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Could Jimmy Page cut it as a studio musician in today's scene?


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I guess I'd have to know more about today's scene vs. yesterday's scene re: studio musicians, and what you mean by "cut it." Do you mean adapt to the different styles? Because he was genius at that. Or do you mean play crazy with a bunch of younguns all the time at his age, or what? Let's say he's a young man in this day and age, instead of back then- would he want to be a studio musician? I don't know. That would be an interesting question for him to answer, although I don't know if I'd phrase it that way; maybe a question about what he thinks of today's scene, and if he could see himself being a studio musician in it. Dammit, now I really wanna know what his answer would be to that.

It's actually a pretty good question, if you posed it a little differently.

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I guess I'd have to know more about today's scene vs. yesterday's scene re: studio musicians, and what you mean by "cut it." Do you mean adapt to the different styles? Because he was genius at that. Or do you mean play crazy with a bunch of younguns all the time at his age, or what? Let's say he's a young man in this day and age, instead of back then- would he want to be a studio musician? I don't know. That would be an interesting question for him to answer, although I don't know if I'd phrase it that way; maybe a question about what he thinks of today's scene, and if he could see himself being a studio musician in it. Dammit, now I really wanna know what his answer would be to that.

It's actually a pretty good question, if you posed it a little differently.

Yeah! That's what I meant all along! (wink)

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Yes, the man can play anything.

Just look at what john paul jones has been doing for the last few years and you'd come to the conclusion "yes ,the man can play anything"and it would be interesting to know who he (if ever)had turned down his services to help/play/produce ;upon been asked. ?

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All you people just assume that Page is good enough to do session work today, but I wouldn't necessarily jump the gun.

Page is fairly sloppy, and in this day and age there are tons of players that can blaze through just about any style, so cleanly that it just wouldn't make sense.

He would have some niches to fill, but I don't think he would be the session master he was back in the day.

Also, I doubt he would have an interest in session work, since, once he got good enough, he could just start makin his own music, w/all the technology that's come about.

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All you people just assume that Page is good enough to do session work today, but I wouldn't necessarily jump the gun.

Page is fairly sloppy, and in this day and age there are tons of players that can blaze through just about any style, so cleanly that it just wouldn't make sense.

He would have some niches to fill, but I don't think he would be the session master he was back in the day.

Also, I doubt he would have an interest in session work, since, once he got good enough, he could just start makin his own music, w/all the technology that's come about.

SLOPPY;what the hell?Are you a jimmy page /zeppelin fan or hater.When your at HIS LEVEL as SESSION MASTER of course it wouldn't matter about anyone else in this day and age as the "buzz" for any group /band nowadays would be just to have him play at /on your recording.See what P.diddy thinks about it; In 1998, Combs collaborated with Jimmy Page on the song "Come with Me".WAS that proof enough that he can cut the mustard.

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Yes, Jimmy was great in his day. But along came Eddie Van Halen and those other 80's technical virtuosos and they took guitar playing to another place. Granted, their playing did not evoke emotional response as did Mr. Page, but when all is said and done, I don't know whether today's younger crowd would have an appreciative response to his style. I believe only the old-schoolin' Zep heads would be carrying Mr. Page's beat. They just don't know what they're missing.

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I'd have to agree if you look at the booming advance which Hendrix blew to the music scene in terms of innovative guitar playing back in the 60's, the other great blow came from Eddie Van Halen, not Page…Jimmy's blow is certainly an emotional one, I wouldn’t call him sloppy…since even that supposed sloppiness has it's charm.

In today's music scene? I'm sure he would have found a rightful place but he wouldn't have been the wiz kid he was back in the 60's…then again if Jimmy never existed back then we just might have had a huge gap and guitar playing wouldn't have been so elevated by others that fallowed.

but that's just my humble opinion...

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How many of todays "technical guitar virtuoso's" play sessions?

Jimmy's so called "sloppiness" is only associated with live performance, in the studio no one can touch him.

There are others that come close, Brian Eno, Giorgio Moroder and Quincy Jones.

To answer your question, as a session guitarist in any era Jimmy would wipe the floor with the lot of them.

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Hi All,

I've been waiting for a thread like this for ages, something to get your teeth in to!!!

Now although I have been an Ultra Led Zeppelin fan for over 35 years, I still live in the real world. Sorry, but Jimmy Page is not God, no guitarists or their fans should or could claim that title for them.

Jimmy got noticed, not for his on stage abilities with bands but for his studio abilities, he played on most top ten hits from 1963 to joining the Yardbirds in1966. The then session master Big Jim Sullivan left for America because as he said he "couldn't live with Jimmy as a session man".

Was he better than Hendrix?

In my opinion Yes, as he has produced much more material than Hendrix, and is known for being a much tighter player. In my opinion Hendrix was lucky enough to come along first but his early death propelled him to Godly status.

Was he better than Eddie Van Halen?

Again Yes. Eddie was very fast, but look at Jimmy's solo's in Dazed and Confused and tell me he couldn't play fast, and fluent. And made more longer lasting music than Eddie.

When he played in the Yardbirds with Jeff Beck people would say that Jeff only played good about 1 in 5 nights but Jimmy was good every night.

And today, with all the technical wizardry that goes on in the studio, do they need a guitarist like Jimmy anyway, I think not.

Not only could Jimmy cut it in todays world as a studio session man, he could teach the young guns a thing or two as well. Lets face it, if the other guitarists that came along after Jimmy were as good as him then why are we talking on his forum and not on one of their forums.

Jimmy might not be the best at everything, but he is head and shoulders above anyone else. Enough said.

Regards, Danny

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SLOPPY;what the hell?Are you a jimmy page /zeppelin fan or hater.When your at HIS LEVEL as SESSION MASTER of course it wouldn't matter about anyone else in this day and age as the "buzz" for any group /band nowadays would be just to have him play at /on your recording.See what P.diddy thinks about it; In 1998, Combs collaborated with Jimmy Page on the song "Come with Me".WAS that proof enough that he can cut the mustard.

Jimmy Page playing a riff that he's played for 30 years isn't proof that he would be a session master.

Guitar playing is a different ball game. There were very few rock guitar virtuosos in his day. I'm not taking anything away from Page, in fact, I think he's the greatest rock guitarist to ever walk the face of the earth, but there are guys that can play cleaner, and in the the studio, that's what is looked for most of the time.

I'm not sayin he couldn't make a decent living at it, but he wouldn't be the go to guy for several people, studios, record companies etc etc etc.

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Could JP cut is as a studio musician in today´s scene?

Definitely not. :(

Is JP a genius.

Definitely yes. :D

And why are so many people offended by the fact that JP has no mentionable technical skills (in this century, that is). Who cares anyway?

No, he couldn´t survive in today´s guitar scene,

Neither could many other guitar legends. That´s no shame. Because:

Nobody can play his trademark riffs as thunderous as JP.

Nobody can rebuild his guitar layers.

Nobody can come up with so many approaches and angles when it comes to guitar sound.

I find him the best fu..ing guitar player on this planet. That´s got nothing to do with techniques.

But for all amongst you who see him as god, lover or father figure:

GET A LIFE (or grow up)! B)

Edited by Jiri
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Several including Ry Cooder, Satriani, Vai, Buckethead, Albert Lee, Steve Lukather, Brent Mason. Too many to remember or list.

Most of these have been around for 20 years or more, hardly "new".

How many rock classics have they contributed to?

Not as many as jimmy or JPJ for that matter.

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Could JP cut is as a studio musician in today´s scene?

Definitely not. :(

Is JP a genius.

Definitely yes. :D

And why are so many people offended by the fact that JP has no mentionable technical skills (in this century, that is). Who cares anyway?

No, he couldn´t survive in today´s guitar scene,

Neither could many other guitar legends. That´s no shame. Because:

Nobody can play his trademark riffs as thunderous as JP.

Nobody can rebuild his guitar layers.

Nobody can come up with so many approaches and angles when it comes to guitar sound.

I find him the best fu..ing guitar player on this planet. That´s got nothing to do with techniques.

But for all amongst you who see him as god, lover or father figure:

GET A LIFE (or grow up)! B)

What do you mean "no mentionable technical skills", have you even listened to his work?

Nobody on this thread said anything about him being a god, lover or father figure.

What part of the question didn't you understand?

People were asked for an opinion and that's what they gave.

Edited by Reggie29
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