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The Next President of the USA will be?


Who will win the Presidency in 2008?  

282 members have voted

  1. 1. Who Wins in 2008?

    • Hillary Clinton
    • Rudy Giuliani
    • John Edwards
    • Mike Huckabee
    • John McCain
    • Barack Obama
    • Ron Paul
    • Mitt Romney
    • Bill Richardson
    • Fred Thompson

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One Drop's 1-question poll:

Who do you think "newly registered voters" are more likely to support?

"Change" candidate Barack Obama or "More of the Same" candidate John McCain? :whistling:

Funny how the dems are always targeting NEW voters every 4 years.

That's because they haven't gotten much experience in the real world yet.

And those are the ones dems/libs have the best chance of snookering.

"Look at us, we're hip, cool and oh so different"

Get yer tattoos and piercings to show your individuality, just like the other 100 million people who have done the same thing.

Truth, she is a friggin "hockey" mom, ex runner-up Miss Alaska. Yeah, when i watch a beauty pagent i think to myself, gee, she would make a great VP some day, not. The rest of her credentials are lame as well. John McCain was thinking with his , lol....figures. With the country in the sad place we are, i had hoped for a more responsible choice. Just shows his character (or lack of).

The main reason i answered this post is because i find it sad that the Dems will feel the need to tippy toe around this bitch. I say speak up, and don't let the female gender be an issue. She can take it. She's a gun shooting, wolf shooting supporter, death penalty supporting (isn't that a contradiction to the pro-life stance???), big woman with the Oil men, broad. I don't see why anyone should have to watch what they say. I bet she can curse like a sailor any day, lol. I do hope that Hillary will have the guts to speak up for the rest of women who are ashamed of McCain's insinuation that we are too stupid to see his plot for what it is.


Hmmm, let's run that post through the Minority Stereotype/Slur Translator and see how it would sound if a conservative were to use this response about B.O.

Truth, he is a friggin bourgie, ex athlete. Yeah, when i watch a basketball game i think to myself, gee, he would make a great POTUS some day, not. The rest of his credentials are lame as well. John McCain was thinking with his , lol....figures. With the country in the sad place we are, i had hoped for a more responsible choice. Just shows his character (or lack of).

The main reason i answered this post is because i find it sad that the Republicans will feel the need to tippy toe around this n-word. I say speak up, and don't let the black race be an issue. He can take it. He's a A-K shooting, GQ dressing, NAACP supporting, big man with the Oil men, broad. I don't see why anyone should have to watch what they say. I bet he can curse like a gangster rapper any day, lol.

Imagine if that had been said about B.O.

THEN everyone would be up in arms, because we know how racist those conservatives are.

THEN noone would be up in arms, because we don't care how sexist those liberals are.

YOU TYPE O fabricated that paragraph entitled your Minority stereotype/slur translator. Then your above post, you make it look like that quote that you call "bannable" is from me, when it's from you. You should be ashamed to stoop so low.

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~*Electrophile*~ What a joke, you just proved that I am not on your "Ignore" list. :hysterical: Please DO put me on it this time so I will not have to listen to anymore of your "Makes me feel grown up talk" around here.

Please, do it this time. Spare me from your:







Dude, unfortunatly for Electro she'll subjected to your posts when someone (in this case me, who is NOT oh her ignore list) quotes you in a response....duh.

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Dude, unfortunatly for Electro she'll subjected to your posts when someone (in this case me, who is NOT oh her ignore list) quotes you in a response....duh.

Exactly. When people quote this douche, I still have to read it unless I put everyone on the board on my IL, which is counterproductive.

So again, keep talking out of your butt, dude.

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Old wanna be drummer, I am so happy to see that you are so concerned with personal attacks around here. Maybe you can check out the past several pages and see where I have been called: A Buffoon, Dipstick, Twatwaffle, and my favorite..................from your friend ;) One Drop ;) srJester. At least try and be consistant.

srJester was clearly tongue-in-cheek lets not exaggerate things

Also, from the looks of it, you've been starting fights and continuing them just for the sake of pissing people off. Again, please refrain from doing so. Liz has blocked you, so kindly drop the subject.

Lets move on to bigger and better things, no?

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I dont think thats what they were doing at all. They were just showcasing the military as it was a huge part of who McCain is. Thus, they need to highlight it. But they hardly made it seem like militarism = patriotism

No. I feel a large part of the Republican platform is trying to bash peoples' heads in on the idea that if you are against the war, or ANY war the US is involved in, you are not American, you are not patriotic.

I actually broke down and watched parts of this train wreck and I was completely taken aback by the almost obscene level of flag-waving going on. As though they were trying to set themselves apart as the "party of America" and Obama/Biden are Godless liberal heathens who want to turn this country into 1950s-Soviet Russia.

And don't get me started on McCain pimping his military service for votes. It's as shameful as when Kerry did it 4 years ago. I have family who served and it sickens them.

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I guess that I'm the only one here that noticed the difference between the C-Span broadcast and the CNN or MSNBC broadcast when it came to audio.

The liberal broadcasters "squelched" the audio in the pauses. It was quite obvious. If you listen back to the "highlights" on CNN you can hear them "off" the audio. It starts out loud and is unnaturally cut off. The audio feed from Bush's satellite feed was separate from the Convention audience. C-Span did not mess with the audio and it is light years different. If you look at the crowd shots and listen to the audio, you will see that I am right. Everyone is clapping and cheering, but you can't hear them. Hmmmmm ..... More dirty liberal tricks. :thumbdown:

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I guess that I'm the only one here that noticed the difference between the C-Span broadcast and the CNN or MSNBC broadcast when it came to audio.

The liberal broadcasters "squelched" the audio in the pauses. It was quite obvious. If you listen back to the "highlights" on CNN you can hear them "off" the audio. It starts out loud and is unnaturally cut off. The audio feed from Bush's satellite feed was separate from the Convention audience. C-Span did not mess with the audio and it is light years different. If you look at the crowd shots and listen to the audio, you will see that I am right. Everyone is clapping and cheering, but you can't hear them. Hmmmmm ..... More dirty liberal tricks. :thumbdown:

Liberal media my ass. MSNBC and CNN had the same shitty coverage of the DNC. Their audio was equally as bad, which is why I watched the convention online, in HD from C-SPAN's feed.

Take your tinfoil hat off and come back to reality.

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Liberal media my ass. MSNBC and CNN had the same shitty coverage of the DNC. Their audio was equally as bad, which is why I watched the convention online, in HD from C-SPAN's feed.

Take your tinfoil hat off and come back to reality.

Ummm.... why are you being so mean and nasty?

I watched both conventions and am still voting for Obama. So far.

It was NOT the same. The DNC audio was not tampered with on CNN. It was at the RNC tonight. I've got both saved on my PVR hard drive.

Try being fair, Elizabeth. You don't have to be obnoxious to get a point across. :D

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It was NOT the same. The DNC audio was not tampered with on CNN. It was at the RNC tonight. I've got both saved on my PVR hard drive.

Try being fair, Elizabeth. You don't have to be obnoxious to get a point across. :D

I am being fair. I watched the DNC on TV for a couple days and thought their audio sucked, I also hated the fact the talking heads interrupted speeches to give their pedantic opinions about what people were saying. I wasn't watching to get Chris Matthew's opinion on anything.

If you LEGITIMATELY think that these stations intentionally messed with the audio as part of some "liberal media" conspiracy........something in the milk ain't clean.

Edited by Electrophile
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I am being fair. I watched the DNC on TV for a couple days and thought their audio sucked, I also hated the fact the talking heads interrupted speeches to give their pedantic opinions about what people were saying. I wasn't watching to get Chris Matthew's opinion on anything.

If you LEGITIMATELY think that these stations intentionally messed with the audio as part of some "liberal media" conspiracy........something in the milk ain't clean.

They pumped up the audio during Obama's speech. They killed the crowd during Bush's speech. I have proof. I'm not saying it's a conspiracy. It's just like-minded zealots that work for the "news" media. (yes, it was very difficult to use the "news" word.)

Hey... Fox News is no better...OK? Just the other side. I don't trust either of them....fair enough?

BTW...I don't drink milk. Scotch only.

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He was the main one wetting his pants. The media is pulling all their tricks out to get Obama elected. I think that there is still one person in a daze at the stadium where obama spoke. Let's see who it is. Oh, it's just :notworthy: Matthews :notworthy: changing his pants.

The media will stop at nothing. They will probably photo shop Hillary's thunder thighs and legs onto Sarah when she speaks.

Fox News is the media too. And they are far from innocent when it comes to reporting without an agenda.

The whole "left wing media" complaint is republican politics at it's best. They have so many republicans convinced that their view point is never heard and is never reported acurately if it is heard. There are plenty of conservatives in the media. Starting with an entire network devoted to the Right Wing!

Edited by allthekingshorses
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No, not at all. Sarah was not picked to impress Liberals. She was picked to shore up the Conserative base of the Republican party. She has not only done this but has re' energized the party as well.

She definitely has "re'energized" the party, because they feel like maybe they have a chance now. ;) (but they don't)

And as I agree she was chosen because of her views that go with the Conservative base, she was also chosen, imo, to compete with change... by choosing a woman. And with the hopes that they can snag a few Hillary voters.

I don't think Palin was chosen by who is best qualified to be President in case of the unthinkable, she was chosen to get votes.

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She definitely has "re'energized" the party, because they feel like maybe they have a chance now. ;) (but they don't)

And as I agree she was chosen because of her views that go with the Conservative base, she was also chosen, imo, to compete with change... by choosing a woman. And with the hopes that they can snag a few Hillary voters.

I don't think Palin was chosen by who is best qualified to be President in case of the unthinkable, she was chosen to get votes.

And that about sums it up for me:

McCain = short term strategy

Obama = long term strategy

I want someone if office who has a bigger vision of the world and our place in it than McCain/Palin.

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You just can't get it through your heads. Conservatives do not care what you liberals think just like you do not care what we think.

You speak for everyone?! Now THAT is just plain scary!! The POTUS is supposed to care about what EVERYONE thinks! What a small minded comment to make.

Please don't speak for me, I care what conservatives think....I think we all have the same concerns, just different opinions on how to deal with them. And THAT is problem if one buries his head in the sand and doesn't care what anyone else thinks....VERY SCAREY!

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McCain / Palin 08...........who cares if the feminist do not like her?

actually i like her quite a bit...wouldn't mind cruising around in her seaplane with her...would be loads of fun...

now picturing her around a table discussing global issues with foreign leaders... :blink:... :hysterical:

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I actually broke down and watched parts of this train wreck and I was completely taken aback by the almost obscene level of flag-waving going on. As though they were trying to set themselves apart as the "party of America" and Obama/Biden are Godless liberal heathens who want to turn this country into 1950s-Soviet Russia.

Oh yes, definately, the Republican party loves to assume ownership of American patriotism...

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