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There is a big difference in beating a child and spanking a child as a parent because you do not want your child to make a dangerous mistake. If you are uncomfortable with this thread, I ask you kindly to find another one, please! No one on this thread has made any threats, as parents and people we are expressing our opinions.

Oh I think someone has made a threat. And, this thread should be closed.

Edited by Silver Rider
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Oh I think someone has made a threat. And, this thread should be closed.

Where has any threat been made, just went back again and read the thread....

I have a wonderful loving relationship with my son, and I did spank him a few times when he was very young, again only to protect him. My parents also spanked me, and my Mom was one of the most loving people I have ever known!

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Silver Rider,

I don't see where the topic itself is offensive, and I have not said anything offensive to you or anyone else. If a discussion on a topic that you find unpleasant is the issue, then please don't participate. But to others the implication of censorship may be very offensive... myself included.



Hi Brad!

I totally agree with you. I have asked very kindly the same, if this person finds this thread offensive, (even though no one that has posted has done nothing more than express our opinion), then this person should stay out of this thread IMHO. It really annoys me when someone states that a threat has been made but cannot or will not back it up tells me the character of this person. I try my best to be kind and respectful in my post and I demand the same in return.

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Maybe you should read the post again. Parents have murdered children in the course of "spanking" them.There have been times when spanking was actually murder. In other words, there was a dead body that resulted from "spanking".

I READ the post AGAIN, Its Criminal to murder anyone, whats your point?

Regards, Danny

Edited by BIGDAN
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There is a big difference in beating a child and spanking a child as a parent because you do not want your child to make a dangerous mistake. If you are uncomfortable with this thread, I ask you kindly to find another one, please! No one on this thread has made any threats, as parents and people we are expressing our opinions.

I completely agree with you Deborah.

Spanking a child, such a toddler, who puts their life in danger by running out into a street or parking lot should be spanked in order for them to stop that behavior. Spanking is a swat on the bottom that stings but does not leave a mark and hitting is putting a lot of force, leaving a mark. Spanking comes from a parent caring for their child's well being and hitting comes from anger.

It also depends on each individual child and their age. I have to approach my two boys very differently because of their personalities in regards to discipline. My 13 year responds really well to having his phone, PS3 and computer time taken away if he misbehaves. My 10 year old responds better when we send him to his room.

What I really hate are parents who yell and verbally attack their children, esp in public. And when I mean verbally attack I mean insult their character and name calling.

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I've been ignoring this thread for as long as it has been around...but now that it has been bumped up again and obviously been heating up the last few days, I'll dip my toe in, if only to defend Brad, as he was the one who bumped up the thread in the first place.

As Brad was merely pointing out a news story about a spanking gone too far, I don't see any problem with his posting it, and applaud him for actually taking the time to do a search of the topic instead of cluttering up the board with redundant threads. More people should follow his example.

Of course, when I saw this Spanking thread pop up the first time, my first assumption was that it was about sexual-spanking, and while there have been the odd posts about that, I haven't seen anything that warrants shutting the thread down.

Silver Rider, I like you and enjoy most of your posts, but on this I gotta disagree. I haven't seen any "threatening" post and whether to spank or not to spank a child is a valid subject for discussion...especially for the people that are parents here.

If the thread bothers you so much, do what Deborah suggests and ignore it...they have an "ignore user" function here, maybe there is an "ignore thread" button, too. I know it sounds like we're all ganging up on you, but you obviously have a strong personal reaction to the subject of spanking, so maybe this isn't a thread you should spend time in anymore.

But to say it should be shut down is a tad extreme, in my opinion.

As for my 2 cents...I was abused as a kid, but I think "normal" spankings are useful in some cases, and think it is well within a parent's right to discipline their child. It is up to the parent to know their children and how each responds to punishment.

As has been noted, some respond to grounding or restrictions, others need the odd spanking to get the point across.

And I am with Steve, I will not countenance any verbal abuse and hitting a child in public. That's just bullying...and I hate bullys.

Edited by Strider
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And I am with Steve, I will not countenance any verbal abuse and hitting a child in public. That's just bullying...and I hate bullys.

Hi Strider,

Its quite poinient that you agree with SAJ, the most Prolific Bully I have ever witnessed on this forum. :o

Regards, Danny

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Is spanking illegal now? I was spanked for stealing from a friend when I was quite young, but I never stole again.

I believe disciplining your child is a one of the hardest things for a parent. But as long as it is done immediately (or very soon) after the infraction and is for the child's protection or to teach the child, I see nothing wrong with it. Some children may feel punished and learn by time-outs, while others may only daydream the time away.

Incidently, here in the South circa late Sixties, our principal had a big wooden paddle that hung in plain view on his office wall. I saw that daily walking past. I recall some boys were indeed paddled. My own parents let us know to follow the rules because if we got paddled at school, then we could expect another at home!

Guess what? I followed the rules. It wasn't a very tough decision either. These days I think that corporal punishment is best left for the parents to decide to use or not. However, I do not consider what took place at my elementary school child abuse. Abuse is beating a child. There is also verbal abuse that can be as devastating as was already mentioned in the thread.

I don't much care for these hot topic threads, but everyone is entitled to their opinion.

There is no need to be disrespectful or dismissive because we can't all agree. That is my 2 cents. ........missy

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I don't want to discuss it. People who pretend to be kind and think they know about respect when they only intend to aggravate me don't impress me. So hands off.

There is a lot wrong with what you just wrote. angry.gif

I don't let such silly spats get to me but this one is just too much.

Strider never pretends to be kind because he just IS kind and respectful.

He was expressing his point of view. He wasn't arguing with anyone here or trying to aggravate, including you.

He does not need to impress you or anyone else here.

You must not have a fear of heights since you have been sitting on such a high horse today.

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Whenever I encounter those parents I slap the shit out of them. B)

SteveAJone, champion of youth, connoiseur of Asian beauties with low body fat percentage, knows a little about a band by the name of Led Zeppelin.

He's a wheel rolling on.

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