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What is your all time favorite Led Zeppelin song and why or what is your favorite memory pertaining to Led Zep?

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Well said. I think that Zep was often inspired by the crowds and the atmosphere they created and that's why each show LZ performed was different. Even on multiple nights, there was something unique about each show.

There was something unique about every show. They didn't just tour so to speak. I think most fans felt that the band had come to visit them and this led to a connection with the audience that I have not experienced since (save Page and Plant ). The thing about Zep that caught my attention over the years was the amount of people who attended they're concerts who weren't huge hard rock fan's. The band seemed to fill that void for some and quite frankly....nobody could have done it better

And Sunray, If you can find a way to bottle that enthusiasm..... I'd like to be the first to invest in the endeavor :)

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In my life, I have been through some bad times and negative situations and I've also endured too many toxic, negative, and damaging people. When I am in those kinds of situations I draw upon the good things in my life to ground me and give me a feeling of peace. In order, those things are thoughts of: my husband and the great times we've had together, the birth of my children and the wonderful things we've done together, travels and adventures with my husband (and later my children), and my Zep concert experiences.

MSG, you have such a lovely way of describing your experiences. It's always a joy to read your posts!

And Sunray, If you can find a way to bottle that enthusiasm..... I'd like to be the first to invest in the endeavor :)

I'll keep you posted ;) !

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my favorite song is All of My Love. My introduction to Led Zepplin was an 8 track of In Through the Out Door and I was stunned. It was 1985 and it was left over from my older brother (10 years older) I have been a fan ever since. I will always cherish those first days of discovery, but now I know I will never grow tired of some of the best rockers ever.

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Achilles Last Stand...I hugged a perfect corner at the speed of light


No Quarter...I found out "No Quarter" meant no mercy


ohh wait i got one more for the first on...While listening to Robert saying "i know the way...i know the way. blah blah....ewwi euuu", i realized that i didn't know the way. B)


ohh shit, i almost forgot...I don't need a favourite.(I just copied a Marshal Mathers type of style)

i little bit a :o and a whole lotta :D

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i think that my favourite song is Achilles last stand. My favourite memory of that is once i got the mothership album i played that song and my sister kept getting pissed off with me becuase it was os long and the song didn't make sence to her then we had a music fight where i would play Led Zep and she would play the Hoosiers. but in the end our mum took our CD players away:(

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That's beatiful, MSG... what wonderful, perfect things to remain grounded in. (Hey, can I borrow that alchemy book? ^_^ )

I never got to see Zeppelin in the 70s... in '73 I had to choose between two dates - the Grateful Dead playing at Kezar or Zeppelin playing at Kezar, and I had this misguided notion that being a Bay Area resident I should finally go see the Dead. I was bored out of my mind... and of course we all know about the Kezar show from Zep the following weekend. (I had tickets in hand for the '75 show in Oakland which was most sadly cancelled.)

While I can only imagine standing in that intersection between Zeppelin and the Ocean, which just had to be the pinnacle, I can say that being part of the crowd at numerous other shows in the '70s remains among my grounding, happy experiences, too. I'm sure audiences all over were amazing; still, in SF somehow everyone felt an obligation to be enthusiastic and hip, literally going back to and including the beatniks and hippies. We had a history to live up to, and pity the poor band that didn't "bring it." The ones that did were just awash in the ritual of band urged on by the audience and vice-versa, that remarkable exchange of energy.

It's still amazing to me to think about so many people, strangers, coming together, not particularly sober, knowing we would get all that energy flowing, peaceful most of the time (with very few exceptions). Corny as it sounds, there were some definite love ins going on, and it did elevate the music we witnessed. What a fantastic way to sublimate oneself in something larger, which personally I needed to do pretty badly at the time.

As you say, a true introduction to alchemy.

On topic... Favorite Zep songs... Stairway, Rain Song, No Quarter and D & C, all preferably live. The sheer musicality and spirituality involved in those are among my touchstones, too.

Favorite Zep related memories... coming to know some of the fantastic people on this board. :)

Thank you, SunChild. I like the way you describe that place as "the intersection between Led Zeppelin and The Ocean." For the past year or so, when I’ve taken a trip down memory lane, I am often surprised to find myself back in one of the “Houses of the Holy”, standing once again at that intersection between Led Zeppelin and “The Ocean”. Even more surprising is that, all these years later, I find that there is something oddly comforting about it. It’s a very sweet place to be. :D

There was something unique about every show. They didn't just tour so to speak. I think most fans felt that the band had come to visit them and this led to a connection with the audience that I have not experienced since (save Page and Plant ). The thing about Zep that caught my attention over the years was the amount of people who attended they're concerts who weren't huge hard rock fan's. The band seemed to fill that void for some and quite frankly....nobody could have done it better

And Sunray, If you can find a way to bottle that enthusiasm..... I'd like to be the first to invest in the endeavor :)

I love that way that you describe that, Ally. You are so right about the feeling that, at every venue, there was a sense that Led Zeppelin was coming to visit their fans. There was indeed a connection between the audience and Zep that many of us didn't feel with other bands. As for Zep filling a void for some and nobody doing it better: Amen, to that. :)

MSG, you have such a lovely way of describing your experiences. It's always a joy to read your posts!

I'll keep you posted ;) !

Many thanks, Sunray. :blush:

As Ally wrote, when you find a way to bottle that enthusiasm, count me in too. :D

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i think that my favourite song is Achilles last stand. My favourite memory of that is once i got the mothership album i played that song and my sister kept getting pissed off with me becuase it was os long and the song didn't make sence to her then we had a music fight where i would play Led Zep and she would play the Hoosiers. but in the end our mum took our CD players away:(

Let's hope your sister will catch on, on one of these april mornings.

As of now..."Achilles Last Stand" stands in front of me.

...I remember watching Robert Plant in a interview, claiming that they created the "beast"


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favorite Zep memory:

I'm 17 years old and the moment I've been waiting for has finally arrived: I'm in the Forum (March 24th, 1975). No opening act. There's Jimmy's Zoso amp. There's Bonzo's Vistalite kit. Oh man. Can't wait. The lights go down! Bedlam! Bonzo starts Rock & Roll. I have never been so excited in my entire life as I was at that moment.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

my fav has to be Rock and roll.It was the first zep song i ever heard at age 11,and i loved it from the start.It also has great memories because it was the song they opened with both times isaw them,in 72 in manchester and 75 at earls court.I love the songs with the big guitar riffs mainly,the ocean black dog heartbreaker to name but a few.

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It's really difficult to choose because I love so many of their songs. A couple of my most favorite are Since I've Been Loving You, Ten Years Gone and That's The Way.

I have two favorite memories - the first being at the premiere of The Song Remains the Same in NYC October 1976 and getting Pagey's autograph. The second is going to see them in June 1977 at Madison Square Garden. These are two of the best experiences of my life that I will never forget!

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I envy that feeling you both have. If only they could bottle up that feeling for those of us who weren't lucky enough to have experienced it first hand!

Stairway to heaven. This was the first time my boyfriend introduced me to his then girlfriend and the three of us had a hell of a time. She was a Black Dog too. LOL!! :rolleyes:

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five years ago, when i was 8 years old and i went to the rock and roll hall of fame (the day i first heard zeppelin) i saw a drum set and asked my dad whose it was and he said john bonham from led zeppelin and all i remember is looking up and almost touching bonzo's gong when my dad told me that theyre was security and that its not a good idea.

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Hard to say what my favorite LZ song is. So many too chose from.

If attached to my fav memory concerning LZ, I would have to say getting hammered with my friends from school and listening to Heartbreaker with the stereo turned up full blast.

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Of course choosing one favorite Zep song is very difficult--so I will name a few

My favorite Zeppelin song is "How Many More Times."

My reasons for this song are, first of all it is on there 1st ever album. Led Zeppelin I is so ridiculously good for a band to bust on to the scene. The entire first album is fan tas tic. They had already hit light and dark and up and down just on this FIRST ALBUM, damn.

back to "How Many More Times.."

I LOVE how this song starts off--



the lyrics, are beautiful. :)

Other TOP favorites:

*"Your Time is Gonna Come" (again Led Zeppelin I)

this is a GREAT crusin song.

* The Lemon Song

*Out on the Tiles

*In the Evening

*Living Loving Maid (She's Just a Woman)

*Thats the Way

*No Quarter

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