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It's "sorely" needed. One gets a taste of Page when listening to the non Zep stuff, that is essential for true appreciation. I"d like to hear some of the Lucifer Rising material myself.

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Would LOVE to see a "Jimmy" Thing but let's face it - Jimmy's output since 1980 hasn't been very fruitful and/or as interesting unfortunately as Roberts' has.

Over the years I would always hope for that magical and powerful Jimmy solo disc - but it never happened. Not that he couldn't do it, he just hasn't released anything to jump around for.


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I would really love to see Jimmy do something like Clapton has done this year with autobiography and the career-spanning C.D set. That would be really nice!!!

I bet Jimmy would mention Clapton far more than Clapton mentioned Jimmy.

Mind you Jimmy wouldnt have to release another Robert Johnson album like EC has been doing all these years.

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'Outrider' is one of the worst albums ever made IMO..

Can't judge 'the firm', coverdale-page' or Page with the 'the black crows' though, never heard that stuff.

Uh ok... Interesting how you never heard that "stuff". :blink:

Anyway, Outrider was Jimmy standing alone. His band mates were really not worthy of his capabilities. That being said, it was a fantastic album from his playing standpoint, and seeing him on tour during this time was brilliant.

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Uh ok... Interesting how you never heard that "stuff". :blink:

Anyway, Outrider was Jimmy standing alone. His band mates were really not worthy of his capabilities. That being said, it was a fantastic album from his playing standpoint, and seeing him on tour during this time was brilliant.

I saw Page during the Outrider tour and he unleashed one hell of a performance. I think it's an album which kinda grows on ya.


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Would LOVE to see a "Jimmy" Thing but let's face it - Jimmy's output since 1980 hasn't been very fruitful and/or as interesting unfortunately as Roberts' has.

Over the years I would always hope for that magical and powerful Jimmy solo disc - but it never happened. Not that he couldn't do it, he just hasn't released anything to jump around for.


I hope his new release will be up to snuff. But then it is hard to improve on such a demanding past. Oh well, let's pray the music keeps coming. That will keep me happy.


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Uh ok... Interesting how you never heard that "stuff". :blink:

Anyway, Outrider was Jimmy standing alone. His band mates were really not worthy of his capabilities. That being said, it was a fantastic album from his playing standpoint, and seeing him on tour during this time was brilliant.

Definetely the Outrider tour boasted some of his most radiant performances after Zeppelin. Very special unforgetable solo performances. What a treat that album and tour was.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Uh ok... Interesting how you never heard that "stuff". :blink:

Anyway, Outrider was Jimmy standing alone. His band mates were really not worthy of his capabilities. That being said, it was a fantastic album from his playing standpoint, and seeing him on tour during this time was brilliant.

I'm in semi-agreement with you, especialy on the Outrider Album but also with coverdale too. The post zep music JP did was stand alone stuff-completley different than the zep material. I've stated in past posts that if one learns 6 zep tunes note for note they could pretty much play it all...that of course is an understatement and much easier said than done. It sounds simple but is very complex for simplistic music---especially when tunes have more than one guitar on them. His later works are even more tricky to play...

The thing about it is. There are tunes, that with enough time and practice you too can learn how to play them...and then theres the super human tunes that is simply amazing.

One really can't judge a tune by listening. Try and duplicate it, or even come close. That's when you realize the genious...we are just trying to learn a tune already composed. The genious is his creativity in composing the songs to begin with.

And to be fair. I think his band mates are and were worthy to play with him. Do you think he would have invited anyone that wasnt worthy. And would the music have been so good if they really werent.

To get an idea of what it sounds like to jam with people that arent worthy-seek out the bootleg video of Robert Plant singing rock and roll with no-names in a shopping mall.

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Nothing wrong with OUTRIDER, some great tunes on that album.

Lucifer Rising is just flat out bizarre. I was playing it the other night and my wife looked over at me and asked what the hell I was listening to....can't understand what anyone would enjoy about it.

I really love how much harmony it radiates. It's a really soothing, yet, chilling soundtrack. How can you not appreciate that?

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I really love how much harmony it radiates. It's a really soothing, yet, chilling soundtrack. How can you not appreciate that?

So let me clarify my comment because I didn't intend to pass judgment on anyone who finds some enjoyment in the recording.

However, for me, it is not soothing nor do I find harmony in it. It is chilling and somewhat macabre, and if anything, invokes anxiety as an emotional response.

For me, when I think of harmony, the compositions I appreciate the most are in the Rain Song, Swan Song/Midnight Moonlight, ten years gone, in the light...... Lucifer Rising doesn't do it for me.

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