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Phrases that make your blood boil.


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"our prayers are with (subject name)"

Shove your prayers up your ass - they are useless. They may help you feel better about pretending you've done something, but is pointless to the targeted people. It is far better (and important) to state 'you stand with' people or sympathise with them. At least that's real.

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2 minutes ago, rm2551 said:

"our prayers are with (subject name)"

Shove your prayers up your ass - they are useless. They may help you feel better about pretending you've done something, but is pointless to the targeted people. It is far better (and important) to state 'you stand with' people or sympathise with them. At least that's real.

How are you sure? Have you ever heard of the power of "positive thinking" as it were or is.

As it is many can say, I wish you well, and be done with it and #walkaway. A 1 second breath. However, these faithers... don't dismiss them.

They realize they haven't the power of their own to do anything but wish as mere mortals do. Give them credit, for they turn their energy over to care for other's loved ones in understanding that they haven't the power to do enough on their own in their well wishing. Prayer is an exertion of energy, that well-wishers don't do. The "stand with" people are mere mortals as well. We are only all human. The prayer people understand and accept that they are beneath, well and waaay beneath any and all attempts under what a god can do.

What is understood is moral support with the 'you stand with' people. And there is nothing more that can be accomplished. Because man can never be God, only cry out. Heart & Soul of people are what ties us together as a unit, good Sir.

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On 8/10/2018 at 9:41 PM, rm2551 said:

"our prayers are with (subject name)"

Shove your prayers up your ass - they are useless. They may help you feel better about pretending you've done something, but is pointless to the targeted people. It is far better (and important) to state 'you stand with' people or sympathise with them. At least that's real.

I am with you 100% on this. Instead of sending impotent prayers which mean nothing, how about getting your ass out there and doing what is necessary to initiate change? Volunteer? Be part of the solution. 

Sending prayers is just another form of self-gratification, making one feel better without doing a god-damned thing. Oh the irony.

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4 hours ago, IpMan said:

I am with you 100% on this. Instead of sending impotent prayers which mean nothing, how about getting your ass out there and doing what is necessary to initiate change? Volunteer? Be part of the solution. 

Sending prayers is just another form of self-gratification, making one feel better without doing a god-damned thing. Oh the irony.

how do you know prayers mean nothing? You can say they mean nothing and I can say they do. I cant prove you are wrong and you cant prove i am wrong.

It is sad how many people have never seen a miracle.  And talk about irony, even Jimmy Page believes in some sort of thing out there, not what i do but are you gong to call him impotent to for what he prefers?

why so angry ipman?

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6 hours ago, kipper said:

how do you know prayers mean nothing? You can say they mean nothing and I can say they do. I cant prove you are wrong and you cant prove i am wrong.

It is sad how many people have never seen a miracle.  And talk about irony, even Jimmy Page believes in some sort of thing out there, not what i do but are you gong to call him impotent to for what he prefers?

why so angry ipman?

Hi Kip,

I was not addressing nor replying to you so do me a favor and go away. I am tired of your crap so unless I reply to your post I would hope you would respect the same. If you want to believe what you believe so be it, no skin off my ass, but don't you dare tell me how to feel or believe.


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54 minutes ago, IpMan said:

Hi Kip,

I was not addressing nor replying to you so do me a favor and go away. I am tired of your crap so unless I reply to your post I would hope you would respect the same. If you want to believe what you believe so be it, no skin off my ass, but don't you dare tell me how to feel or believe.



you are such a typical eletist. You say whatever you want and intentionally offend anyone you wish acting like you have all the answers and everybody needs to listen to your opinion. If you dont want people to respond to thing you say publicly then say them privately because there is a pm option too.

so no, you dont get to tell me what I can say or not. I dont care what you believe or dont believe but I care what i believe and other people do too.

if you check I never said you were right or I was right, or you were wrong or I was wrong, or that Jimmy Page was right or wrong. All I did was ask a question about how any of us can claim anyone else is wrong. I said people believe things and even if you want to say it is baloney that is a challenge to people to disagree, so why else then would you say what you said.  Just because you talk does that mean you are always right?  I dont think Im always right and I'm not even one who wants to debate religion. I just think when you call people out like you do and make offensive statement you need to wear big boy pants and take it if someone publicly disagrees with you.

I guess I need to buy some more candles.

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On 4/6/2008 at 12:18 PM, Bonham said:

Phrases that make my blood boil


Ever hear someone quote some hackneyed proverb or some stupid expression they read on a greeting card somewhere, which causes you to think: "man, what a stupid bitch, I would love nothing more than to bludgeon her head against the wall"? Sure, we all have. These are a collection of some of the phrases that piss me off most.


May or may not be:


Ever hear someone say "that may or may not be the case," as if there's some hidden third possibility that we weren't aware of? Thanks for pointing out the only two possibilities in the universe shit-cock. These are the worst kind of people to talk to because they try so hard to be open-minded that it sounds like the debate in a political science class where no opinion is too stupid for the professor to consider and the same fat kid keeps raising his hand to tell you his dumb ideas about free market capitalism as you fantasize about repeatedly stomping his face into a jar. I hate talking to open-minded people. They're the same kind of people who emphasize every other word when they type as if you can somehow hear their obnoxious cadence in your head, for example: "we didn't go to the store, but we DID buy a cake." Cool it Shatner, we don't read in the same voice you speak.


Well that's just your opinion:




This one pisses me off just thinking about it. If you slit my throat right now you'd get shot in the eye with boiling blood. Any time you say something sucks around someone who disagrees, they try to validate their taste in shitty music/movies/clothing by reminding you that you still only speak for yourself, as if their opinions are in jeopardy of being monopolized by your own. Everyone already knows it's my opinion by virtue of the fact that I said it, no need to restate the obvious you dopey twat.


It takes one to know one:


Ever call someone a whore only to be countered with the bullet-proof come back: "well it takes one to know one"? You're basically saying "yes, I spread my legs for money, as do you." Good job Ms. Rotten-crotch, you've rebuked nothing. What difference does it make if the person calling you a slut is one as well? You're still a skanky bitch who charges money for hand jobs--and why the hell are you charging for a hand job anyway? Unless all your clients are paralyzed, any prostitute caught charging someone for a hand job should be sued for extortion. That's another reason prostitution should be legal: you can't really sue a prostitute for extortion if prostitution is illegal now can you wise ass?


I'm a child at heart:


Yeah, you're a child at heart, just as soon as children start going to work every day to rot in a cubicle for a meager pay check so they can drink their troubles away in a shitty bar for the rest of their lives. Unless you're an astronaut, secret agent, vampire hunter, or all three, you're probably a sellout; screw you. Nobody wanted to be a regional director of sales or an investment banker when they were kids. On top of that, nobody thinks you're cute or funny by stating you're a "child at heart" on your stupid online profile that you created because you're a boring middle-aged loser with sagging tits and yellow nails who survives off greasy TV dinners every night as you contemplate the exact moment your life became such a miserable shit hole. But hey, don't take my word for it. After all, passing by "Cartoon Network" as you're flipping through channels technically makes you a "child at heart." Either that or the world's oldest virgin.


Sorry, but (also known as "No offense, but"):


Girls usually say this when they think they're being clever: "sorry, but you're a moron." It's a phrase derived from the expression people use when they're breaking some bad news to an old friend: "I'm sorry to say this, but the results are back and... you're an idiot." The only problem is, they never intend to say it with such eloquence, but rather, they use the phrase like it's a blunt object, hammering their square insult through your round psyche. If you think someone's an idiot, just come out and say it without these pussy apologies you dumb hag. Unless you're a character in a fighting game, have big boobs, and just won the round with a bitch slap, saying "sorry" just before you insult someone is obnoxious, cut the bullshit.


Strangers are just friends waiting to happen:


Yeah, either that or rape in a dark alley waiting to happen.


Hmmmmm / Uhhhhh:


Next time you ask someone a question, look for the trademark sign of an idiot: the "hmmmmm" noise they make while they're thinking. It's especially noticeable when you go to a restaurant and the waitress asks what you want to drink; there's always some fickle fingered asshole thumbing through the menu, sounding off like a moron with "uhhhhhh...." as if the waitress is just going to walk away without taking your order if you don't give her an audible cue that you are still breathing. These are the same type of people who repeat the question you ask them to buy time when they don't know the answer, hoping you won't notice that they're stalling. You don't need to make a sound while your five good neurons crank out the next malformed sentence from your cretaceous skull, numb nuts.


Some of the best things in life are free:


Yeah? Well so are some of the worst, and I don't see anyone throwing a party when they get cancer.


The grass is always greener on the other side:


If the grass is greener on the other side, then the guy with the greener grass doesn't think your grass is greener now does he, asshole? The message that this proverb is trying to stumble through is that everything always looks more attractive when you don't have it. I'm sure there are millionaires crying themselves to sleep every night because they don't live in a trailer park. Just face it: sometimes nobody envies you. There has to be a bottom and that bottom is probably you.



So discuss. What phrases make YOUR blood boil?

You sir made my evening. That was a perfect combination of hate and spite towards the stupidity of the universe. I also have a phrase that makes me wanna smash skulls inward. 

“Well it’s MY opinion so you can’t argue with it”

I’ve heard this phrase many times and I can’t fucking stand it. First of all, when two people go to court, they argue their OPINION to a jury of people who chose which they think is right. You can’t argue a fact. No one argues that gravity doesn’t exist, it’s a known fact. I wouldn’t argue that sun isn’t hot- CAUSE IT FUCKING IS. So the hole point of an argument, is based on a two or more sided opinion. In war, people don’t fight because their leader agree on a solid fact or opinion, they fight because they DISAGREE on the other sides OPINION. Henceforth, yes you stupid fucking moron, I can argue your opinion because it’s stupid and wrong. 

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52 minutes ago, TheMadIrishman said:

This is just a thread of the most salty and vile Zeppelin fans. I salute all of you people who destroy the asswipes that say “Think positive”. Fuck your positive and open your eyes to the reality of the world. 

A realist here, Irishman. And thank you. Optimists and pessimists can say what they will. Realists go with what usually happens. MadIrishmen usually tell it like it is.

The phrase that ticks me off is "See Something Say Something" I saw a squirrel run over today. I smacked a mosquito today. Smacked it's bloody wings off! The bastard was left looking like Boris the Spider just laying there on my desk. I wiped it up. I doubt if that will cause any guff.

I read in the newspaper, a man was blown up, a car was blown up, a church was blown up. In the paper, a picture was blown up to embrace the tragedy. Articles were written, headlines created. I didn't see the piece of glass that I stepped on while stepping on my front porch to gather the paper. It was painful. A blood boil in my foot. I could take a pic, but I won't.

Go fund me sites are overrated. I was held waiting at a doctor's office today. They told me to sit down. They gave me an apple. They forgot my name. They asked me to transport a very important Lab specimen from the hospital to a lab facility. They remembered my pretty face, but forgot my name. I forgot my name badge.

So now, for the 3rd day in a row I have been dubbed by a nick-name.

Considering my Harley-Davidson attire, it is not very fitting to say, "Hey Becky - Here he is... The Pap smear Man". :run:

Edited by apantherfrommd
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15 hours ago, apantherfrommd said:

A realist here, Irishman. And thank you. Optimists and pessimists can say what they will. Realists go with what usually happens. MadIrishmen usually tell it like it is.

The phrase that ticks me off is "See Something Say Something" I saw a squirrel run over today. I smacked a mosquito today. Smacked it's bloody wings off! The bastard was left looking like Boris the Spider just laying there on my desk. I wiped it up. I doubt if that will cause any guff.

I read in the newspaper, a man was blown up, a car was blown up, a church was blown up. In the paper, a picture was blown up to embrace the tragedy. Articles were written, headlines created. I didn't see the piece of glass that I stepped on while stepping on my front porch to gather the paper. It was painful. A blood boil in my foot. I could take a pic, but I won't.

Go fund me sites are overrated. I was held waiting at a doctor's office today. They told me to sit down. They gave me an apple. They forgot my name. They asked me to transport a very important Lab specimen from the hospital to a lab facility. They remembered my pretty face, but forgot my name. I forgot my name badge.

So now, for the 3rd day in a row I have been dubbed by a nick-name.

Considering my Harley-Davidson attire, it is not very fitting to say, "Hey Becky - Here he is... The Pap smear Man". :run:

Ouch, now there is a title I would prefer to avoid at all costs. I feel for ya Andy.

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  • 4 weeks later...
On ‎8‎/‎18‎/‎2018 at 3:34 PM, IpMan said:

Ouch, now there is a title I would prefer to avoid at all costs. I feel for ya Andy.

I had to go back to the place on Thursday. I think it was "a bit" better.

"Hey Becky, Here's Pappy". At least it's more of a name, ya know?

Sometimes, you're identified by what you do, I guess, and they've only seen you a few times.

Thing is, Now my blood boils (or I cringe) when I hear the words "Hey Becky...!"

Image result for pappy's pizza


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