

I do wonder, though, if I'm the only one who actually enjoys this commercial:

Yes, yes... I know. Women call this one sexist. But then again... isn't the Coors Light commercial rather sexist, too (though against men)?

Edited by Nathan
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Why do men always have to send flowers to women, but women never send flowers (or something of comparable value) to men?

I've sent men flowers before...they don't seem to like it! :(

On the commercial note, the one that just gets me is the Veramist commercial. The possible side effects include cataracts and glaucoma, and they say it like it's no big deal. Ummmm, no thanks, I think I'll keep my nasal allergies.

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I thought I was the thread killer...

This is proof that I'm the thread killer. Granted, that thread is still going strong. Someone pulled some voodoo and brought it back to life after the crime scene was cleaned. Seargent Bob never noticed that, it seems. Or if he did, he decided not to comment. All well... at least I failed that time... but I tend to succeed...

As you can see, Seargent Bob has been chasing me for a long time... for years, in fact. I have been the established thread killer for a very long time. Copy cats make it harder for them. In which case, I thank you, but if Seargent Bob catches up with you... well... it won't be good... :D





That is the most amazing thing I've ever seen. Brilliant!

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