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The Next President of the USA will be?


Who will win the Presidency in 2008?  

282 members have voted

  1. 1. Who Wins in 2008?

    • Hillary Clinton
    • Rudy Giuliani
    • John Edwards
    • Mike Huckabee
    • John McCain
    • Barack Obama
    • Ron Paul
    • Mitt Romney
    • Bill Richardson
    • Fred Thompson

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Hillary is BY FAR the most polarizing candidate in the election... people love her or hate her... simple as that... if the dems want to win the election, Barack Obama needs to be the candidate...

i know parents and teachers who are DIE-HARD dems... the kind of people who bash Bush and Reagan every other sentence... and they said they would vote for John McCain before they vote for Hillary Clinton!!!

that should be a red flag for the dems!!!


and not to mention... Hillary has spent SO much time ("35 years" in her own words) in the political system she has problems and we dont need that right now in this country...

the whole thing with not releasing the 2 million pages of documents from when she was first lady is a definite sign she is hiding something... if she wants us to trust her, why cant we see her activities as first lady? ("vice-vice president" as I call her)

In my AP Gov't class... I had a quote that has become legend: "Hillary Clinton is a power-hungry man-beast"... I think that sums it up right there


I'll put it this way for the people who dont like Barack Obama and think something is wrong...

if Barack Obama is neck deep in shit... then Hillary is 9 miles deep in shit

simple as that.

Edited by zosodude13
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McCain will be another Dole. He is going to get shalacked by either. dont you see this? He is a dead duck. He is being thrown to the wolves by his own party, knowing they cant win this time around because of the war, gas prices and economy. They know they cant win in 08 so they are gearing up to hammer either Hillary or Obama in 4 yrs. McCain is being sacrificed. Its too bad because the man really has done alot, been through hell and served his country honorably. But believe me when I tell you. He has NO CHANCE

No shit dip.

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McCain will be another Dole. He is going to get shalacked by either. dont you see this? He is a dead duck. He is being thrown to the wolves by his own party, knowing they cant win this time around because of the war, gas prices and economy. They know they cant win in 08 so they are gearing up to hammer either Hillary or Obama in 4 yrs. McCain is being sacrificed. Its too bad because the man really has done alot, been through hell and served his country honorably. But believe me when I tell you. He has NO CHANCE

Actually, I think you are wrong about McCain. he looks old as dirt, but his head is REAL sharp, and he has a good delivery. Dole was boring and had no star quality whatsoever.

You can't compare the two, except for the age.

McCain has gone against the tradition republican ideas many times. He is pretty liberal, and, he has been right, especially about Iraq, which people won't be able to deny.

I think McCain will be able to win just as much as Obama or anyone else.

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Thats a real answer. No shit dip. And they wonder why I tell people off. Assholes like you.

I was at first curious why you responded with a whole paragraph about McCain, someone I wasn't talking about and have never showed interest in. Yet, somewhere in the midst of your drain of a thought, you seem to take offense when someone agrees to your posting, albeit had nothing to do with Hillary being the biggest fake in Washington at the moment.

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Actually, I think you are wrong about McCain. he looks old as dirt, but his head is REAL sharp, and he has a good delivery. Dole was boring and had no star quality whatsoever.

You can't compare the two, except for the age.

McCain has gone against the tradition republican ideas many times. He is pretty liberal, and, he has been right, especially about Iraq, which people won't be able to deny.

I think McCain will be able to win just as much as Obama or anyone else.

It's pretty obvious if one looks under the right stones the Republican base is terrified of Obama getting the nomination. One big factor: their support for Hillary at the moment. They'd rather see her get the nomination because they know McCain has a real shot at taking her out in November, which I could easily see happening. Obama, on the other hand, is the wild card in the deck the Republicans don't want to draw from.

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It's pretty obvious if one looks under the right stones the Republican base is terrified of Obama getting the nomination. One big factor: their support for Hillary at the moment. They'd rather see her get the nomination because they know McCain has a real shot at taking her out in November, which I could easily see happening. Obama, on the other hand, is the wild card in the deck the Republicans don't want to draw from.

Don't know about that. The appeal about Obama has already diminished the past week. Seriously, ever since the SNL skit, ahd the whole "media favoritism" of Obama thing, they have gone easy on Hillary, and she performed better.

The appeal about Obama will eventually wear off. He is very capable, but I would not doubt McCain at all. That would be a big mistake.

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Hillary will beat him easily if she wins the Dem nomination.

She's not even a politician, just a publicity stunt by a few geeks in the corner of the Dem. Party.

All that 'experience'??

She's only got 2 years on Obama in office, hasn't written a single piece of legislature, keeps telling people she'll run the country like it was in the 90s ha!, publically said we can't afford all the programs she wants to create, is a certified bull dike and is the biggest egomaniac in Washington.

There's alot of backlash toward her from independent voters and Democrats. It is true, if she wins the nomination, alot of loyal "Democrats" will vote for her because of party ties. But, she will not get the independent vote-something McCain can easily divide and chip away at til November.

Even the military isn't behind her. Everyone I've talked to whose in the service is behind Obama, and these are hard crusted Republicans.

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Don't know about that. The appeal about Obama has already diminished the past week. Seriously, ever since the SNL skit, ahd the whole "media favoritism" of Obama thing, they have gone easy on Hillary, and she performed better.

This whole thing with the media and her is the biggest ploy of the whole damn race. The media was pounding her for weeks because THEY had her as the nominee back in the fall. The media had her back from day 1, and when their pony started to really trail in the big race, they pounced on her. When asked why the media wasn't attacking Obama the same way, a MSNBC nut said "Why should we? She's the one on the slide."

So she won Texas, Ohio and Rhode Island and now she's back in the saddle with the media as their fightin' buck. It's all bullshit. Where have you been?

Edited by bigstickbonzo
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vote for this lady who will help you far more than Obama. She will look out for all of you. He is all talk and has no experience or clout in DC.

And she does? Riding shotgun in the White House doesn't qualify as experience.

Quick Addition: You focusing on the black vote means very little to everyone who isn't black and voting for Obama.

Edited by bigstickbonzo
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But Hillary knows how to battle these people in DC better than Obama.

You sound like the taped voice over on my answering machine.

And a reason why she didn't do anything about health care is because she was bought out by the drug companies. You're right, she is a Washington insider.

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This Question was posed on some TV show the other day:

IF by the end of all of the primaries, no one candidate has won enough delegates to secure the Nomination, but one candidate has achieved all three of these:

1. The Most Popular Votes

2. The Most State Wins

3. The Higher number of Delegates won

SHOULD that other candidate withdraw from the race, IF those conditions are there?

The alternative to that specific situation, is to go to the convention and have a nasty fight, and IF that other candidiate is given the nomination through Super-Delegate Votes, in spite of the supposed conditions above, WOULD THAT NOT TEAR THE PARTY APART ?

:thumbsup:GO NADER GO ! ! ! :thumbsup:

Edited by The Rover
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A parody of Rihanna's music video for her song Umbrella, with "Barack Obama" and "Hillary Clinton."

Music Video: Under Barack Obama

(parody of Rihanna's "Umbrella")


Nicole Parker - Hillary Clinton

Keegan-Michael Key - Barack Obama


Obama: [rapping] Uh huh! Uh huh! Yo my girl Hillary, former first lady, will she be president? Who knows, maybe. Yo Barack Obama! I'm a black democrat, no I ain't no punk, Hillary's a hot mama. She's got her eyes on the prize, and I'm talking 'bout my junk. Hillary, where you at?

Hillary: I'm in the front. But what I want is a little bit of mandingo love. Bill had Monica, played him like a harmonica. So can I be blamed if I wanna get some strange?

Yes, I am a firm believer of some hardcore jungle fever. He's my boy, I am his girl, hellz yeah we're both down with the swirl! We may have differed on Iraq, but no one's stiffer in the sack. I can't lie - that's why I wanna be under Barack Obama, bama, bama, ay, ay, ay, under Barack Obama, bama, bama, bama, ay, ay, ay, ay, ay.

The polls have me in the lead, but your polls the only one I need.

Obama: Girl you're making me really hot, I'm gonna put my ballot in your slot.

Hillary: Pour your chocolate rain on me and I'll make you my VP.

Obama: Gonna put my lovin' on ya.

Hillary: I wanna be under Barack Obama, bama, bama, bama, ay, ay, ay, ay, under Barack Obama, bama, bama, bama, ay, ay, ay ay!

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Well It WONT be Spitzer. Hes up shits creek without a paddle. Id rather be in downtown Bagdad naked with dollar bills taped all over my body than have to be in the same room with his wife tonight.

lets keep this positive...

atleast is wasnt a gay-sex requst in an airport men's room... :whistling:

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Well It WONT be Spitzer. Hes up shits creek without a paddle. Id rather be in downtown Bagdad naked with dollar bills taped all over my body than have to be in the same room with his wife tonight.

Can you explain for thoe of us who haven't been following the news... and who is Spitzer, for that matter?

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Well It WONT be Spitzer. Hes up shits creek without a paddle. Id rather be in downtown Bagdad naked with dollar bills taped all over my body than have to be in the same room with his wife tonight.

A quote from Congressman David Vitters' wife.


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Wow, he saw a prostitute. Big damn deal. I don't even know why prostitution is against the law anyway. As George Carlin said, sex is legal. Selling is legal. So why isn't selling sex legal?

As long as peoples' sexual preferences don't involve children, animals or the dead, I don't bother faking moral indignation. Adultery sucks, but lots of people cheat. They suck, but they're hardly "pieces of shit". Murderers, rapists, child molesters.....they're pieces of shit.

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