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Now, as for the sex spanking- it would be fine if men didn't go crazy with it. We have to be able to sit down the next day, for christ's sake.

I never did get this, sex and pain just doesn't work for me at least not intentionally.

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Post this up as someone jumped on it. I came from the old school where they were allowed to beat you. Those days are long gone. And I suppose they should be. But I think these kids get away with too much now. Read what they did to us in Catholic schools. It is real.

I read it. Holy shit, that's some sick stuff. I know people who were humiliated half to death in Catholic school, but they didn't get dangled from windows. Wow.

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Cant decide where I stand on this one, had one or two spankings as a kid. It was quite common in the north of England back in the 60's and 70's to use the belt, certainly a lot of friends seemed to get that, I never did, the threat was enough. A ex of mine once told me that her mum hit her so much that it just stopped hurting.........and she was totally dysfunctional (though not sexually.......unfortunately!).

To me there is nothing worse than a kid screaming its frill off in supermarket and the parent trying to reason with it............hmmm!

My mother was only tiny, but one look was enough, she still scares the shit out of me and she is nearly 70.

If we were really bad we were threatened with the old man, enough to deter even the most brazen teenage criminal in our house :o

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I'm surprised spanking is still allowed...what with all the sexual molestation charges that it could bring :rolleyes:

Seriously though, I've been slapped a lot, had my ears pulled, my hair pulled, etc. the list could go on forever. I have no problems at all, I'm perfectly fine. I'm not saying I was abused in any way, but as a child, I learned quickly what I couldn't do to people or in front of people, and I like to think I turned out all right.

Physical contact like the aforementioned examples are fine, hell, they're damn-near a neccessity. A kid can't grow up with simple "time-outs". That's just plain stupid. Time outs, suspensions, detentions, etc. do almost nothing to remind a kid what they can or cannot do. I remeber beiong in preschool, and I was 'sentenced' to time out for five minutes (for what, i do not remember). I just remember that I got out and did the exact same thing I did earlier just to make my teacher mad.

Simply put, we're too touchy-feely as stated before. "Spanking" or whatever, is needed

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Ah, just had to see where you were. went on your profile and see you are in the Twin cities. Never been there. Is the weather as nasty there as here in upstate NY? You are probably a vikings fan. My belief, a Bills vs Vikings Super Bowl next year!!

It's been a brutal winter, but today is beautiful! It must be 50 degrees out there, and it feels like heaven. Re sports: Sorry, I hardly pay attention. But a game between Wisconsin and Minnesota is always entertaining (cheese heads and viking horns).

Now for the topic at hand: I don't believe in spanking. It teaches physical violence. My kid spazzed out ONCE in the grocery store when she was about two, and I just took her home and finished shopping the next day. She's a pretty well behaved teenager (MUCH more than I was, I can tell ya). Maybe that's because she's so involved in school activities that she feels productive and rewarded. She is funny as hell, and very engaged in artistic stuff with other artsy fartsy kids. I can't even imagine hitting her and we've only yelled at each other once. I grew up in a house with a lot of screaming and smacking, and it didn't do a damn bit of good. I'm not trying to be uppity here (believe me, I am in no such position), just telling the reality of my experience. Touchy feely? I don't take any crap from my kid, but if I'm going to touch her, it's gonna be a hug, not a hit.

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I'm surprised spanking is still allowed...what with all the sexual molestation charges that it could bring :rolleyes:

Seriously though, I've been slapped a lot, had my ears pulled, my hair pulled, etc. the list could go on forever. I have no problems at all, I'm perfectly fine. I'm not saying I was abused in any way, but as a child, I learned quickly what I couldn't do to people or in front of people, and I like to think I turned out all right.

Physical contact like the aforementioned examples are fine, hell, they're damn-near a neccessity. A kid can't grow up with simple "time-outs". That's just plain stupid. Time outs, suspensions, detentions, etc. do almost nothing to remind a kid what they can or cannot do. I remeber beiong in preschool, and I was 'sentenced' to time out for five minutes (for what, i do not remember). I just remember that I got out and did the exact same thing I did earlier just to make my teacher mad.

Simply put, we're too touchy-feely as stated before. "Spanking" or whatever, is needed

WELL SAID. :thumbsup:

The neat thing about a free country is that we are all allowed to raise our children the way we see fit. But that "time out" thing is bullshit.

The "Time Out" method:

"Mommy, I want my dinner NOW, goddamn it!"

"Well young man, you're on time out!"

"Fuck you, bitch!!"

"Now you're on DOUBLE time out!!"

"Suck my balls, bitch!!"

"That's it! TRIPLE time out!!" And so on...and so on...

MY method:

"Dad, I wanna ride my damn bike RIGHT NOW!!"


"Sorry Dad!" The End.

Kids these days are at an all time rude. No respect for anyone but themselves. That's what your "time out" gets. Sorry, but I just calls it as I sees it.

However, those of you who have successfully raised kids that way should be congratulated. It's a rare accomplishment. I commend you, honestly. :) Every kid I've ever known raised the "time out" way has grown up to be a fucking brat.

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My kid is more respectful than I ever was, and has never been in a fight. I was screamed at and hit, and I fought constantly. You guys all must have some nasty kids in your neighborhoods, but I would rather crack up at my daughter and her friend's conversations than listen to some of the whining adults I have to deal with on a daily basis. The kids I know are great! :)

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My kid is more respectful than I ever was, and has never been in a fight. I was screamed at and hit, and I fought constantly. You guys all must have some nasty kids in your neighborhoods, but I would rather crack up at my daughter and her friend's conversations than listen to some of the whining adults I have to deal with on a daily basis. The kids I know are great! :)

You're one of the fortunate parents. Ya done good. B)

And I agree- some adults can be far worse! :lol:

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I know there's a big difference between spanking and abuse. However, a part of me can't believe a parent can ever get so mad at something their child is done, they must hit them. Whether that's spanking them or throwing them against a wall. I just don't get it. Like I said, my parents never laid a hand on us at all and we turned out great. No problems in school, no drugs/alcohol, no gangs/bad friends/unplanned pregnancies.....nothing that parents dread when their kids become teenagers and adults.

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I think what ever works for the parents is just fine. Not all kids are the same. I think I've only had to whack my son a few times before the message set in. Haven't had to go there in years. At 10 yo he's a fine young man and very talented. I think he may be the next Spielberg or King.

Now in my day "Time-out" meant the time my dad took to catch his breath while wailing on my ass. :lol:

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