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"Ignore User" function


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The problem is that you'd rather ignore people ignoring you.

Really? How do you know that? :huh:

According to you, ignoring somebody anonymously is ok - stating that you use the ignore function isn't.


Ok, I give up. Have a nice rest of the day.

Wouldn't ignorance be bliss? :D


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Really? How do you know that? :huh:

People ignoring other people is a problem. Usually, when you ignore someone, the person notices it. Usually, when someone ignores me I can see it...

Again it's all about what you notice or "can see" - or think you can see. Katuschka, when someone ignores you without actually telling you that they do it on purpose, you can't "see" it. You can assume it (you could also assume that people got "a life outside the board" if you chose to do so :rolleyes: ). If you keep assuming that people who don't reply to you actively ignore you, it might get you a bit paranoid. This actually the only negative thing I'd say about this thread - it may have spread some paranoia.

But then, this keeps peeps on their toes. :D

And a nice evening to you!

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Again it's all about what you notice or "can see" - or think you can see. Katuschka, when someone ignores you without actually telling you that they do it on purpose, you can't "see" it. You can assume it (you could also assume that people got "a life outside the board" if you chose to do so :rolleyes: ). If you keep assuming that people who don't reply to you actively ignore you, it might get you a bit paranoid. This actually the only negative thing I'd say about this thread - it may have spread some paranoia.

But then, this keeps peeps on their toes. :D

And a nice evening to you!

No FuzzyMerkin, if someone who I expect to respond to me ignores me, I can see it, because he or she has nowhere to hide. If, however, my friend does not immediately respond to my text message, I don't automatically send another one full of accusations, because there might be certain circumstances which I'm unaware of.

I think you were the one who assumed that I ignored you, so....are you paranoid? :huh: See, maybe using iggy is what makes you paranoid. You use it yourself, so you automatically assume that others do it too... Oh, that confounded function, eh? :rolleyes:

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If there's one reason why I'm not all that disappointed about my slow typing,this is it.Even if I did want to post an "out of control" response that I would later regret; my skills-or lack thereof-wouldn't allow it.That's not to say I've never posted something in the heat of the moment,but it's rare.Good thing I don't have VAS........... :whistling:

Oh,and Hello again,fellow Marylander. :wave:B)

Well, hi there, fellow Marylander. Good to see ya! :D

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No FuzzyMerkin, if someone who I expect to respond to me ignores me, I can see it, because he or she has nowhere to hide. If, however, my friend does not immediately respond to my text message, I don't automatically send another one full of accusations, because there might be certain circumstances which I'm unaware of.

I think you were the one who assumed that I ignored you, so....are you paranoid? :huh: See, maybe using iggy is what makes you paranoid. You use it yourself, so you automatically assume that others do it too... Oh, that confounded function, eh? :rolleyes:

What I saw was that you were viewing this thread after I'd posted my reply to your post - that you stayed on the board for quite some time after reading my post and that you then left the board without replying to my post . It was reasonable to assume that you decided to ignore that post.

What you're doing is you assume that people who are on the board ("can't hide") and don't reply to your posts ignore you - when in reality they might just not have read your post...or don't have anything to say...or might be busy writing pms...or might have forgotten about your post.

You tell me what's more reasonable.

Btw - when I stated that you may have ignored my post I also made it clear that this didn't in any way bother me and I pointed out how it didn't invalidate my reply. I'm not the one who's whining about the ingore function or calling people names about it....Unlike other people... ^_^

Edited to add: I'm off to enjoy Friday night away from the board - not by reading a book btw. ;) Just thought I point it out, in case you feel ignored otherwise. :P

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I've come to the conclusion that arguing with people on message boards doesn't achieve anything, except maybe stroke your ego. Every now and then you manage to have a good debate and actually come to a closer understanding of how another person ticks - but arguments don't lead to that (just look at the Max/Scratch argument on the random thread). What's more many people are happy to argue on message boards because they're too cowardly to do it in real life. Here they can do it without having to fear any real consequences. Whether that's going to help them "when they're older" is debatable....
Arguments on leaderboards keep your mind sharp. How can one expect to debate ANYTHING if they cant do it on a message board? Debates in real life will yield the same results (ever tried?), dont you ever turn on the news? The US is split in just about every possible way over every possible thing and debates happen every day to prove that. In any case, just because you disagree from someone or they start flinging a few insults, even if theyre harsh, doesn't really mean one should back away from it. If they're truly that low, one could confront that person and bitch right back at them and take away what they want, for you to ignore them.

Overall I'd say it's a lot easier to pick a fight than to turn your back and walk away from it, especially on a message board.
I'm not advocating picking a fight, rather confronting one that is facing you, especially on a message board, because if you can't do it online, how the hell can you do it in the real world?
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To the person who said that I was a fool for letting people talk behind my back.....there are people who thought I was garbage on the old board, there are people who think I'm garbage and we're on the new board. Whether there's an ignore function or not, these people are going to insult and degrade me regardless. It makes no difference. I can't do a damn thing about it. I can either block the posts or not block the posts....it's not going to stop them from doing it. And even if no one knew I had anyone on my ignore list, they'd do it anyway. So knowing/not knowing....doesn't matter.

At least this is me making an attempt to make what time I do spend on this site more pleasant, even if it's a scintilla's worth of difference.

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I really like this option. :) I've blocked 5 people* so far and I'll be happy to block more if necessary.

Let me explain: It's not that there's a lot of terribly awful peeps on here who offend me to the extreme or whose posts are completely worthless. It's just that some people's posts seem to bring out the worst in me and I know I'll pick a fight if I comment.

Come on, bitch! I'll be waiting!!

I don't give a fuck about this option.

If you like me: You know who you are.

If you don't like me: Shut up, please!


Edited by kaztor (slight return)
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The fact that you seem to have seen "the person's" post,..

would suggest "the person" isn't on your ignore list, eh?

Incorrect. Kat is the one who made the comment. Scroll up.

Elizabeth said she blocked certain people, and since it wasn't so hard to realize who they probably are, Del told her what he thinks about it, and we all know what it was. Though she's probably unaware; if this is what she wanted, "good" for her. I can't help but think that it makes her look a bit like a fool though.
Edited by Electrophile
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Incorrect. Kat is the one who made the comment. Scroll up.

oh, ok. Thanks for posting the quote, Liz, so I didn't have tio go looking for it. I've been ignoring.. erm, or rather.. I've skipped over most of that Kat-v-fuzzy.. uhh.. "cat" fight. ;) ]

Its too bad you didn't see Del's post about talking about people behind their backs

when they use ignore. I'm sure your retort would have been equally as entertaining. ^_^

..curious now as to what you missed? :whistling:


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Arguments on leaderboards keep your mind sharp. How can one expect to debate ANYTHING if they cant do it on a message board? Debates in real life will yield the same results (ever tried?), dont you ever turn on the news? The US is split in just about every possible way over every possible thing and debates happen every day to prove that. In any case, just because you disagree from someone or they start flinging a few insults, even if theyre harsh, doesn't really mean one should back away from it. If they're truly that low, one could confront that person and bitch right back at them and take away what they want, for you to ignore them.

I'm not advocating picking a fight, rather confronting one that is facing you, especially on a message board, because if you can't do it online, how the hell can you do it in the real world?

Message boards may indeed be a good oportunity for adolescents to practise their debating skills. I'm as a charitable a person as the next poster but I don't really see why should help them with this. Debates in real life often yield quite different results because they usually are held by people who try to come to an understanding while debates on message boards quite often are about nothing more than a person desperatly trying to look "cool" or feel "important". Two or three people shouting at each other at the top of their voices with fingers in their ears....I've seen it happen often enough and that's what I don't have much time for. Of course I will confront people who piss me off in real life - I've done so before I joined message boards so I don't really think you need any "message board practice" for that. If you enjoy debates on a message board - by all means go for them - but don't expect everybody else to feel the same way.

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To the person who said that I was a fool for letting people talk behind my back.....there are people who thought I was garbage on the old board, there are people who think I'm garbage and we're on the new board. Whether there's an ignore function or not, these people are going to insult and degrade me regardless. It makes no difference. I can't do a damn thing about it. I can either block the posts or not block the posts....it's not going to stop them from doing it. And even if no one knew I had anyone on my ignore list, they'd do it anyway. So knowing/not knowing....doesn't matter.

If people keep on posting shit "behind a person's back" and never get a reply, it certainly makes those people look like attention-seeking fools (if not trolls).

Maybe that's why some people feel so strongly aboug iggy?

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Its too bad you didn't see Del's post about talking about people behind their backs

when they use ignore. I'm sure your retort would have been equally as entertaining. ^_^

..curious now as to what you missed? :whistling:


No, I'm not. I don't give a fig for his favor, foul or fair. If he feels how he feels, then I'm the last person that can do anything about it.

Okay, now everybody post something and say things like, "Gee Del that's a really mean thing to say about her" and " No matter how you feel about her that was really uncalled for."

Now watch the fun :lol:

Ha! Ha! made you look :P





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What I saw was that you were viewing this thread after I'd posted my reply to your post - that you stayed on the board for quite some time after reading my post and that you then left the board without replying to my post . It was reasonable to assume that you decided to ignore that post.

Btw - when I stated that you may have ignored my post I also made it clear that this didn't in any way bother me and I pointed out how it didn't invalidate my reply. I'm not the one who's whining about the ingore function or calling people names about it....Unlike other people... ^_^

:lol: No, you didn't. You sounded as if it bothered you quite a lot. Otherwise you wouldn't whine about me ignoring you, which you called dumb and childish. Again, if I was calling anyone names, you did exactly the same thing. :wave:

Hmmm...looks like you're trying to "prove" something by not responding: Calling people names and then hiding behind "and now I'll ignore you" is indeed dumb and childish (I still don't see how it would be "indecent" or "hypocritical" though).

It's just not how I use the ignore function.

And that, ladies and gentlemen, was a public anouncement which fulfills its function whether Katuschka reads it or not...because you have read it. I really don't think that too many posts on a public forum are completely in vain just because one particular poster chooses to ignore them...and that's where all the "you're so mean" complaints fall flat on their faces.

Btw - of course "iggy" only works if you're not curious enough to check out people's posts although you put them on "ignore"...are you up for it?

You see...nothing even close to "it doesn't bother me".

As I said before, I didn't have enough time to respond. Whatever you saw or not, it's definitely not reasonable enough to call it dumb or childish. I already explained why I logged off, I even apologized for offending you personally; nevertheless, you still keep repeating the same shit over and over again, completely disregarding my further explanations, or else deliberately (I hope) misinterpreting them. No arguments left?

PS: I hope you enjoyed your Friday night, I wasn't on anyway. So...don't worry, I don't think you're ignoring me. 1. I wouldn't have noticed anyway, 2. that is YOUR style. I am not paranoid.

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To the person who said that I was a fool for letting people talk behind my back.....there are people who thought I was garbage on the old board, there are people who think I'm garbage and we're on the new board. Whether there's an ignore function or not, these people are going to insult and degrade me regardless. It makes no difference. I can't do a damn thing about it. I can either block the posts or not block the posts....it's not going to stop them from doing it. And even if no one knew I had anyone on my ignore list, they'd do it anyway. So knowing/not knowing....doesn't matter.

To the person who doesn't like the fact that I called her a fool....I disagree. I makes a fucking big difference. If someone posts a statement that would eventually degrade me, and I disagree with the statement, I usually defend myself. :huh: That's nothing hard...unless you're a weakling. There's a lot you can do about it. Ignore it, and you'll stay degraded. Anyway, let me tell you one thing. I've seen most of those posts, and I must say that you deserved it. Many of those people who think you're garbage weren't insulting you at all. Some posted valuable arguments against your behaviour. As for those who were more cheeky....oh, for god's sake, look at the mirror. I see you insulting and degrading others every other day.

As for knowing/not knowing...it fucking does matter. Obviously, it made me thing you're a fool. It did matter enough for you to respond to it, so stop fooling yourself.

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:lol: No, you didn't. You sounded as if it bothered you quite a lot. Otherwise you wouldn't whine about me ignoring you, which you called dumb and childish. Again, if I was calling anyone names, you did exactly the same thing. :wave:

You see...nothing even close to "it doesn't bother me".

As I said before, I didn't have enough time to respond. Whatever you saw or not, it's definitely not reasonable enough to call it dumb or childish. I already explained why I logged off, I even apologized for offending you personally; nevertheless, you still keep repeating the same shit over and over again, completely disregarding my further explanations, or else deliberately (I hope) misinterpreting them. No arguments left?

PS: I hope you enjoyed your Friday night, I wasn't on anyway. So...don't worry, I don't think you're ignoring me. 1. I wouldn't have noticed anyway, 2. that is YOUR style. I am not paranoid.

I must have missed the part where you apologized for offending me. I caught the part where you told me that "choosing to be offended" was my problem though....I wouldn't say that this is quite the same thing.

Katushka, I asked you to explain what you meant by calling the use of iggy "indecent, hypocritical and cowardly". So far your "further explanations" have rendered the following:

- As for indecent: You don't know what you meant by that yourself ("It's indecent because it's indecent").

- As for hypocritical: You directed your comment at everybody using iggy, then you claimed that you only meant one person and one specific use of iggy. You refused to accept that your "general statement" by force of being general was also directed at other people. You claimed that if you offended other people it was their fault for "choosing to be offended". At the same time, you had to concede that everybody who ignores others (with or without iggy) would fall under your definition of hypocritical - that's most of the people on here.

- As for "cowardly": Again your remark was very general; what you actually meant (somebody using iggy because they're too cowardly to face conflict) was not clear from your remark....nor is it the way most people on here seem to use iggy. As I pointed out, there are other uses of iggy as well (e.g. to avoid wasting time on spammers). You also seem too obessed with your idea of "heroism" to realize that avoiding conflict can be a much more effective "weapon" than calling people names. According to you everybody who isn't quite as beligerent as you are must be a weakling. That's a rather ...shall we say "limited" view of things.

All this means that your first post here was not only offensive, but also ill phrased and overly general where it should have been specific. You claim that this isn't your fault - which means that you are indeed childish and immature. If you post something, take the time to think over what you post beforehand, then assume responsibility for what you posted and don't hide behind what you "intended to say" and then blame others for not being mind-readers.

I'm sorry I misinterpreted the way you avoided to respond to my first reply for two days - a post you'd read and which asked you to clarify you rushing in here and insulting some people, me included. I thought you were being clever. It turns out you were just being impolite. My bad.

And that's it from me. :)

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Message boards may indeed be a good oportunity for adolescents to practise their debating skills. I'm as a charitable a person as the next poster but I don't really see why should help them with this. Debates in real life often yield quite different results because they usually are held by people who try to come to an understanding while debates on message boards quite often are about nothing more than a person desperatly trying to look "cool" or feel "important".
Excuse me? So the people on this board who debate politics or religion or science or philosophy or whatever are trying to "feel important" or look "cool" really. Funny, I've been here for two years and I've never even seen your name near a debate. Pray tell me, where are we trying to look cool or feel important?

FYI, we're debating right now, maybe you should quit trying to look cool on a message board :rolleyes:

Two or three people shouting at each other at the top of their voices with fingers in their ears....I've seen it happen often enough and that's what I don't have much time for.
Your idea of how debating here works is horribly off-track and you may want to consider actually getting into one (outside of this one) to see my point.

Of course I will confront people who piss me off in real life - I've done so before I joined message boards so I don't really think you need any "message board practice" for that. If you enjoy debates on a message board - by all means go for them - but don't expect everybody else to feel the same way.
I'm not saying you need practice. I'm saying it helps.
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Wow. This thread turned into a really big deal.

Anyways, I'll tell ya the one thing I do ignore: I switch off signatures. There's far too many ma-hoo-ssive ones, and that annoys me. If you could selectively "ignore" certain people's sigs that would be a handy feature, for me at least.

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Excuse me? So the people on this board who debate politics or religion or science or philosophy or whatever are trying to "feel important" or look "cool" really. Funny, I've been here for two years and I've never even seen your name near a debate. Pray tell me, where are we trying to look cool or feel important?

FYI, we're debating right now, maybe you should quit trying to look cool on a message board :rolleyes:

Your idea of how debating here works is horribly off-track and you may want to consider actually getting into one (outside of this one) to see my point.

I'm not saying you need practice. I'm saying it helps.

I've come to the conclusion that arguing with people on message boards doesn't achieve anything, except maybe stroke your ego. Every now and then you manage to have a good debate and actually come to a closer understanding of how another person ticks - but arguments don't lead to that...

Just to make this clear: I was talking about arguments being useless - you act as if I'd claimed that debates were useless. There's a difference between the two (although debates often turn into arguments - which actually proves my point).

I'm not saying that everybody who debates on a message board tries to to look cool (I used the terms "usually" and "often") - a lot of people seem to be mainly interested in making an impression though(notice the qualifiers?)...on this message board as well as on other message boards. Fair enough, it's their choice. It doesn't mean that other people need to take an interest in their posts though. Anyway my point wasn't with debates as such but with the attitude some people show in debates threads (and in other threads): If I don't like somebody's attitude, I don't bother to read their posts regardless of whether it's in a debate or in the spiritual musings thread or in the food thread.

You made a lot of assumptions about how the way people act on a message boards influences the way they act in real life - I don't think you can compare the two. You make a lot of assumptions about how much I know about message boards and how I act in real life - you got no idea about either. The reason why I choose not to get involved in fights and mostly not in debates is that I have been in enough fights and debates on message boards to be able to tell that usually they ain't much more than a waste of time. I'm in this debate because I started this thread and because it would be impolite to ask people for comments and then not take an interest.

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