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The Political debate thread

The Bomber

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The problem is, people equate republicans with conservatism and democrats with liberalism in this country. They are different things.

You are right. Either we've let them divide us that way, or we've done it to ourselves. I know some really old fashioned tight ass democrats and some loose, libe-and-let-live republicans.

The way things have been going for the past 20 years or so, I am almost as sick of the liberals (which I am) as I am of the right wingers. I am THIS CLOSE to becoming an independent. Both sides are pissing a lot of people off with their patronizing, divisive ways.

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Why aren't you independent. I only voted for one Democrat in a major race in my life, but I am still a registered independent. I don't vote in primaries. Sometimes our town will have elections along with the primaries and I ask for a independent and don't vote in either race.

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You are right. Either we've let them divide us that way, or we've done it to ourselves. I know some really old fashioned tight ass democrats and some loose, libe-and-let-live republicans.

The way things have been going for the past 20 years or so, I am almost as sick of the liberals (which I am) as I am of the right wingers. I am THIS CLOSE to becoming an independent. Both sides are pissing a lot of people off with their patronizing, divisive ways.

The bottom line is:

You have extreme beliefs on the left, and you have extreme beliefs on the right. Both are wrong-the truth lies in the middle.

I'm independent these days. Both sides have lied to me enough.

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The bottom line is:

You have extreme beliefs on the left, and you have extreme beliefs on the right. Both are wrong-the truth lies in the middle.

I'm independent these days. Both sides have lied to me enough.

The only way to go. Makes it harder for either to use pre formatted speech's on you.

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Racism is fear.

Fear is within human nature when man does not understand.

One day I went to the Oakland art museum and when I got out of my car this little black kid goes by me on his bike and yells out 'HEY HONKY!' Well, my only comeback had to be: 'YO MAMA!'

He got a good laugh out of that.


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You are right. Either we've let them divide us that way, or we've done it to ourselves. I know some really old fashioned tight ass democrats and some loose, libe-and-let-live republicans.

The way things have been going for the past 20 years or so, I am almost as sick of the liberals (which I am) as I am of the right wingers. I am THIS CLOSE to becoming an independent. Both sides are pissing a lot of people off with their patronizing, divisive ways.

Do you know the difference between a conservitive and a liberal?

A liberal is a conservitive that's been screwed by the cops.

A conservitive is a liberal that's been mugged. :lol:

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I'm Saddam.

Saddam I am.

I do not like you,

Uncle Sam.

Would you like

to bomb Iran?

We'll sell you weapons,

despite the ban.

I would not like to bomb Iran!

Praise be to Allah, and Koran!

Those weapons are

against convention...

Nevermind Geneva,

pay no attention!

We hate Iran,

it's our contention.

We have no qualm,

no apprehension!

I'll give this task

to Ibrahim.

He'll make a plan!

He'll plot a scheme!

Business as usual

with your regime.

My inner circle

is full of turds.

Is it any surprise

that we'd gas the Kurds?

We knew you gassed them

in '88.

We weren't concerned

'til you raided Kuwait.

You caused my invasion

to be abated,

I'm now on

your list of

most hated.

Alright, you win

I'll withdraw.

I'll also kill

my son-in-law.

With so little blood

spilled on

your soil,

your plot was much

too easy to foil.

Could this war

have been for


What is this sound?

What is this treason?

Don't mind me,

I'm the voice

of reason.

Now you've started

another war,

in time for

the election of


We won this war

without a hitch!

You hippies have

no right to bitch!

But won't this war

make Bechtel rich?

Who would you

hire to repair

Iraq? Germany? Russia?

Or Jacques Chirac?

This debate is

tedious and may

go on forever.

To document it

in rhyme

is a tremendous


Perhaps it's best

to let it die.

Justification is

in the

beholder's eye.

What will

the media report

without a war?

Real news is such

a dreadful chore.

Shark attacks,

SARS, invasion

from Mars.


sports cars, and

Hollywood stars.

Until we declare

war on

North Korea,

we'll have to

settle for this



This discourse

could go on, but

what's the use?

It's just a tribute

to Dr. Seuss


Edited by Bonham
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Hey, me too!

JK, I don't know what I am anymore, but that's sounds close. What do I call myself if I'm getting sick of ALL of them?

Ah,well,allow me to explain,a while back,me and a Gibraltarian friend found out our ideologies matched each others almost exactly the same,so we decided to start a little ideology based on our beliefs,we still have no idea what to call it,but we have agreed that capitalism seems to make more money than socialism almost always and is a far more reliable for making money,however it creates unemployment,competition and slave/child labour,socialism on the other hand makes less money but keep people employed and happy enough,so we decided to just filter out the bad parts and allow a free market regulated only by basic (But strict) laws (Against stuff like slavery) but to also have some socialist government business to:

a)Provide the same service cheaper,forcing businesses to work harder creating more money for them and keeping the consumers happy (In theory)


b)To help control unemployment,give the people a job until they can get back on their feet. (In theory)

Hence socio-capitalism,and that is the economic basis of socio-capitalist liberal-libertarianism,now for the social basis.

Social interference should be as limited as possible,as long as no one is harmed then you can do what you want.Not for legalizing drugs because they are usually harvested using slave labour,legalizing them is pouncing on addiction and is wrong and we're pro-life (Except for certain cases) anti capital punishment,anti gun control (Despite a strong hate of guns,we wouldn't step on the liberty of having a death machine) pro gay marriage (Though there is a schism in the ideology on whether gays can adopt,i say yes,but it must be eased into slowly,he says no because the baby deserves a mother) pro universal healthcare and a lot more,but the bottom line is social freedom,a balance of liberalism and libertarianism.

And that's my ideology. :P

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