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Global Warming Scientific Consensus: Fact or Fiction.


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I think people should look after the environment. But there are some ignorant people who cannot look after themselves, Never mind their own community and certainly not the planet. It will be damaged beyond i do not know what eventually. But long after i have departed the World.

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Meanwhile, Al Gore and Neil DeGrasse Tyson fly jets all over the world putting out more pollution than the rest of us. Can't they travel by covered wagon to get their word out? Hypocrites.

I wonder of they can explain the massive cold front that is about to hit the northwest???

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I have finally decided that global warmng is probably just hysteria like witch hysteria back in the old days. We cant kill the planet anyway. We can kill each other but not the planet. We think to much of humans to give us that much power to kill earth that is billions of years old. Its just really stupid to think we are killing the planet.

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Skeptical Climate Scientists Coming In From the Cold




When asked if he would voice dissent on climate change if he were a younger, less established physicist, he said: “Oh, no, definitely not. I held my tongue for a long time because friends told me I would not be elected to the National Academy of Sciences if I didn’t toe the alarmists’ company line.”


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1 hour ago, The Rover said:

Skeptical Climate Scientists Coming In From the Cold




When asked if he would voice dissent on climate change if he were a younger, less established physicist, he said: “Oh, no, definitely not. I held my tongue for a long time because friends told me I would not be elected to the National Academy of Sciences if I didn’t toe the alarmists’ company line.”


:lol: How's it going, 'The Rover'? I'm cold. Got a case of the sniffly, sneezin'z. Woke this morning and couldn't swallow. Must be global warming. :P 

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  • 5 months later...

Global warming is a scientific fact.   Respiratory problems caused by the burning of fossil fuel is a fact.  However I don't have any kids or grandkids, and best case scenario, I have approximately 15-25% of my life left.  If you're not worried, neither am I.

It's very much the same attitude I have towards national health-care.  Don't have kids, but I'm willing to pay some of my taxes for the benefit of others.  But again, If that's not the way America wants to swing, I'll roll with it.  I've got mine, and that just means more vacation money for me.

There's a certain degree of narcissism and self-centeredness that's natural when one is single and childless....especially in the eyes of others.  However I never thought in my wildest dreams that such a selfish lifestyle would be sanctioned and promoted by public policy.  So light the charcoal.....dig the coal....let the soot fill the air....I'll roll with it.

Seriously though....aren't you glad you never had to work in a coal mine ?  What a lousy way to make a living.  :(    



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Hey Bong-Man and chillumpuffer! Why do you hate America?

C'mon man, the Orange Orb is bringing coal back! Coal is cool! Pretty soon, Pittsburgh can look like this during the day again...


Yeah, and he can bring back child labour so we can send those pesky urchins down in the mines. Just like in the good ol' days. After Betsy DeVos destroys the school system, those kids will need something to do during the day.

Now that Trump has saved the coal industry, next up on his agenda is bringing back the Pony Express, the telegraph, the horse-and-buggy, leeches, the quill pen, and the KKK.

Make America great...like it was in 1898.

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C'mon man, the Orange Orb is bringing coal back! Coal is cool! Pretty soon, Pittsburgh can look like this during the day again...

My Father was a child in the late 30's/early 40's, and his family never hurt during the depression.  He often told me about his first childhood road trip down the newly-opened Pennsylvania turnpike, which included a stop in Pittsburgh to see relatives.  He wasn't even 10, yet he talked about the smog and filth in the air he saw in Pittsburgh until the day he died, including his memory of walking down the street with his cousin and writing their names in the ash and soot on every car.  And remember....he was from Detroit.    

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One by one our allies are turning their back on what they perceive as a sociopathic America. A country who's President and government seems hell bent on destroying as much as it can as quickly as it can. Everything has been turned on its head insofar as policy is concerned. No longer are the NATO countries and the EU America's greatest friends and allies, instead they have been replaced by Russia, Saudi Arabia, and the Philippines.

You know you are on the wrong side of an argument when even North Korea has signed on with the rest of the world while the US, Syria, and Nicaragua hang tight against the idea of global warming like some psychotic, toxic version of the Bee Gee's. My only question is, would Trump be the evil universe Maurice?

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