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The Next President of the USA will be?


Who will win the Presidency in 2008?  

282 members have voted

  1. 1. Who Wins in 2008?

    • Hillary Clinton
    • Rudy Giuliani
    • John Edwards
    • Mike Huckabee
    • John McCain
    • Barack Obama
    • Ron Paul
    • Mitt Romney
    • Bill Richardson
    • Fred Thompson

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If Obama chose Clinton to be his running mate, Palin would still be playing Governor in Alaska right now. She was chosen for two reasons: She has tits, and she's farther to the right than Jerry Falwell. That's it.

Democrats were the first to put a woman on a national ticket, the first to have a woman sit as Speaker of the House, the first to have an African-American be the nominee for President, the first to elect a black man governor, the first to elect a black woman to the House of Representatives, the first to elect a black man to the House of Representatives, the first to elect a black woman to the Senate. The first woman elected to serve in the Senate? A Democrat.


But oh yes, the Republicans are the party of equality.

Yeah, we are the party that freed the slaves :whistling:

Probably why Martin Luther King was a Republican too. ;)

Putting an unqualified woman on the ticket simply because she's

a woman does not advance the cause of gender equality, Delbert.


Geraldine Ferrarro



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Obama has raised more money than John McCain

Obama has spent more money than John McCain

They claim Pres. Bush is the devil and McCain is his twin brother

They think Palin is Bush in a skirt.

This country can't help to vote democratic.

and Obama is losing!

and they trust him to run this country when they say we are in danger of losing everything.

It looks like Biden is never going to get into the white house.

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Some wabbits you inflict pain, but not death, upon.

Some you "frighten to death" (torment to death).

And others.. you bash in their little wabbit skulls.

And you do so as an act of "dispatching" them to "wabbit heaven", eh?

Are those examples of you having "a spiritual view of hunting", Delmer? :rolleyes:

I think I kinda get where you're coming from though, bud. I mean, why on earth would you want wildlife encroaching on your foothills-abutting back yard, right? It's much more exciting and satisfying staring out at a "pitch perfect back yard lawn" (oooh!.. ahhhh!) rather than watching wildlife scamper about on your property, right? You say you appreciate nature, but I guess you like your nature confined to state and national parks, and you'll have none of them pesky wildlife cwitters in your own back yard, right?!

Damn wabbits. They have no buisness being in your yard!

Or in your neighbor's yard, for that matter!

Go ahead then. Stick your.. uhh.. rifle.. in the hole in your

neighbor... 's yard, and unload on that pesky wabbit, Delmer!



Btw Delmer,.. since you claim a shot from your pellet gun isn't necessarily enough to shoot through, or kill, a rabbit.. it seems a pellet wouldnt go through or kill a human either. So then,.. would you volunteer to run about your back yard while I take pot-shots at you with your pellet gun? Now that sounds like hot-diggity-dog good-sporting fun, dont it! :thumbsup::cheer:

[i won't shoot at you from an airplane or helicopter. There's no sport in that, ya know? ;) ]


Sure,..When the last time you went hunting,ONE DROP?

Delete this shoot,wait does Obama hunt?It is after all the next POTUS thread,... :rolleyes:


Edited by zepyep
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Some wabbits you inflict pain, but not death, upon.

Some you "frighten to death" (torment to death).

And others.. you bash in their little wabbit skulls.

No actually they all pretty much die. Some from the initial shot. Some from the second shot to the head. And if all else fails a blow to the head finishes them off.

You know, sort of like hunting. :lol:

And you do so as an act of "dispatching" them to "wabbit heaven", eh?

Are those examples of you having "a spiritual view of hunting", Delmer? :rolleyes:

Yes, as I am given "dominion" over these creatures, I am making a decision on weather or not their existence in my yard and garden are in my best interests.

I think I kinda get where you're coming from though, bud. I mean, why on earth would you want wildlife encroaching on your foothills-abutting back yard, right? It's much more exciting and satisfying staring out at a "pitch perfect back yard lawn" (oooh!.. ahhhh!) rather than watching wildlife scamper about on your property, right? You say you appreciate nature, but I guess you like your nature confined to state and national parks, and you'll have none of them pesky wildlife cwitters in your own back yard, right?!

Well besides the obvious damage to my plants and vegetable garden, the droppings from rabbits, rodents and other animals can pose some serious health concerns to small children and people with compromised immunity systems, like my wife. And I can assure you that the amount of rabbit dropping in my yard at times could almost be compared to taking a 40 lb bag of dog food and sprinking it over the ground. So I really don't need that in my yard either.... even if there is a lot of nitrogen in the droppings.

Damn wabbits. They have no buisness being in your yard!

Btw Delmer,.. since you claim a shot from your pellet gun isn't necessarily enough to shoot through, or kill, a rabbit.. it seems a pellet wouldnt go through or kill a human either.

Depends on how much I pump the air rifle and they type of pellets I use. An air rifle can be very dangerous if you pump it all the way up. A pellet could easily penetrate a person's skull at close range.

So then,.. would you volunteer to run about your back yard while I take pot-shots at you with your pellet gun? Now that sounds like hot-diggity-dog good-sporting fun, dont it! :thumbsup::cheer:

[i won't shoot at you from an airplane or helicopter. There's no sport in that, ya know? ;) ]

:lol: I'll tell you what. We can go out the paintball range and exchange shots. And if after I hit you 20 times where it really hurts with a paintball, and you still want to do the pellet gun battle. Then I'm your Huckleberry!


Funny thing is just after I posted that thing yesterday, I looked out and saw a rabbit right near my patio door. When I jumped up to scare it off, the rabbit reeled around and ran straight into the brick base of my fire ring -- stunning itself and flopping all around on the ground.

I just ran over and grabbed the rabbit by the back of the neck and tossed over the wall.

A smarter animal would not likely come back after that.... we'll see. :lol:

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Putting an unqualified woman on the ticket simply because she's

a woman does not advance the cause of gender equality, Delbert.

[NeanDELthal that you are, I don't expect you to be able to understand that though. :P ]

Ummm..... Sarah Palin was the mayor of her home town and is currently the Governor Of the State Of Alaska.

How do you figure that she is not qualified?

History shows that most of the best Presidents that we have elected were Governors. Take Bill Clinton, for example.

She will not be left there alone, either. There will be a team of advisers that have expertise in different fields of government to help her. Just like any sitting or previous President has had.

It would be nice if your arguements weren't mere rhetoric that you're parroting from liberal, propagandist rags.

Side note:

Nice pics of the hiking trip. Makes me want to pack up and head for the mountains! :D

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Ummm..... Sarah Palin was the mayor of her home town and is currently the Governor Of the State Of Alaska.

How do you figure that she is not qualified?

History shows that most of the best Presidents that we have elected were Governors. Take Bill Clinton, for example.

She will not be left there alone, either. There will be a team of advisers that have expertise in different fields of government to help her. Just like any sitting or previous President has had.

It would be nice if your arguements weren't mere rhetoric that you're parroting from liberal, propagandist rags.

List of governors who became Presidents:

Thomas Jefferson, Governor of Virginia, 1779-81

James Monroe, Governor of Virginia, 1799-1802

Andrew Jackson, Governor of the Florida Territory, 1821

Martin Van Buren, Governor of New York, 1829

William Henry Harrison, Territorial Governor of Indiana, 1801-13

John Tyler, Governor of Virginia, 1825-26

James Knox Polk, Governor of Tennessee, 1839-41

Andrew Johnson, Governor of Tennessee, 1853-57, Military Governor of Tennessee, 1862-65

Rutherford Birchard Hayes, Governor of Ohio, 1868-72, Governor of Ohio, 1876-77

Grover Cleveland, Governor of New York, 1883-85

William McKinley, Governor of Ohio, 1892-96

Theodore Roosevelt, Governor of New York, 1898-1900

William Howard Taft, Governor of the Philippines, 1901-04

Woodrow Wilson, Governor of New Jersey, 1911-13

Calvin Coolidge, Governor of Massachusetts, 1919-20

Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Governor of New York, 1929-33

James Earl Carter, Jr., Governor of Georgia, 1971-75

Ronald Wilson Reagan, Governor of California, 1967-75

William Jefferson Clinton, Governor of Arkansas, 1978-80, 1982-92

George Walker Bush, Governor of Texas, 1995-2000

Just the FDR and CLINTON notables should shut up the democrats who keep making that arguement.

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Since i have no idea, how long were most of these gentlemen Govenors before they became President? I know President Clinton was Governor for 10 years, plus had a couple of years as Attorney General, and was educated in a profession more suitable to Commander in Chief than a 4 year degree in Journalism with and a job as a Sports Caster.

Despite any of that, Palins record while she has served has many flaws (Bridge to nowhere, took the money, all $5 mil, when it became unpopular, ditched the plan, kept the money, cut special needs children education, so on and so on)she is currently under investigation for abuse of power, and she has lied to the people in her speeches. As she is revealved (cause Sarah you can't hide forever like GWB used to do) her lack of knowledge is more apparent. She is not the brightest hockey mom around.

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Couple a buds went rabbit hunting last winter and they ran across this kitty kat

and they didn't even shoot :blink:


What the hell is wrong with them??? Actually, Bobcats are the most beautiful cats...i love em'. My mom used to call me Bobcat when i was young. lol, don't get any strange ideas about that one. Was a nickname for Bobbie.

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If McCain had chosen Tim Pawlenty, the Governor of Mn., would there be the same arguement against him.

Or what about Bobby Jindal from Louisiana. He was just elected governor last year.

But I don't think any of the uproar over Palin has anything at all to do with her experience. I believe that the image of a woman, this woman who is pro-life, pro-gun, pro-family and with a large family to boot. Strikes so much fear into the radical left, that they don't know how to deal with it. Because if a WOMAN of this ideology can rise to the second highest office of government WITHOUT going the way of N.O.W. and the radical pro-abortion factions in the usual Democratic Party, then Palin's existence basically causes their whole house of card to collapse.

Sarah Palin represents a fresh change in the discussion about womens equality and a woman's ability to break through that glass ceiling.

Poor Hillary tried the path that her sisterhood of the traveling pantsuits told her would be the ticket. But she got slapped down.

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Or what about Bobby Jindal from Louisiana. He was just elected governor last year.

But I don't think any of the uproar over Palin has anything at all to do with her experience. I believe that the image of a woman, this woman who is pro-life, pro-gun, pro-family and with a large family to boot. Strikes so much fear into the radical left, that they don't know how to deal with it. Because if a WOMAN of this ideology can rise to the second highest office of government WITHOUT going the way of N.O.W. and the radical pro-abortion factions in the usual Democratic Party, then Palin's existence basically causes their whole house of card to collapse.

Sarah Palin represents a fresh change in the discussion about womens equality and a woman's ability to break through that glass ceiling.

Poor Hillary tried the path that her sisterhood of the traveling pantsuits told her would be the ticket. But she got slapped down.

Actually the outrage is because she's as dumb as a fucking post and we've already had 8 years of that. Sorry to pop your bubble.

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If McCain had chosen Tim Pawlenty, the Governor of Mn., would there be the same arguement against him.

I've yet so see Obama face any hard questions. Wouldn't it be funny if he freezes up when that time comes.

You haven't been paying attention then... what hard questions has John McCain had that Barack hasn't... please I'd like to hear some of them.. and please only the ones that McCain answer has actually answered.

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I wonder if the Obama supporters are going to riot if Obama loses. They sure seen to have bigger mouths then McCains supporters. I've all ready heard a commentator talk about how the Democrats won't let McCain get anything done if he wins by deceptive means and you know they will accuse him of that no matter what.

I don't believe that rioting will be the reaction of the vast majority of Obama supporters. However I do believe that if he loses there will be outbreaks of sporadic violence, looting and probably even some deaths. Sure I believe that. And I believe it will happen because for some people this election is all about an emotional response to their political hopes, void of almost all reason or logic. So why wouldn't some of those people act out emotionally if they lose? Just look how many of them can't even contain the emotions coming out of their mouths already. And that is just as McCain turns the heat up a couple of notches.

We have already heard a hint of sexist comments and attacks on Palin for "clinging to her guns and religion." But how about the current catch phrase by many liberals that goes, "Jesus was a community organizer and Pilate was a governer."

WHAT THE HELL DOES THAT MEAN? Hell, Bill Clinton was a governor as was FDR, so the comment make absolutly no sense from a logical democrat political point of view. But to the bigger question; why would any politician want to make such an insensitive comment? One that could possibly offend all kinds of voting Chrisitans, both Republican and Democrats?

My God, some of these people are really clueless to their own bigotry and hatred aren't they? What a bunch of fools they all sound like.

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Like anyone could possibly be scared of Torquemada with tits.

The Palin effect: white women now deserting Obama, says survey· Polls show McCain takes lead from Democrat

White women voters are deserting the Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama because of the sudden emergence on the Republican ticket of Sarah Palin, according to a poll yesterday.

An ABC/Washington Post survey recorded that an eight-point lead Obama held over his Republican rival John McCain before the arrival of Palin had turned into a 12% lead for McCain.

The trend is in line with other polls since McCain's vice-presidential running mate ignited the Republican convention with a speech last week espousing social conservative values and presenting herself as a small-town mother taking on the cosmopolitan media.

McCain has taken a 3% lead in a tracking poll by the RealClearPolitics website.

Although the momentum has shifted to McCain and Palin, the election will be decided by independents and moderates, where Obama's domestic and foreign programme should have the greater appeal.

However, the loss of support among white women could be fatal for his chances of winning the presidency if it was to be sustained. Obama had upset this constituency before the conventions, with many Democratic women unhappy that he had dumped their champion, Hillary Clinton, out of the nomination race.

McCain received another boost when Rupert Murdoch's New York Post backed him in a front-page editorial. Earlier this year, Murdoch, who has extensive media outlets across the US, had hinted of support for Obama.

Palin campaigned with McCain again yesterday, before taking off on her own for what is likely to be a tumultuous return to her home state, Alaska. She is not only bringing in the crowds but also the funding. McCain said a single fundraising event in Chicago had brought in $4m.

The Democrats were initially uncertain about how to respond to Palin, but Obama, in recognition of her impact, now devotes almost as much time to attacking her as he does McCain.

At a rally on Monday, he ran through her CV: "Mother, governor, moose shooter. That's cool," he said. But he went on to say that voters had to look beyond and study her record as a Republican to see that she would amount to a continuation of the policies pursued by President George Bush over the past eight years.

Obama's campaign manager, David Plouffe, acknowledged she had energised the Republican base but said the crux question was whether she would succeed in reaching out to independents in the run-up to the election on November 4.

Obama's campaign team are continuing to go through her political record in Alaska, in particular her initial support for the Bridge to Nowhere, a $400m link to an island with a population of just 50. She later switched to opposition of the project. Obama said: "You can't just reinvent yourself. The American people aren't stupid. What they are looking for is someone who has consistently been calling for change."


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Hi all,

You do it everyday,............ :lol:

KB(blast away)

I don't fear her. Why should I? She's no different than all the other Fundie nutjobs in this country (I live amongst them) and I'm not scared of them. Hell, my next door neighbor is a Pentecostal preacher. The snake-handling, speaking in tongues, rolling around on the floor flailing type. That shit just makes me laugh, not cower in the corner in fear.

Give me a damn break.

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Actually the outrage is because she's as dumb as a fucking post and we've already had 8 years of that. Sorry to pop your bubble.

I probably don't qualify as a member of the 'radical left', but yeah, that kinda sums it up. I watched some interviews with her... she does seem able to memorize her lines and spit out the properly assigned response, and once in awhile it was related to the question. It usually didn't answer the question, but that's pretty much to be expected of all of them, not just her.

I am glad to see Del acknowledge the existence of the glass ceiling.

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I don't believe that rioting will be the reaction of the vast majority of Obama supporters. However I do believe that if he loses there will be outbreaks of sporadic violence, looting and probably even some deaths. Sure I believe that. And I believe it will happen because for some people this election is all about an emotional response to their political hopes, void of almost all reason or logic. So why wouldn't some of those people act out emotionally if they lose? Just look how many of them can't even contain the emotions coming out of their mouths already. And that is just as McCain turns the heat up a couple of notches.

We have already heard a hint of sexist comments and attacks on Palin for "clinging to her guns and religion." But how about the current catch phrase by many liberals that goes, "Jesus was a community organizer and Pilate was a governer."

WHAT THE HELL DOES THAT MEAN? Hell, Bill Clinton was a governor as was FDR, so the comment make absolutly no sense from a logical democrat political point of view. But to the bigger question; why would any politician want to make such an insensitive comment? One that could possibly offend all kinds of voting Chrisitans, both Republican and Democrats?

My God, some of these people are really clueless to their own bigotry and hatred aren't they? What a bunch of fools they all sound like.

There in lies the problem Del. There is a definite line in the sand with US politics that has gone way over the edge. It's become us and them as opposed to us. Aws A Canadian, I've been a keen observer of American politics pretty much all my life and up untill 2000 I would say that even the losing candidate and his supporters would acccept the vote and get behind your president elect. That was alway's the way of things at least in public. Your country's ability and knowledge is needed in this world of ours. Make no mistake about it. People who put the USA down need to give they're head a shake but, your country needs to lead by example. Something it is not doing at the moment. I hope whom ever wins this election, Republican or Democrat, that violence does not follow the result. This election is not just about the USA. It's about the free world as we know it. Get back to being the country that leads the pack....My two cents and yes...I'll get off my soap box now

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