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The Next President of the USA will be?


Who will win the Presidency in 2008?  

282 members have voted

  1. 1. Who Wins in 2008?

    • Hillary Clinton
    • Rudy Giuliani
    • John Edwards
    • Mike Huckabee
    • John McCain
    • Barack Obama
    • Ron Paul
    • Mitt Romney
    • Bill Richardson
    • Fred Thompson

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Im sure mine either. My record with elections is about as good as it is with Super Bowls, terrible

Youre view of our hell in a handbasket is correct. No matter who is elected, all this crap will only get worse. NO ONEs administration is going to reverse our downward spiral. To engage is futile, arm yourself with disassociation and become your own island.

Get out of the Rat Race!

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Well whoever wins this damn election, it probably won't matter to most anyways. We are going to hell in a handbasket in the short term as far as the economy. Obama can't fix it. And neither can McCain. So maybe your decision should be based more on the foregn policy. In my opinion McCain wins that debate hands down. And once again, I am a Dem who voted for Kerry and Gore and Clinton. But not Obama.

So you are going to support a guy who doesn't know if we are friends with Spain or not? Also who cannot differentiate between the Sunni's and Shite's? Yeah, McCain's 72 year old, non computer using brain is ready for today's global, complex problems.

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^ No, it isn't. You'll have a leg up on him - haven't you seen how awkward his wife and he interact? Believe me, I am not counting out everyone who is 72 - just not to be our president for the next 4 years. If he gets a little action, we may be calling Palin Prez. before we know it!

I don't need for you to know if Spain is our ally, just our president. Like your user name Yukon ! :)

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McCain was in school 50 years ago. How is his degree or education relevant as of today?

His tactical military training did help predict that our Iraqi forces were way understaffed. He also predicted the effectiveness of "The Surge". Can't take that away from him. Earning a degree is a process that teaches you learning skills for a lifetime.

Hey....stay away from that e-coli up there !

Edited by Bong-Man
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^ Yes, you do have to give it to him realising our troops were understaffed. But that was known pretty much from the beginning - even was something the John Kerry was talking about in the debates against Bush (two years before implementation).

As far as "The Surge" goes, the waring factions over there are being paid not to shoot at us so I don't believe that the surge alone is what has calmed things down.

I do hope for our country's sake we can become 1 nation under which leader becomes elected.

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Well whoever wins this damn election, it probably won't matter to most anyways. We are going to hell in a handbasket in the short term as far as the economy. Obama can't fix it. And neither can McCain. So maybe your decision should be based more on the foregn policy. In my opinion McCain wins that debate hands down. And once again, I am a Dem who voted for Kerry and Gore and Clinton. But not Obama.

Yeah, the republican approach to foreign policy is what is prompting Russia to send nukes to Iran and set up missile bases in Cuba, fight a war on terror which has absolutely nothing to do with terrorists, overload our military resources and budget.

Yeah.......very effective policy.

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Well I surely can't tell you if Spain is our friend or not. I know that Afganistan is not and so does he. And Iran of course. Don't count everyone out that is 72 yrs old. I plan to be having sex when Im 72. Is that asking too much?

May I ask if you know that Spain is part of Europe and not Latin America? Fun facts about Spain! I think McCain needs a refresher on geography before he should be trusted with guns...spin the globe, point a finger, and....shoot!!!

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Like lambs to the slaughter! :D

No. Like people who want to retain what little integrity the US has. Like people who can see beyond the confines of our own little walls and envision a world where all can live in peace. Like people who have hopes and dreams of contributing to the welfare of the earth and it's inhabitants.

Obama supporters are not war mongers. We do not hate. It's sad that you are so uncomfortable with that.

Peace :hippy:

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No. Like people who want to retain what little integrity the US has. Like people who can see beyond the confines of our own little walls and envision a world where all can live in peace. Like people who have hopes and dreams of contributing to the welfare of the earth and it's inhabitants.

Obama supporters are not war mongers. We do not hate. It's sad that you are so uncomfortable with that.

Peace :hippy:

War should always be the last resort. The country may have been built on blood, but that doesn't mean it should continue to exist on it either.

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That's quite a generalization.

Is that why Obama supporters have been disruptive at McCain political rallies?

It that why Obama supporters make petty degrading statements about Sarah Palin.

The list could go on.

Get real.

I love and hate, and I'm voting for McCain/Palin.

Yeah, I guess that was too general. The bad apples don't represent the entire basket though and Obama has criticized these people and respectfully asked them to stop.

Oh! BTW....I certainly don't condone that Sarah's email was hacked (even though her party supports that) but now that it has been......

Why is she using yahoo for governmental business? What is she hiding? Why isn't she using the mail system that her job uses? Is she afraid they might find something in her email files she doesn't want the public to know?? Hmmmmmmmm

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I don't hate Sarah Palin. I hate what she stands for. There's a difference. You think dissidence = hate. Which would be wrong. Do some people hate McCain and show up to his rallies? I'm sure......it's a hostile political climate right now. Does that mean ALL Obama supporters who show up to protest hate McCain? No, it doesn't.

People you pity, ideals you hate.

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His tactical military training did help predict that our Iraqi forces were way understaffed. He also predicted the effectiveness of "The Surge". Can't take that away from him. Earning a degree is a process that teaches you learning skills for a lifetime.

Hey....stay away from that e-coli up there !

True, but that's not what I'm getting at.

Obama may have studied politics in college while McCain was in the Navy, but that doens't mean McCain isn't certified in the field of Politics. He's been in Congress since 1983, so he may not have studied Politics a lot in school, but he's certainly been involved in it enough to have an understanding of political thought that a Masters-degree holder does

Edited by wanna be drummer
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Oh, and that e-coli stuff is scaring the hell out of the administration I guess. I've gotten probably ten emails from MSU talking about it.

I'm pretty positive that he didn't get it from the schools cafeterias. I work in one and we make sure everything is damn clean (we clean everything twice) and cooked (we use thermometers on everything meat/fish). My thoughts are that he went off-campus and got it from the local Taco Bell or something, but that's just a guess. Thanks for the concerns though bro B):beer:

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So you are going to support a guy who doesn't know if we are friends with Spain or not? Also who cannot differentiate between the Sunni's and Shite's? Yeah, McCain's 72 year old, non computer using brain is ready for today's global, complex problems.

^ No, it isn't. You'll have a leg up on him - haven't you seen how awkward his wife and he interact? Believe me, I am not counting out everyone who is 72 - just not to be our president for the next 4 years. If he gets a little action, we may be calling Palin Prez. before we know it!

I don't need for you to know if Spain is our ally, just our president. Like your user name Yukon ! :)

Yeah, I agree Walter.

I'm not sure how being in a war gets you a ticket to the oval office, but people are willing to give it to him. His service is admirable but it doesn't qualify someone to have foreign policy experience on a global scale. I've said it before though, and the recent US Embassy bombing made me wonder... if we have another attack before the election McCain will win.

And then to move from needing an experienced candidate to Palin... They are really confused on their message.

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RCP Poll update (since Electrophile's last report):

Obama's lead has dipped from 2.2% to 1.9%,..


notably, however: in all the polls reviewed by RCP, none show McCain

with a lead,... they all show Barack Obama leading or they show a tie.

There's a Whole Lotta blue in that 'spread' column, and there's no red.

That's quite the reversal from a week ago.. at the height of Palin-mania. ;)


Now that the Palin dolls and panties are all sold she's yesterdays news <_<

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Remember that story that came out, about how Barack Obama apparently tried to stall the Iraq withdrawl until after the elections?

Yeah, it didn't happen.

Funny how people are so quick to believe things that on their face, make no sense and would be political suicide if true.

Edited by Electrophile
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A degree in Journalism and business is just as good in my opinion if not better than a degree in Political Science. A degree in political science makes you a better lier, which all poloticians are anyways. McCain's Naval Acadamy is nothing to scoff at. And I am a registered Democrat for the record.

What are your thoughts on McCain's rank of 894 out of 899 (pretty unimpressive)...

Palin is very average in intelligence and should have stayed a Sportscaster. Definitely not leadership material.

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Despite what you're reading in the news about the economy..

* Congress Told "We're Literally Maybe Days Away From

A Complete Meltdown Of Our Financial System" *


* Bailout to cost 'hundreds of billions'; new measures unveiled *


..John McCain maintains his position that..



D'oh! slapface.gif

I've seen some really brilliant toons in this thread but those take the cake.

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What are your thoughts on McCains rank of 894 out of 899 (pretty unimpressive)...

Considering how difficult the military academies are, at least in the past, Id say his low rank relative to other institutions remains high.

Anyone who gets through the Naval Academy has accomplished much. Theyre standards are MUCH HIGHER than probably 98% of the countrys schools.

Edited by pickenpieces
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